... in an objective sense, if the realm of the spirit is infinite and eternal, as many of us would say it is.
See, "evolution" at its core, when used in a spiritual context (which differs from the context of physical evolution in significant ways), implies
directionality. Ie: you start at A and you are
supposed to (for whatever reason) go towards Z. And frequently, or even always, its seen as a
one way trip.
But as said, that implies directionality, of which there is none in any objective sense in a -scape of infinite and eternal proportions. "In" such a
place, so to speak, there is no universal up or down, left or right. With no objective metric to gauge anything by, which would require a static point
of reference that did not flow with the dynamic nature of reality (as in something that was in totality separate from the rest of reality, and if
indeed extant, impossible to know of), all points are essentially equidistant from one another, because all distance without that objective metric is
subjective based on who is perceiving and experiencing the traversement of that distance.
Another important point, is that also without an objective, static reference point of all, there is no objective significance that can be placed on
any location in infinity. Thus an individuals "point A" could very well be someone elses "point Z", and vice versa, and both of those individuals
believe that "evolving" towards those respective points is "the way" to go.
And both would be right.
There are no ends in eternity. Infinity is the very essence of endlessness; it does not end,
nor did it ever begin. It always has, and
always will be. It is, as you and I are. It is every direction and every location. It does not begin at some strange boundary between non-existence
and existence like an event horizon, nor does it progress from 0 to some huge number.
And neither does our path 'through it', so to speak. You cannot "start" moving through an infinite -scape. If you are indeed moving through it, you
have always been moving through it, and always will be moving through it. Its impossible to leave it as much as it is to enter into it, because it is
everywhere, and comprises everything!
So the idea that you begin somewhere and that you end somewhere, cannot be an idea that co-exists in a logical way with the idea of an unbounded
spiritual realm and infinite, eternal spirits. The only way it could exist within such a system, is if the individual was a finite, temporary being,
that was created, and hence would be destroyed at the terminus of their "evolution", which I dont think is what most people have in mind when they
consider "spiritual evolution". But indeed that would be the logical conclusion, assuming there was objective "spiritual evolution", which could only
be possible with an objective point of reference that was not part of the sub-system of finiteness itself (thus not being finite, it, the objective
point, would be infinite, meaning that those not of it, were finite, and doomed in the strongest sense of the word).
I dont know about you, but when I think about the above, it gives me a tremendous sense of freedom. Knowing I truly am not at the mercy of some silly
ancient desert peoples god of death and destruction, nor of some nebulous, nondescript and ill-defined concept that runs contrary to what I see as
eternal truths, is very mentally freeing.
Honestly, theres no pressure, folks. You dont HAVE to go anywhere, you dont HAVE to do anything! Nothing is, nor will, force you do go anywhere, and
you have all the time in eternity to get or not get to wherever you wish to be, taking whatever path suits your fancy.
The journey is eternal. Enjoy it. There really is nothing to worry about. You dont need to angst over whether youll "make the grade" or not.
If you even exist, youve already made it
edit on 12/1/2013 by CaticusMaximus because: (no reason given)