Ah yes.
Ninja Assassin...decent flick.
The acting was a bit "meh" but it was action packed.
I had a slight problem with the "mach 5 shuriken" but no movie can be perfect!
@ trollz:
I could only sit through a few minutes of "Rampage" (I really don't like Uwe Bol) and even though I forced myself to sit through "God
Bless America", once the credits began to roll...I wished I hadn't.
I can only imagine by the pattern of "lone gunman/school massacre" movies you posted that "Reb & Vodka" is probably more of the same.
Sorry sir...not my cup of tea at all...but I am not judging.
Thank you for posting them.
Oh yes sir.
Love me some Jet Li.
He & Jackie became my fave's after Bruce died.
It's only recently that Tony Jaa and "Raid Redemption" brought me back to asian martial arts movies.
Oh, silly me...I almost forgot about Donny Yen!
One of my favorite Jackie Chan fight scenes...
Bradley James Allen...like WOW. First caucasian on the Jackie Chan stunt team...now you can see why!
That's all for now folks.
You bring together my favorite poem ( by Dylan Thomas), my favorite star (yes I have a man crush) in one of the best action movies (The Rundown) and
you get this scene.
DeNiro vs Pacino for the first time.
What's not to love?
@ Angelchemuel...
Very nice selection.
If there was EVER a type of cinema I missed, it's b&w.
Not because of the quality of the image but the mindset of the society at the time.
While a half-black man in the roaring 20's would have been a lot worse off than than I am now, I still yearn for a more simple time.
Silent film just takes me there.
Thank you very much for posting.
For a "web series" Mortal Kombat Legacy wasn't bad...if you can overlook Jeri Ryan as Sonya Blade.
Season two however had no such "casting" flaws IMO. Plenty of action and a slightly different spin on the classical origin stories. Worth the
I never bothered with the Bourne series after the first one but parts II & III did feature some impressive asset vs asset action. I detest most movies
where a merciless murdering spook gets a second chance at redemption...it leaves me with no one to root for.
Scott Adkins is another underrated action movie fighter who deserves a tip of the hat. His portrayal of Yuri Boyka is impressive to say the least.
That boy has some serious moves. My favorite fight of his takes place at 2:32 on the clip.
Micheal Jai White I didn't take to at first. I disliked Spawn and it tainted my opinion of him for many years.
He is also in Mortal Kombat Legacy season one as Jax, but I prefer him as Bone. Notice how his opponent is Johnny Cage from MKL season one?
Time to revisit Tony Jaa. I had no idea Tarentino was behind this guy. Jaa's goal is to show original martial arts action and I would say the man has
suceeded. His rampage in "The Protector" is spellbinding.
I expect to see much more of this guy in the future.
I shall post a few more later but for now...Enjoy!
edit on 19-11-2013 by Eryiedes because: Bad Link
edit on 19-11-2013 by Eryiedes because: Added
Some awesome clips in their. Ip Man has some of the coolest fight scenes ever (that one in particular is extremely awesome). I actually just watched
The Protector for the first time the other day. Some wicked scenes in that one too
I was wondering when The Terminator was gonna be making another appearance.
Nice selection indeed.
Anything Grindhouse pretty much exemplifies over the top but that's the secret of its appeal IMO.
Appologies to the younger members...these are classics coming up...translation: crusty old.
Now I know what some of you might have been thinking. You saw the thread...became curious to see what kind of nonsence was going on and then
saw that despite it's title, it didn't start with one of the most epic scenes in movie history...so you moved on.
"He started with Assassins? Freakin' Noob!"
Well I'm suprised no one posted it first...or any of either of these guys first...so I'm here to rectify the situation with a little slice of cinema
history. The only time Chuck Norris ever lost...
Well...since I'm here I may as well throw a few more up. First off an honerable mention to Hollow Point...it still cracks me up even though
it's from 1996. Clips for it are as hard to locate as a Saquatch but there is one...
This next one is from the man who revolutionized the action genre. None other than John Woo...
(Yes, I have a man-crush on John Woo...deal with it.)
Well, that's a lot of testosterone in this thread...time for some estrogen. That Anne Parillaud really cleans up well doesn't she?
Hadda sneak that one in there somewhere...
You just KNEW this one was coming up. CTHD was a breath of fresh air at the time. The entire movie was mezmerizing from start to finish...but when
these two decided the friendship was over, those low-end bass tones signaling untold epicness still makes my hair stand on end...
(There were some better quality clips but none of them showed the fights conclusion so...)
Although this is one of Michelle Yeoh's better movies this clip doesn't really do her justice but is the best firefight scene in the entire movie.
Game of thrones isn't exactly a movie but i imagine it deserves honorable mention. I don't care much for it but it did have its moments. Case
in point, when the smug & devious Jamie Lanister finally meets his better in Brienne of Tarth. Not the best fight in the series but Lanister was such
a d-bag, it was nice to see him finally lose at swordplay...
Time for one more before I boogie. This next one isn't an actual movie...it's a fan film that seems to come across just as good as any
mainstream movie could ever hope to. Kudos to the team that put this one together. It is a fantastic action sequence though...
(Nina Bergman...gotta remember that name.)
edit on 19-11-2013 by Eryiedes because: Repair Link
Well, I was bound to nerd out on ya at some point...might as well get it over with.
Only one word is needed really.
I guess I wouldn't be a total nerd if I didn't include some Trek too...
I'd like to note, the Scimitar's head-to-head attack run on the Enterprise's bridge was one of the highlights of the movie...and probably one of last
times I liked Star Trek before J.J. Abrams (Spits at mentioning his name) erased it all.
Maybe a different type of Sci-Fi? Some Equalibrium maybe?
One final unconnected honerable mention for Welcome to the Punch. Definitely worth your while to watch...real gritty UK action. Best scene of
the entire movie can be best summed up as Selfless Commitment...
edit on 19-11-2013 by Eryiedes because: Alteration
Some of you maybe wondering: "What clip could possibly show up here next?"
Let's find out then shall we?
Many Denzel fans out there have no clue that Man on Fire is a 1980's Scott Glenn remake.
The original story was set in Europe and despite the location and the ending, ran pretty much the same as the reboot...so we'll post both for
posterities sake.
(Sorry...I could only find a trailers.)
Well...since we're on the topic of "reboots", let's just continue on with Total Recall. I want to go on the record saying I didn't like
the latest one but that's okay since I didn't exactly love the first one either.
What ruined the first one for me? Arnie.
What ruined the second one for me? Colin.
I had originally intended to post the Sharon Stone vs Rachel Ticotin fight in the "estrogen post" earlier but the clip was of such poor quality, I
simply moved on to Michelle Yeoh.
And now the "new & improved" version...
For our next reboot, we have an unusual film with it's roots in the 1970's.
I loved the first Deathrace 2000". Sure, I was too young to realize what a good film was but that didn't stop me from rewatching those scenes
with an old RCA Selectavision, playing the shine right off the movie disc. The remake made me squirm a bit at how far they'd deviated from the
original film but as far as wasting a few hours goes, you could do a lot worse. I think it was the dark sence of humor in the first one that makes me
prefer it to the remake.
(Sorry about the interspersed german clips in that last one but that's all I could find about the original. At least there were sub-titles for those
parts! I will say the subs become tedious when you get to Stallone's part though because...let's face it...he talks way too much!)
Now, let's take a quick look at Planet of the Apes.
(Some of you out there just cringed...I could feel it! Don't worry, we're going to stay away from the stupid ones!)
Those who have seen the original will forever have the image of Charlton on his knees in front of Lady Liberty. Anyone who says otherwise is lying or
hasn't seen the movie. Had such a serious crush on Nova when I first saw her but was so young at the time I wouldn't have known what to do
with her if I had her!
"Wanna look at my frog collection?"
Anyways, the reboot's choice of Marky-Mark in the lead gave me immediate reservations about the flick. It was probably a year or two after it came
out before I saw it in it's entirity but after all was said and done, I found it only moderate in that (IMO only) it tried to fit, into a single
movie, what the 70's took three movies to explain. The whole "ape & man as friends is the only hope" tagline was pure unadulterated hogwash...they
killed each other all off with a big freaking bomb and that was all she wrote. Or at least, it should have
been...who was responsible for doing that anyways?
Oh, yeah...Tim Burton...that figures.
(Trailer is all I could find on it but the climax with the rocket engine was the scene I was trying to post, but no such luck.)
Finally, let's visit...The Batman.
Just the franchize starters so for Micheal Keaton, this means it's 1989 and Jack is the Joker.
More Tim Burton...wonderful.
Then came Christian Bale and wouldn't ya know it...the American Psycho pulled it off in spades. I've never seen a better Batman him and now
that Batfleck is up next, likely never will again. My only Bale critique in his Wayne portrayal...talking to yourself in the Batman voice is
stupid. There, I said it...
Time to add a few dusters...
I haven't always been a fan of the western but there have been a few that definitely stood out above the rest. Let's start with The Quick
and The Dead tonight...
Next up are a few clips from Tombstone. I always loved the line: "I'm you're Huckleberry"...
edit on 20-11-2013 by Eryiedes because: Too many Links
edit on 20-11-2013 by Eryiedes because: Still too many Links