posted on May, 20 2003 @ 10:56 PM
I know that such mutilations are often associated with UFO sightings, however, I tend to subscribe to the theory that the cattle mutilations are
manmade (the UFOs sighted may well be X Craft, for what reason is not clear though).
The purpose for such manmade mutilations have variously been given to periodically monitor genetic mutation, or the spread of an organism, possibly
related to bioweapons research. Considering the selectiveness of the organs removed, perhaps they are not tracking a mutation or organism specifically
in the animals so much as one that exists elsewhere in the environment, and the cows are somehow exposed or ingest it.
Also, I understand some of these mutilations to be associated with strange sicknesses in the community nearby sometimes. Please keep an eye out for
such occurrences.
In any event, what kind of helicopters did you see? (Standard US Military Blackhawks or ?)
Thanks for the info, please keep us posted if you hear of any other info.