reply to post by AliceBleachWhite
Ahhhhhhhhhhh . . . when your argument or evidence won't reach sufficient criteria to stand . . .
attack the messenger. Typical of your perspective.
Interesting that you didn't even attempt to deal with the solid evidence and points I mentioned.
As to my multiple posts . . . I see you haven't been registered very long. Perhaps you are unaware that it's my style to go through a thread I'm
interested in and comment on as many posts as strike my mood to comment on. It might be 4 or 5 or 20. It's one of my recreational activities.
As to maturity . . . cute . . . I'll stack my 66 years up against your whatever any day.
Haughty Religion of Pseudo-Scientism blather doesn't substitute for maturity in my construction on reality--nor in my experience and observations.
Thankfully, some folks realize that
one pint of milk in a vertical column is
to a pint of milk in a same sized column slanted at 30 degrees.
Obviously some are not mature enough to know the difference--still being below Piaget's CONCRETE OPERATIONAL stage.
I'd have thought that example was communicative to folks with a minimum of "scientific" maturity. I guess not.
The FACT remains that a slanted skull volume containing essentially the same cubic centimeters as a non-manipulated, non-slanted skull volume is a
tragic evidence of horrific child abuse.
IT does NOT explain skull volumes at least 25% larger to maybe near double or more the non-slanted or slanted human skulls.
None of your blather has explained away that FACT.
None of your blather has explained away several other CONCRETE FACTUAL differences between normal or manipulated HUMAN skulls vs the
genetically elongated skulls.
Some more links worth the interest of fair-minded, more mature folks:
= = =
The Conehead Skulls of Peru: Alien, Ape or a Lost Human Species?
Thursday, September 19, 2013
The conehead skulls of Peru have been dismissed as the result of 'binding,' but these are not bound skulls. In fact, they aren't even human skulls.
They do not have the right bone structure to be human
and they have far larger brain cases. In fact, the native
practice of skull binding may have represented an effort to make themselves appear more like these creatures.
Skulls found in Paracas district, in the same state as the Nazcar lines in Peru, have many skeletal differences in comparison to a normal human skull,
and this suggests that the elongation in their case could have been a natural phenomenon and not artificially induced. A normal human skull possesses
three cranial plates, the frontal plate and two parietal plates, but the Paracus skulls have only two, one frontal and one parietal. The volume of the
skull is 25% larger than an average human skull; the nose and eye sockets are larger, and there are two holes suggesting a nerve supply feeding the
back of the skull, which is not a typical human feature. The bone of the skull is also much thicker than that of a normal human skull.
So artificial skull elongation as part of an elaborate 'self-enhancement' procedure does not explain the difference in overall volume or the other
differential features seen in these cases, including larger jaws and fewer teeth. Even so, anthropologists still remain unconvinced that the skulls
are from an extraterrestrial race.
In 2011, however, Renato Davila Riquelme of the Privado Ritos Andinos museum in Cuzco, Peru, found two small mummies in the village of Andahuaylillas,
a settlement which used to be part of the Inca empire. The new remains had huge skulls which were almost the same size as their 20inch bodies. A
fontanelle, or small hole, was noted in the skulls, suggesting that these were the bodies of children, but this theory was confused by the fact that
the skulls contained fully developed adult molars.. Hydrocephaly has been mooted as a possible cause for the misshapen heads, but medical
professionals who have since examined the skulls stated that this explanation was not consistent with the deformity observed.
. . .
Read the original source:
= = =
Is this an alien skull? Mystery of giant-headed mummy found in Peru
Skull has soft spot, found in infants, yet also two large molars, found in older humans
Three anthropologists agree: 'It is not a human being'
UPDATED: 14:59 EST, 24 November 2011
A mummified elongated skull found in Peru could finally prove the existence of aliens.
The strangely shaped head - almost as big as its 50cm (20in) body - has baffled anthropologists.
It was one of two sets of remains found in the city of Andahuaylillas in the southern province of Quispicanchi.
The skeletal sets were discovered by Renato Davila Riquelme, who works for the Privado Ritos Andinos museum in Cusco in south-eastern Peru.
He said that that the eye cavities are far larger than normally seen in humans.
= = =
Brien Foerster reveals exclusive details about elongated skulls from Peru
. . .
I sent, and will send more molar teeth to him, which are perfect for testing, since the DNA is safely protected in the pulp in the interior of each
. . .
Foerster: Simply put, to be blown away, and to throw their preconceived notions, and any history books in the garbage. We have a lot of proof that
some of the most famous stone megalithic buildings in Peru and Bolivia are as much as 15,000 years old, and were not made by the Inca, but more
ancient and auburn elongated skull people, some of whom were called the Viracochan. Recent tours I have done have included British and American
engineers who can clearly state that the bronze chisels and stone hammers of the Inca, found in archaeological digs could not have made these
structures, whose immense scale defy belief, and who are fitted together without mortar; in some cases a human hair can't fit between these massive
stones, some weighing more than 100 tons.
. . .
Foerster: There is no chance that the fetal skull was compressed after death. All of the elongated skull people were of noble royal blood, and were
very carefully buried.
Examiner: Do you believe these skulls are the remains of aliens from another planet?
Foerster: There is a possibility that these are in fact human/alien hybrids, but only DNA testing can prove that. If there are DNA strands from them
that don't match the international human genome data base, which they will be compared against, then we have real "smoking gun" data showing that
aliens once may have visited this planet, and mixed with humans, or protohumans.
. . .
NOTE: I realize that Foerster is not part of some folks little fat-headed club of high priests of the religion of Scientism and therefore is only to
be derided by such folks as beyond the pale of "sane" or "rational" fair-minded consideration as a source of anything mature or worthy of interest
or attention.