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I found an occult worshipping temple near my house and took pictures!

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posted on Nov, 26 2013 @ 09:25 AM
I moved to an Ancient town called Rye on the south east coast of England. The town itself gives me the heebie jeebies and I have quite often 'felt things' watching me. A lot of people seem to think that Rye is haunted along with many other towns in the south east. One of the first threads I wrote on ATS was about the town Hastings where I grew up and Aleister Crowley's potential influence on the seaside town.. funnily enough (or not) his name will pop up in this thread as well.

The temple, or whatever it is, had already twigged my curiosity prior to discovery as it is situated on church grounds near my house and for all intents and purposes looks like an abandoned outbuilding. I have always had a fascination for such places so one night I jumped the fence to go check it out. It was pitch black and I felt an instant sense of foreboding as I entered so I used the torch on my phone to check the floor. The first thing I noticed was a dirty sleeping bag fully unzipped and a raggedy thatched sofa with no cushions. The second thing I noticed was a human turd in the corner.. I felt sick and all my senses were overwhelmed so I left pretty quickly. Ever since that night I have always wondered who left the sleeping bag and the mess in the corner till it sort of slipped my mind. Until yesterday.

Yesterday I was riding my push bike up the harbour road, past the abandoned building until I stopped, remembering what had happened and looked back. I remembered how much the place had creeped me out before so I decided to turn back, chain up my bike and hop the fence yet again. This time it was day time and I could see. This time I took pictures..

I walk in, turn towards my left and face this.

I can't remember where the rest of the pictures were situated I just remember some of them instilling in me a sense of fear and making me feel very unwelcome. Some of the pictures seem quite cool and all of them seem artistic but some of them have a certain 'occult feel' to them that just doesn't sit right. I wouldn't even know where to start trying to decode what some of it means and I don't think I particularly want to so I'm just going to upload the rest of the pictures and pretty much leave it at that..

I honestly wouldn't know where to start with decrypting this art work. The place itself had the feel of a junkies squat and the artwork looks as though the artist may well have been under the influence of something at the time of inception. Aleister Crowley himself was a huge fan of drugs, witchcraft and magic. I think the picture of the large man may depict Crowley but I'm not sure.

There seems to be at least some pyramid symbolism and it seems as though there may be pictures depicting animal and maybe even human sacrifice but again I'm not too sure..

If you look closely you will see the words 'Altar worship'. The temple of Zeus is an Olympic temple in Greece so I'm not quite sure where that fits in. The word Love? is crossed out in reference to the area. (Rye Harbour)
Underneath where it says Aleister Crowley it appears as though a crack in the wall has been filled in to represent the grim reaper or death and next to that it looks like there may be a drawing of the pits of hell.. with something pink and relatively friendly looking above it to draw you in? I saw this because whatever the pink thing is seems to have a mischievous look on its face..

I really don't know what to make of all this. I would have spent more time taking decent pictures but to be honest with you I wanted to get the hell out.


posted on Nov, 26 2013 @ 09:35 AM

I moved to an Ancient town called Rye on the south east coast of England. The town itself gives me the heebie jeebies and I have quite often 'felt things' watching me.

I'm pretty sure you're imagining things.
Cut down on the coffee and conspiracy websites and that might help.

The place itself had the feel of a junkies squat and the artwork looks as though the artist may well have been under the influence of something at the time of inception.

Stick with that.
Anything more and you're overanalyzing, and letting your imagination run away with you.

If any of this stuff were recent, I'd say to look for some awkward kid wearing lots of black slouching around town attempting to look indignant, superior, and disinterested.

As a place of interesting urban art, I DO recommend taking a complete grid photo survey of the place with overlapping photos to document this place as a place of interest that could disappear any day considering its apparent state of transitional decline.

edit on 11/26/2013 by AliceBleachWhite because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 26 2013 @ 09:40 AM
Cool find! S&F

It looks like the text was mostly made by the same person, notice that the lowercase "i" everywhere for instance. There's definitely a mixture of occult themes. It reminds me of the "outsider art" of Ken Grimes:

So I'm attributing it to being the work of a single person, possibly schizophrenic, and not a cult.
edit on 26-11-2013 by theantediluvian because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 26 2013 @ 09:41 AM
reply to post by TechUnique

Ok dude what you need to do is go to your local butcher and ask him for some pig hearts, then go there, throw them around the walls and leave them laying about. Do this on a Friday, during the day. The kids that hang out there to drink/smoke and pretend to worship a dead god will freak seeing the pigs hearts and blood.

Bonus points if you can steal a skeleton from a local school to leave there too.

posted on Nov, 26 2013 @ 09:47 AM

reply to post by TechUnique

Ok dude what you need to do is go to your local butcher and ask him for some pig hearts, then go there, throw them around the walls and leave them laying about. Do this on a Friday, during the day. The kids that hang out there to drink/smoke and pretend to worship a dead god will freak seeing the pigs hearts and blood.

Bonus points if you can steal a skeleton from a local school to leave there too.

That would work. Awesome advice

posted on Nov, 26 2013 @ 09:59 AM
reply to post by TechUnique

Looks like a work done by a bored youth in a small town ,hoping to draw some attention or simply to have fun...The typical response due to the lack of fun things to do in such places...Sorry ,but that's all it seems like to me...But I would have really liked it if you posted some authentic pictures of real old buildings,temples,churches ,etc.

posted on Nov, 26 2013 @ 10:08 AM



You see where one of the "artists" signed Robson? Maybe a clue to locating the "congrigation".

ETA: Approach them and say accuse them of desecrating the temple-after the pigs heart thing.
edit on 26-11-2013 by cartenz because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 26 2013 @ 10:09 AM
It appears to me that you have found a building that folks have/are trying to write a spell out in. Living spells often have this rough and dark look.

Off hand I would guess the purpose is to create a well of spirits. Why and to what purpose is probably shown in the temple somewhere, most likely near the alter.

It's funny how folks can be deeply involved with spiritual forces and never really see it.

Next time you go by have a little salt on hand, or leave an offering is my suggestion.

I have found that once drawn to stuff like this, remaining neutral is not the best course...choosing a firm course of thought and action is best depending on your inclination of course.

I have little trouble saying that there is rarely coincidence involved when stumbling upon areas like this, and even less when a person goes despite the warning feelings repeatedly, it is a drawing caused by the nature of this kind of spell.

From my perspective when drawn to a temple/alter/node, the choices available are to:stand in solidarity thus reinforcing said spell, guard against and ward and hide yourself, stand open to the forces insinuating themselves.

I recommend the middle road n'salt.


posted on Nov, 26 2013 @ 10:13 AM
I would agree that whoever painted the majority of these figures has dysfunctional mental tendencies coupled with a potential drug problem. If it was just bored youth then I'd hate to see how unstable these kids were. What makes a person who would paint something like this tick?

The south east is renown for witchcraft, the leader of the UK White Witches living in Hastings (12 miles away) and Crowley himself having died in Hastings (Also apparently fond of the town Rye).

In one of the pictures you can see a reference to another person or people. "In loving memory of those who built zeus temple'. Does this mean the people who originally built the building for whatever original purpose or someone who helped paint the walls and is now dead?

What does master and cabello mean?

The feeling when you walk into that place is indescribable even before seeing the stuff on the walls.
edit on 26/10/2010 by TechUnique because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 26 2013 @ 12:35 PM
Maybe the schools in that town should make mandatory art classes for the students. They really need it badly.

posted on Nov, 26 2013 @ 01:29 PM


I'm pretty sure you're imagining things.
Cut down on the coffee and conspiracy websites and that might help.

What kind of coffee do you drink? Or have I missed something?

posted on Nov, 26 2013 @ 01:46 PM
To AliceBleachWhite - for your information Rye is reputed to be one of the most haunted towns in England, give the OP a break... Plus some people are just more tuned in/sensitive to this kind of phenomena so who knows?

The incorrect spelling 'Aliester Crownley' initially just made me think some artistic satanic wanna-be just decorated these walls on a drug-induced trip...The two-headed alien creature on the right in pic 6 really reminded me of something I've already seen though, a cave painting maybe, but I can't seem to find it in a search.... Anyone else feel like they've seen this image before?

What's actually really weird & disturbing is that this outbuilding is apparently ON church grounds... Checked the location with the OP and the church services 400 members and is, in itself, a tourist attraction in Rye Harbour

If this building is legally on church land how come it hasn't been demolished or even just been given a god-damned clear up and cordoned off somehow? This is hardly the type of place anyone would want to accidently wander into, especially little ones. Very strange indeed.

Unless of course the church members themselves are responsible and like to hang out here after service...? Umm, I hope not...

posted on Nov, 26 2013 @ 03:34 PM
reply to post by TechUnique

Cabello is hair in Spanish.

Seems a nonsense.

Unless they misspelled cabal.

posted on Nov, 27 2013 @ 02:01 AM
Oho~ I used to take part of a coven back when I was a teenager and practice witch craft and it was pretty fun. We didn't worship Satan or anything, we just worked on spells that would improve humanity as a whole like trying to bring fortune to the misfortune, and those kind of things. Wicca is more or less about improving yourself in a positive way than it is summoning anything, which doesn't really happen. We considered ourselves as witches and those that would do the opposite and wish for misfortune would be regarded as warlocks I think. I can't remember the terminology my teenage years were a long time ago.

But I think OP is reading too much into it and I do agree with others that it's probably paintings by druggies rather than "occult followers". I do encourage anyone that is afraid of or thinks that the occult is evil to look into it and find out for themselves the truth that it's more about bringing happiness than it is to summon dark figures in the night lol

posted on Nov, 27 2013 @ 09:42 AM

reply to post by TechUnique

Ok dude what you need to do is go to your local butcher and ask him for some pig hearts, then go there, throw them around the walls and leave them laying about. Do this on a Friday, during the day. The kids that hang out there to drink/smoke and pretend to worship a dead god will freak seeing the pigs hearts and blood.

Bonus points if you can steal a skeleton from a local school to leave there too.

Unless that was all part of the plan to begin with...

posted on Nov, 27 2013 @ 09:50 AM
Crowley's data is honored by the best of occultists and the worse of occultists. That was his range. Too bad that those who would graffiti their ignorance onto public areas (i.e. paid advertisers and unpaid morons) couldn't find a legit line of work/play to go into.

posted on Nov, 28 2013 @ 07:14 AM
reply to post by TechUnique

My first thought was definitely that it was likely the work of one person, probably a schizophrenic, and likely someone with a drug problem. I definitely didn't get any weird or paranormal sense from it at all.

posted on Nov, 28 2013 @ 07:52 AM

I would agree that whoever painted the majority of these figures has dysfunctional mental tendencies coupled with a potential drug problem. If it was just bored youth then I'd hate to see how unstable these kids were. What makes a person who would paint something like this tick?

The south east is renown for witchcraft, the leader of the UK White Witches living in Hastings (12 miles away) and Crowley himself having died in Hastings (Also apparently fond of the town Rye).

Its amazing how similar this art is to Southwestern American ancient rock art and rock art world wide. Looks like the work of shamanism and hallucinogens.

posted on Nov, 28 2013 @ 02:38 PM

reply to post by TechUnique

Looks like a work done by a bored youth in a small town ,hoping to draw some attention or simply to have fun...The typical response due to the lack of fun things to do in such places...Sorry ,but that's all it seems like to me...But I would have really liked it if you posted some authentic pictures of real old buildings,temples,churches ,etc.

You give far too much credit to our youth culture in the UK haha.

posted on Nov, 28 2013 @ 02:49 PM


I moved to an Ancient town called Rye on the south east coast of England. The town itself gives me the heebie jeebies and I have quite often 'felt things' watching me.

I'm pretty sure you're imagining things.
Cut down on the coffee and conspiracy websites and that might help.

The place itself had the feel of a junkies squat and the artwork looks as though the artist may well have been under the influence of something at the time of inception.

Stick with that.
Anything more and you're overanalyzing, and letting your imagination run away with you.

If any of this stuff were recent, I'd say to look for some awkward kid wearing lots of black slouching around town attempting to look indignant, superior, and disinterested.

Could you be any more condescending?

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