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3rd Eye Meditation-Confused a bit...

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posted on Dec, 1 2013 @ 11:51 AM
reply to post by Lunette

I have a great imagination and want to put it to use. ;3

So what is holding you back?

put it to use, write, draw, create with that great imagination.

Two, I want to see a ufo, and I've heard they are more likely to show themselves to someone who has a more unique mind set.

Where did you hear that?

What is a unique mind set? Is that something every single person has, every person is unique so they would have unique mind set would they not?

How about if you look at the skies more often to see Unidentified Flying Objects instead of what you are attempting.

Three, I need better control, and meditation can help quiet that annoying voice(s) in my head that won't get out and stay out.

Not really,

You wont be able to get to that meditative state if cannot quiet that annoying voice as that is the path you seem to be taking.

If you want better control you need to find a better focus and have more discipline.

Join Karate, Kung Fu, Boxing, Kick Boxing, any form of martial art that will help combine mind body and spirit.

Once you are able to gain more clarity in your thoughts and focus better then you can control your thoughts and quiet them to a volume of your choosing.

posted on Dec, 1 2013 @ 11:54 AM
Correct me if I am wrong, is not the 3rd eye, using it only allows you to see the World as it is rather how one thinks it is?

Sure you can notice things, yet the actual noticing they would have to have been there already. You just Now see. Yet seeing and knowing are 2 different things, plus then you would have to add Feelings to the mix.Its like some say they can See the Furture, yet it is only a view of one outcome of many different ones that can be possible.

Knowing what is being shown is something that one needs to look at, Feel what it is telling you and go from there. Knowing something actually hinders your understanding and not able to allow the picture to be as it was intended. Or taking knowing this, actually helps to work with the picture also.

That would be called having an Open Mind and using the 3rd Eye. Any ideas on this?


posted on Dec, 1 2013 @ 12:47 PM
Idk about Psychic ability, but it a great way to become schizophrenic.

Im sure there are other be more connected with nature or your self.

I find it funny how no one complains about opening the crown...I mean it the final step to activate...What do you people call it these days...

O...Jesus powers....

edit on 1-12-2013 by Specimen because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 1 2013 @ 07:17 PM

reply to post by fossilera

Thanks for your reply!

Well, for one-I really want to lucid dream. Complete power of my dream world :3 I have a great imagination and want to put it to use. ;3

Two, I want to see a ufo, and I've heard they are more likely to show themselves to someone who has a more unique mind set.

Three, I need better control, and meditation can help quiet that annoying voice(s) in my head that won't get out and stay out.

Well, in that case...

1. Lucid dreaming doesn't really require any sort of meditation or third-eye practice. What it does involve though is being able to realize that you are dreaming.

One of the easiest ways to know when you are dreaming is by doing the following:
A. Keep a dream journal - As soon as you have a dream, write it down so that you capture as much of the dream as possible. Your goal is to see if there is a particular element to the dream that you could use to realize that you are dreaming. For example, maybe a particular person always appears in your dreams - If you discover this, then the next time you have a dream, you may find yourself consciously remembering that person, and thereby allowing yourself to become lucid.

B. Keep track of when you wake up at night - Ironically enough, the same conditions for astral projection also work for lucid dreaming. When you wake up at night, you will generally wake up around the same time (in my case, 3:00am). If you wake up at that time, stay awake for a couple minutes (go to the bathroom, get something small to drink, stretch, etc), and then get comfy. Your goal is to be as mentally alert, but physically relaxed, as humanly possible (Ideally, your body should feel like it does on those days where you don't want to get out of bed). After you get comfy, do a countdown, or just relax and let the body continue on the sleep process - If you see any images, then casually start to focus on them. As soon as you feel like you are becoming "part of the scene", remind yourself that you are dreaming.

C. Stick signs around your room reminding you to check your awareness. Everytime you see that sign, do something to remind you that you are not dreaming (pinching a finger, or check to see if your hands are melting). Because we tend to repeat daily life in our dreams (or so I'm told), at some point you will probably attempt to check and see if you are dreaming - How you become lucid is that usually, your sign will fail (aka, your hands might turn blue, or melt away), which causes you to remember.

2. As for UFO's appearing to those of us that have an ability, I'd say your odds of seeing one are 50/50 (the same as everyone else). I say this because unless you have an ability where you can sense that they are around, or maybe clairvoyance, which would assume that you can sense the outline of the ship's shields or outlines, they aren't going to reveal themselves. I'd be curious to know where you got this info - none of my literature mentioned this.

3. What is so annoying about the voices? I'm guessing that there is more than one, correct? In your case, learning to create a shield might be a better solution than meditation. A shield sounds more impressive than it actually is - The basic purpose of a shield is to act as a "barrier" between you and whatever is bothering you. Creating one relies a lot on visualization, but it doesn't require a lot of effort to do.


posted on Dec, 1 2013 @ 09:05 PM
reply to post by fossilera

Thanks! Best answer so far, though I appreciate all other comments that are serious.

I actually just started a dream journal yesterday. Had a vivid dream...unfortunately I don't recall my dreams of last night. :/ But i suppose it is a start.

Yeah...I've been surfing online at random, and somewhere it said aliens are more attracted to special folks with unique minds in the way of having some sort of psychic potential or already obvious ability.

posted on Dec, 1 2013 @ 09:30 PM
This had some interesting excercises on it:

posted on Dec, 1 2013 @ 11:12 PM







Hey, I want to be more 'metaphysical' or whatever, so I'm trying to unlock that little pine cone in my head.

I want to be stronger and gain more control (personal issues, don't feel like explaining), so I'm trying to learn meditation. Well, recently found out that aliens are attracted to people with more abilities...and I want to see a ufo-so I tried a third eye meditation

The meditation said to look at center of forehead with eyes closed or something. Focus on that area..err but the pineal gland is located in the middle of your brain right?

Anyways :/ I just feel like I'm messing with the outside vessels on my head or something and giving myself an unnecessary headache.

What is the right way to do this?

Sorry, a bit off-topic...
I'm finding it humourous that You've started a thread about an eye, and Your avatar is Lunette...



She did Use the WORD WHATEVER!


Take a chill pill tiger...Your eye seems to be blocked by something...

2nd line

edit on 30-11-2013 by akushla99 because: (no reason given)

I wish I could! Really, I do! Yet I am bound by the Path I take, or walk.

Crazy? NO! I would not TRADE it for Nothing, Period!


Those who knoe, don't tell.
And those who tell, don't knoe.


You have to say something, or your just Playing the I'm Holy, your not game! She has to do the walking, all I do is show Her How I found my path.

Since it is Her path to walk Herself, again here is the Water. It is not My job to have Her drink anything whatsoever! If someone told you something that brought interest to your mind, You were told about it in their way of thinking. Now what the person Does with that info is up to them!

It would be Wrong to keep this info to yourself or to force it upon them. Your task is not to save anyone, only yourself and share it freely to the ones asking the Question. You would not get a question if they were Not interested in the first place! Since I do not hold any Keys to anything, what right is it of mine to say I have one?

All anybody can do is shine their Light so others who find themselves in darkness can see this. They either Ask or they don't, it really is none of my bussiness anyway! Until you ASK that is! If one would like to wonder why God is not Doing anything about anything; only concerned on what was told to them as a story changed so no one Can find out anyway, you are left with a Question.

Just Who's Job is it anyway, God's or Mine? Now if one would take out God from the picture; you will find it IS Your Job! Who is making the day to day chioces? You or God? How do you know what is actually good? It is said somewhere that even the kindness of Hearts actually does more harm then good!

Since you have no way to understand what it is Truely Good for someone else; unless you have a spare pair of their Lifelong Shoes, how Could you know? So you are back at the same Question over again!

Yourself! Nothing more. No matter How you frame the Question, it will always come back to Yourself.


I don't know why you're rattling on as if you had something important to introduced yourself into a comment that wasn't even meant for you...and, it was a joke on the word lunette - which means glasses in french, and the topic is about the 3rd seem to have butt in where you didn't have to, completely missed the reason I posted it, and are now trying to teach me something...

If you'd opened your 3rd eye, you wouldn't be so devoid of humour...


posted on Dec, 2 2013 @ 06:39 PM
reply to post by akushla99

What, no one allowed to have a bad day or miss a post? Forgive Me, I Am Sorry!

Are you Actually living on Easter Island? I...................................hate you.

Not really though! I would sell Everything, except my car and drive to as close as I could get, then use a boat!

But I heard people can not stay their so I haven't thought of it Because it makes me Sad!

Long, long, long ago............I used to Live on that Island!


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