posted on Nov, 27 2013 @ 07:17 PM
reply to post by Skywatcher2011
That was so impossibly brutal, that I kept skipping back and watching it again. An umbrella would have been no defence against that visceral
The phrase "The goggles... They do nothing!" comes to mind!
Epic. This does however, make for a pretty stark reminder that dead mammals build up gas in their bodies when they have been dead for some time, as
the microbial processes begin to break down the cellular bonds, freeing chemical components to assume their natural states, and where many of the
bodies key components are concerned, this involves gas. With such thick skin, and a body designed to be under intense pressure, when the gas inside
the whale corpse built up, it had no where to go, until clever clogs in the bright orange onsie decided to stick a knife in it!
Human beings, under the process of decomposition can build significant pressure in their abdomenal and thoracic regions, but I think the differences
in the pressures which human bodies are designed to withstand, when compared to those which apply to whales, lead to our bodies dealing with this a
little differently. First of all, human bodies sometimes pass gas. Sometimes it issues forth from the throat (which freaks people out, while
disgusting them) and sometimes the gas passes through the anus (which just disgusts people). As a result of this, human bodies are unlikely to explode
in the manner in which our whale did.
But, you can bet that if your body makes it past its use by date in one piece, you will likely pass wind after you pass on. So, heres a cheery note
to close on:
Death is no garuntee of dignity!
Epic find, great thread!
edit on 27-11-2013 by TrueBrit because: grammar issue