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Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich is Racist, Says Portland School Official

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posted on Nov, 22 2013 @ 08:48 AM
This is the dumbest crap I have ever heard, this lady is looney.

So what does it mean though? Are peanut butter and jelly's not allowed? If so better ban tacos and burritos, curry, spaghetti, and any other dish that might make kids uncomfortable.

I hate the state we are in right now. What is the news making of this? I have not seen anything other than here and the link was very slow to load.

posted on Nov, 22 2013 @ 08:55 AM
reply to post by ChesterJohn

In that case Rice is racist, Pierogi's are racist, Corn is racist, Chop suey is racist, spaghetti is racist and on and on and on and on.

You forgot the fried chicken and watermelon! Those are big time racist foods and surely can't have little Johnny,Suezy, Juan, Kim, Yuki or Jerome eating such things as it could be racist. So what does that leave, a glass of water and a toothpick...Oh my bad, no water, it is insensitive and racist to drink water when others can't because of a holy day. So I guess that just leaves the toothpick...oops, my bad again, can't have wooden toothpicks someone might be offended and think it's racist that a tree was cut down and used.

edit on 11/22/2013 by pstrron because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 22 2013 @ 08:59 AM
reply to post by pstrron

I'm glad I'm not a teacher cause there would surely be firing me after I tell them to go stuff their entitlement BS up their ass and walk out of this kind of "TRAINING" program.
edit on 22-11-2013 by ldyserenity because: spelling

posted on Nov, 22 2013 @ 09:11 AM

This is about as bad as my friends 7 year old daughter got suspended for 2 weeks this Halloween for dressing up as the wicked witch for their school Halloween party. Because it could offend real life witches out there.

That's sad I never get offended. In my faith the green witches are symbolic of the garden or herbal witch. Except in that Wizard Of Oz movie, now that offends me because only the wicked witch was green. -.-

I see that she dressed up as the Wicked Witch but still I don't get offended but Hollywood's depiction of Witches does offend me...but a costume is a costume, it's not the kids' fault they may have a negative view of Witches it's Hollywood's fault.

Halloween is Halloween where you dress up as other characters and people. I also think the guy suspended for painting his face black on Halloween is ridiculous, his two partners in crime that day were also really black guys, they were a team of three only the one guy was white and only he was suspended. Total ridiculousness.
edit on 22-11-2013 by ldyserenity because: add

posted on Nov, 22 2013 @ 09:12 AM
reply to post by ldyserenity

They simply do not see or comprehend how moronic it is to call PBJ sandwiches racist. But then again there was that moron that decided to call French Fries Freedom Fries just because the French gov wouldn't allow military aircraft on a combat mission through their airspace.

posted on Nov, 22 2013 @ 09:13 AM


It's considered a poisonous food source. Seeds grow food. People eat food.

edit on 22-11-2013 by StoutBroux because: (no reason given)

but the reason of the Genetics to crop plants like corn, wheat, rice etc. . . was to remove the source of seed. you may eat it but it wont grow if you plant it.
edit on 22-11-2013 by ChesterJohn because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 22 2013 @ 09:38 AM
Now I want a PB&J sandwich thanks... Anybody got some bread?

PB&J is like what the poor people eat much like ramen. Go ahead and ask any privileged child if they ever ate one, my guess no, not unless they spent a little time with a child of less fortunate family. Or was being punished.

posted on Nov, 22 2013 @ 10:12 AM
reply to post by pstrron

What's racist is the statement that peanut butter and jelly is racist.

Racism against whites has become all the rage. It is so bad that I recently saw a post at another forum claiming James VI and I of Scotland and England was black. These people are attempting to rewrite history in an absurd fashion.

What is frustrating about this is that people are not sanctioned for their racism in the same way whites are. It's okay to slam whites. Many whites tolerate it out of white guilt, which is stupid in itself.


posted on Nov, 22 2013 @ 10:28 AM
I had PB&J on club crackers for a snack the other night. Whats that make me?

Racist gang banger because I used "club" crackers.

posted on Nov, 22 2013 @ 11:42 AM
reply to post by pstrron

There's a comment on the original source article that better explains the PB&J "issue". Apparently, it's a common writing assignment in the schools where students are asked to describe how to make a pb & j. With that information, it makes sense as a student from another country may not know that information and would get docked for the assignment. The original source article should've better explained that so it didn't look quite so dumb.

The enlightening comment:

As a teacher - I know that a very commonly used writing assessment is writing a process piece describing how to make a PBJ. The assumption going in is that obviously everyone knows how to make a PBJ and can describe it. The problem is that this assumption just isn't true - and assessing kids' writing side by side, when one understands the topic and the other doesn't understand it - gives a very biased result.

The drum corps from the original source article is actually a hotter issue than the question of the pb&j. A black or Hispanic boy's only drum class. Guitterez stated “When white people do it, it is not a problem, but if it’s for kids of color, then it’s a problem?”, which is absolute rubbish. If a public school were to approve a white-only club, it would get shot down so fast for racism. Heck, segregated sports teams have come under fire now and then for being segregated/sexist.

Original source article:

posted on Nov, 22 2013 @ 11:59 AM
If eating PBJ sandwiches is racist, then I'm probably one of the greatest bigots to ever post here because it's pretty much the only kind of sandwich I eat.

I don't even know who that would make me racist against. I'm so confused. I always thought it was just food and not a metaphor.

posted on Nov, 22 2013 @ 01:20 PM
There's nothing wrong with pointing multiculturalism out to kids and explaining that some cultures don't eat bread the way we do. To say different cultural food preferences are racist though is insane.

posted on Nov, 22 2013 @ 04:58 PM
Think of it the other way around.

It's racist for them to say we cannot eat PB&J.

Clearly a marketing scheme from PB&J companies to start a social networking meme of people protesting taking pics of themselves eating sandwiches.

posted on Nov, 22 2013 @ 09:38 PM

Think of it the other way around.

It's racist for them to say we cannot eat PB&J.

Clearly a marketing scheme from PB&J companies to start a social networking meme of people protesting taking pics of themselves eating sandwiches.

To make that claim gives power to the idea that a sandwich is racist in the first place. The idea is ludicrous, racism exists in ideas not in physical goods.

posted on Nov, 23 2013 @ 09:36 AM
My daughter likes peanut butter and honey sandwiches .. not peanut butter and jelly.
So does that mean we are only half racist?
BTW .... she's 100% hispanic.

posted on Nov, 23 2013 @ 02:26 PM
This is why I'm so not a fan of blogs because they so often skew perception over what was actually stated in the original article. It's not that the sandwich, itself, that is racist. It's the assignment of a lesson that requires the student to describe how to make a pb & j sandwich, which is fine for most kids but those who have recently immigrated may not know what a pb & j is and immediately become disadvantaged in the lesson.

The same kind of issues arise in intelligence testing. ESL children do not test as well as primarily English speaking children because they have to translate the test and then answer, requiring more time and effort on the part of the child. Creates a lower score.

In fact, the original source article for that blog post did not even implicitly state that pb & j sandwiches are racist. What was stated was that the lesson used the subtle language of racism in that it is exclusionary and slanted towards non-immigrant children. However, if one really wishes to live in a world where one believes that somewhere an educator thinks that pb & j sandwiches are inherently racist, knock yourself out.

posted on Nov, 23 2013 @ 03:44 PM

Now I want a PB&J sandwich thanks... Anybody got some bread?

PB&J is like what the poor people eat much like ramen. Go ahead and ask any privileged child if they ever ate one, my guess no, not unless they spent a little time with a child of less fortunate family. Or was being punished. [/quote

e]everyoone eats peanut butter and jelly, don't they?

posted on Nov, 23 2013 @ 03:50 PM
reply to post by WhiteAlice

That could go either way , an American child probably wouldn't know many ethnic dishes.
but I do get your point, just how many different cultures eat peanut butter we should check this out.

posted on Nov, 23 2013 @ 03:52 PM
What about the KFC Doubledown. Is that alright?

posted on Nov, 23 2013 @ 04:00 PM
Peanutbutter used to be considered a heath food eaten by the rich, so did jello, btw.

and it is eaten in other countries.7

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