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Do you actually want a SHTF scenario to happen???

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posted on Nov, 15 2013 @ 11:33 AM
reply to post by spartacus699

I want it to happen............ in a game.

Is different.

As to WHY people want disaster and violence and chaos in games, I don't know. Why do kids play cops and robbers? I remember me and a friend when we were kids shooting each other with fake guns. Why do we celebrate dead people during Halloween? Why do people enjoy to read murder mystery fiction? Why do stories have to have people dying and/or suffering? Football is often violent, yet we love it. Even society itself seems to modestly glorify suffering. Martin Luther King said there's redemption in suffering. Somehow it builds character and makes us better people.

When violent and/or disaster and/or suffering and/or chaos become too real, like flesh and blood real, people are repulsed by all these things. Even when these things become only mildly real I think people can sense the revulsion. Yet when they're far from real, people seem to be strangely attracted to them. I'm not sure what the explanation is, but it might have to do with control. When these things aren't real, people have more control over what happens, so the worst parts are not present. Perhaps this all stems from dreams. Some theorize dreams are a threat simulator. Yet we perceive dreams to be real as they happen, so how could that be related to something we purposely stage and control and know is not real?

Yes, we wake up after a dream and know it's not real, but have you ever watched a movie and believed it was all real until the last moment when the movie ended? I've never had that happen, but it happens in dreams every night.
edit on 15-11-2013 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2013 @ 11:43 AM
reply to post by spartacus699

Bring it on...

I can hardly wait to go back to my true home.

Don't be afraid of death.

It is inevitable.

posted on Nov, 15 2013 @ 12:10 PM
I doubt anyone wants people to suffer on such a large scale but IMO it's going to be a slow decent to the same end no matter what when you take into account the state of the global economy and the way everyone is drawing lines in the sand for any reason they can find (let alone the weird weather as well).

The rabble is so loud it's drowning out all the sane quiet spaces that are left.

posted on Nov, 15 2013 @ 12:18 PM
reply to post by spartacus699

Wow, nice challenge.

I often wonder how many gamesters would welcome the real deal should it ever come-a-knocking.

My personal view is that... with regret, that one could hope to go in the first blow. I have no wish to see my country, my land, my home and my life turned into some localized version of what we see from Syria, Egypt and elsewhere.

My family is always a concern and we've actually addressed this at the dinner table on several occasions. We've agreed that survival for the survivors comes first, but never to mourn over any of us who should happen to leave before the rest... as that almost could be the preferred door to what lies ahead.

One hopes for a continuation of all the good things that even today make life here so worth living... but with the understanding that the current course appears destined for darker horizons.

edit on 15-11-2013 by redoubt because: edit

posted on Nov, 15 2013 @ 12:22 PM
No. Only a psychopath or a fool would desire such an outcome.

Even the tough survival skills macho men will probably regret it the first time they have to pull one of their own teeth out because the dentists are all dead.

posted on Nov, 15 2013 @ 12:58 PM
reply to post by colddeadhands

I share your opinion, in a full on, balls to the wall SHTF scenario where the world as we know it dissolves into total anarchy.
Scores will be settled and humans will purge themselves of decades if not centuries of pent up social, religious and class tensions.

posted on Nov, 16 2013 @ 01:25 AM

The perfect storm SHTF scenario happens. Fortunately for you, you happen to be working down a mine shaft when it happens. When you finally reach the surface most everyone is gone. Only a very small amount of survivors are left fighting for what little remains. You find that most of the supplies out there are gone. All the food has been picked clean to a large degree. it's dog eat dog out there now. It's like your a character in "the walking dead" or "the postman" or "resident evil". Your survival skills are now fully put to the test. You actually have to fight for your survival. Is that a scenario you'd want to happen?

Or are you fine with things the way they are now and you hope that no SHTF scenario ever happens???

I'm trapped in a mine shaft? Then obviously I'm Harry Belafonte and this is "The World, the Flesh and the Devil". Which means I just need to dig my way out of that Pennsylvania coal mine and drive out to New York City where I will foolishly live in a high level penthouse apartment and talk to mannequins. Even get some lights working. Find the only remaining female, start to hit things off and then get cock blocked by the only other surviving male who happens to be in the same city as we are.

Ok, enough of that. On to the topic at hand. With all honesty, I do wish for a SHTF scenario to hit. I don't think my chances of survival are any better than anyone elses. That's not my reason.
It's just that I don't like most people. I don't like society as a whole. I don't like what the world has become. I don't like where it is going. My personal opinion is that I'd rather just see it shattered.

It's the only time that people will really show you who or what they are with brutal honesty. It's the only way I can see an end to the politicians. The celebutards. The corporate fat cats. The lazy suburbanite douche bags. The unemployed self-entitled welfare babies screaming "more, more, more". The disconnected teenagers glued to their facebook and cellphones. The general dumbing down and increasing laziness of generation after generation.

Let it burn. It's for the best. If humans are meant to survive, they will. If not, the next species to evolve can ponder over our bones.

posted on Nov, 16 2013 @ 04:56 AM
Let it .. people live .. people die .. life goes on .. maybe world would be better off than it is now if the table was flipped ..

posted on Nov, 25 2013 @ 10:40 AM
One of my hobbies is studying the collapse of complex societies.

I am convinced that Euro-American civilization has piqued, and is in the down-phase. It hasn't become violent. Here. Yet. But it will eventually.

The people at the bottom level of society are the ones with the least to lose. They are the least invested in it, because they don't reap the rewards at the top tier of this pyramid-scheme we call modern life. It matters less whether I as an individual am rooting for the breakdown/collapse/renewal phase; the fact is, there exists a growing group of individuals "on the outside" who stand to inherit the earth when the change arrives.

As another poster mentions, since the Bible covers a couple of thousand years of history, it serves as a constructive catalog of calamities that "most people" thought would never happen.

Jesus portrays his return as the ultimate SHTF secenario. And as with any such event, it is the lack of prior planning that flings the poop so far and wide:

""For the coming of the Son of Man will be just like the days of Noah. For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark,… " (Matthew 24:37-38)

posted on Nov, 25 2013 @ 11:05 AM


A shtf event will eventually happen and all the people that were obsessed with being prepared will be in for a huge surprise. All that food and ammo/guns won't help at all because they forgot one simple thing.

And what do you think was forgotten?

The containment for biological/chem weapons will degrade, spread worldwide on the prevailing winds, jet stream and kill most humans within days. Those that were spared will eventually sicken and die as well.

posted on Nov, 25 2013 @ 11:10 AM

reply to post by spartacus699

For me personally? Bring on the sh*t and I'll plug in the fan.

LOL hahahahah

This is the funniest thing quote ive read in a long time!

posted on Nov, 25 2013 @ 07:35 PM
reply to post by combatmaster

Glad I could be of service. Let's face it. It has to get worse before it gets better. No sense dragging our d##ks in the dirt hoping something will change(for the better). Let's just get it over with!

posted on Nov, 25 2013 @ 08:25 PM

reply to post by combatmaster

Glad I could be of service. Let's face it. It has to get worse before it gets better. No sense dragging our d##ks in the dirt hoping something will change(for the better). Let's just get it over with!

Thats exactly what i always say to everyone....

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