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WWIII who's it going to be with?

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posted on Nov, 17 2013 @ 12:45 PM
well ok that sounds reasonable somethin i would do getting invaded from both us and china and south korea if they ever tried anything except a threat or test.

posted on Nov, 17 2013 @ 01:06 PM
World Wars have become a thing of the past. We only had two in the 20th century and none in the 21st so far. The reason for this is the decline of global empires. The global empires came to an end after what we call WW2 but, was more like WW20. In the centuries before that global wars were fairly common. Our own Revolutionary war was a part of a World War. Now outside of the US nobody has the global reach needed to fight a global war. So long as the US remains so completely dominate another World War is nearly impossible. Regional wars on the other hand are more possible. Again the threat of US intervention have made even these rare in the modern world. We live in the most peaceful time in human history as hard to believe as that may be. The most likely chance of larger conflicts I can see is in Asia. With the Russians on one border and India on the other you have 3 nations with a big chunk of the worlds population bumping up against each other for resources. That China ends up in conflict with Russia or India in the next 50 years would not be a suprise.

posted on Nov, 17 2013 @ 01:13 PM

When I was in High School my journalism teacher said China and the US, doesn't look that way now, but who knows, she said history repeats itself and China was once ruler of the civilized world. Religion would have us believe it will be Christians against Muslims, but really countries go to war over resources and money, not religion.

You have never heard/read about the crusades??? Or the Muslims push westwards along the Mediterranean African coast? (finally stopped in Spain, and at the gates of Vienna)

posted on Nov, 17 2013 @ 02:07 PM
wars happen all the time and i believe once is likely to spring up soon somewhere.

posted on Nov, 17 2013 @ 02:41 PM
reply to post by Spookybelle

I never knew about that, makes you think what could have happened.....

posted on Nov, 17 2013 @ 09:42 PM
ok so what are we believing on the actions that will occur (WHEN) WWIII happens. i know it will be totally destructive in every way.

posted on Nov, 18 2013 @ 05:09 AM


When I was in High School my journalism teacher said China and the US, doesn't look that way now, but who knows, she said history repeats itself and China was once ruler of the civilized world. Religion would have us believe it will be Christians against Muslims, but really countries go to war over resources and money, not religion.

You have never heard/read about the crusades??? Or the Muslims push westwards along the Mediterranean African coast? (finally stopped in Spain, and at the gates of Vienna)

Religion was used as an excuse or reason for war, it was not the cause or the real reason, In both cases you cite, the real reason was land, money and the expansions of empires. America has in the past gone to war over Mom and Apple pie, seriously? Propaganda is designed to gain support for wars amongst the masses, it is just that, propaganda.

posted on Nov, 18 2013 @ 07:18 PM
yes but religious wars and conflicts are pointless

posted on Nov, 18 2013 @ 07:44 PM
You can say that religious wars and conflicts are pointless, but all you need is for there to be a regime with nukes and a belief that if they can only wipe out enough of the world's population, they will force the coming of their great end times savior.

Or if you need enough chaos gets sown between the big boys that they don't know what's going on, someone may get itchy and press the button to launch the birds.

Basically, never underestimate the power of human greed and stupidity and lack of education, either. The last generation to have learned the lessons of war on this scale are pretty much dead and schools do not teach the horrors of world war the way they should. As a result, you have a new generation that tends to think of these things in pretty academic terms. They talk casually about the sacrifice of millions of billions for the greater good.

posted on Nov, 18 2013 @ 08:06 PM
even in a sever conventional battle it can be largely serious but having conflict and wars over who or what is occupying some kind of holy land.

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 11:20 AM
I think world war III will be an electronic war fought by robots and drones and via proxy,and since those gadgets cost a lot more than the actual soldiers, and people living in proxy lands would not tolerate interventions any more,i assume there will be less fighting during the present century than the last.

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 12:35 PM
The next major war is the Gog-Magog war. Russia, Iran, Syria, Sudan, Libya, Turkey, Lebanon and Gaza verses Israel after Israel strikes Iran. Israel nukes the hell out of the invasion forces and Israels nuclear defense systems keeps them safe from any nukes from Russia, that and a promise by other nuclear NATO countries like France and the U.S. to strike back hard if that many nukes are launched from Russia.

Israel wins and leaves Russia with 1/3 the Army it has now. The peace deal from the Anti-Christ stops this war.

Th next world war will be all nations against Israel for nuking all those poor evil bastards who attempted to invade tiny Israel. The A/C starts this war as he never had any peace in mind for Israel.

Israel still wins with God laying a biblical beat down on the A/C and his Satanic army.

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 12:38 PM

yes but religious wars and conflicts are pointless

Tell that to Iran and the rest of the nuts in the middle east who think their Mahdi is coming back to help them defeat Israel.

Israel has waited more than ten years for someone to stop Iran and their quest of ruling the middle east with nukes.

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 02:50 PM

The next major war is the Gog-Magog war. Russia, Iran, Syria, Sudan, Libya, Turkey, Lebanon and Gaza verses Israel after Israel strikes Iran. Israel nukes the hell out of the invasion forces and Israels nuclear defense systems keeps them safe from any nukes from Russia, that and a promise by other nuclear NATO countries like France and the U.S. to strike back hard if that many nukes are launched from Russia.

Israel wins and leaves Russia with 1/3 the Army it has now. The peace deal from the Anti-Christ stops this war.

Th next world war will be all nations against Israel for nuking all those poor evil bastards who attempted to invade tiny Israel. The A/C starts this war as he never had any peace in mind for Israel.

Israel still wins with God laying a biblical beat down on the A/C and his Satanic army.

That is a very bizarre grouping of nations. Turkey is in NATO and has a long history of hate with Russia and with Syria. Syria of course is in a civil war and not a position to go to war with anybody. Libya is barely a country and can not even get near Israel. Lebanon is a broken mess as well. Sudan is not even one country anymore with the end of the Civil war North and South Sudan spend all their time clashing with each other and could care less about Israel. And on top of all that Russia and Israel have growing ties and are closer now then ever before. And how will 1/3 of Russias Army be destroyed when will still be in Russia where Israel could not even hit them and Isreal would need lots more warheads. None of that even makes any sense.

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 03:36 PM
In my humble opinion, it will be a crusade that leads into a world war. The main player has to be, looking at the current state of the world - Israel.

Looking at Israel geographically, it is surrounded not only by Muslim nations but by nations and races of people which consider the location and even the existence of the state of Israel as an abomination - even blasphemous act against Islam.

Israel, being in the position that it is in is ideally placed to be where the preliminary action takes place if any at all. This would obviously draw in Western allies and UN nations to try and enforce "peace" which we all know would develop into a full blown conflict in the region. Obviously by opposing Islamic nation's the US in particular would loose influence with the Arabs and the Saudi's and would become target to military action itself which would draw in most European countries.

So in summary, i believe it will be a religious crusade by Muslims to reclaim Palestine which will then lead into a regional conflict between western and Muslim forces which will then lead into a Christian/Western united force locking horns with an Islamic force backed by communist regimes.

I do however think Russia, as long as it remains a federation to stay neutral in any conflict until its interests (Oil/Territory) is directly threatened.
edit on 24-11-2013 by TheGreatest because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 05:14 PM
George Friedman said that Russia would have on last hurrah in 2020-2025 time frame. But the real threat will be from Japan in the 2030-35 time frame from guess what? That's right, resources. He stated that Japan will forge an alliance with Turkey and that there would be a world war. This time due to energy, fresh water, rare earths, etc. They would attack the USA capability of space warfare and surveillance. They would attack China, again.

It's a great book of trends over the next 100 years. So far, he's been on the money.

posted on Nov, 25 2013 @ 06:28 PM
well all that we know or i know is that it will happen someday it kinda needed.

posted on Nov, 28 2013 @ 11:02 PM

The next major war is the Gog-Magog war. Russia, Iran, Syria, Sudan, Libya, Turkey, Lebanon and Gaza verses Israel after Israel strikes Iran. Israel nukes the hell out of the invasion forces and Israels nuclear defense systems keeps them safe from any nukes from Russia, that and a promise by other nuclear NATO countries like France and the U.S. to strike back hard if that many nukes are launched from Russia.

Israel wins and leaves Russia with 1/3 the Army it has now. The peace deal from the Anti-Christ stops this war.

Th next world war will be all nations against Israel for nuking all those poor evil bastards who attempted to invade tiny Israel. The A/C starts this war as he never had any peace in mind for Israel.

Israel still wins with God laying a biblical beat down on the A/C and his Satanic army.

Disagree. Napoleon had it right: God is on the side with the best artillery.

posted on Dec, 1 2013 @ 09:30 PM
There has been a lot of unstable bizarre stuff that has went on after 9/11 and the 2008 stock crash.Could be over the economy debt growing worse and worse and radical Islam.

posted on Dec, 8 2013 @ 12:57 AM
China vs Russia is a scenario that is not impossible. Today it seems unrealistic. Only 25 years ago that was an issue of the day for USSR. A long and heavily armed border on both sides between two "socialist" contenders.

Today seems their interests match. For how long? China copied all Russian weaponry given by Russia benevolently - from jets to air defense to subs, to ICBM.

Now seems China engaged heavily on the East - with Japan and other smaller nations. With main opposing superpower - that of USA. But don't forget the ancient Chinese "Art of War". That all may be delusion.

Medvedev said recently Russia and China will not be competitors. Why did he say that when everyone knows Russia and China are together in SCO and other agreements?

If USA stands down for any reason, Russia's biggest enemy automatically will become China. China the most populous country, economy N1 and terribly well armed, is just the next door neighbor of vast lands of Siberia that Moscow will see hard to defend. Europe is of no military match for Russia. China is.

Well, imagine that happens before the stepping down of USA. For whatever reason the Chinese have for themselves. They know they cannot rule the world. They will hardly invade USA or even Japan with one only carrier versus many. But they can pour thru the Northern and Western borders with Russia or thru the territory of Kazakhstan, at flat terrain where the roads, railroads and pipes run. It is much easier to reach far West thru Kazachstan than if attack thru ridged Siberia with limited roads. Once they enter Russian territory Russia cannot "nuke them" unless it nukes its own cities and infrastructure. This is a vast land connected from West to East by only one - two railroads. Two-three massive incursions from Vladivostok to Kazakhstan will break apart communications, and Russia will see itself separated into pieces larger than Europe. Will it start nuking Chinese cities as a result? I don't know. Let not forget the fact China itself has anywhere between 300 and 2000 warheads, carried on medium range missiles such that were scrapped by Russia. Russia cannot avoid those missiles land on its territory because they are just too close.

Does Russia contemplate China scenario at all?

The Russian latest and biggest drills since the end of Cold War were done all they way from Siberia to Sakhalin, moving hundreds of thousands troops and tanks along the longest railroad. That is nearly bordering China on the North. That show of might praised by Putin as never seen since Soviet time or even during that time, comes to warn someone. America? America has to fear only the ICBM not the ground forces. Jaan, with the staged sea attack of island Sakhalin? May be. Perhaps it was equally a warning to China while pretending to be a warning to Japan.

China grew too strong for too short time. Something like Imperial Japan from the Russo-Japanese war 1905 followed by the Japanese invasion of the East Asia, followed by WW2.

What side will USA take in such scenario? At one moment, USA may need to save Russia from collapse. Unless it is ready to deal with a superpower China stretching from Urals to the Yellow sea.

The nukes alone could not win territory. Putin put all efforts in making new nukes and new delivery systems, such as new generation subs and ICBM not to be caught by the American ABM. May be the danger is not so hi and far. Still formidable, the Russian ground forces may have lost momentum after endless cuts and re-organizations of units. They may not find themselves fit to withstand the hard trained and organized biggest army of the world, that of China. Moreover, they will fight against their own weapons for most part. Will China advance at all cost disregarding human life in its own backyard as retaliation of nuclear armed Russia? I don't know what the real Chinese intentions are. It seems more logical and easy for China to advance North than to seek its future lands beyond oceans.

edit on 8-12-2013 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

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