61% of Americans still believe it was a conspiracy, will we ever get an "official" story? The Onion did a funny article about it:
And in this video kids at an art school (some smart, some not so smart) discuss their theories.
Even within the conspiracy community there seems to be a lot of disagreement, do you guys think we'll ever get close to the actual truth after all
this time?
edit on 24-11-2013 by Notheycant because: (no reason given)
edit on 24-11-2013 by Notheycant because: (no reason
edit on 24-11-2013 by Notheycant because: (no reason given)
edit on 24-11-2013 by intrepid because: Swearing
removed from the title.
As soon as a spell is cast on the world and the largest mafias come forward and admit how and when they've murdered people...then I'm sure the U.S.
government will do the same in regard to JFK.
Until then, there is a plethora of research and information that non-mafia members have compiled over the years in regard to at least who murdered
JFK. There's also quite a bit on why as well.
Im 68 yrs old, and lived this #.....now I have to watch a whole plethora of useless kids pronounce their ignorance on the defining moment of history
that changed America from democracy to plutocracy in an instant.
We have never been the same since, but these jerks don't even come close to understanding their predicament...yea art school, part of the decline of
our civilisations dumbing down processes.....Charolette Isrbyt was 1000% correct.
Check her out on You Tube........
Ok, that was 2:35 mins of my life I will not get back...
Was there any value in that clip? Only a few moments of it were spent addressing the JFK conspiracy, the rest was just illustrating how not to hold a
boom mike.