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You are the Light of God

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posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 10:48 PM
reply to post by randyvs

If you keep his commands you will remain in his love,

Wrong !

God doesn't turn his love off and on with the flick of a switch.
He loves the sinner and hates the sin. So you're whole premise is wrong.
The wages of sin is death. Do you even understand that ? And that it
is that way thru no fault of Gods ?

See you simply want things your way.
You're exactly what put us where we are today. At the mercy of an evil
rigid world that the devils own hate for mankind shines thru on
us every day. And imprisons us in a slave society where we must work our
whole lives for the simple roof we live under.What men should have simply
because we are men. I'm sorry my friend but you set your self up to be
very disappointed. Because there will be only one truth in the end.
And you aren't even close.

Until next time.

edit on 21-11-2013 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 11:11 PM
There is nothing but light being seen and the light is good.

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 11:18 PM

There is nothing but light being seen and the light is good.

Heh, nice one. It really knows its stuff.

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 11:30 PM
reply to post by randyvs

Did you just say that Jesus is wrong? Really? Because that's exactly what Jesus says! You just struck out.

John 15
10 If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father's commands and remain in his love.

According to you, the highlighted part is wrong. I think you just called Jesus a liar. LOL!

Apparently god does turn his love on and off like a light switch. If he didn't, he wouldn't send billions of people to suffer forever. Good thing your god is not the true God.

You have to wonder, in a slave society like we have where we are constantly lied to about everything, why would those in power let the ultimate "truth" spread like they have with the bible and the churches teachings? Not only do they not stop this "truth" from spreading, they actively support its spread!

Tell me that isn't backwards.

You have nothing to say about Jesus not desiring sacrifice but mercy? Why do you keep avoiding that particular issue? Is It because you have no answer to it?

By the way, I am not the one who has let the world become what it is today, it is people like you who have let it become this way. You know why? Because you believe Jesus will come back and fix everything for you, so you do NOTHING but sit on your hands and wait for him to come and do it for you. People have been doing that for 2,000 years now, and guess where all that waiting we've been doing has gotten us? Look around you and you'll see.

posted on Nov, 22 2013 @ 12:09 AM

reply to post by randyvs

John 15
10 If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father's commands and remain in his love.

What do you think you have to do to 'remain' in his love?

posted on Nov, 22 2013 @ 12:13 AM
reply to post by Itisnowagain

You always remain in his love by the act of existing, but when you love others they will return that love and you will feel that love within you. But in a deeper sense, we will always remain in his love.

posted on Nov, 22 2013 @ 12:17 AM
reply to post by 3NL1GHT3N3D1

One has to remain in presence to know of Gods love - if one wanders out of presence then one is cast out of presence - who was it who was cast out of presence (projected in time)?

One must realize that nothing ever escapes presence - that there is only presence.
All is arising presently - unconditionally - without condition is love.
edit on 22-11-2013 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 22 2013 @ 12:25 AM
reply to post by 3NL1GHT3N3D1

You have nothing to say about Jesus not desiring sacrifice but mercy? Why do you keep avoiding that particular issue? Is It because you have no answer to it?

Negative. I just don't see it as an issue.

posted on Nov, 22 2013 @ 12:29 AM
reply to post by randyvs

How so? Cognitive dissonance comes to mind here.

posted on Nov, 22 2013 @ 12:33 AM
reply to post by 3NL1GHT3N3D1

You can't help yourself why don't you leave him alone?

What's wrong with you?

posted on Nov, 22 2013 @ 12:34 AM
back on topic.

reply to post by 3NL1GHT3N3D1

What I also consider is that it all appears to have arisen by intent and by anticipation from a first cause and that therefore the first Father of all creation precedes the causality matrix which begs the question of whether such a one might still be "hiding" even if it's in plain sight.

To a single photon of light everything is touching, acausally. And every single chemical reaction in the universe involves the emission or absorption of a single photon of light at the quantum jumping between valences.

Could it be then that what we see arrayed before us, with us included in it, is the manifold display of one very very tricky photon with God in back of it who said let there be light!

Big and small, big and small.

God bless you, whoever gave me a star for that. i'm so glad i (lost my left shift key) am not alone, that we are not alone. God i'm sure is thrilled also, that we are here, in him and with him, however hidden he and his love may be to our unseeing eyes, that cannot perceive the one who sees all where it may be said that to be is to be perceived (an axiom of quantum physics and the only resolution to their paradoxes).

thank you god, you rock!

It (I have to use the right shift key for caps heh, i guess it's not a "left hand path" after all!) was a good idea and the right thing to do (to create the worlds).

I am truly grateful.

We all are, in our innermost heart of hearts' desire & i praise God that you are God (and no i don't just mean you the reader as much as i'm certain that you are indeed a very precious one) - so that the final object of our deepest desire, however unseen or unknown or hidden, nevertheless exists. So thank you also dear heavenly Father for being who and what you really are. I (we), love you too, very much and by your creation, including us, we know and we can see your loving creativity, even Majesty and splendor - thanks, thank you God, for sharing it all with us including everything shared back and forth by actually having been one among us, as a brother, and son of man even son of God (you can't leave Jesus out of the equation it's just not fair, or appropriate!0.

Help us though God as you (and we) are willing and as you see fit in your divine wisdom - to get the blinders off and the scales off our eyes, so that we might at least begin to see you for who and what you are, and if the Christians are right, maybe even some day get to really see you, in person.

Oh the joy at the mere prospect! but in the interim, to the degree that we remain blind, we will try our best to notice and recognize your handiwork in the creation of the earth the moon, the sun, the planets, and the starry skies. Well done, God. ..not that God requires any accolades (he knows himself too well) but i think it does also give him joy when we, by finally noticing, in sudden recognition fall in love with him for doing it, without the desire to ever be apart from God who is our center and our source and the object of all our desire but in a way that also retains our freedom and our own capacity to really love and learn how to trust.

And why would we want to exclude Him (right shift), who's invisible powers, even to the very Godhead can be clearly seen by what is made?

Extraordinary. What Joy, and Love is this?!!!

i can almost hear God's own joyful laughter (oh Ho HO!) yes, just like Santa, a belly laughter in his elder years, decked out in a red cape with white trimmings every winter solstice thereafter (after leaving town, instead of getting "beamed straight up", for a full life full lived in all the right ways and for all the right reasons, with us, with WE in mind, right from the very get go where when the last are first and the first last, the very best of the best is always held in reserve (resurrection life).

oh those two, you gotta love em, and to have successfully pulled this one off this extremely practical joke at our own expense, or at the expense of what wasn't even worthy of us to begin with, while holding the whole of all the treasures of heaven in reserve for those who simply love them, for loving us first (quicker on the draw than the "evil one").

Yes. We love you too God. Very much. Thank you for being for being you, for being real and for keeping it real, and protecting everything of value whole holding it all in reserve for us, for "we" at the one table of the Lord.

posted on Nov, 22 2013 @ 12:42 AM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

Nothing is wrong with me, he's the one that came into my thread and the one who keeps replying to me.

Once he leaves me alone I'll leave him alone.

posted on Nov, 22 2013 @ 12:45 AM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

I starred you brother.

I really like your positive attitude, it resonates with me. Even if we don't agree on everything, I still consider you a brother.

posted on Nov, 22 2013 @ 12:54 AM
reply to post by 3NL1GHT3N3D1

Nothing is wrong with me, he's the one that came into my thread and the one who keeps replying to me.

Your thread ? Wrong again. And I was thinking obsession myself.
And this thread isn't the only one you've displayed such focus.

I don't believe your arrogant BS you put in the opener and I said so.
And I think you're wrong and I know it sucks to be wrong. But you
can't do this forever can you ? Niether can I, so......

Once he leaves me alone I'll leave him alone.

Am I supposed to be bothered here ?
edit on 22-11-2013 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 22 2013 @ 12:57 AM
reply to post by 3NL1GHT3N3D1

Me too.

ahhh but did it make you smile so much that you were temped at one point to actually start to giggle and laugh out loud like a little kid?

i don't care if you agree with me intellectually, but only that there's a real opportunity to really grok together and try on other paradigms even if only just for fun to see what they look like, and if they hold up to scrutiny, evaluation, analysis and even heartfelt discernment.

you think yours is a doozy, you should try mine on for size just for fun..!

i used to have one exactly like yours before i adopted what Carj Jung called a working theological framework by which to enter the fray with one's entire being. It cost me a lot let me tell you.

i'm sure you're paid a price too for your own conceptions and worldviews i know i have, and so these paradigms i'm tossing around they are HARD FOUGHT, and i've been to the wall, and to the rock and a hard place etc etc, by which to bring these "boons" back to average everyday Joe. It's a thankless task but somebody has to do it.

But there's no boon to be had if no one is willing to try the other guy's hard fought paradigm on for size, and you can take and leave whatever you like - just don't throw the Jesus-God thing out, like a baby in bathwater, that's all i'm sayin. there could be something to it you'd never considered before for the life of you, and if we're right it's an object hurtling our way from the end of time, but which might never arrive absolutely 100% or there might be nothing left at all to do, nothing exciting anyway, when all is said and done.

Nothing is lost, everything of value has been preserved including our own selves/souls. It's crazy.

Eternal life. That's the free gift. Whoa!

How it will all unfold is anyone's guess.

It's for God to know and us to find out, bit by bit, even from life to life to eternal life, beginning with the end in mind.

"Heaven" could also be better than expected, too, if it's even possible to begin with and if THIS creation is any indication, talk about "go BIG or go home"!!! then surely that is nothing to be concerned about (by trusting in God).

edit on 22-11-2013 by NewAgeMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 22 2013 @ 01:02 AM

reply to post by NewAgeMan

I starred you brother.

I really like your positive attitude, it resonates with me. Even if we don't agree on everything, I still consider you a brother.

you cannot truly be my brother until you and Randy are also brothers..

oh god it's so funny!!!

edit on 22-11-2013 by NewAgeMan because: typo

posted on Nov, 22 2013 @ 01:09 AM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

you cannot truly be my brother until you and Randy are also brothers..

Ok fine, we are all brothers in the light. Fair enough ?

posted on Nov, 22 2013 @ 01:23 AM
reply to post by randyvs

It is my thread, I created it didn't I? Or is this your thread now?

You can call me arrogant all you want, but I see everyone on an equal playing field. We're all brothers and sisters. If anything is arrogant it is the belief that you are part of a select group of people who will live forever in eternal bliss while the majority are burning forever. THAT is arrogance, whether you believe it or not.

Your hostility shows that what I say actually challenges your belief system and makes you insecure. You cannot refute what I say and know that Jesus contradicts Christian doctrine and even went as far as calling Jesus himself a liar, so you start to throw insults and snide remarks around. You have done it before in one of my threads and I doubt it will be the last time I see it.

And no, it is not supposed to bother you at all.
edit on 22-11-2013 by 3NL1GHT3N3D1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 22 2013 @ 01:23 AM

reply to post by NewAgeMan

you cannot truly be my brother until you and Randy are also brothers..

Ok fine, we are all brothers in the light. Fair enough ?

Brothers In the light of LIFE who IS Christ. He also believes in a cosmological Christ Randy, a worldview driven in part by the desire to avoid the implications of Jesus the Christ of all Christs, but which in the end renders a God as Christ who's very throne is the firmament of the heavens themselves, with man made in the same image of God, Jesus being nothing less than God in the flesh, because if he can't be the light of life itself given his reasoning and logic, then i don't think there's any one among us who is, to like take his place. That's absurd. He knows that.

Good for you Randy for standing your ground, but there's no need to be snarky about it, he wants to be our brother.. ?

So yeah, brothers in the light of LIFE.

You and i of course both know that where two or more Christians are gather there will He be also..right?

So haven't we out-Jesus'd him right out of the gate then, and here he STILL wants to be our brother. LOL!

posted on Nov, 22 2013 @ 01:24 AM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

He is my brother, only we don't get along all that well. Even though we don't get along, I still love him.

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