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Was Eisenhower the Last President to Know the Truth About UFOs?

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posted on Dec, 4 2013 @ 08:00 AM
reply to post by gimmefootball400

Regan was on to something. Look what they did to his mind to silence him.
Seriously though both he and his wife entertained fringe theories and ideas . Neither was closed minded until that mind was closed in a more permanent way. I know I just started a new conspiracy didn't I?

posted on Dec, 4 2013 @ 09:30 AM
Interesting thread OP! S+F

What I would ask from you is, think back on all your years in the military fighting the Cold War and ask yourself, is it possible you and everyone you were involved with, including the Russians in the same positions, were somehow convinced that the Cold War was real, rather than it actually being real?

Regan was on to something. Look what they did to his mind to silence him.
Seriously though both he and his wife entertained fringe theories and ideas . Neither was closed minded until that mind was closed in a more permanent way. I know I just started a new conspiracy didn't I?

I´ll add some more fuel to the fire!
Dont you find odd how Reagan and Gorbatchov got so close friends and so fast! (From 1983 soviet Evil Empire to 1990 Gorby invited to Reagan ranch for weekend fun)
From Reikjavik summit (October 1986) to the fall of the entire Communist Eastern Europe (brutal communist regimes that lasted for decades fell from power within a single year: that "magical" 1989).

That makes my alarm bell go nuts!

posted on Dec, 4 2013 @ 09:47 AM

reply to post by Spider879

Reagan was interesting from this point of view like you said he was interested in the subject below is an hr long vid about his supposed briefing but I don't think he was in control. I say skip the first 16 min blah blah intro.

If and I mean if Reagan was on to something that either the Joint Chiefs, the NSA, and FBI supposedly had no information on. He may have went behind the backs of several layers of Above and Way Above Top Secret security to find information about the ufo subject. If Reagan was in fact informed of what these ufos were, how many we had recovered, and what their intention was. It was something that he felt that he needed to let not only the American public but the entire world should have been made aware of or should not have been made aware of. Was he given information that some of these ufos had engaged in hostile activities and to the threat that these hostile or peaceful entities pose to not only the United States but to the world and the entirety of mankind itself?

We have to remember that at the time, George Bush Sr was in charge of the CIA at the time. Since this was the case, Bush may or may not have played a hand in Reagan's interest in the subject. Reagan had, in some way, what amounted to either very little or generous amounts of information to thousands of ufo sightings not only across the country but from around the world at his fingertips. If Reagan had discovered or was informed about the truth behind why ufos where and still visiting this planet. Was the information that he knew about so sensitive or so disturbing that it changed his outlook on what he thought Earthly and what was not?

I also saved that video to my "Watch Later" list on my Youtube so i could watch it later.

If there was ever two individuals who would have known everything including where the skeletons letterally are it would be Bush S.R and Cheney.

posted on Dec, 4 2013 @ 09:53 AM
reply to post by meaningless333

I think it had more to do with the failing economic situation in Russia. Starving people are dangerous.

posted on Dec, 4 2013 @ 10:17 AM
reply to post by AutumnWitch657

Yes, USSR was broke.
What amazes me is that all the communist european eastern bloc fell like on a "pre-programmed mode" and the regime die-harders had very little chance (they virtually went down without fight, except perhaps for Romania).
I also found odd how Reagan an anti-communist fundamentalist was so fast to lend a hand to commies. The Cold War as stated on this thread was a terrific way to channel money (big money) to covert/black projects.

I am not talking about Aliens as the authors of the communist block collapse.
I think that the whole end Cold War was a charade developed by an US alphabet agency.
Then the New World Order speech by Bush Sr (11 September 1990) could be made as the premier step for a new world domination project.

posted on Dec, 4 2013 @ 10:38 AM
Nixon taking a T.V. comedian to view alien bodies? No wonder they stopped telling presidents this stuff. The oval office gets a new leader in it every 4-8 years. Somebody, somewhere, probably decided that was too many people over time to know the truth.

posted on Dec, 4 2013 @ 11:28 AM
reply to post by AutumnWitch657

Humans are very creative 'crazy'. Just that may be what 'they' want. If you've bio engineered yourself into a rational dead end and these weird natives can tap some weird psp effect. I'd sure be very interested in them.

posted on Dec, 4 2013 @ 02:36 PM
Signalfire question to the Bot ×********************************************************

Thanks for the response on this topic, it's one that's been nagging at me.

What I would ask from you is, think back on all your years in the military fighting the Cold War and ask yourself, is it possible you and everyone you were involved with, including the Russians in the same positions, were somehow convinced that the Cold War was real, rather than it actually being real?

By that I mean, I presume only a few people have super high level clearances and they're by definition sworn to secrecy. What if the relatively tiny amount spent on US vs. Ruskie doings (including a very real arms buildup and spy mechanisms) was cover for the vast amount more spent on black ops? And what if a goodly portion of those black ops were back-engineering of alien craft, etc? What if the real enemy was the unknown, rather than some farfetched and more or less doomed Communist system that never really seemed a threat to the U.S. (and how'd the USSR all of a sudden go from being allies in WWII, to arch-enemies...)?

The Donald Keyhoe books referenced earlier were quite clear that while they almost came clean and told the public about the facts (that the UFOs were real, and interplanetary), that the secrecy-advocates got their way in the end. After that, things went real quiet and the Pentagon budget ballooned. We now spend far more every year on black ops than, adjusted for inflation, the five year Manhattan Project cost.

You say yourself that 'it was a deadly game but silly'. Doesn't that imply, thinking back, that it was all a farce to cover for something far more serious?

Thanks for your thoughts.

PS: You mentioned missing and dropped nukes. Care to elaborate? (Yikes)
edit on 12131012pmTuesdayf13Tue, 03 Dec 2013 22:13:12 -0600America/Chicago by signalfire because: addendum

×************************************************my answer

Hey girl, there were a couple i am aware of that can't mention, probably could but rather not risk anything but allot were documented.

Read this article

These numbers are very small, there are so so many never reported. That should open some eyes.

Growing up, my generation remembers the school nuclear drills where we all got under our desks and covered our eyes. Like that would help us, lol. It was a scary time. As for the perception of the cold war being ruse by those in power. No... I say that having been on the designated defense zone and seeing Russian tanks massed as far as you could see through our scopes. The amount of money to keep and train and move all the men and equipment through the cold war was massive.

The few founders, the real one percent had their hooks in every part on both sides. They made every bullet and plane etc etc. They reaped the rewards from both sides and have fueled every conflict around the world since WWII. Was their money siphoned to black ops, you betcha, every day. They really don't pay ridiculous prices for things, yes it does happen but that is just the cover and every once in a while there is scandal.

We came close to war with Russia many times, sometimes just over radar blips that were attributed to ufo's or so stories were told. I know we rolled out with live ammo twice and the mobile missiles went live, that meant it was real. I puckered up lol.

In hindsight Patton was right, he should have kept going lol. There are lost nukes in our oceans, in lost submarines etc. When the old Russian empire broke up these weapons along with chemicals etc wrestling left unguarded in many places. We have no idea how much was lost or taken lol.

Nukes are a real problem for our world, for our kids. How we are storing it is ridiculous.

I really hope ET, at least good ones are out there and come and help us soon.

There is one thing coming that will start the beginning of change in our world, free zero point energy. It is coming and the one percent can't stop it. Everyone should support the many groups around the world working to make it reality.

The Bot

posted on Dec, 4 2013 @ 03:18 PM
reply to post by dlbott

I enjoyed your post.
As regards lost nukes the story they briefed us the most about was the USS Thresher in 1963.

As for "free energy" it won't be ZPF. The Casimir effect is the usual thing discussed, and that force is so negligible that a vast sheet of nano scale gapped plates couldn't transfer enough net usable power to move a pollen grain off the ass end of an ant.

I'd personally say that a molten sulfur and mirror based array in the american southwest (of say 100 miles squared) would be the closest to "free energy" we could get with conventional tech. We could power much of the USA that way; but there is no incentive to do something that useful and beneficial.

posted on Dec, 4 2013 @ 04:06 PM


Well these Early Alien Invasion Scifi Movies basically have the same Elements

Saucer shape ,, UN destructible metal material ,, Humanoid like aliens ,,
Alien control implants ( invasion from mars ) Electronic Magnetic Pulse .. TDTESS

Tho there was Claims that the CIA was involved with The DAY the Earth Stood Still

as in 1951 was a great year for Alien invasion movies just 5 years after Roswell incident
Hmm interesting ...

*During the Time of Truman*

The DAY the Earth Stood Still (1951)

When Worlds Collide (1951)

The Man from Planet X (1951)

The Thing from Another World (1951)

Invasion of Mars (1953)

The War of the Worlds (1953)

*Time of Eisenhower*

It Came From Outer Space (1955)

This Island Earth (1955)

"Earth vs. the Flying Saucers" (1956)

"Invasion of the Body Snatchers" (1956)

So was the Government giving out Visual Hints ??

Or Something Like Government just wanted to see the Public reaction

just in case of a real alien invasion ! ???

pretty much like the 1938 scare of Mercury Theater Orson Wells Radio Version of War of the Worlds

But one Movie in mind that bothers me is

Invasion from mars with the implants

then Eisenhower

I believe that was about educating the public under what Timothy Good called Cosmic Journey Project. Gentle Disclosure and it is still ongoing today. Although this is now ramped up with discoveries of planets, and revealations about Mars. We are being prepped for something big. Give it 20 years and I reckon we will see changes

posted on Dec, 4 2013 @ 04:17 PM
reply to post by dlbott

Hey Bot thanks for a very informative post. Although I was a bit too young to remember the early decades of the 'Cold War' your post did make me think back a long, long time ago to when I was a kid. I don't ever remember being scared to death that nuclear war would break out at any minute or even that the Warsaw Pact would roll their forces across the West German border into the Fulda Gap. But it's also very easy to forget all of those tense moments. I probably have forgotten some of them.

I can't remember too much about the 1970s until the end of the decade when there were a number of spying scandals and then the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan which seemed to be a tense period. The year after there was a lot of political brinkmanship in Poland and the Soviet tanks were ready to roll into Poland.

That was followed by the revival of CND marches against the plans to place American nuclear missiles in Britain (even though there were was already nuclear ordnance on American bases here but unknown to the public). There were a number of "post nuclear war" TV "mock"-umentaries made on both sides of the Atlantic during the first half of the 80s

Of course the one thing none of us knew, was that during early November 1983, during a NATO exercise in Western Europe called Able Archer that the Soviets had been particularly twitchy for a while. Pershing missiles were being deployed in Europe in the build up and NATO bombers would fly right up to the very limits of Soviet airspace to test their responses. In Sept 1983 Korean Air Lines Flight 007 (KAL 007) was shot down over the Sea of Japan after straying into Soviet airspace.

Just as the Soviets stepped up their nuclear attack early warning detection systems, NATO began an exercise to simulate one. The Soviets were about to launch a pre-emptive strike....

The rest of the story can be seen in the documentary "Brink of the Apocalypse" although international restrictions may prevent you from viewing it on Youtube like me

I think we can say that the Cold War was very real and at times the political tensions ebbed and flowed. However something drastically changed during Reagan's terms in office. Was it due to an alien threat as Ronnie mentioned? Or was it simply that the Soviet Union was broke and out of the game?

edit on 4/12/13 by mirageman because: typo

posted on Dec, 4 2013 @ 04:41 PM

reply to post by dlbott

I enjoyed your post.
As regards lost nukes the story they briefed us the most about was the USS Thresher in 1963.

As for "free energy" it won't be ZPF. The Casimir effect is the usual thing discussed, and that force is so negligible that a vast sheet of nano scale gapped plates couldn't transfer enough net usable power to move a pollen grain off the ass end of an ant.

I'd personally say that a molten sulfur and mirror based array in the american southwest (of say 100 miles squared) would be the closest to "free energy" we could get with conventional tech. We could power much of the USA that way; but there is no incentive to do something that useful and beneficial.

Well there are groups around the world that are close to free energy, you can argue with them whether it is zero point or not. Tesla was the genius of our time in my books and he said he was in contact with aliens. He also rightly knew that energy courses through everything in the universe, including the aether. Harnessing this energy was his dream and would be zero point. For me, I don't care, what I am talking about is free energy. That is coming. I like hydrogen. Iceland runs on it, Germany is moving all hydrogen. Way smart and although not free, once you have the tech it will be paid for in a hurry, it is the most common element we have and there is no pollution created.

There is a group and machine, I think it is in Texas, that say they have achieved it already and are working on scaling now. This excites me because it is the first step to making us all equal. Changing the earth and everything will domino after that. I pray i am around to see it.

The Bot

posted on Dec, 4 2013 @ 05:38 PM
reply to post by mirageman

Nice post, yea better to forget some of that stuff, like how many nukes both sides actually blew up on or under our planet. Even scarier the ones they blew up in the atmosphere, what were they thinking. Honestly, we are really lucky any of us are here. I thank God he did not allow us to destroy his work.

Just out the Mexicans found the cobalt 60, thank god.

Seriously they could have destroyed the earth, now we have more countries wanting to blow up nukes and others want nuclear power. Has Japan not taught us anything. You don't need the kind of power that if something goes wrong you can't live within hundreds of miles for fifty thousand years. Give me a break, I don't understand why people want this.

I remember couple times where we were close to war over our bombers. Heck even Spain wanted war lol, well they were really upset about us dropping nukes there even if was accident lol, hey they didn't go off lol.

There were so many close calls with Russia. The one general, can't remember his name, but he was ordered to fire missiles and he refused. It turned out to be radar blips, suppossedly ufo's, not sure buy that part. There were actually several cases where we almost had nuclear war from both of our navies. It is a fascinating and scary subject.

Things did change with reagon and Gorbachev and I believe ET did play a role. Closest we came to disclosure.

The Bot

posted on Dec, 4 2013 @ 06:37 PM
reply to post by AutumnWitch657

I used to work with a friend of the Reagan family. She said that it was widely known that he had alzheimers years before running for office.

Goes to show you what a figurehead a president can be.

posted on Dec, 4 2013 @ 10:25 PM
reply to post by KellyPrettyBear

I remember reading something billed as the Reagan Briefing about UFOs; Reagan asked if Carter had been told all this stuff, and cracked a joke about Carter not being smart enough to understand it.

Meanwhile, Carter was a Nuclear Engineer, and Reagan was an actor famous for working with a chimpanzee, a sports announcer who didn't let the audio feed interruption get in the way of continuing his game description, and a nondescript but good-looking governor (and primo script reader!) It was obvious to me during the first year of his second term that he had Alzheimers, but it didn't matter. GHWB was running things.

People don't seem to know or forget that Bush I's bestest friend and political supporter was the father of the guy who tried to shoot Reagan. (Wonder where he got the gun and the address of where Reagan was gonna be that day?) If his aim had been a tiny bit better, GHWB would have been President far sooner, with all of his CIA connections, etc. But with Reagan knocked for a loop by almost dying plus the mental deficiencies, it wasn't even necessary to try to knock him off anymore. He willingly played his part, was out of the loop on most things (Bush II set him up with that whole Iran-Contra thing, which is one of the reasons Reagan didn't remember it) and the guys behind the scenes ran everything. Bush I had Eight Years as president during Reagan, then Four More Years after that, then Eight Horrific Years of Bush the Lesser, if you want to look at it that way. We had 20 years of that Reptilian Family and the proof is in the results.

The last time we had a non-puppet for President, he was run out of office for having zipper control issues, the one before that for 'being attacked by a rabbit' and the Iran Hostage situation, and the one before that had his head blown off in broad daylight. Just as a hint to any future lead-takers.

Now, off to listen to Bot's suggestions.
edit on 32281012pmWednesdayf28Wed, 04 Dec 2013 22:28:32 -0600America/Chicago by signalfire because: addendum

posted on Dec, 4 2013 @ 10:38 PM
reply to post by signalfire

Your analysis on this was spot on perfect.



posted on Dec, 5 2013 @ 01:45 AM

reply to post by ExquisitExamplE

Dyslexic eh? So are we to believe then, that people who are unable to write in a syntactically cogent manner are not to be trusted? Should their pontifications be discarded outright?

Shes full of it, the motives are attention grabbing and the dyslexia doesn't help it only exacerbates the condition of a pathological wannebe using her great grandfathers names to sell her snake oil.

Ike would be ashamed of her shes a disgrace to ufology and a coward who hides at the first sign of any criticism...squeak squeak.

edit on 4-12-2013 by AthlonSavage because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 5 2013 @ 02:01 PM

reply to post by KellyPrettyBear

I remember reading something billed as the Reagan Briefing about UFOs; Reagan asked if Carter had been told all this stuff, and cracked a joke about Carter not being smart enough to understand it.

Meanwhile, Carter was a Nuclear Engineer, and Reagan was an actor famous for working with a chimpanzee, a sports announcer who didn't let the audio feed interruption get in the way of continuing his game description, and a nondescript but good-looking governor (and primo script reader!) It was obvious to me during the first year of his second term that he had Alzheimers, but it didn't matter. GHWB was running things.

People don't seem to know or forget that Bush I's bestest friend and political supporter was the father of the guy who tried to shoot Reagan. (Wonder where he got the gun and the address of where Reagan was gonna be that day?) If his aim had been a tiny bit better, GHWB would have been President far sooner, with all of his CIA connections, etc. But with Reagan knocked for a loop by almost dying plus the mental deficiencies, it wasn't even necessary to try to knock him off anymore. He willingly played his part, was out of the loop on most things (Bush II set him up with that whole Iran-Contra thing, which is one of the reasons Reagan didn't remember it) and the guys behind the scenes ran everything. Bush I had Eight Years as president during Reagan, then Four More Years after that, then Eight Horrific Years of Bush the Lesser, if you want to look at it that way. We had 20 years of that Reptilian Family and the proof is in the results.

The last time we had a non-puppet for President, he was run out of office for having zipper control issues, the one before that for 'being attacked by a rabbit' and the Iran Hostage situation, and the one before that had his head blown off in broad daylight. Just as a hint to any future lead-takers.

Now, off to listen to Bot's suggestions.
edit on 32281012pmWednesdayf28Wed, 04 Dec 2013 22:28:32 -0600America/Chicago by signalfire because: addendum

Well said. There is an endless list of boogiemen fed to the general public (and presidents) that will ensure the funding of any endeavor by the government and military. The "fight against terrorism" is a blank check for anything and the unimaginable. My thoughts on UFOs and aliens are in alignment with Neil deGrasse Tyson here (sorry if this has been posted before):

posted on Dec, 5 2013 @ 08:43 PM
Reagan was probably one of the brightest and most intriguing man to have occupied the White House that we know of. I've always believed that he knew more on the ufo subject than any other president or vice president before him. I believe that he may have known more about the subject than what most in the White house at the time let on. What makes me think this way is that the Soviets had a spectacular encounter with a ufo over a nuclear missile base in western Russia in the fall of 1982. Reagan had to have been informed about that incident after it had occurred by information that was intercepted from the KGB by the CIA and the Department of Defense.

For Reagan to have suddenly started suffering from an onset of Alzheimer's is suspicious to say the least. Maybe Reagan did know more about ufos than what was previously thought to be known or admitted by previous administrations. I do believe that he was silenced by some government agency that did not want and still does not want the truth to be revealed. More than likely, Reagan was silenced because they knew that if he wasn't. He probably would have came out after leaving the White House and reveal the truth. He may have been the one to come forward with the truth about ufos and whether they mean harm to us or not. Reagan may have been the closest that the United States has ever gotten to disclosure on ufos.

posted on Dec, 6 2013 @ 08:01 AM
From mirageman:

I think we can say that the Cold War was very real and at times the political tensions ebbed and flowed. However something drastically changed during Reagan's terms in office. Was it due to an alien threat as Ronnie mentioned? Or was it simply that the Soviet Union was broke and out of the game?

Something happened between 1983 and 1986 (by the time of the Reikjavik summit - October) that made Reagan change his mind on a 180 degree turn towards USSR, Cold War and Nukes.

Accidents with nukes were given a code name by the USAF in the 1970s - Broken Arrow (I think that were still the name in the early 1980s). In early 1980s, a F-111 armed with live nukes (probably B-61 gravitational bombs) made an off-runway landing on a UK base. Thats the argument of the 1985 movie "The Defence of the Realm".

Reagan did had Alzheimer. Its a common illness on aged people (at least in the western countries). He was almost on his seventy´s when got to first term.

What might have triggered a reaction by TPTB (these are the persons who really run the US, not the POTUS), was the fact that Reagan was charismatic (on a par with JFK or Ike), had popular support and might have overstretched his security clearance in order to know was going on. It was not easy to the TPTB to "silence" Reagan out in the open. They had to get the job done by insiders. And some of you on this thread might have just touched the nerve.

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