posted on Dec, 1 2013 @ 10:08 PM
I don't care either way, but to me, Happy Holidays is generic to the entire tail end of the year while Merry Christmas is pretty to the point. In a
pinch, since we do the fat round jolly guy Christmas, I'd rather hear Merry Christmas, not Happy Holidays (i.e "Happy I Don't Know WTF You
Celebrate So Here's a Generic Greeting")
Hearing Merry Christmas as an atheist does not make me butthurt. We do the non-religious Christmas, but it's still Christmas at the bones of it
(charitable giving to strangers & thoughtful giving to friends & family) I'm not going to have a cow if a religious person tells me Merry Christmas.
That said, I wouldn't have any problem with being told Happy Hanukkah or Happy Eid, either. If someone thinks enough of you to utter a
holiday-specific greeting, even if it's not one you do, at least smile & say thanks, Gawd, it's not that hard.
I really wish everyone would grow the hell up and stop being such anal retentive nitpicky scrooges about everything. December is the time of the year
when The Stupid is in full swing for the politically correct crowd. Happy Holidays if you aren't sure of what would appropriate to someone is fine,
but as a general greeting rule? it's pretty asinine.