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Mother claims flu shot is responsible for death of teenage son

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posted on Nov, 27 2013 @ 07:44 AM
reply to post by damwel

Study shows dying of old age, dying from Alcohol poisoning, dying from drowning is related to Flu shot.

Evil Vaccines.

posted on Nov, 27 2013 @ 08:27 AM
This is a very sad story, but even if the flu vaccine WAS responsible for this young man's death, we need to keep things in perspective. This young man was much, much, MUCH more likely to die in a car accident, yet I'll bet he drove and rode in cars everyday. Car travel carries a fairly high risk (comparatively speaking), but we are willing to take that risk, because the convenience of travel is worth it.

For me, the question is, is the flu vaccine worth the risk, even a miniscule one? I know from talking to doctors that while the flu vaccine cannot guarantee that you won't get the flu, it does help prevent it. And if you do get the flu, the effects of the vaccine can help mitigate the symptoms. I did get the flu a couple of times even when I got the vaccine, and I was told by my doctor that the strain I caught was not in the vaccine (just my luck). But I have to say, my symptoms were not severe - and I was back to my old self after about 4 days, both times. Is that because the strains of flu I got were not very strong, or is it because the vaccine helped me fight it off? I don't know...

Having said that, I haven't gotten the flu vaccine yet this year. I am experimenting with mega doses of vitamin C. We'll see what happens.

edit on 27-11-2013 by kaylaluv because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 27 2013 @ 08:43 AM

reply to post by catfishjoe

I hope you win the arguments - you can get a waiver for the schools to not vaccinate.
My kids have - my grands do not get vaccinated.

Please parents - research this to the nth degree.

7 year old dies from vaccine

It's a dreadful case this but there's so much information missing to say whether it was or wasn't caused by the flu vaccine.
If it was the vaccine then I would suspect some sort of allergic reaction had taken place (rather than as has been suggested that "heavy metals got into the brain"...).
If it wasn't the vaccine then it's really difficult to say what it could've been.
It's completely inconclusive either way.

What's disappointing but not unsurprising is the way anti-vaxxers have jumped on this poor boy's death and are parading it on their websites almost gleefully (for want of a better phrase) as though it's cut and dried, which it certainly isn't.

I like the way the poster above has titled his link "7 year old dies from vaccine" when if you look into the case the autopsy report says she died from myocarditis (which generally takes far longer than 4 days to cause illness anyway).

Certainly people should do their research but definitely keep it balanced.

There are far more deaths and irreversible illnesses caused by not having a vaccine than by having a vaccine.

posted on Nov, 27 2013 @ 09:54 AM
Flu vaccine helps more those with compromise immune system if they are to be exposed to the flu that the vaccine is protecting from and for the elderly that could end up with pneumonia and that can be fatal to them.

Most of the time, due to the fast way that flu mutates every year, flu shots are nothing more than a false sense that you are been protected from something.

Already my family had the flu, this month, son first, husband, second, daughter third, they still coughing from the upper respiratory infection that is attached to the version they got, my daughter is an emergency room nurse, they all have the flu shot this year a month ago, most of the nurses and personnel in the hospital she works at got this version of the flu.

I was the lucky one, didn't got sick while nursing my family, so as people can see, a flu shot means nothing if the flu you get is not the one that the vaccine is guarding you from.

posted on Nov, 27 2013 @ 10:33 AM
why dont we put a little reality into ATS for once. Ok as a parent with a healthy child you want to keep as health as possible with OUT putting the kid in a white box.You look at each risk a child may be subjuct to .chicken pox messuls flue what ever then you look into the preventive of these things .
Vacanations chciken pox well know long time studied and a stable virus meens it will be the same a 100 years from now and the same vacine will work. messules the same.
Now we still have the DREADED FLUE in the 1920s on year kill 5 million in the 1960s on year kils 600k
and through out history has been time and time again a bad killer .Wells seams a good thing to be vacanated for hu? But when you study the flue you will learn its as deadly as it is because ITS NOT THE FLUE ITS THE FLUESSSS 1 and even the FLUE isnt THE FLUE as you can get it and by teh time it is passed on to the next guy it has CHANGED to the point a vacine that was made for it will no longer work.
In other words The flue evolves so quickly and there are so many types its becomes a game of winning the lotto as to a vacine saving you..
I have personial experence with a DEADLY KILLER VIRUS that the doctor was able with a shot to keep from killing one of my sons . A virus called scarlet feaver ((almost pased out when teh doctor told me my kid had it and in teh next breath said dont worry we have treatment now. Kid went home next day was fine totaly time he had scarlet feaver oo about 20 hours after effects ZERO .
check into what your dealing with decide based on KNOWN science now your guesses or your freinds saying oo no dont get it ((but of corse they have ))its your kid what risk is it to them to tell you this?

posted on Dec, 10 2013 @ 10:23 AM
A documents and substantial evidence by : Dr. Tenpenney research for concerned parents.

posted on Dec, 10 2013 @ 11:23 AM
There's been a lot of talk recently about vaccines and how they may cause disease and, in some cases, even death. I've noticed that, even on ATS, one factor is constantly overlooked: dihydrogen monoxide. The evidence is conclusive: everyone who drinks dihydrogen monoxide dies. Sometimes they die shortly after taking a drink, while other times they can carry on for decades, continuing to drink this chemical as their bodies age and degenerate into moribundity. Some dihydrogen monoxide drinkers also report symptoms ranging from irritable bowel syndrome to insomnia, headaches to broken bones, asthma to impotence, cancer to dementia. These sufferers all have something in common: chronic exposure to dihydrogen monoxide. It's plain to see that exposure to this common chemical is linked to a wide range of awful conditions, up to and including death, but Big Pharma wants to keep us sick and medicated, so they keep pushing dihydrogen monoxide consumption and the masses keep buying into it. I personally know a number of people who drank or were otherwise exposed to the chemical and passed away not long after, but if I bring up the connection, people look at me like I'm crazy. Just think about it, though. I bet you anything that every single person you know who has died at some point experienced dihydrogen monoxide exposure. "They" say that correlation does not equal causation, and to that, I say PFFTT! The evidence is so clear it should be undeniable!

Re: the OP, though, if this boy had a bad reaction to a vaccine it is of course a tragedy. However, it isn't clear that the vaccine is what caused his death, and even if it did, it would need to be determined how this occurred. Was it due to an unusual reaction to a specific ingredient in the vaccine? Was the batch of vaccines tainted? Did the boy have some other underlying condition? Some people have horrible reactions (up to and including death) to components of the IV medication cocktail given to induce anesthesia, but people are still put under anesthesia every single day despite the knowledge that it could kill them. It all comes down to the risk vs. benefit analysis. The vast majority of people who receive vaccines experience nothing worse than minor symptoms like pain at the incision site. I'm all in favor of creating safer and more effective vaccines to reduce the chance and severity of adverse effects, but I'm not in favor of throwing out the entire notion of vaccination like many here seem to be.

Vaccines don't work all of the time and some of the time they produce adverse effects - just like every single other medical treatment/cure I can think of. In another thread I asked for information on medical treatments/cures (conventional or alternative) that are actually effective and carry no risk of adverse effects. The only answer I got was liposomal vitamin C. While, in general, vitamin C won't hurt you, high doses can cause gastrointestinal distress, including diarrhea, so it doesn't meet the criteria...anyone?

posted on Dec, 10 2013 @ 11:31 AM


Chandler underwent a variety tests, but his doctors couldn’t confirm what had caused his illness.


You folks are funny.

Mother can claim anything, she can claim man lives on the cloud, it doesn't man its true.

Whats is with using "jesus" "good little boy attitude" in the article? sympathy points?


Tragic Loss of a teen. Sadly being promoted for something the anti-vax don't even understand.
edit on 11/26/2013 by luciddream because: (no reason given)

Yet she didn't have the autopsy done.....hhhhhhhmmmmmm

posted on Dec, 10 2013 @ 12:05 PM
I don't get everyone here harping on the no autopsy. Did you not read the story?

"What attacked his brain happened so quickly within 15 hours," Webb said on Fox and Friends. "From one CT scan to the next, there was so much pressure and swelling on the brain that it crushed his brain stem."

Looks to me to make sense that she would choose to have the brain checked instead.

posted on Dec, 11 2013 @ 05:13 AM

There's been a lot of talk recently about vaccines and how they may cause disease and, in some cases, even death. I've noticed that, even on ATS, one factor is constantly overlooked: dihydrogen monoxide. The evidence is conclusive: everyone who drinks dihydrogen monoxide dies. Sometimes they die shortly after taking a drink, while other times they can carry on for decades, continuing to drink this chemical as their bodies age and degenerate into moribundity. Some dihydrogen monoxide drinkers also report symptoms ranging from irritable bowel syndrome to insomnia, headaches to broken bones, asthma to impotence, cancer to dementia. These sufferers all have something in common: chronic exposure to dihydrogen monoxide. It's plain to see that exposure to this common chemical is linked to a wide range of awful conditions, up to and including death, but Big Pharma wants to keep us sick and medicated, so they keep pushing dihydrogen monoxide consumption and the masses keep buying into it. I personally know a number of people who drank or were otherwise exposed to the chemical and passed away not long after, but if I bring up the connection, people look at me like I'm crazy. Just think about it, though. I bet you anything that every single person you know who has died at some point experienced dihydrogen monoxide exposure. "They" say that correlation does not equal causation, and to that, I say PFFTT! The evidence is so clear it should be undeniable!

That certainly is the truth!
The amount of contaminants in it is truly horrendous too.
The vast majority of DHMO is contaminated with chlorine and sodium!!
Not to mention carbonic acid, millions of types of bacteria and viruses, multi-species urine and faecal matter, radioactive toxic waste, the list goes on and on!

edit on 11/12/13 by Pardon? because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 11 2013 @ 07:26 AM
reply to post by Pardon?

This is a terrible thing for the kid to lose his life and the family to suffer.

On vaccines; my kids will get the major stuff like measles, smallpox. They will NOT get flu shots. They are a 'shot' in the dark trying to hit a moving target, one, that if your child is otherwise healthy, will be able to deal with through healthy eating, rest, and exercise.

I can recall going to school with the flu because of mid-term exams; coughing up phlegm every few minutes, etc. I rarely gotten sick though, and still rarely get sick ... the only time I seem to get sick is when I start to not get enough rest, have added stress, and don't eat properly and exercise enough.

Guess what, a healthful lifestyle is a better preventative than getting a dead virus shot into your arm. Who'd think being healthful would be the best way to stay healthy?! Oh, that is right, easy way out, take my money, give me a shot!

Seriously people. I'd recommend major epidemic vaccinations (smallpox, etc) because risk vs reward is quite high, verify what is in the vaccine before you go through with it, research side effects of the ingredients, make informed decisions.

But if you can modify your lifestyle to increase your immunity to a cold/flu, do that. Don't inject yourself with virus roulette hoping it is the right one for this year's strain.

Eat well, vitamins, minerals, all that good stuff. Sleep well. Move your butts; be physically healthy (even if you are overweight, you can be active and healthy). Take proper sanitary cautions. If sick people are around you, ask them to cover their mouth with a tissue when they sneeze and cough. Wash your hands after you touch things you know might be contaminated. As long as you don't hyperexpose yourself, and you are otherwise a healthful person, your healthy immune system will take care of the rest.

Flu shots should -always- be personal choice. Most vaccinations should be, any unproven one definitely.

Equating a flu shot to the same level as the serious vaccinations hurts the cause of the serious vaccinations. I can see flu shots for elderly or people with weak immune systems, but healthy people, no way imo.

posted on Dec, 11 2013 @ 07:56 AM

reply to post by Pardon?

This is a terrible thing for the kid to lose his life and the family to suffer.

On vaccines; my kids will get the major stuff like measles, smallpox. They will NOT get flu shots. They are a 'shot' in the dark trying to hit a moving target, one, that if your child is otherwise healthy, will be able to deal with through healthy eating, rest, and exercise.

I can recall going to school with the flu because of mid-term exams; coughing up phlegm every few minutes, etc. I rarely gotten sick though, and still rarely get sick ... the only time I seem to get sick is when I start to not get enough rest, have added stress, and don't eat properly and exercise enough.

Guess what, a healthful lifestyle is a better preventative than getting a dead virus shot into your arm. Who'd think being healthful would be the best way to stay healthy?! Oh, that is right, easy way out, take my money, give me a shot!

Seriously people. I'd recommend major epidemic vaccinations (smallpox, etc) because risk vs reward is quite high, verify what is in the vaccine before you go through with it, research side effects of the ingredients, make informed decisions.

But if you can modify your lifestyle to increase your immunity to a cold/flu, do that. Don't inject yourself with virus roulette hoping it is the right one for this year's strain.

Eat well, vitamins, minerals, all that good stuff. Sleep well. Move your butts; be physically healthy (even if you are overweight, you can be active and healthy). Take proper sanitary cautions. If sick people are around you, ask them to cover their mouth with a tissue when they sneeze and cough. Wash your hands after you touch things you know might be contaminated. As long as you don't hyperexpose yourself, and you are otherwise a healthful person, your healthy immune system will take care of the rest.

Flu shots should -always- be personal choice. Most vaccinations should be, any unproven one definitely.

Equating a flu shot to the same level as the serious vaccinations hurts the cause of the serious vaccinations. I can see flu shots for elderly or people with weak immune systems, but healthy people, no way imo.

Apologies if you took my previous post the wrong way.
It wasn't meant as a slight against the OP's subject matter, rather it was to highlight the hysteria caused by ignorance.

You can be as healthy as you wish but that won't stop cold and flu viruses invading your body and replicating.
The only thing being healthy will do is possibly reduce the amount of time that you're ill.
Hygiene and other precautions are certainly important but even the best intentioned of people lapse into complacency.

Whilst I agree that flu shots should be a personal choice to an extent, if you work in a public place or in a healthcare environment you should seriously consider having one so as to help prevent its spread.

As soon as the word "vaccine" is mentioned in some quarters logic and rationality seem to go straight out of the window but the fact remains that adverse events are extremely rare.

posted on Dec, 12 2013 @ 03:13 PM

It is very possible that the flu shot could have caused a cykotine storm that slowly killed this kid. I know how the shot effected me. I got very severe symptoms and did not even have the disease. Triggering an immune response by injecting the signal into the body can have extremely bad results with a person with a very good immune system. To the medical industry I suppose people with a good immune system are a threat, they would like everyone as customers.

As far as the reaction being rare, I personally know at least twenty people that had the same reaction as I did. So how rare is that, twenty of the maybe hundred people I have talked to about it. I personally know at least a thousand people but have not talked to many about this. The other about eighty I talked to about it could take the flu shot with no reactions. So that is about twenty percent in my books. I will believe in the people I talk to personally before I listen to someone who is selling something.
edit on 26-11-2013 by rickymouse because: (no reason given)

This could be the answer to forced vaccination:-

posted on Dec, 12 2013 @ 09:29 PM

Yet she didn't have the autopsy done.....hhhhhhhmmmmmm

Man I wish there was a sensitive way to say this...I am so sorry she lost her son. Terrible

But why the heck would she deny an autopsy? Maybe because she is full of it and doesn't want to be found out?

posted on Dec, 12 2013 @ 09:30 PM


As far as the reaction being rare, I personally know at least twenty people that had the same reaction as I did. So how rare is that, twenty of the maybe hundred people I have talked to about it.

I personally know 45 people who MUST get the shot every year as we work in a hospital and not a single one of them even got a sniffle from it

so how rare is that?

posted on Dec, 12 2013 @ 09:48 PM
reply to post by KyoZero

If you do not have immunity to the flu, you will likely not get a reaction. If you get a reaction you have immunity. Since you work in a hospital, ask a doctor about this. I have been told not to take a flu shot by three doctors over the years and two of the three explained it to me.

Not that many people have broad form immunity, they say if you were born before 56 and your grandparents had and lived through the 1918 pandemic you may have the immunity. But my one daughter and at least three of her four kids react to the shot so they have coverage. Some people have immunity, some don't. This is an individual thing, the shot can kill some while others tolerate it fine.

If you don't believe me, go to MAYO's site or the CDC link and they say if you have had a reaction not to get the shot. It is not needed in that case.

posted on Dec, 12 2013 @ 09:53 PM
reply to post by Rubinstein

Can you provide even one source for the claims made here in your three posts?

Anything that isn't "junk science" as you like to use.

As for the OP, it's terrible that this woman lost her son but even though she believes the flu shot killed her boy, she needs to allow an autopsy. It may have been a severe reaction to the shot but it may have been something else and it would be best for her to know. It could be something that's genetic that her or her husband/partner whomever carry and it could save the lives of of her other children, if she has any. Not allowing the autopsy is irresponsible imo. It should be done along with the brain biopsy.

posted on Dec, 12 2013 @ 09:55 PM
reply to post by Akragon

hence why I don't have flu shots how do you really know whats being injected wont kill you

posted on Dec, 12 2013 @ 10:36 PM
reply to post by chiefsmom

Biopsy is from a living person. So apparently they took a small sample from his brain while he was still alive, and she is so convinced this will back up her claims she was willing to skip the autopsy, which would have given answers if the biopsy doesn't reveal anything.

That's pretty telling. If you really want to know you don't just cross your fingers and hope the biopsy reveals cause of death. You don't always need an autopsy. Some things are pretty clear. This wasn't. She's doing herself and the medical community a disservice, though I have no anger for her as I can't imagine her grief.

Very sad, but using this as an anti vaccine platform is ridiculous. Even if the vaccine did cause the young man to die, vaccines have saved countless lives and will continue to do so. I've never had to worry about smallpox. What is polio?

The vaccine nonsense is like wanting to ban peanut butter. Even if this was 100% the fault of the vaccine, horrible as it is to say, isn't one out of a million better than the alternative? Some people are allergic to bees. Should we kill the bees? Probably the winged stinging bastards.

I don't think the vaccine is the culprit, and she had time to inform the docs that he was recently vaccinated. I think she's (understandably) trying hard to blame her son's death on something, and this is the first thing that jumped out at her. I think the majority of people that believe in conspiracies are trying hard to find a scapegoat for all the woes on this planet, because they have trouble dealing with it. It's easier for some to have the Illuminati, Obama, Vaccines, reptilian aliens, etc. to blame.

posted on Dec, 12 2013 @ 10:43 PM
reply to post by rickymouse

I am not saying people have never had reactions. Not at all actually. People do and I feel for them. My point is that while it's possible the vaccine does nothing (even I wonder sometimes) what are the actual rates of severe reactions that are documented?

What I love about this site is that it's clearly biased against vaccines but even the site itself says that the explosion of vaccines carried with it a GBS reaction rate of 13 out of 1 million. .000013% of these kids had a bad reaction. Am I saying it never happens? Heck most certainly does but at a staggeringly low rate.

And again this came from a biased anti-vaccine site. And yes I understand what you are saying about road-immunity. If I ever had a severe reaction to the shot I would avoid it.

Severe reactions occurred in 1-2 in one million (I wanted to avoid the GBS stats since I just talked about it) even in the live vaccine culture

Rare serious side effects

When you use this it doesn't allow you to save the search you made (unless I missed that)

So between 2012 and 2013 I found over a thousand serious reactions while 6.9 millions shots were given in 2012

.0002% serious reaction rate according to some very quick and dirty math

Is the flu shot effective? No clue to be honest. Even the CDC says anywhere from 30 to 70% effective

But I just don't see the documented cases showing a massive 20% or more serious reaction rate

That's what I was getting at


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