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The Incredible Kundalini

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posted on Dec, 6 2013 @ 03:31 PM
reply to post by Baddogma

Sometimes stereotypes are mostly true.

Actually the current religion and spirituality are dangerous occultism externalized codified and enforced. Look how that has turned out.

Probably 6.5 billion people trained from birth to create dangerous and toxic tulpas (materializations)

The soul god and the devil angels demons and now ufos...

posted on Dec, 6 2013 @ 03:37 PM

No comments about delusions of grandeur need be stated. Let's call this a hypothetical thought experiment.

If I had knowledge like that, how could it REALLY be ahead of its time? Its not ahead of MY time, and I am here NOW.

I would start by trying to avoid assumptions about how the world might react. Maybe estimating a 99% violent reaction is a bit high. Maybe 99% will merely scoff and flip the channel. Maybe the religious community would write it off as just another heresy, nothing to see here folks. Not much I can say without knowing more about the knowledge in question.

Carl Jung's work could be considered to be still ahead of our time and no one burned him at the stake. Joseph Campbell's work is still ahead, and the religious community hasn't exactly embraced it. Yet, he wasn't lynched.

I would release it in a way that makes 'em laugh.

edit on 6-12-2013 by BlueMule because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2013 @ 03:43 PM
reply to post by KellyPrettyBear

Agreed (well, agreed in that I have considered the tulpa idea and have found it to be true- or as true as anything we experience and certainly one aspect of "mysteries" and mundane).

I'll stop pestering you, but really, if you have been lucky (or un) enough to catch a glimpse of what most of us are unaware of, to our detriment, than it might behoove you to "spill it."

And again, I doubt the information would be new in that there is a whole lot of non-religious, experiential info out there... if humans are capable of operating in non-religious ways, that is... with several more term caveats applied to "religious" and "humans," etc.

posted on Dec, 6 2013 @ 04:14 PM

reply to post by Baddogma

Sometimes stereotypes are mostly true.

Actually the current religion and spirituality are dangerous occultism externalized codified and enforced. Look how that has turned out.

Probably 6.5 billion people trained from birth to create dangerous and toxic tulpas (materializations)

The soul god and the devil angels demons and now ufos...

The simple fact that we can create living metaphors (tulpas) means that we are psychic. A psychic humanity means that consciousness is non-local. Which means that space-time is secondary, identity is transpersonal, and therefore a single wunderkind was, is, and will be sufficient.

"Multiplicity is only apparent, in truth, there is only one mind..." -Erwin Schrödinger

I died as a mineral and became a plant,
I died as plant and rose to animal,
I died as animal and I was Man.

Why should I fear? When was I less by dying?
Yet once more I shall die as Man, to soar
With angels blest; but even from angelhood
I must pass on: all except God doth perish.

When I have sacrificed my angel-soul,
I shall become what no mind e'er conceived.
Oh, let me not exist! for Non-existence
Proclaims in organ tones, 'To Him we shall return.'


edit on 6-12-2013 by BlueMule because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2013 @ 05:04 PM
reply to post by BlueMule

I often say that "hitchhikers guide" Is the most brilliant book ever written".

Really I'm getting pushback from the human field.
How I'll be addressing her is still partially undefined.
Shes my real audience you know. Perhaps romance is indicated and not a spanking.

I did come to ats to better hear her cries you know;
I knew myself to be too isolated.



posted on Dec, 6 2013 @ 05:07 PM
reply to post by BlueMule

Rumi is a rare gem indeed.

posted on Dec, 6 2013 @ 05:14 PM
reply to post by Baddogma

You have to have the mind of a child/scientist/liminal mystic to hear a melody not just disparate notes. But you are right; much of the truth is out there; we've just not had a mix of Douglas Adams and Rumi to present it as a full tableau.

posted on Dec, 6 2013 @ 05:16 PM

reply to post by BlueMule

I often say that "hitchhikers guide" Is the most brilliant book ever written".

Really I'm getting pushback from the human field.
How I'll be addressing her is still partially undefined.
Shes my real audience you know. Perhaps romance is indicated and not a spanking.

I did come to ats to better hear her cries you know;
I knew myself to be too isolated.



No thanks are necessary. We're all part of the same team.

Hitchhikers Guide truly is brilliant. Whenever I go camping or hiking I take a towel. Just in case.

Right up there with The Stars, My Destination.

Something from that book has stuck with me - It's not necessary to have something to believe in. It's only necessary to believe that somewhere, there's something worthy of belief.

To me, the word God is a placeholder for that something.

posted on Dec, 6 2013 @ 05:26 PM
reply to post by BlueMule

Thank you again.

I'll share something.

After "my soul" (it wasn't "my soul") cracked open my skull sutures and went on to where it was meant to go; then "she" (the psp field / group soul) came to me crying and wailing. She said to me, "Don't leave me!". The power and the desperation in her plea broke my hesrt. How could I leave her? For she was not just Maia - she is the one and only human soul.
From that day I've been determined to love her and not to let her suffer alone; lost between the field of indifferent stars.


posted on Dec, 6 2013 @ 05:46 PM
reply to post by KellyPrettyBear

Well, that makes us brothers. I love Her too. The Goddess of Complete Being. The Great Mistress. The Bride of Christ. The time she said Hi to me and called me by name is one of my most precious memories.

The other day I dreamed I was in her house with my friends and her sisters. We started playing a game of D&D. But I didn't have a character sheet. So a friend handed me a used sheet - I had to erase the old character to write mine in. My spirit guide or whatever he is told me to name my character Eight Gems. So I wrote it in. He said I would know what it means later.

Anyway, I'm glad you're still here.

edit on 6-12-2013 by BlueMule because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2013 @ 06:02 PM
reply to post by BlueMule

I don't care how long it takes. Shes my war bride im going to bring her home.

On the other hand shes only real in a very limited sense and only in this time. But even so..

You dream about playing dnd?

Nice story 8 gems.

Btw you know there is no 8th chakra right?
No chakras either per se but there is *something* behind that myth.

posted on Dec, 6 2013 @ 07:05 PM

reply to post by BlueMule

I don't care how long it takes. Shes my war bride im going to bring her home.

On the other hand shes only real in a very limited sense and only in this time. But even so..

Yup. I know. Even so.

You dream about playing dnd?

That was the first. I dream about a lot of things in color and very vivid. I have good recall. I have a thousand questions about a thousand dreams. Very often I dream of an event in the future, usually a day or two ahead of time. Its interesting to observe the way a future event comes across in dream form.

I have shared dreams with my wife, and dreams of alter-egos and an alternate family. Lights and shadows. Monsters and angels. Terror and ecstasy. Recurring characters. Archetypal symbols and themes. Synchronicities. Thefts, quests, battles, rescues, natural disasters, elemental spirits, ghosts, aliens, vacations, trips to the Moon, comets, theatres, cars (for example Doc Browns DeLorean). I could go on and on.

Btw you know there is no 8th chakra right?
No chakras either per se but there is *something* behind that myth.

Yeah I figure if it was somehow chakra related then I wouldn't have been told to be patient because that was the first thing I considered.

edit on 6-12-2013 by BlueMule because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2013 @ 08:30 PM
The Inner Beauty of the Bible Stories: The Soul’s Journey Beneath the Literal Interpretation

This going upwards (in conscious awareness) however is also mentioned in the term to bring a burnt offering. In Hebrew it says: ‘le ha’alot le ola.’ The word “fire” is not mentioned at all in this term but it is in the story and I think it points to the fire of the rising Kundalini, which will be the final part of this initiation. Twice we see here the word ‘al’, which means upwards (think of El Al). So literally it says something like: make him go up as what goes up. Make him ascend.

As I already said before, Abraham – the ram – and Isaac are one, though not completely integrated yet. So when Abraham and Isaac go up the mountain together, without the lamb, something is missing. This is part of the test. Will Abraham have enough trust to go up without it? Isaac is aware of it too and asks the famous question: where is the lamb? He also trusts Abraham when he answers that God will provide it, so they both stand the test. Immediately afterwards it says: and they went both of them together (Gen. 22:6). In Hebrew it says: ‘jachdav,’ which contains ‘jichud,’ unity. They both of them became one.

And then a voice from heaven calls and the ram appears. It is caught with its horns in the thicket. It is the soul that is entwined in matter and duality, as Joshua says. This explains why it was still missing. It could not get up the mountain on its own.

The horns explain why it is a ram and not a lamb this time. A lamb does not have horns and the horns are the decisive factor here.

In one of my comments to this blog I have already explained once that a horn is ‘keren,’ 350. We keep meeting this number. 350 is 3½. It is the halfway point and the deepest point of the soul’s descent into the world of matter and the spiritual evolutionary cycle. And because of these horns the ram is stuck and cannot free himself, just like the people of Israel in ‘Mitsrajim.’ So God intervenes to get the process going again. When the eight is added to the number of the horn, the kundalini serpent, which is lying there in 3½ coils, can be anointed and turn into the messiah (358) and the process completed by the birth (9) of higher awareness. And that is what Abraham does now.
A Deeper Revelation of the Serpent and the Messiah

‘Beresjit’ can also be interpreted as ‘with a beginning,’ and the beginning is the downward force of duality. In ‘resjit’ we also find the word ‘rosj,’ head, which in itself is also used as beginning, for instance in Rosj ha Sjana, the Jewish New Year. As such we will meet the word ‘rosj’ later again.

Now we will to have a look at the serpent, who is lying on a branch of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. The first thing we hear about him is that he is subtil, ‘arum,’

‘nachasj’ and kundalini

In the beginning of this article I wondered what the relationship is between the force (‘nachasj’) and the two first witnesses, the olive trees.

I had looked at the ‘nachasj’ from the perspective of 300 + 58, but suddenly I also saw another possibility which makes everything very clear indeed! You can also see it as 350 +8. And with 350 we are back at 3½. It is the involution process phase of the Kundalini, which during the second phase of the process lies dormant at the base of the spine in 3½ coils. And it is clearly including the eight of the oil, ‘shemen’ (‘shmona,’ 8) which will be produced by the two olive trees after the gruelling phase of Gethsemane, oil press, Golgotha, and the crucifixion, which will result in the resurrection.

untitled A Deeper Revelation of the Serpent and the MessiahAfter this phase the ‘nachasj’ will have turned into the messiah, ‘masjiach,’ the anointed one who will start the ascending phase for us by being the upward force. The numerical value of ‘masjiach’ is also 358 and we can clearly see the love, mercy and grace (58) in this divine process (300). The messiah will raise us to our feet and bring us to the point where the serpent as the Kundalini/Holy Spirit can rise!
Three and a Half Coils, Kundalini, and Revelations Chapter One
John is Your Prana, Jesus Your Kundalini
Jesus’ Ascension Into Heaven: An Invitation To Be Your Higher Self
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego: Manifesting the Divine

In the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, each of these men represents our lower nature and ego: the physical being, our intellect, and emotions. When the king had the furnace heated seven times, this represents the liquid fire (kundalini) rising through the seven chakras of our holy temples. We have already discussed this result, but in order for you to see how it relates to our Bible story in Daniel, you need to think about the fourth angelic figure that appeared in the fire with our three heroes. This is the same figure that Nebuchadnezzar said “…is like the son of God.” That fourth figure in the fire is symbolic of the divine mind (spirit / kindalini) in control over the lower nature of man. We can also say it is the preincarnate Christ since Christ also represents the fully realized divine man that is within each one of us. Ultimately, the kundalini experience can be said to manifest the “Christ within.”

So far we can break this story down as such:

The furnace is heated seven times. There are seven chakras in the body.
Kundalini is associated with “burning,” and Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego are placed in a “burning” furnace.
Kundalini “burns” (cleanses and opens) the seven chakras, effectively taking control over the intellect and emotions, and the divine mind (spirit) is now leading the individual.
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego represent the physical body, our intellect, and our emotions (collectively comprising the EGO) which are killed off, manifesting the Christ within.

I now want you to note that the entire story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego happens in Daniel chapter three. In the next chapter we have more confirmations that the entire narrative is about establishing the Christ within through the kundalini experience.

It's all in the Bible as well.

Its the sum total of what the old testament means, and the sum total of the new, going from lower primitive mind to Higher Mind, going from child of man to child of God, or one with God. Becoming.

edit on 6-12-2013 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2013 @ 09:20 PM
reply to post by BlueMule

The modern ascension hermetics go hog wild with chakras;
at least up to 12; perhaps even 15. It's really quite silly.

The only reason there is any credibility for chakras at
all is two-fold. One i'll mention here. Now it's been
obvious for a really long time, to thinking mystics
anyway, that it's the nerve plexuses adjacent to the
so-called chakras that are a critical part of the equation.

Well the number of 'chakras' varies per system, and in
fact 6 is a more common number from ancient times
but the moderns seem to like 7, due to the ancient
obsession with the number 7, presumably due to
astronomical observations (big dipper, little dipper,

So what happens past 7? If most modern new agers
make 7 the 'head chakra' ?

Well either you invent non-physical chakras, which
is contrary to the entire purpose for which the
concept was invented, or for the 8th 'chakra' at
least, what many people find out, is that once
you've released all the tension from your muscles
and tissues and plexuses in the body, and add a little
secret sauce, then your 'entire body' becomes a single
giant 'chakra'. Your whole body becomes one massive
'em field' receiving/transmitting device.

This is one possible interpretation of the 8 gems
comment. There are many other interpretations
of course. Or in fact it means nothing except
to you.

posted on Dec, 6 2013 @ 09:26 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

You can find all the secrets of the universe by staring deeply
enough into a cow turd. But why people love cow turds so
much I cant' fathom. It makes everything 100x as difficult.

As far as Kundalini goes, I've never read one word about
Kundalini in print that wasn't wrong. And I've read unpublished
notes from a 'world authority' and those were about 90%
wrong too.

But that's my 2 cents.

Everyone has their own 2 cents.


posted on Dec, 6 2013 @ 10:09 PM
reply to post by KellyPrettyBear

Personally, think anything coming out of the rear end of any animal here to be disgusting.

But the gnosis is something I have seen in ever increasing amounts, on my own. Starting with genesis 32 30. And through prayer and seeking, asking for answers to be given directly from source, was able to find that site which alligns very much to what I call the light code in the bible.

And its interesting because even when they put plans out in plain site, a kind of dark code, the way the duality works, the Light Shows. For example, in a discussion with a friend about Christmas, Saturn/Santa, and "you better not pout, you better not shout....santa claus is coming to town, be good" kind of thing. Well...they can code anything they wish, but when they try to sweep it over onto others, thats where Family step in. For wherever there is a presence of darkness, there is a stronger (inverted pyramid, abundance not scarsity, all empowered to infinity equally, the sides are not equal) presence of LOVE coming in.

Santa/Saturn/Satan is one anagram, but the Light Code is the Spirit of Christmas, the Peace and Love and Family and Giving to one another and so santa is real enough and its not darkness.

My friend and I were discussing how, the dark couldn't see the light plans, the light doesn't understand the dark either, well...I think they're pretty crafty and like to study up to see how Family operates, for Family doesnt hide truth it shouts it from the roof top without a veil, or lampshade. But, then again, they can't stand in the higher frequency when the Family shows so it hardly matters.

We're to raise our frequency here, achieve higher mind.

Whether or not a real anchor in the realm came in, ie. Superman in the system, Christ Yeshua, don't know. Keep praying about that, and as default assume he did.

But the Bible is all about the Kundalini and awakening and empowering people, for its all about an inner process and journey, not outer.

Church and religion, are idols basically. However, for some, they need this outer, and their personal lives, brakes on certain weanesses and behaviors, the straight and narrow, works.

As long as its not theocracies.

posted on Dec, 6 2013 @ 10:16 PM

Valentinus, one of the greatest Gnostics, had the utmost respect for the Apostle Paul. Could it be true that Paul, like Valentinus, shared the Gnostic viewpoint that the Biblical stories were allegories and not literal history? Yes, absolutely. Paul clearly states that the story of Abraham and his two sons “…are an allegory (Galatians 4:24). An allegory means “fable.” I don’t think Paul could be any more direct. Think about the story of Paul meeting Christ on the road to Damascus. If necessary, read it again. It was clearly a mystical experience, not a literal one.

Galatians 4 24: Which things are an allegory: for these are the two covenants; the one from mount Sinai, which brings forth to bondage, which is Hagar.

“The scriptures are of little use to those who understand them as they are written.”


“The scriptures were written by the Spirit of God, and have meanings, not as they appear at the first sight (literal interpretation), but also others, which escape the notice of most. For those (words) which are written are the forms of certain mysteries, and the images of divine matters.”


“There is nothing so easy as be sheer volubility to deceive a common crowd or an uneducated congregation.”

—St. Jerome (Epistle to Nepostian, Lii, 8.)

“How it may be lawful and fitting to use falsehood as a Medicine, and for the benefit of those who want to be deceived.”

—Eusebius (12th Book of Evangelical Preparation, 32 chapter)

posted on Dec, 6 2013 @ 11:45 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

You and I probably agree about two things;

1) We are all one.
2) Love is an enormous power and in many ways all that matters.

But that's about it.


posted on Dec, 7 2013 @ 01:07 AM

reply to post by Unity_99

You can find all the secrets of the universe by staring deeply
enough into a cow turd. But why people love cow turds so
much I cant' fathom. It makes everything 100x as difficult.

As far as Kundalini goes, I've never read one word about
Kundalini in print that wasn't wrong. And I've read unpublished
notes from a 'world authority' and those were about 90%
wrong too.

But that's my 2 cents.

Everyone has their own 2 cents.


The real Yogi NEVER shares his/her inner experiences.

Liberation from death (Amrit) is far more valuable than any material wealth or human admiration. Yogi is NOT looking for your money or admiration.

A disciple earns the affection of the Yogi by long selfless service, so that the disciple can get an insight into the way to liberation through the Yogi.

How can you even expect to read this through a book?

You can talk about Chakra and Kundalini all you want, but talking does not get you anywhere.

posted on Dec, 7 2013 @ 02:12 AM
reply to post by KellyPrettyBear

That Love is the purpose of existence, reaching Higher Mind, and helping others, being helped, all that goes into growth and assisting growth.

And the words/metaphors on earth found in religions, in spiritual teachings, in terms like chakras, kundalini, Christ consciousness, awakening, ascension, becoming, loving basically, are all earth terms. But we're human here and now, so we adapt to earth terms. But whether it takes one life time or many, healing, happiness, growth, and helping, understanding those around us, thats what most important.

Gaining as much connection with Source, both in terms of God/Divine and Higher Self/Consciousness, to flow as much goodness into the world as you can, and that process involves first striving to heal and overcome self and our flaws.

Think thats what its all about for everyone, even if they don't see it.

One of the reasons I've had so much intervention, miracles and help from on high, I'm starting to think its because Teamwork and Family is something really strongly believe in. And we're co-creators.
edit on 7-12-2013 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

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