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Not One Person Gave A Single Thought

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posted on Nov, 29 2013 @ 06:47 PM
I read not long back that there are almost as many Spanish speakers in the US as English, and that Spanish could one day overtake English and become the official language of the US.

I think that says as much as needs to be said.

posted on Nov, 29 2013 @ 06:57 PM
I have the solution!

Annex Mexico!

Develop some very nice beachfront property, take out the drug gangs and then we will have a very small Southern Border to defend.

posted on Nov, 29 2013 @ 07:04 PM
reply to post by infolurker

If the globalists get their way, there'll be no borders to defend anywhere.

Borders will be dissolved.

posted on Nov, 29 2013 @ 07:13 PM
OP I agree that the world is a sad place to live and there seems to be no help for those truly in need. But, you have to look at it from a bigger picture. The USA is in trouble, big trouble economically. Immigration laws aren't just to keep people out, but also to keep our assets in.

I live in Florida and have for over 25 yrs. I have met Haitians, Hispanics, Mexicans, Jamaicans and Puerto Ricans who work both illegally and legally here in our state. What most people don't realize is that far too much of the money they make goes back to their home countries and not back into our economy to keep things flowing.

I feel sad that people globally are slaves to the corporations and governments. There are too many people living below poverty levels right here in this country, me being one of them. If it were not for family I would be out on my you know what like the millions of homeless we have here.

There's a saying that charity starts at home. With the deficit that this country already has and the amount of struggling families we have here, what do you suggest?

posted on Nov, 29 2013 @ 07:25 PM
reply to post by 2manyholes

there is no charity at home not for any of us for in response to your question i am very dearly lacking an answer sorry !

posted on Nov, 29 2013 @ 07:29 PM
This is just the first two Latino gangs listed. It certainly gives pause to having an open border. I am all for immigration, as long as it is legal.

Business Insider More: FBI Weapons Crime Features
13 American Gangs That Are Keeping The FBI Up At Night


The 18th Street Gang is considered the largest street gang in California


One of the most well-known of the "Sureño" gangs in Southern California, the 18th Street Gang is said to be responsible for at least one robbery or assault a day in Los Angeles County. The gang is one of the most rapidly expanding criminal groups in the country, with a reach that extends across 32 states, from Maryland to Hawaii.

Though loosely connected, the gang is thought to be the largest street gang in California, with roughly 15,000 members.

18th Street gangsters have been linked to homicide, extortion, alien smuggling, drug smuggling, and auto theft,. They have also infiltrated the U.S. military.

Read more:

lorencia 13 members have been caught buying weapons from U.S. military personnel

Flickr - kootenayvolcano

Another rapidly expanding Sureño gang, Florencia 13, works closely with the Mexican Mafia and is a rival of the 18th Street set. Based out of South Los Angeles, Florencia 13 is part of a terrifying gang war scene that has turned L.A. into one of the most dangerous counties in the country.

It also has members and influence in states like Virginia and Iowa.

The gang has racked up charges ranging from piracy to conspiracy to sell drugs and murder over the last few years. They also have been cited as another gang infiltrating the U.S. military. In 2010, six members were given life sentences out of the 94 that pleaded guilty to their crimes.

Read more:

Barrio Azteca has ties to several major Mexican drug trafficking organizations

Mafia Today

Originally based out of El Paso, Texas, Los Aztecas have become a powerful paramilitary force on both sides of the Mexico border. Now many of the gang's members are recruited from Texas prisons, and some of its work takes place inside prison walls, such as heroin production.

Los Aztecas work with the Juarez cartel and Los Zetas running drugs, smuggling illegal aliens and murdering consulate officials.The gang has a military structure that has helped keep order.

In March 2011, 35 members of the gang were charged with a variety of crimes, including 10 gangsters involved in the murder of the U.S. Consulate employee and several family members.

Read more:
Barrio Azteca has ties to several major Mexican drug trafficking organizations

Mafia Today

Originally based out of El Paso, Texas, Los Aztecas have become a powerful paramilitary force on both sides of the Mexico border. Now many of the gang's members are recruited from Texas prisons, and some of its work takes place inside prison walls, such as heroin production.

Los Aztecas work with the Juarez cartel and Los Zetas running drugs, smuggling illegal aliens and murdering consulate officials.The gang has a military structure that has helped keep order.

In March 2011, 35 members of the gang were charged with a variety of crimes, including 10 gangsters involved in the murder of the U.S. Consulate employee and several family members.

Read more:

posted on Nov, 29 2013 @ 07:32 PM
The truth is that total non compliance is what is needed in the US. The fed is printing money like crazy for the banks so your money are a ponzi/pyramid scheme. Just say to hell with it and ask to be paid in gold and never vote for a official bigwig politician since almost none of them have any real morals.

Direct democracy solves the problem of bribing people for votes since the bribes cost to much to spend. Create a system where politicians do not exist at all since they all become selfish manipulative liars. How do you know a politician lies? He/she speaks.

posted on Nov, 29 2013 @ 07:36 PM
reply to post by leopardpimps

Exactly! So how can we possibly save the world when we can't even save our own country?

posted on Nov, 29 2013 @ 10:10 PM

reply to post by Taupin Desciple

I see where you're coming from, but I also think you're avoiding the specifics.

I avoided the specifics because I was addressing the OP who seems like a sensitive person, and I didn't want to upset her.

It is not so easy to rile up everybody and "reform" their government.
We're talking about a very high level of corruption and lots of automatic rifles.

I wasn't implying that anyone try to overthrow the Government. Overthrow the cartels starting from the bottom up, and the Government will be forced to shape up all on it's own. Use guerrilla warfare and don't just do this in one location. Spread it out to make it extremely difficult for ANY Mexican authority, legal or otherwise, to squash it. Put up a fight no one expects. We didn't win in Vietnam or Afghanistan mainly because of those tactics

Taking just the guy who built his own underground shelter as a reference, I'm sure he's not the only one who is resourceful at living outdoors. Where do the drugs like coc aine originate? Outdoors. Apply the resourcefulness they have living outdoors to overtaking one field at a time. Like you said, there are a lot of automatic weapons to be had, and the one's who use them now do so for the same reasons that the destitute would use them to take over those "bad guys". To feed their families.

They live for their families, and if they think there is a slight chance of them getting back to the U.S where they can actually make a decent wage for their sweat and blood then they'll try.

They're trying to board a sinking ship and you and I both know it. The problem is, they don't. All these people who volunteer their time to help these poor people with water and clothes.......they need to educate them about the realities of America in language they can understand. All these jobs that pay a decent wage? They're pretty much all gone now, and the one's that are left have a waiting line a mile long. And if the illegals do get a job that 1,000 other Americans want, then they're left being hated in a foreign country. The fact that they don't care about that though says a lot about the one's that the OP feels sorry for.

This is why you see the men in the tunnels, because they had a taste of a world where you work and get paid.

Go back up two paragraphs. One coca field is overtaken. Do you know how many landscapers and seasonal farm workers ply those trades here in U.S.? Take that number and then take it to the old coca fields and plant legal crops that can actually feed people. Have a chemist take the THC out of the marijuana plants to make clothes. It starts small, but once it does and other residents of Mexico see it happening and succeeding, it will spread like a wildfire. Trust me when I tell you that most law-abiding citizens in Mexico don't like what their country has become. You think they LIKE migrating up to where the Gringo's are? Hardly. Once they see their own making a stand and making it work, the movement will catch. They want to stay in their country, but they want it to be relatively safe like anyone else. Would it be easy? No. Will it take time? Loads of it, and this is where most Americans get lost. We've become used to things that happen fast, and if something takes years and years to complete, we start to lose interest.

Their are no jobs, no opportunities in Mexico. Wherever there are, they've been taken, and those people are in many ways slaves out of fear for losing that job.

Sounds like America.

It's a sad state of affairs on all fronts, but what real solutions do you have to offer?

That's about it friend. It may be ugly and I'm certainly not trying to rile people up, but that's the only realistic option I see them having. About all there is to add is that if all that actually does start to happen, someone somewhere with respected media credentials needs to be on it like white on rice. Otherwise, the CIA and God knows who else will start supplying weapons to the "drug thugs" so something positive can't happen. Do I wish for all of this violence to happen? No. But if people want to stop bellyaching about the problem and solve it, how else can they realistically do it?

edit on 29-11-2013 by Taupin Desciple because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 29 2013 @ 10:30 PM

reply to post by leopardpimps

these people we not be facing deprivation and drugs if we had just allowed them to live like us ! But no we have illegal aliens huh?

OK I'll be the bad guy here.

While I'm sorry for the conditions of these people the US is currently in pretty dire straits itself if you haven't noticed. We have 47 million people on food stamps trying to just get basic food. In 2012 we had a population of absolute homeless over 633,000 people. That's the official number but I think it's probably much higher.

In 2011 we gave Mexico over $317 million in economic aid, economic not military, etc. Maybe they are not helping their own people.

Unfortunately and I mean that we have our own problems right now that need addressing in the worst way. Once we get our own house in order then maybe we can help more. That help doesn't include allowing people who break our laws to be rewarded. Coming into foreign countries against immigration laws is a crime whether you see it or not.

That many homeless? How many empty apartments and homes are available right now? And I'll bet you a doughnut that most of sad-eyed Pedro's friends built most of the newer ones...but banks get bailed out. People get thrown out. And the bank lets the homes sit empty waiting for the market to recover so they can get more profit atop the handout the government gave them which they in turn took to their version of Vegas (Wall Street), instead of lending to RELIABLE homeowners this time. Ah hell, I'm forgetting the holidays...CEO 's need raises. Why else do they make Lexus commercials?

posted on Nov, 29 2013 @ 10:48 PM
reply to post by Taupin Desciple

The CIA are the "drug thugs"...have been since Poppy (ironic?) Bush ran smack out of the Golden Triangle during the Viet Nam days...I know too many people who saw it with their own eyes.

And...seriously? If our country cared so much about the "war on drugs"...why don't we send in a few units after a couple of carpet bomb flybys and bu-bye drug cartel thugs. We know where they live we can see their operations in one of our hundreds of spy satellites. There's a reason. The US imprisons more people than any other nation on Earth...profit. We are the number one market in the world as well. Do you wonder why we still have troops in Afghanistan? Heroin has made a HUGE comeback in the past 10 years or so. The Taliban used to put opium farmers to death (don't believe the us media, think about it, they don't even drink alcohol due to inebriation and are on the Mormon side of extremism in terms of tolerance of substance use) now, our troops guard the fields.

posted on Nov, 30 2013 @ 02:56 AM
edit on 30 11 13 by Manwhostandsaboveall because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 30 2013 @ 03:35 AM
Those guys in the video arn't helping themsleves or their families by doing drugs.

America can't help its own citizens. Too many un-employed people, too many homeless and hungry. There are poor and struggling people all over the world and America can't save them all.

posted on Nov, 30 2013 @ 05:36 AM
I close friend told me this once....

"anyone who told you life was gonna be easy or fair lied!"

Life is not fair. Some are born elephants with no natural preditors. Others are born wilderbeast and from the moment they're born they have bout 10 minutes to learn to stand and run otherwise they become prey and eaten alive.

Yes I think it's good to help people, but if you give a person a fish he will eat for a day if you teach them to fish they can eat for a lifetime.

Seems like everyone just wants an excuse, a handout, lack of responsibility, etc etc.

but it's so tricky because we look at them and think "why don't they try and get themselves out of there" but in reality a lot of them are fairly uneducated. You don't know what you don't know often times in life. So they're stuck. But again life is unfair and can be cruel and unforgiving.

posted on Nov, 30 2013 @ 06:40 AM
reply to post by spartacus699

very true , it is sad i just wanted to share what i had seen. we have homeless and migrants that get deported.

i wish the world was a different place i guess we all want more from life.

sometimes you just have to go and get it some people just need some extra help. i had a friend a very good friend end up on heroin i think this plays apart in why i feel sad for these guys .

posted on Nov, 30 2013 @ 06:42 AM
thanks for all the replies guys much appreciated some interesting things pointed out

posted on Nov, 30 2013 @ 06:36 PM

I close friend told me this once....

"anyone who told you life was gonna be easy or fair lied!"

Life is not fair. Some are born elephants with no natural preditors. Others are born wilderbeast and from the moment they're born they have bout 10 minutes to learn to stand and run otherwise they become prey and eaten alive.

Yes I think it's good to help people, but if you give a person a fish he will eat for a day if you teach them to fish they can eat for a lifetime.

Seems like everyone just wants an excuse, a handout, lack of responsibility, etc etc.

but it's so tricky because we look at them and think "why don't they try and get themselves out of there" but in reality a lot of them are fairly uneducated. You don't know what you don't know often times in life. So they're stuck. But again life is unfair and can be cruel and unforgiving.

I'm going to get flamed for this, here goes anyway!!

I so agree with your post ... In the first instance they were deported, but from what

I made out

# they were not there legally in the first place

# they had committed minor? offences

Yes they had no where to live .... but they were using a derelict building to, I think

the term is 'to shoot up?' Apart from having no where to live they seemed to have no

incentive to do anything for themselves ....

# They could adapt that and/or other derelict buildings to sleep in.

# They get three free (hot) meals a day (here in the UK we have food banks!)

# And they get free condoms and needles - to me that looks like they are being

enabled to continue as they are, they have no incentive to do anything for

themselves. However cheap the drugs maybe the money could be put to better use,

They could help pay towards the 'free' meals they are getting and put their time in

better by helping those who are helping them! Not ideal I know - but everything

starts from a base point .... BIG OAKS FROM LITTLE ACORNS GROW ... It's been my

experience that 'tough love' produces better results than all this 'new age' group hugs

and enablement culture.

Whenever this sort of thing, and immigration comes up I get this vision 'everyone

is free to settle anywhere in the world they want to', so all the poorer countries

immigrate to the better off countries which then become bursting at the seems

and there are swathes of unoccupied derelict countries.

I would like to know where all the money goes that is given annually by more

prosperous countries to poor and third world countries?? India benefits from this

and yet manages to compete in the space race!?

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