posted on Nov, 18 2004 @ 11:18 AM
We have the power to say, "no."
We have the power to stop buying from the Rich.
We have the power to leave TV news and get our own sources of information.
We have the power to walk away from pharmaceuticals that don't heal; drugs that don't make anybody "happy"; foods that were trucked long
distances; clothing that was made by slave-labor; entertainments that corrupt with violence and deceit.
We have the power to petition our leaders, recall, initiate a referendum, lobby our representatives and senators; and write to newspapers, magagines
and in Forums such as this.
We have the power to NOT LISTEN to the Bush Cabal's excuses; and proceed to gather our friends and neighbors to focus on the abuses to which we are
now subject, so that we can take collective action when an opportunity to express ourselves comes up.
But if we don't do these things--and actuall turn away from and expel Evil in our midst--we are part of the problem.
Think about that.
You wanna be part of the problem of Fascism in the world? Not me.