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Best...Sandy Hook...Video...Ever.

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posted on Nov, 17 2013 @ 01:01 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

When people try and muzzle investigation because of emotions,

For instance, we are and have been shown the blood of so many crime scenes in the past, but suddenly now no one is allowed to see anything at all ??

That is the real reason "on other threads" people are calling for pics, since this has been the norm for every dam thing in the past 50 years at least, and no one who questions things would seriously claim that hiding evidence is good for ANY OF US, in the end!

Explain how pain and agony over someones loss, overrides all oversight, into this world, And you will find just how all this corruption not only goes on, but is EXPANDING.

posted on Nov, 17 2013 @ 01:04 PM
reply to post by jaws1975

Seriously..... "My kid was just shot dead at school yesterday, let's see if we can get interviewed for national television" Who the hell thinks like that? No one I know, that is for sure.

posted on Nov, 17 2013 @ 01:12 PM

reply to post by bigfootgurl

I think that If I am going to present a video that covers all of the relevant points and only the points that I feel have the amount of provable evidence to support them, I will probably have to make it myself and that is something I am considering seriously.

I absolutely agree that this is exactly what you should do. Once the Official Report is released the omissions and inconsistencies will be undeniable. I have no doubt that your own video would top any other on Sandy Hook. Please do it.

posted on Nov, 17 2013 @ 01:15 PM
It's so comforting to learn that no normal people ever actually kill each other and that all massacres are carried out by shadowy bad guys.

We should totally go get those bad guys!

posted on Nov, 17 2013 @ 01:19 PM
Another question that has really been bothering me is why did the media so freely show the dead bodies of the kids in Syria that were gassed? Where was the privacy for the families there, is it ok because they have brown skin, or because they live in a different country? It's an honest question, and I want a response from someone who is always getting on their high horse about family privacy regarding Sandy hook.

The conspiracy theorist always gets dragged through the mud when asking the tough questions, yet when it serves an agenda the media can show horrific images of dead children in living color. Where is your feigned outrage there?

Just to make it clear I have absolutely zero interest in seeing dead kids, just thought I would point out the blatant hypocrisy's coming from the other side.

posted on Nov, 17 2013 @ 01:23 PM
When I worked at the Florida Attorney General's office the Bureau chief had a plaque on her door that read:

You cannot manage what you cannot measure

So, are these just experiments with human lab rats that can be sacrificed so the managers can know best how to move forward in their project? It seems I noticed this back in the 90's with Ruby Ridge, Waco, and Oklahoma city. I think they keep running tests on us so as to know where the group mind is now.

Eventually they will have all the data they need to push for their final solution, and the the body count won't matter to anyone but the dead.

posted on Nov, 17 2013 @ 01:51 PM

These are all just words. Not one photograph of the successful businessman
to be found anywhere in any of the articles you posted.

There are videos of parents of Newtown victims giving testimony that they met with
the father. There is information about the brother showing where he works.
There is information with dates and places of where the family was back in June.
There is information about the home of the father going up for sale just 3 months ago.
And here are pictures of the Lanzas
Easily googled. Even you could do it.

So your statement that they 'disappeared' and it's all 'mysterious' is bullcrap.

posted on Nov, 17 2013 @ 01:56 PM
reply to post by jaws1975

The media showed those because, rightly or wrongly, it was felt that by doing so they might spur some action and prevent another gassing.

On the other hand there was significant doubt that showing Adam Lanza's victims was going to stop Adam Lanza killing more kids.

It's pretty simple.

posted on Nov, 17 2013 @ 02:02 PM

reply to post by bigfootgurl

Thank you for the kind words. I have researched this subject like no other in my 37 years on Earth and it is disturbing to me on every level. I have an unparalleled amount of passion in wanting to get to the bottom of the inconsistencies but I think that If I am going to present a video that covers all of the relevant points and only the points that I feel have the amount of provable evidence to support them, I will probably have to make it myself and that is something I am considering seriously.

I won't go into any of that here because as you already know, discussion off topic on this subject is likely to jeopardize the whole thread. A thread I very much appreciate you creating.
edit on 17-11-2013 by Helious because: (no reason given)

I look forward to seeing it, Helious.

Hopefully enough time has passed that much of the raw emotion associated with this event will have receded to a degree that we can all take a look at the facts of the event in the same way that we have examined the facts around other events.

As of now, there have been *far* too few facts and evidence shown for an event of this magnitude. Since when have people allowed or accepted such a dearth of evidence in this day & age? The video posted by the OP is a step in the right direction vis a vis content & tone. But we're still left with having to dissect the words & actions of the grieving parents or of the officials tasked with the investigation? Or long distance footage taken outside of the school after the event? Are you flockin' kidding me?

And before anyone jumps on me for being callous or removed, I *lived* less than 10 minutes away from this school for many years (including the time it happened) and know some of the people directly affected and/or involved in the aftermath of the event. And I'll tell you right now - it stinks, and many of the locals know it too.

I've avoided commenting and/or participating in any of the other threads and discussions about this up until now for a variety of reasons. I'll probably continue to keep my participation to a minimum. But it is well past time for all of the facts & evidence to be shared. There is no trial to worry about. There are no co-conspirators still at large (according to law enforcement). This was a national tragedy and as such it demands a close & detailed examination of all facts & evidence - especially in light of all the questions caused by those not providing it in the first place.

Let's start with the pictures & footage taken from the camera's inside the school. We can leave out the more horrific footage to start with. How about just a few pics of Lanza inside the school?

Didn't we get all kinds of pics and footage just days after Columbine?!? The cameras in Sandy Hook were far newer & better.

Right now, the only conspiracy I'm concerned with is the conspiracy to withhold facts & evidence.

This post is already longer than I intended. I'm going to stop here.
edit on 11/17/2013 by Riffrafter because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 17 2013 @ 02:08 PM
As an actor and participant as crew in over 100 films...
As I watched the events unfold, Sandy hook had the feel of being scripted and directed but very poorly. And the result was heavily edited before being released. Even the Msm reporting of the incident had a surreal contrived feel.
That Anderson Cooper poorly done green screen hoax put a new definition on BS. If that didn't set off alarm bells you must be a moron or totally disinfo.

I have no doubt that the kids were killed and that there were grieving family; but to what ends.

Even just a few viewings of of a few youtube videos on this tragedy tell us that this is not what it seems.
I find it much easier to garner truth from candid videos of youtubers than the agenda driven MSM.

What astonishes me is that some members here at ATS will whine about the media not telling us the truth but turn around and use the MSM as evidence when it suits their agenda. Hypocrites!!! You know who you are...

edit on 17-11-2013 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-11-2013 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 17 2013 @ 02:09 PM

The video features some information I've never heard before.

Such as what exactly? Please list what is in the video you have never heard before.

posted on Nov, 17 2013 @ 02:17 PM

reply to post by jaws1975

The media showed those because, rightly or wrongly, it was felt that by doing so they might spur some action and prevent another gassing.

On the other hand there was significant doubt that showing Adam Lanza's victims was going to stop Adam Lanza killing more kids.

It's pretty simple.

Rightly or wrongly?? You are sick if you think that's ok! Using your analogy showing the sandy hook kids would have cemented gun control.

I'll say it again, just so my words are not twisted, I have ZERO desire to see the sandy hook bodies.

posted on Nov, 17 2013 @ 02:30 PM
Most of these Sandy Hook conspiracies would have to involve thousands of people including teachers, school employees, funeral home directors and employees, the doctors who conducted the autopsies, emergency responders, law enforcement from multiple jurisdictions, 600 sets of parents, some portion of the global media and the friends and family of all the above.

It's ludicrous. It's all been completely debunked long ago. The sane people have simply given up arguing this one.

posted on Nov, 17 2013 @ 02:47 PM
reply to post by DelMarvel

Yeah nice try there buddy. Declare it all to have been debunked, and call everyone crazy. That might work on twitter or facebook maybe. Not here.

posted on Nov, 17 2013 @ 02:58 PM
reply to post by DelMarvel


You have been here quite awhile! How did you miss this?

posted on Nov, 17 2013 @ 03:26 PM

Most of these Sandy Hook conspiracies would have to involve thousands of people including teachers, school employees, funeral home directors and employees, the doctors who conducted the autopsies, emergency responders, law enforcement from multiple jurisdictions, 600 sets of parents, some portion of the global media and the friends and family of all the above.

It's ludicrous. It's all been completely debunked long ago. The sane people have simply given up arguing this one.

Hyperbole: n.

The use of exaggeration as a rhetorical device or figure of speech. It may be used to evoke strong feelings or to create a strong impression, but is not meant to be taken literally.

posted on Nov, 17 2013 @ 03:29 PM

reply to post by DelMarvel


You have been here quite awhile! How did you miss this?

Thanks for the link to that great thread olaru12. I particularly think this one applies here:

2. Become incredulous and indignant. Avoid discussing key issues and instead focus on side issues which can be used show the topic as being critical of some otherwise sacrosanct group or theme. This is also known as the "How dare you!" gambit.

posted on Nov, 17 2013 @ 03:39 PM
reply to post by DelMarvel

You do know that secrets have been kept in the past by hundreds of involved conspirators who felt they were acting in the greater good. Calling us names is childish, and I could just as easily claim only the deluded sucking off the tit of the NWO elites believes this crap is real, but then that would make me mean spirited. I suggest we allow for us to come to our own conclusions and present the facts as we know them without all the hyperbole, or did the mods not mean it when they said they expected better more civilized behavior in our discussions?

posted on Nov, 17 2013 @ 04:01 PM
With the police report due to be released soon I have to wonder what the final accounting of the types and whereabouts of the weapons will be. I did a thread early on about 2 Guns found in black Honda based on this video which shows them removing 2 long weapons (1 is definitely a Saiga shotgun, only the barrel is seen of the other) Watch at the 2:30 mark.

Will they say the AR15 was in the school? Then what was removed from the Honda? If they claim only the Saiga was in the trunk (initially it was reported to be an AR15 in the trunk and was later changed) then I will be convinced they are lying. If they lie about the weapons what else could they be lying about? - We shall see but it is the very thing I'll be watching out for.

Nowhere has it been reported that Lanza returned to his car.
This will prove important when the report is released.

The original thread is here but more info has come out about the license plate and it does match the plate of the black Honda on the towtruck.

posted on Nov, 17 2013 @ 04:02 PM
This is the very first time I've taken more than a casual look at the Sandy Hook conspiracy.

I've seen a few folk I respect here on this, and other threads, who seemed to give it some credit, so when I ran into asktheanimals post here I decided I would invest some time and watch the 1.5 hr vid and dig around a little.

To be honest, most of the initial arguments good be construed in both ways, but what really started to catch my attention about "New"Town was it's possible intelligence apparatus connections, the school's cutting-edge reputation, the Harvard Trauma psychiatrist, the "transition" and carbon theology, the various social professionals and "new" thinkers, and the possibility that those homes surrounding the Lanzas were bought on the same day and up for sale now.

VERY NWO if those details can be further verified. I have done quite a bit of research on MK-ULTRA and related programs in addition to studies on "social engineering" and you throw in a trauma specialist from Harvard who promotes a one world spirituality and you can pretty much bet he's funded by intel and we might be looking at an experiment.

So, wow, it's not such a foolish theory after all.

Can anyone here verify those "same date" house purchases? That's the kicker for me. Prove that and my mind is officially blown and count me totally in on the social engineering theory.

I'm running late, but that's the quicky version for now.

edit on 17-11-2013 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

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