posted on Sep, 13 2015 @ 11:22 AM
Maybe we should be asking "WHEN?" seeing as we're all going to be involved and so need to get ready?
It will kick off next year in 2016 - this is a date I've always known and everything thus far is heading towards that point.
WW3 will truly be a global event. Knowing it's so close is horrifying. Global war isn't so easy as nation against nation for straightforward reasons -
the previous two were crazily complex; so much so that we still can't unravel them. There are many conflicts today and all of them are totally complex
- so don't imagine WW3 will buck any of these trends and be simple!
In fact it'll just begin one day and when it ends no-one will know why it happened - pretty much like every war. Does it matter? When we're all dying
and suffering the world over and we don't know what's going on or when it will stop, are we going to care about the who, what, where of it all?
The situation is now escalating to an inevitable point and we have gone over the top of the hill and are hurtling down it to the bottom where we'll
splat into the ground - that splat will be WW3 in 2016 and we can't stop it now; it's too late - so it doesn't matter who, what, where or why - all
that matters is that it will.
However, nothing is going to occur as most people imagine or think they know; especially people in the USA with their Russia fixation. The East is
where to look - but as I say, there's no point; if you knew it wouldn't make any difference - what would you do about it?
"The dragon rises in the East" and when we get to June 2016 you'll see.