posted on Nov, 20 2013 @ 12:18 AM
This subject is really starting to fascinate me. I have gone so far
as to purchase the book, "The Trickster and the Paranormal".
What's very fascinating to me, is the threads people have written
about government researchers and others who are interested in
fringe topics, "hitting a wall" that "sees them coming" and moves
away.. irritatingly.. just one inch away from capture and seems
to be laughing at the researcher. Does that properly characterize
the phenomenon?
Now, I've never experienced that phenomenon BEFORE. Not in
52 years. The subjects that I was interested in - things of a
mystical nature, including very esoteric and supposedly
'impossible to understand subjects' that drives others mad
for a lifetime: pretty slam dunk for me. Oh sure I had to put
my time in.. try multiple approaches.. and sure I was ignorant
for various periods of time.. sometimes for years.. but I'm
QUITE stubborn when I want to accomplish something.. I think
I could wear down almost anybody or anything. But never once
did the goal-posts seem to be moved or the target of inquiry
seem to be resisting.
Well that's changed a bit now.
When I focus my intention on certain phenomenon, controversies
and people.. not only do I get some active push-back, but I get
a taste of that "PSP" phenomenon. Just a little. I'm getting a bit
of teasing.. nothing serious. Now that doesn't make me want to
give up. OH NO. What that has done, is that now I'm using my
skills to SOLVE the PSP phenomenon. And if any 'beings' are
involved with this phenomenon, they are going to get a good
spanking, if they do not comply. Well that's my attitude
anyway. And that attitude has not gotten me any 'fairy-like
teasing retribution'. Not at all.
This is my 'secret project'. I love telling people that I have a
secret project.. it's fun.. and then I usually spoil the fun
by telling people what my secret project is. But that doesn't
mean I stop calling it a secret project. For example when I
was working on the "problem with evil" project, I told my
friends that I had a secret project for over 2 years while
I worked on it; about once per week. Actually in that case
I was a turd and didn't divulge what the secret project
was.. as I knew they would have no interest in it.. which
two years later when I told them about it, proved to be
true. But it was fun for me anyway.. (geeze, that sounds
pretty psp behavior-like to me!).
So I'm researching the PSP phenomenon, not the phenomenon
that they are presumably protecting. Sounds juicy fun!
For example when I was attempting to verify whether there
were any real, active UFO vessels present on the Earth, that
are stationed here full time: I found one! In fact I was stuck
inside of it for 2 solid days and couldn't get out of it (it was
stuck in the view of my inner eye). It was very educational
but a bit annoying. I don't know if I was being PSP'ed, or
whether this was just my own awareness which was obsessed
with the experience. Frankly I think it was some of both.
In another example, I was slightly curious about what the
government knows about the UFO phenomenon. Well
I found myself 'stuck' about 3 feet above the desk of
a high-ranking letter agency official. Now what was
annoying about this, is that all I could see was a package
of green cellophane wrapped candy, turned upside down
so that I couldn't even see the manufacturer's label on
the candy. I would on occasion see file folder edges
flash around the edges of my perception, but I couldn't
move the field of perception to read the document.
Who uses documents and not computer screens anymore
anyway? What a tease. I did feel frustration on the part
of the person in uniform who was buzzing back and
forth to his desk. Of all things it seems that he was
researching PSP's. Oh now naughty! This person was
also worrying about Iran.. but you don't need to be
psychic to think that would be the case. Oh how
Anyway.. a fascinating phenomenon. I have an
initial impression what's going on.. but since this
is such a critical thing to get straight I'm going
to mull over this for an extended period of time.
Any inputs from people that better describes
the way that PSP play with people might be
helpful to my investigation.
Of course I might just discover that I'm not cut
out for this effort and don't have the skill. I
really can't predict how this will turn out.