Seen movies that have cam out recently. But not so much in the past.. like paranormal movies/ghost movies,godzilla stuff, so my question to you ats,
whats some movies youd recomend to me? something within the last 12 years.. more leaning towards giant beasts or something like that, dragons etc..
ill leave it up to you ats.. ( trying to get a good movie for tonight to watch)
Last night I watched Heavenly Creatures (1994) and was pleasantly surprised! Especially when I found out it was a true story. I had never heard of
these 2 girls or their story or this movie before last night.
I agree, Legend is a must watch! Can't beat the Harry Potter and LOTR series' either. King Kong was better than I thought it would be. Reign of
Fire has the best dragons and theory about dragons ever. Eragon was pretty good too.