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I have a vision... that i must and need to warn all people on earth!

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posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 02:08 PM
And sorry for my bad english as it is not my native language thou...

I have had a vision that you could call it a " prediction " or whatever you wish for...

A Super Volcano is gona to erupt somewhere in the west around mid year of 2014...

And this "super-eruption" is gona surprised many skeptics... destroying a country and killed billions lives...

I know nobody would believe me but calling/thinking me as nuts.. illusion etc...

After all i have done my part/duty to deliver this "bad news" to warn ye all...

It is late over here, catch ye later

What if Super Volcano eruption: Good Luck

So, we'd run away, right? Hmm. If only it was that easy. An even bigger problem than the lava itself is the ash. 64,000 Years ago, a supervolcano made a mess of what is now the US. Of the current 50 states, 21 were covered with a layer of ash, at some places was over twenty meters thick!

Well, who cares, you might think - we'd just dust it away. But it isn't that simple. Volcanic ash is not like the ash you find on the barbecue: it is made of tiny pieces of rock. If it falls on your roof, your house can collapse under it's weight. If it gets into contact with cars or airplanes, they will break down or crash. Even worse, if you inhale it, the ash will mix with the liquids in your lungs and form a cement-like substance. You'll literally drown in conrete!

So you'd take a boat to another continent, right? Wrong. Apart from lava, volcanoes spew out a deadly brew of toxic chemicals. There are sulphurous gases that turn all rainfall into a blistering downpour of pure sulphuric acid for years to come. There are all kinds of chlorine-bearing compounds, that break down enough of the ozone layer to turn the Sun into a real killer. There's carbon dioxide, the greenhouse gas that not only nibbles at the ozone layer, but also causes long-term global warming. And last but not least, there's soot. A super eruption will darken the Sun, and gradually push the Earth into nuclear winter. For many years, or even centuries, we will have to survive in darkness and cold.

Ok, we may be smart enough to escape from the lava and the ash, dodge the acid rains, survive the nuclear winter and protect ourselves against the killer solar radiation afterwards. But plants and animals definitely are not. We'd find ourselves in an increasingly empty world, as one species after another goes extinct. In the end, even the toughest survivalist would starve to death.

In fact, 74,000 years ago, humanity almost did. In those days, a supervolcano erupted in Toba, Sumatra. Quite a lot of scientists believe this is what pushed humanity to the brink of extinction: it is a well-established fact that in those days, humanity suddenly was reduced to a slim total of some ten thousands of men.

Alright -- but that was a long time ago, you might argue. Well, here's some bad news. Geologists agree that another supervolcano will definitely show up sometime somewhere in the future. It's a bit inconvenient no one knows where it will happen -- or when.

But that's not even the worst part. If you still want to have a good night's sleep tonight, better stop reading here. For actually, the next Magmageddon is due to arrive any day now.

At this very moment, a well-known supervolcano broods its ugly plans right under beautiful Yellowstone Park. On average, the Yellowstone supervolcano erupts once every 600,000 years - but the last time it erupted was 640,000 years ago. Oh, and by the way: in parts of Yellowstone Park, the ground has gone up seventy centimeters during the last century. Also, a lake has flooded,

A consequence of some innocent magma flowing from one place to another? No one really knows. It seems the stage is set for a very nasty surprise.

edit on 24-11-2013 by SophiaEveLee because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 02:22 PM
It's only a matter of time before another one erupts, and no matter where it pops, it will cause massive death and destruction because it will be impossible to evacuate the area in advance.

Then there are the long-term, global implications which will also not be pretty.

*shrug* Thank you for the warning, but if you're right there is nothing more to do than hope you're wrong.

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 02:22 PM
reply to post by SophiaEveLee

Blah blah, we're all gonna die, blah blah blah.

I don't believe you.

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 02:34 PM
These threads happen once or twice a week, every week. You are not special. This will not happen.

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 02:36 PM
reply to post by watchitburn

Likely not, but we are overdue for an eruption of at least one of the major supervolcanos. So, I'm not going to say never. Never say never.

However, the fact remains that there is no point in warning anyone about it. We can't do squat about it.

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 02:38 PM
Unfortunately, there's not anything we can do to prepare for that.

I had a dream (a very realistic dream) a couple of years ago, where i looked out our window and saw what looked like a pyroclastic blast coming across the field across the street, right at us. In my dream I couldn't get my husband to hurry up in the bathroom and get out of there.

He laughed at me the next day when I told him about the dream, and he said he wouldn't do anything different in real life either. We'd be screwed anyways.....

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 02:50 PM
This thread didn't scare me near as much as the one from my wife telling everyone that my mother in law was spending the day with us...

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 03:02 PM
reply to post by SophiaEveLee

I'm confused by your post.

Was it written by 2 people? Or is the top portion a quote of some kind, without quotation marks or source?

Or did your English miraculously improve mid-post?

I can't even begin to think about the content of the post as the delivery of the info doesn't even make sense as it is completely inconsistent without explanation...

If it's just me and I am reading it wrong for some reason, apologies in advance.
edit on 11/24/2013 by Riffrafter because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 03:23 PM
Remember when we were not so well informed about 'Super Volcanoes'?

I can' remember ever worrying about Super Volcanoes until all these documentary channels suddenly appeared 24/7.

Yeah they existed before we were well informed, yet there has never been a real 'Super Volcanoe' eruption in well, recorded history?

So one is probably due, but if it happens, where could we go? What could we do?

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 03:23 PM
Cool story bro

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 03:27 PM
I think you ate some bad pizza.

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 03:49 PM
reply to post by Cobaltic1978

We don't go anywhere. Although we might have mass migrations afterward in the general climate disruptions.

And all we really do is try to survive ... assuming our governance structures actually allow us to do what most organisms do - adapt. Imagine the insanity of governmental regulators:

"Mr. Smith, we see you have a ramshackle, unauthorized heating apparatus on this property."
"Yes, I need to keep my family warm because you shut down all the power plants and then this volcanic winter hit ..."
"Well, Mr. Smith, due to Global Warming we're going to have to shut this down because it puts too much CO2 into the atmosphere. You do understand that if it heats up another 2 degrees, sea levels will rise and ..."
"Sir! It's 29 degrees on the 23 of July ..."
"That doesn't matter, Mr. Smith, our regulations state ..."

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 03:53 PM

Remember when we were not so well informed about 'Super Volcanoes'?

I can' remember ever worrying about Super Volcanoes until all these documentary channels suddenly appeared 24/7.

Yeah they existed before we were well informed, yet there has never been a real 'Super Volcanoe' eruption in well, recorded history?

So one is probably due, but if it happens, where could we go? What could we do?

Yeah, the "newest" Supervolcano eruption was 69,000-77,000 years ago. It was Lake Toba in Sumatra. That is really long timeframe, but there isn't more accurate year. Its not even 100% sure it happened, its just a theory. It caused world-wide nuclear winter for 6-10 years, and 1,000 colder years. The "Bottleneck theory" proves it. For some reason ~70,000 years ago human population sharply fell to below 10 000.

Closest "Supervolcano" eruption during present days was Mount Tambora in 1815, which caused "Year without a summer". It was VEI-7 eruption, when Supervolcanoes are VEI-8.

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 04:37 PM
If a volcano like Yellowstone, goes off, we're in a lot of trouble, if its a huge erruption. Many erruptions happen, some have consequences to weather. For example, the ones in iceland made it rain for 3 years nonstop in fraser valley, to the point where I could count the number of sunny days between september and april on one hand. But we're moved, so not sure if its finally blowing over there or not. I should add, most likely are the culprit, there was a consensus amongst a few discussing this.

However, a disaster that would have national or continental or world consequences, whether it be volcanic, earth generated, or cosmic generated, can only happen if Higher Ups allow it and/or plan it.

So I just have faith. We need it here.
edit on 24-11-2013 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 07:18 PM
reply to post by Riffrafter

I'm confused by your post.

Was it written by 2 people? Or is the top portion a quote of some kind, without quotation marks or source?

The second half was lifted from this web site: The Floor is Rising, And We're Getting Hot Feet.

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 08:30 PM


So one is probably due, but if it happens, where could we go? What could we do?

That would depend on whether you've been good or bad during your life.

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 08:45 PM

reply to post by Cobaltic1978

We don't go anywhere. Although we might have mass migrations afterward in the general climate disruptions.

And all we really do is try to survive ... assuming our governance structures actually allow us to do what most organisms do - adapt. Imagine the insanity of governmental regulators:

"Mr. Smith, we see you have a ramshackle, unauthorized heating apparatus on this property."
"Yes, I need to keep my family warm because you shut down all the power plants and then this volcanic winter hit ..."
"Well, Mr. Smith, due to Global Warming we're going to have to shut this down because it puts too much CO2 into the atmosphere. You do understand that if it heats up another 2 degrees, sea levels will rise and ..."
"Sir! It's 29 degrees on the 23 of July ..."
"That doesn't matter, Mr. Smith, our regulations state ..."

LOL OMG thank you for that.. I really needed a good laugh today...

Tho... I could see it happening, which actually makes me want to just scream....


posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 08:46 PM

reply to post by SophiaEveLee

Blah blah, we're all gonna die, blah blah blah.

I don't believe you.

So, you don't believe we're all gonna die?


posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 08:59 PM
Thank you for trying to inform and warn people , I , for one , appreciate it.

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 09:48 PM
reply to post by ujustneverknow

Well, assuming this warning pans out ... what do we do about it?

We can't avert it, and even if we plan, it might not matter at all.

So the best thing we can do is say, "Oh well, at least it's not a total shock."

Any person who is serious knows major catastrophe can happen from many different quarters and they have plans to try to survive.

I won't spend the time I have left worrying because there is no guarantee it will come to pass, and if it does, I want to know I spent the time I had left enjoying it.

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