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Solomon's Key - Solved?

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posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 09:47 PM
Well this month is numerically strange, I have to say. Through my endless reading and research, I have come to decipher a portion of the mystery of Solomon. The results are more than intriguing. Come with? This has to do with more than just a few choice selections from the Bible, and has implications on all of society, if not reality - .. perhaps. :3 Sometimes I get excited over things that ultimately aren't worth the warrant. Don't we all? Maybe not Phage. Anyway. Come with xD

This November 18th, 2013 will be the 711th anniversary of Unam Sanctum, the papal bull issued by the Vatican whereby it laid claim to the world ...and our souls. *reaches for coffee, but both cups are empty.* drats.. bad timing for that, when settling in for a rant.

7+11 = 18
= 666
Sol Om On had 666 talents of gold - I Kings 10:14
In 2: Chronicles 2:2 we find that Solomon hired three groups of men to build his temple, 70 000 to quarry, & 80 000 to fashion, and a supervisory legion of 3600.

Now, 70 000 years seems to point to this November 28th, 2013, where Hanukkah and Thanksgiving commence together - which has only occurred one other time, in 1888 - and will not happen again for another 70 000 years.

In November 1888, we find that the Jack the Ripper killings were occurring - of important interest here is the graffiti left on the wall, at the scene of one of the crimes: "THE JUWES ARE MEN WHO WILL NOT BE BLAMED FOR NOTHING" --> a reference to Jubelo, Jubela, and Jebelum - the three assassins of Hiram Abiff, possessor of the Sacred Syllable; which seems to have all the more importance when you consider that Solomon itself is comprised of three important syllables representing the Sun and divinity, respective of their place within the name:

Sol - Latin; personal level, human to Sun, Om - Sanskrit; Earth to Sun, the resonance of Earth as it rotates around its 'patriarch', the ' Sound of Light '.

And finally 'On' -- was the original name of what Heliopolis called the City of God 1000 years into its decline; well beyond the golden era of understanding; where all was god. To the contemporary Egyptians An/On/Anu/Oannes was not the penultimate existence which each individual must revere worship unto- the supreme god of the first level was but an equal in his stature to those within the holonic levels of reality: each had a respective place as an archetype, micro et macro.. The interrelationships of the levels themselves united time and space, life and intelligence into a comprehensive framework of understanding. This unity principle, 'neter neteru' (never-never land?), meant that together as a whole was "one" god of the Egyptians formed. In the modern sense, monotheism, had no meaning outside of these divine aspects and their attributed levels. The Rainbow.

These names/syllables, while known in some circles, are not publicly nor academically accepted (as it treads on the history of those who'd rather otherwise.. heh) I find are a more satisfactory explanation of the name Solomon, rather than "Shalomoh" as its etymological origins. At any rate - the root is Egyptian, which points to again, something other than what the Torah accounts for. Shalomoh is based on the word 'shalom' - and while this word means 'peace' or 'contentment', it is in its foremost a way of greeting another. 'Shalom' is purportedly taken from the world sha'al meaning 'salute' or 'sue for mercy.' Of course, as per 'unobserved' / occult tradition, words such as these have deeper roots yet - the word 'shalom' is actually derived from the Ancient Egyptian word 'sharem/sharema' - which again means all of the words mentioned before. The spelling in hieroglyphs are also rather similar. The Egyptian language did not have a letter 'l' so the equivalent Hebrew words would have transliterated the Egyptian R as an L - the result of this disfiguration is that there a direct likeness between the two languages - Egyptian 'sharema' to the Hebrew (Phoenician) 'shalomah'.

The Latin alphabet is borrowed largely from the Greeks, whom in turn took Phoenician letters and modified them to suit their own tastes. Howeverrrr - the Phoenicians were not the originators of these frameworks either but were rather one of many "Semitic" languages from the area we now call Syria and Palestine. The letter-names themselves are derivatives of words which began with the sound each letter is used to represent: 'aleph' / 'ox' or 'beth'/ 'house'. such as Bethlehem.

Another easy comparison can be made with English 'Alphabet' and the Hebrew 'Alephbeth'; the first two letters of their 'Alphabet', cyclicalol.. - but, if you wanted to be more thorough (and I don't, personally, but feel compelled and obliged. lol ) the basic order of language as sound has been decidedly set for some 3500+ years - the reason being is that they are mathematical and you cannot stray too far away from a good model. Jewish mysticism taught this, as did Greek philosophers. Pythagoras traveled to Kemet to be taught in mathematics and sound, prior to invention of the diatonic scale - the Kabbalah teaches a similar interwoven application of language, sigilism and evocation with intonation. The Greek alphabet still maintains values assigned to each letter, and as such they are inseparable

Now. take into consideration that the expulsion of the Hyksos mirrors very well with the Exodus. It is then meaningful to note that the Phoenicians were from the same set of Mediterranean Islands as the exiled Hyksos - and increasingly that Solomon's Navy was comprised of sailors whom were Phoenician.

As a side note : in Old Scottish 'Beth' means 'Life', as in MacBeth. Son of Life - Sun of Life? :I MacDuff means Son of the Blackman. --> Black Sun? Musing.

I am not here to squabble over Exoterics. (; "On" to some numbers. 8)

Continued in next post.
edit on 13-11-2013 by purplemonkeydishwasher because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 09:53 PM
We might know that 3600 is a sexigesimal number, and rather sacred - and an important one touted by Sitchin, as most will be familiar with -

432 000 / 3600 = 120
432 000 / 2160* = 200 | * astrological 'age', 1/12th zodiac, which is a division of the precession of the equinoxes, which is approximately 25 920 years.
Another curious occurrence, of 432 000 is in the Hall of Slain Heroes ruled by Odin. The hall has a total of 540 doors, and 800 heroes from each door will charge forward into Ragnarok -- 432,000 is also the length of the Kaliyug.

Not to digress too far, however.

back to 2 Chronicles 2:2

70 000 ÷ 3600 = 19.4444 [19.44 MHz is used as a 'system synchronizer' in system clocks/crystal oscillators] -> again, November 28 marks the last time Hanukkah will commence on Thanksgiving for another 70 000 years -> synchronization. Re: 1888 - November / Jack the Ripper [?] - Jubela, Jubelum, Jubelo > Juwes > Hiram > Syllables > Sol Om On.
It is also interesting to note that the basic order of language as sound has been decidedly set for some 3500+/- years ago.

80 000 ÷ 3600 = 22.2222....[an obvious reference to 2 Chronicles 2:2, one must infer - it is also 11.11 x 2 ; and we all know they love their 'eleventies'

so: we have

22/44 = 0.5
19/22 = 0.863363

...] round to 0.864

0.864 is a standard measurement of time : from Wiki

The ephemeris second (defined as 1/86400 of a mean solar day)

Each decimal second equals 0.864 standard seconds

0.864 seconds is 1/100,000 of a day.

Luke 19.43-45 - Jesus casts the bankers out
43 For the days shall come upon thee, that thine enemies shall cast a trench about thee, and compass thee round, and keep thee in on every side,

44 And shall lay thee even with the ground, and thy children within thee; and they shall not leave in thee one stone upon another; because thou knewest not the time of thy visitation.
_________ Jesus (the Lord/Ison) 'enters the temple' after this passage.

Now think that on November 28th, there is this overlap or "two-tailed" celebration of Hanukkah and Thanksgiving - and the day which ISON/SION will be closest to the Sun. Aye, Sun - I, Son ->SOL OM ON. lol ?

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 10:37 PM
reply to post by purplemonkeydishwasher

7+11 = 18
18*37 = 666

OK so where did the 37 come from. It just appeared seemingly out of nowhere!


posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 10:50 PM

Now think that on November 28th, there is this overlap or "two-tailed" celebration of Hanukkah and Thanksgiving - and the day which ISON/SION will be closest to the Sun. Aye, Sun - I, Son ->SOL OM ON. lol ?

So this only works with the American thanksgiving?

And what Phoenix asked. Where does the 37 come from?
edit on 13-11-2013 by snowspirit because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 11:09 PM
Someone has WAY too much time on their hands....

In all your musings, answer this one simple question : "What is the true purpose of Solomon's key?"

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 11:10 PM
reply to post by snowspirit

Ah sorry, I was thinking about this upstairs - that I had forgotten to mention that

37 is a fundamental factor within the hexagram. 37 * 3 = 111, *6=222 etc

"The centrality of the Prime Number 37 in the structure of Scripture can not be overstated. It begins in with the Creation Holograph:

Sum of Genesis 1.1 = 2701 = 37 x 73 = Sum(73)

The Number 37 is geometrically integrated with the Number 73 - it is the Hexagonal heart of 73 as Star, so 37 / 73 is a Hexagon / Star pair. The Number 37 is also the first number greater than unity that can be represented as both a Centered Hexagon and a Star"

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 11:11 PM
reply to post by CIAGypsy

Thanks for the cynical reply. =)

It seems to point to November 28th.

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 11:18 PM

reply to post by CIAGypsy

Thanks for the cynical reply. =)

It seems to point to November 28th.

So.... Just any November 28th? Or this year in particular? Or maybe 70,000 years from this November 28th?

And what if the gregorian calendar didn't even exist in the time of Solomon? What then?

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 11:19 PM
Nov 28 because America = Isreal ?

Still confused.....

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 11:26 PM

reply to post by CIAGypsy

Thanks for the cynical reply. =)

It seems to point to November 28th.

Hmmm... So is there anything special in store if that happens to be my birthday?

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 11:42 PM


reply to post by CIAGypsy

Thanks for the cynical reply. =)

It seems to point to November 28th.

So.... Just any November 28th? Or this year in particular? Or maybe 70,000 years from this November 28th?

And what if the gregorian calendar didn't even exist in the time of Solomon? What then?

I believe that in the days of King Solomon the Babylonian calendar was used. It had 12 lunar months and around 354 days. The Hebrew calendar was later based on this too.

posted on Nov, 14 2013 @ 01:29 AM

...answer this one simple question : "What is the true purpose of Solomon's key?"

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction.
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the Holy is understanding.

Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come:
and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.
Here is the patience of the saints:
here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.

Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter:
Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the duty of all mankind.
For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing,
whether it be good, or whether it be evil.


posted on Nov, 14 2013 @ 09:11 AM



reply to post by CIAGypsy

Thanks for the cynical reply. =)

It seems to point to November 28th.

So.... Just any November 28th? Or this year in particular? Or maybe 70,000 years from this November 28th?

And what if the gregorian calendar didn't even exist in the time of Solomon? What then?

I believe that in the days of King Solomon the Babylonian calendar was used. It had 12 lunar months and around 354 days. The Hebrew calendar was later based on this too.

Actually, the calendar has been in state of flux over time. The Babylonian calendar did have 12 lunar months, but that is still an over simplification to say or imply it matches up to the current Gregorian calendar.

The Babylonians, who lived in what is now Iraq, added an extra month to their years at irregular intervals. Their calendar, composed of alternate 29-day and 30-day months, kept roughly in step with the lunar year. To balance the calendar with the solar year, the early Babylonians calculated that they needed to add an extra month three times every eight years. But this system still did not accurately make up for the accumulated differences between the solar year and the lunar year. Whenever the king felt that the calendar had slipped too far out of step with the seasons, he ordered another extra month. However, the Babylonian calendar was quite confused until the 300’s B.C.E., when the Babylonians began to use a more reliable system.

Even the change between the Julian Calendar and the Gregorian Calendar shifted days. So given all these "minor details" which could clearly add up to significant changes (especially over 70,000 years) is not likely that King Solomon provided a code that was meant to point to any special significance on 11/28/2013.

posted on Nov, 14 2013 @ 02:17 PM
reply to post by purplemonkeydishwasher

Just asking, did you get some of your info here?
edit on 14-11-2013 by Staroth because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2013 @ 05:37 PM
ok well this is strange, i was doing some research on the bomb threats in Kansas, which on the surface appears to have no connection other than the date of 28 November.

Which is related through the fall of Jerico occurring on the 28th.

I would like to state, that I am not suggesting atomic in the literal sense, it is only symbolic of an awakening.

this is what I came up with:

Joining the dots:

False flag.

The atomic aspect is what occurs after you break through inside of your mind
You FALL OUT with someone when you have a difference of opinion.
You FALL OUT with yourself when you experience an awakening, have you ever experienced an AH HA! Moment and it feels like an explosion in your head. That is the symbolic representation of breaking through.

I personally do not know much about Kansas, but this to me seems to represent something to do with the heart of religion. A test for those who are aligned with such, and an awakening that may occur in the REAL EYES ation of the idea that religion was set up by the aliens as a means of control.

A test in faith maybe.

Weird that If you type into google, kansas, it puts the dot exactly where Jerico (in the series) would be located if there was a such a place.

Kansas Falls in the heart of America.

3 movies about Kansas that may be significant

The day after – story of survival after nuke.

Jerico – story of how a small town survives after a number of nukes go off.

Wizard of Oz. - The story of Dorothy on a journey to discover she has been conned by a wizard behind the curtain.

Nothing left to fear (2013)
Nothing Left to Fear is the first terrific terror tale from Slasher Films (founded by Guns N’ Roses rock legend/horror nut Slash), directed by Gore Verbinski’s visionary protégé Anthony Leonardi III. The film stars James Tupper and Anne Heche as the new pastor and his wife who arrive in Stull, Kansas, with their three kids hoping for an idyllic country life. At first the town and its people look like being the answer to their prayers, but then the supposedly retiring pastor Clancy Brown puts into motion an ancient ritual that unleashes a demonic fury. For Stull is one of the seven gateways to Hell and its inhabitants must quell the Beast who rises to walk the Earth at all bloody costs.

References to Kansas in movies:

the matrix: Buckle your seatbelt Dorothy, 'cause Kansas is going bye-bye!"

Wizard of OZ:
Someplace where there isn't any trouble... [tossing a piece of her cruller to Toto] you suppose there is such a place, Toto? There must be. It's not a place you can get to by a boat or train. It's far, far away... behind the moon... beyond the rain.
[singing] Somewhere, over the rainbow, way up high,
There's a land that I heard of once in a lullaby.
Somewhere, over the rainbow, skies are blue,
And the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true.
Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore. We must be over the rainbow!
[Note: This line is ranked #4 in the American Film Institute's list of the top 100 movie quotations in American cinema.]
Well, I... I think that it... that it wasn't enough to just want to see Uncle Henry and Auntie Em... and it's that if I ever go looking for my heart's desire again, I won't look any further than my own backyard; because if it isn't there, I never really lost it to begin with.
There's no place like home; there's no place like home; there's no place like home...
[Note: This line is ranked #23 in the American Film Institute's list of the top 100 movie quotations in American cinema.]
[last lines] Oh, but anyway, Toto, we're home – home! And this is my room – and you're all here – and I'm not going to leave here ever, ever again, because I love you all! And... oh, Auntie Em, there's no place like home!" target="_blank" class="postlink" rel="nofollow">reference

The Gods Hate Kansas by Jospeh Millard
The startling story of The Gods Hate Kansas by Jospeh Millard
(description) The story of science at war with alien lifeforms

edit on 40pm11America/Chicagopm by iamea because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2013 @ 09:15 PM


So.... Just any November 28th? Or this year in particular? Or maybe 70,000 years from this November 28th?

And what if the gregorian calendar didn't even exist in the time of Solomon? What then?

In all your musings, answer this one simple question : "What is the true purpose of Solomon's key?"

Go one step further - what is the true purpose of the bible? how much do you know, or understand of its history? let alone its implications on modern geo-political development, and the ascension of empire through the facade of religion?

A bride of Lucifer? Heh. Are ye a Freemason? Ashkenazi? I don't see why you would think that Solomon was a real person, anyway? Exodus is quite clearly something other than 'the Jews escaping slavery'. el o el.

tell me, lover of Lucifer, en-light-en meeee. >

What happens on Nov 28th? Who knows - I have never made any public predictions; I have never had enough evidence to really warrant such an attempt for attention - however - the numbers I interpreted without any bias whatsoever seems to point to the 28th. But -- I don't really care! lol -- man- you people are too jaded; spend some time off ATS - perhaps you have had your fill of lunatics and doom-sayers - and are projecting onto others whom merely wish to share information- if you aren't interested in numbers, just say so! To deny that there are curious synchronizations which are rather easily drawn from the Solomon texts indicate something is meant - a mason never places something because 'it looks nice'. =)

Does the Juwes/Solomon connection not interest you either? ...Then why are you here? lol. These people..

I find it peculiar how those wishing to share information come under such bitter scrutiny - no real interest, aside from poking holes in the information offered - subsequently a reason why I have made so few threads --- there is little reward for sharing information, that I&I can see. +_[o_o]_+

I mean - you would think I had thought of something such as the Gregorian calendar and its implementation..?

The date 'November 28th' is not important -- how I came to this date was by searching for calindrical occurrences which corresponded to a 70 000 year cycle, the same with the number 80 000 - 3600 is an obvious orbital time -

the numbers 'working' suggested by Solomon's temple are preposterous - nobody needs 153 600 people working on a temple - let alone would there be that much skilled labour!


who do you think 'built' the bible?

posted on Nov, 14 2013 @ 09:30 PM


I believe that in the days of King Solomon the Babylonian calendar was used. It had 12 lunar months and around 354 days. The Hebrew calendar was later based on this too.

Solomon was purportedly 1000bce -- the Jews wouldn't have adopted the Babylonian style until the captivity 597-539bce

however, one must understand that he was a composite character - and that history has been altered- many times.

posted on Nov, 14 2013 @ 09:32 PM

Nov 28 because America = Isreal ?

Still confused.....

because Israel is the Cult of Aton.

how much money does America send to Israel? They just ledgered 490 million for them- how much does the average american get in relief from their 'government'?


edit on 14-11-2013 by purplemonkeydishwasher because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2013 @ 09:33 PM

reply to post by purplemonkeydishwasher

Just asking, did you get some of your info here?
edit on 14-11-2013 by Staroth because: (no reason given)

No, my friend, I did not - though I believe I have come across that page in my travels - I try and go for primary sources as often as possible.

posted on Nov, 14 2013 @ 09:40 PM


Even the change between the Julian Calendar and the Gregorian Calendar shifted days. So given all these "minor details" which could clearly add up to significant changes (especially over 70,000 years) is not likely that King Solomon provided a code that was meant to point to any special significance on 11/28/2013.

King Solomon never existed. Perhaps he did as the re-embodiment, or revitalised memory of Sheshonq, or another Pharaoh, but there was never a king who received 666 talents of gold from the neighbouring cities..

was there a Jesus? Was Mary Magdalene a prostitute? Or sultry libel against Cleopatra? Further, given that the Aramaic word 'Magdala' (as seen in Migdal Oz, another name for God) means Tower - as such, and given the sang real/saang grahl mythos has been decoded - would she perhaps not be more of a metaphor, for a bloodline? Something which is protected?

was there a Paul? Or was he Saul? Was there a Peter, Christ's rock? Or was it Mithra whom sprung from it?

it's nonsense if you take it literally.

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