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The Best Zapruder film stabalisation yet in HD.

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posted on Nov, 18 2013 @ 08:14 PM
reply to post by Ollie769

A new documentary "Reelz Channel's "JFK: The Smoking Gun"on a different theory are floating around somewhere, i saw it on tv recently.
According to that documentary, it was a secret service agent "george hickey"in the followcar that by accident did the headshot.
the followcar had a "ready to go" automatic rifle on the floor in the back of the car.
as the shots rang out from the library, he grabbed the rifle forgetting or not knowing that the safety was off.
as he had the rifle pulled out and was proceeding to scan for the shooter the caravan of cars sped up,
resulting in the agent loosing his balance and pull the trigger.
the following bus with journalists and whatnot smelled gunpowder because they was directly down wind from the shot fired.
They then by design or not created the conspiracy, apparently to protect the agent/agency.
I found the documentary and the guy who made the ballistic and following assumptions to be very belivable.
and i have forgot all about any grassy nole shooter.
But im sure the saga continues despite.

edit on 18-11-2013 by Curious69 because: (no reason given)

edit on 18-11-2013 by Curious69 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2013 @ 08:26 PM
reply to post by Zanti Misfit

I believe you are right on, Zanti. A while back (maybe last year) I saw another film that I don't think was shot by Zapruder. It clearly shows the limo driver turning around and shooting the President. Wish I could find it but don't know where to look.

posted on Nov, 18 2013 @ 08:37 PM

It clearly shows the limo driver turning around and shooting the President.

Get out of here! I take it that you believe neither Jackie or the Connally's wouldn't have noticed this action?

Kennedy's assassination was a triangulated crossfire act from different points of Dealey Plaza. Oswald firing three shots from a static position in rapid succession over a period of 9 seconds would have enabled people to pin-point his location quite quickly. A triangulated crossfire would directionally confuse people...each shooter fired only one shot, of which there were three or four. The limo driver was not one of them, no matter what you think you perceive in the non-remembered film.

posted on Nov, 18 2013 @ 08:38 PM

reply to post by Zanti Misfit

I believe you are right on, Zanti. A while back (maybe last year) I saw another film that I don't think was shot by Zapruder. It clearly shows the limo driver turning around and shooting the President. Wish I could find it but don't know where to look.

If any film showed that, im sure you would have no problem finding it. really? the limo driver in the most exposed and filmed vehicle. why not just elegantly loop a handgranade on jackies

posted on Nov, 18 2013 @ 09:25 PM

The throat shot looks like it came from the front.
See the people in the front left of the car ducking and scurrying away?
They heard the shots near them, so it was a front shot

their reaction in no way means that the shots were coming from their direction. ludicrous.

they had a clear view to witnessing the kennedy carnage, so that, coupled with any gunshot sounds that clearly would have been heard no matter the direction of origin, would have precipitated their very natural reaction.

posted on Nov, 18 2013 @ 09:50 PM

reply to post by FlyersFan

As the very close up snuff vids in this thread show Jackie was not trying to collect skull pieces (one of her favorite hobbies along with studying insect migration and collecting bottle caps) but was trying to get away from that thing that a few seconds ago was her husband but was now an empty head. She almost gets shot, the head explodes all over her, she does the O thing with her mouth, pushes the corpse away and bolts. The skull piece story was a nice way of saying she didn't panic.

I read an interview with her that was done years later. She was asked what she was doing climbing on the back of the car and she stated that she was 'trying to get a piece of the skull to put him back together', which seems a normal response to an utterly abnormal situation. Far from panicking, she refused for quite a long time to let them take him into the hospital because she 'just wanted to be alone with him' and not have everyone see him like that. Finally one of the SS men covered his head with a coat and they got Kennedy away from her. He was still having agonal breathing at that point but they only got an EKG reading on him for a few more minutes.

The doctor in Trauma Room 1 where Kennedy was taken said afterwards that 'Mrs. Kennedy had come in and handed him a piece of brain tissue, skull and scalp and asked 'will this help?' She had been seated outside the Trauma Room door in a folding chair, covered in blood and brains, holding on to it.

The woman was obviously in shock, fully and completely.

As to the discussion up above about head shots and how much they bleed, actually, not that much. The car was covered in skull parts and brain matter that sprayed everywhere (testimony from people at Parkland who saw it before it was partially cleaned up) and blood but not as much as you'd think. It's certainly not a spreading red puddle like in the movies, that would be arterial bleeding in a body with a still pumping heart; with that much damage, his heart wasn't pumping much of anything rather quickly. If you look closely, you can see that a lot of blood went off the seat and down onto the floor, too.

My information comes from a year and a half of being an autopsy assistant in a major hospital. Granted the bodies we worked on were chilled and quite long dead, but when you take the brains out, you barely get any blood at all on your hands. It's yellow white in there, not red.
edit on 29081011pmMondayf08Mon, 18 Nov 2013 22:08:29 -0600America/Chicago by signalfire because: addendum

posted on Nov, 18 2013 @ 10:15 PM
This is a fascinating interview with the doctor who stood at the President's head during the resuscitation efforts. Oddly enough, he also officiated when Oswald was brought in mortally wounded, operated on Connelly, and years later assisted in an operation on Abraham Zapruder.

posted on Nov, 18 2013 @ 10:26 PM

Ahh ATS..

Where else can you find people who A: do not understand physics yet are masters of it, and B: do not understand human reaction to tragedy yet claim it is evidence of conspiracy.

Cross my palm with silver, and enter into the circus of the absurd.

Ahh ATS..

Where else can you find people who A: do not understand physics but yet tell us to believe blatant lying official stories, and B: do not understand human reaction to ANYTHING yet claim it is NOT evidence of conspiracy.

Cross my palm with Saturn, and enter in the circus of the OWNED.

posted on Nov, 18 2013 @ 11:03 PM


Zanti Misfit
reply to post by OneFreeMan

Mrs. Kennedy was not " waiting " for anything in that Film , she just reacted to her husband being shot , and then tried to pull him down on her lap to protect him . I also noticed that in HD , you can Clearly see the Fatal " Head Shot " came from the direction of the FRONT OF THE CAR.....Hmm...
edit on 17-11-2013 by Zanti Misfit because: (no reason given)

If you know anything about bullet wounds, you'd know that exit wounds are MUCH bigger than entry wounds. The head shot came from the rear. The brain matter even flies forward, just like it should. That would not happen if the shot came from the front. If anything came from the front, it was the neck shot.

I'd agree with you but looking at the autopsy report the front of his head is intact.

Not only that, isn't it said that Jackie jumped out of the car to grab part of JFK's brain?
If that is true then wouldn't that happen from a front shot rather than a rear shot?

And one last thing, if the bullets were coming from the rear, why run to the rear and not duck down?
edit on 30pm1111pmMon, 18 Nov 2013 23:05:32 -060030 by Taggart because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 01:16 AM

reply to post by OneFreeMan

what was used ???

maybe this

Remington XP-100

221 Remington Fireball

Maybe something along these lines;

Or definitely something along those lines.

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 01:30 AM
Jackie activates the squib with her left hand, transfers the activation chord
to her right hand, where it (or some other part of the contraption) recoiled back
onto the trunk, where she quickly scrambled to retrieve this vital piece of
damning evidence.
Her 'story' of retrieving part of JFK's skull to put him back together is weak,
very weak indeed.

We have been fooled now for 50 years. Most of us continue to be.

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 01:52 AM


It all depends on what your views on 9/11 are! Think about the official conspiracy
(the next layer after Oswald) and the implications of it. The vast amount of people and
agencies needed to co-operate and conspire to kill a president defies belief. Either they
conspired in a dastardly murder or in a devious hoax. Which trumps which depends on
your knowledge of what really happened on 9/11.

This just occurred to me;

In numerology JFK = 10-6-11. Turn it upside down and you get....11-9-01, which
since JFK was Irish, represents in European dating Sept. 11 2001.

There are no co-incidences.

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 02:20 AM

And since I've written this once already today on this site, I'll do it again in case someone is interested.

I was speaking with a woman, a professional health care provider I had known for a few years, and politics came up and she remembered her Uncle was a secret service agent assigned to guard LBJ in his last years.

Her story was that the former pres was under constant "suicide watch" and was drunk most of the time. He would often get sloppy and cry and repeat "I killed him, I f**kin killed him" and the agents who overheard this oft repeated behavior were positive he was referring to Kennedy.

So any other questions remain, but knowing this woman and her veracity, I'm sure that her uncle really was a Secret Service agent and that this happened just as she told it and thus, that LBJ was at least partially responsible, or at the least implicit, and a conspiracy occurred.
This post gets you a star from me Baddogma...LBJ's mistress also stated that he told her the day before the assassination "those g###amn Kennedys won't bother me after tomorrow.So I believe what you posted to be true.

Thats what I meant about Texans knew who was responsible.If Kennedy would have lived,LBJ would have probably gone to prison.
edit on 19-11-2013 by crazyeddie68 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 06:18 AM
reply to post by Curious69

I did not mention anything about a " Limo Driver " in my previous Post . I said the Fatal Head Shot came from the Direction of the Front of the Presidents Car . Possible Directions being the Grassy Knoll , the Overpass , and the Sewer Drain on Dealey Plazza in front of the Overpass .
edit on 19-11-2013 by Zanti Misfit because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 11:17 AM
reply to post by crazyeddie68

Yes, that info about LBJ being a drunken, suicidal wreck who repeatedly confessed in his last days settled a few things for me about the whole deal.

The convoluted, odd, unnecessary noise added to the affair (like Jackie had a squib to detonate ... HUH?) just makes it seem like insanity fodder, but an old fashioned coup makes the most sense.

Not to say other people with other motivations weren't involved, too... dunno... and other people actually shot him... but I believed the woman and I had been puzzled by the assassination for decades and now feel like I know who was behind it, at least.

Oswald was likely just a patsy, probably pissed off LBJ at some point. I had forgotten that bit about about LBJ's mistress... so much noise around the killing. LBJ... what a dick.

Oh and re: the first post, LBJ was complicit (not implicit) ... thanks to auto correct and predictive texting on my smart phone.
edit on 11/21/2013 by Baddogma because: stuff

edit on 11/21/2013 by Baddogma because: (no reason given)

edit on 11/21/2013 by Baddogma because: frenzied editting and g*&da*&ed phone keeps adding it's own ideas ... so back to laptop.

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 01:51 PM
Look! Jackie! No Blood!

She had her husband's massively punctured head in her lap for
the ride to the hospital. And yet...And yet.....

I knew someone who had a minor head cut once. There was blood everywhere!

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 06:31 PM

Jackie activates the squib with her left hand, transfers the activation chord
to her right hand, where it (or some other part of the contraption) recoiled back
onto the trunk, where she quickly scrambled to retrieve this vital piece of
damning evidence.
Her 'story' of retrieving part of JFK's skull to put him back together is weak,
very weak indeed.

We have been fooled now for 50 years. Most of us continue to be.

Just been watching youtube videos based on the "Evil Jackie" theory. I have to admit, although I am a junkie for rabbit holes, I've never seen this one. It really is fascinating, although, Holy Cow, what a stretch for the imagination. When you watch the Zupruder video with this theory, you will never look at it the same way. Crazy world!

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 06:42 PM
reply to post by teslarocks

My favorite Zapruder film "never look at it the same moment" is when Mrs. Connolly, with shots ringing out all around her, lays back in her seat and covers herself with what looks to be an entire bush. When someone on ATS first pointed that out it was my only "laugh moment" associated with the Z-film.

edit on 21-11-2013 by Aleister because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 06:55 PM


Jackie activates the squib with her left hand, transfers the activation chord
to her right hand, where it (or some other part of the contraption) recoiled back
onto the trunk, where she quickly scrambled to retrieve this vital piece of
damning evidence.
Her 'story' of retrieving part of JFK's skull to put him back together is weak,
very weak indeed.

We have been fooled now for 50 years. Most of us continue to be.

Just been watching youtube videos based on the "Evil Jackie" theory. I have to admit, although I am a junkie for rabbit holes, I've never seen this one. It really is fascinating, although, Holy Cow, what a stretch for the imagination. When you watch the Zupruder video with this theory, you will never look at it the same way. Crazy world!

That is a false lead to cover the faked heart of matters.
Read my posts here to see Jackie's real role in the production!
edit on 21-11-2013 by OneFreeMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 07:21 PM



Jackie activates the squib with her left hand, transfers the activation chord
to her right hand, where it (or some other part of the contraption) recoiled back
onto the trunk, where she quickly scrambled to retrieve this vital piece of
damning evidence.
Her 'story' of retrieving part of JFK's skull to put him back together is weak,
very weak indeed.

We have been fooled now for 50 years. Most of us continue to be.

Just been watching youtube videos based on the "Evil Jackie" theory. I have to admit, although I am a junkie for rabbit holes, I've never seen this one. It really is fascinating, although, Holy Cow, what a stretch for the imagination. When you watch the Zupruder video with this theory, you will never look at it the same way. Crazy world!

That is a false lead to cover the faked heart of matters.
Read my posts here to see Jackie's real role in the production!
edit on 21-11-2013 by OneFreeMan because: (no reason given)

Wow. Just took a peek at your site. There goes my night. Thanks Free Man

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