The Peace of God to all that belong to the light,
Dear Readers,
Was there a conspiracy on JFK death?
it Seems that the answer is Yes, since the disclosure of a lot of elements, under the freedom of information act, that were classified along various
decades, point in that direction.
Now, the real important question of who was behind it is not easy to answer. We know from these new revelations that Attorney General Robert F
Kennedy, was sure that it was indeed a plot in the assassination of his brother, but he preferred to perform his own private silent investigation
before to initiate any scandal.
The violent death of RFK in 1968, while being the most probable winner of the Presidential Election, is practically a confirmation of the existence of
a huge conspiracy. We also now know that Jacqueline Kennedy-Onassis died thinking that her husband was the victim of a political conspiracy.
Mrs Kennedy-Onassis was the only first lady that never took part again in any official state act hosted in the white house on the rest of her life.
The funeral of JFK was her last official public political act. She remained recluded in her privacy, taking care of her children, and just only
coming out to attend or Preside Charity, cultural or Art Events until her death. She married The greek tycoon Aristotle Onassis immediatly after the
death of her brother in Law RFK, apparently as a way to escape from the public scene in America.
It is quite disturbing to think on that, but after all JFK and RFK's only surviving brother Senator Edward Kennedy experienced in between 1965 and
1970 two very suspicious accidents, in airplane and in car, and also JFK jr. died in strange circumstances after his political debut in the Democratic
convention of 1996, very similar to the ones took the life of Alexander Onassis, his step brother.
pls check:
Many have referred the so many tragedies and casualties that the Kennedys clan have affronted and suffered as their curse. However, they can be
explained also as possibly the best evidence of the existence of a clear plot against them. This would have begun with the jealousy of the Mob for the
special free trading license granted by FDR to Joseph Kennedy to import liquors for medicinal purposes in the middle of the prohibition time.
Pls read:
As an epilogue of this Story, talking about curses it is, however, interesting to see that many of the suspicious plotters either to be linked in JFK
crime, by action or omission, or in to have relaxed the security around the President and slow down the ulterior investigations, even with any
possible cover-up, didn't enjoy a so nice future:
Lets check what happened with them:
1) Mob leader Santos Trafficante, became seized of all his assets in Cuba and expelled of that country;
2) Mob Union leader Jimmy Hoffa disappeared(July 30, 1975), probably murdered by his own fellow associates.
3) The partners Carlos Marcelo and Jack Ruby were both jailed, the last one charged of the murder of his good friend Lee Harvey Oswarld. Recently has
been disclosing a tape recording of Marcelo confessing his participation in the plot.
4) The Mob Godfather Sam Giancana was deposed by Ricca and Accardo as day-to-day boss of the Maffia. He was killed (June 19, 1975) in his own house
by a lonely murderer.
5) Former Texas Governor John Connally, after breaking with the Democratic opposition he was appointed by Nixon as his treasure secretary, he switched
of political party(May 1973). He lost twice his chance to be President in the Republican ticket, in 1974 when Nixon didn't appoint him as his second
Vicepresident, but Gerald Ford, and in 1980 when he was defeated by Ronald Reagan. He filed bankruptcy(1986).
6) Howard Hunt ( Do you remember the three Tramps?) and his fellow Cuban exiled partners were arrested in the Watergate building and affronted charges
of political espionage. He himself recorded a death confession to have been informed of a JFK assassination plot.
7) Former Presidents Richard M Nixon, Lyndon B Johnson, Gerald Ford and George H. Bush ended their political careers in a sad way, in spite of all
their efforts to overcome their difficult times, either through the path of public discredit after resignation, or with their administrations swamped
by severe crisis or unsuccessful wars.
8) Nikita Khrushev became the first Soviet leader that was forced to resignate(October 14, 1964), his two great achievements (the Pact Warsaw and the
Berlin Wall) were abolished, and the USSR finally collapsed in spite that he once claimed to be the man that was going to bury the USA. Ironically,
his elder son, exiled in America, where he works as academician.
9) Fidel Castro had the not so nice honor to be the last Dinosaur of the western Marxism and forced to resignate due to health problems(July 31,
2006), and curiously The CIA never was able to overthrown him.
10) Polls show that today 70% of the American public think that the Warren Comission report was in the best of the cases wrong. Two of the members (
Senator Jesse Russel and John Sherman Cooper) of this Presidential comission repented publically of their initial support to the so called "magic
bullet" and the single lonely assassin theory. Dallas Police chief officer Jesse Curry also expressed his concerns about it.
11) Governor George Wallace of Alabama, who opposed the civil rights policies and traveled to Dallas, few days before JFK, to agitate the political
hatred against his administration was victim of an attempt too (May 15, 1972) and gravely injured on it.
12) John A McCone resigned from his position of Director of the Central of Intelligence (CIA) in April 1965, believing himself to be unappreciated by
President Lyndon B. Johnson, who he complained, would not read his reports. Upon his resignation, McCone submitted a final policy memorandum to
Johnson arguing that Johnson's expansion of the war in Vietnam would arouse national and world discontent before it brought down the North Vietnamese
It seems, after all, that there is indeed a bad Karma around the possible JFK death plots, and at the end a conspiracy don't pay off, for too long
time, isn't it?
What do you think?,
this is indeed a more devastating curse than any other one ever linked with the Kennedys, isnt it?.
pls read:
Thanks for your attention,
edit on 12/1/2013 by The angel of light because: (no reason given)