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State Rep. Uses Sledgehammer To Destroy Homeless People’s Shopping Carts

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+5 more 
posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 10:09 AM
State Rep. Tom Brower (D) is going around town smashing homeless people's shopping carts. Hopefully this is a symbolic reference to his future as a politician. What a madman.

+3 more 
posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 10:18 AM
Tom Brower needs a psych evaluation.

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 10:25 AM
reply to post by eggman90

so this is how boring Hawaii is? I thought Ohio was top on the list, seeing this, I dunno. Hawaii I always thought should be a paradise the last thing I expect to see is a bunch of people running around the city sledgehammers smashing everything, doesnt that just make a big mess? Meh, good thing I never went to Hawaii, Ill stick to my New Zealand getaways, noones running around there with sledgehammers.

Actually this looks kind of fun, its legal in hawaii to go around destroying things with a sledgehammer, maybe im doing it wrong I could seriously unload some stress if I could go around smashing things that displease me, I guess homeless are fair game there, maybe we could hunt them or something?

Hmm kind bad of me to judge Hawaii I think when people here run around punching people randomly for fun.

edit on 19-11-2013 by tigpoppa because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 10:27 AM
reply to post by eggman90

Destroying store property! Around here people are charged for stealing carts. I hope this man is charged. Buawhahaha.

+19 more 
posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 10:27 AM
My line of questioning after viewing the video is, "Who is this helping?"

It's not really addressing the issue of homelessness, or providing support to those who find themselves in such an unfortunate situation, it's just removing their ability not to carry what meager possessions they might have. Not only that, but he really is vandalizing private property - those carts are still technically the ownership of the stores they are from, are they not? If I were a local owner of a Trader Joe's in Hawai'i I would be sending Congressman Tom Brower a nice bill for all the carts he has damaged or destroyed.

+10 more 
posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 10:32 AM
Woohoo !! I'm gonna take a leaf out of his book and take a sledge hammer to the stolen property politicians have abandoned, maybe I'll even rent a bulldozer and invite some of my friends, I mean all those second homes paid for by the tax payer ? you can't live in both of them at the same time, take em down lads !!! more than one car you say ? crush um !!!! who said being insane needs to be boring Yeeha

+11 more 
posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 10:48 AM
Wow, what a dick. I hope some citizens take a sledgehammer to his car.....

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 10:57 AM
reply to post by eggman90

One of the more interesting finds on ATS today. I wonder why the press is 'hammering' this guy.

Don't know what else to say.


posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 11:04 AM
This guy is NUTS. Really, he's nuts. There is something wrong with him at a fundaMENTAL level.

By his turn of logic, any one who houses a homeless person deserves to have their home smashed in.

Why doesn't he just pick up the carts?

The carts are not his to destroy and, at least in CA, he'd be fined and arrested for his actions regardless of his job.

The worst part of this entire thing his he went on television proudly showing off this hammering skills. What is quite interesting to me is that "homelessness" and "crime" are not so horrifying that what he is not criminal. Were he doing this over parking in the redzone he'd be jailed, but we now see homelessness as something that is akin to commie pinkos.

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 11:10 AM
reply to post by FirePiston

I know people can be charged in possession of stolen property but surely there is a statue on destruction of stolen property!!! IMHO the moment this unbalanced person takes that cart and moves it that he is now in "Possession of Stolen Property" moving stolen property not to return it as he should be but to destroy that.

Shopping carts 35 years ago when I was working at Co-Op Bottle Shop paying my way through University were costing the company $295.99! The Store Manager announced the price of $295.00 each so that if we see one on the way to work to return it! I added the $.99 as all prices have a $.99 on the end LOL, I am sure he was rounding down.....

My point is 30 * $295.99 = $8879.70 now if someone uplifts that price to todays real value I believe we have a value of a nice nearly new car.... If someone steals said car and destroys it correct me if I am wrong is Grand Thief Auto! Some of the carts should be identified by store managers... why has no charges been filed?????

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 11:41 AM
reply to post by eggman90

Another fine example why not to award clout to a sociopath, and how to identify one in action.

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 11:47 AM
Those carts aren't "abandoned". The people that use them are sleeping nearby with all their stuff. They put their stuff like sleeping bags and bags of cans in the bushes overnight with them so other people won't steal it.
They really do need that cart to carry their meager belongings around with them during the day so people won't steal them.

Tonight, thirty more carts will go missing from store parking lots.

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 11:54 AM
reply to post by eggman90

Take a good, hard look at this freak Ladies and Gentlemen...this is the kind of deranged filth you are expected to elect into office...

I would have thought a more radical option would have been better to address the homeless in the area...i don't know...something along the lines of GIVE THE HOMELESS SOMEWHERE TO BLOODY LIVE YOU BRAINLESS GIMPS! homeless problem and no histrionics required from muppet would-be politicians.

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 12:07 PM
Why is he allowed to vandalize private property? He should return them to the stores if he is so concerned about this. This man is just grandstanding for publicity and should be arrested for vandalism.


posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 12:13 PM
reply to post by eggman90

reply to post by MysterX

reply to post by loveguy

what a scum sucking douche,

he got tired of trying to get laws passed, so this is his reaction.
and he still hasn't tried to pull this sh!t and actually take a cart away from a homeless person yet, you can be sure his security escort/bodyguards [who are obviously being kept off camera at the mo'] will be quick with their clubs, tazers and guns if any homeless person takes offense.

lol, I've a shopping cart in my back yard: come and get it, douchebag!
I've a ball peen hammer awaiting,
just 2 taps to the prefrontal lobes will cure what's wrong with you...
edit on 19-11-2013 by Metaphysique because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 12:22 PM
reply to post by eggman90

beyond disgusting. IMHO, the ELites and their henchmen* must be either going bonkers themselves (=mad) or they are going all out with apathy and hatred for the current condition of society ---->Yet, they choose to push harder instead of addressing the TRUTH... for that would be an admission of personally doing more harm than good. and Futhermore, it would threaten that which all the HENCHMEN hold dear... PAYCHECK w/benefits and PENSION!

* Note: YIKES, that is a massive amount of people! (ceo's, court/LE, and govt. employees)

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 12:24 PM
Our tax dollars at work.

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 12:28 PM
Well...this kind of goes hand in hand with Hawaii looking to ship the homeless back to the mainland..


A new homeless initiative in Hawaii is raising some eyebrows, and the department in charge of implementing it has concerns of its own.

As part of a larger housing bill in July, the state Legislature approved $100,000 per year for a three-year pilot project that would help get some homeless people off the island and back to their families on the mainland. Participants must leave voluntarily.

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 12:31 PM
reply to post by eggman90

This guy is a moron.

His answer to homelessness is to destroy shopping carts that they use to carry the few items they have? That's his answer to the problem? Really?

This is why I try not to pay attention to politicians. They are a bunch of overpaid bimbos working for the largest mafia in the world.

edit on 19-11-2013 by OrphanApology because: d

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 12:57 PM
reply to post by crankyoldman

In other words, a normal politician. Maybe he just likes smashing shopping carts for no good reason, but needed an excuse and it just so happens to be really lame? I can't say how legal it is, I don't know too many laws in Hawaii.

I say let him, he'll get bored with it, and that sledge hammer will probably just sit in his room gathering dust when he finds something else he likes instead.

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