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Common Lies That Satan Tell

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posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 06:28 PM
reply to post by WarminIndy

Are you seriously going to keep assuming you know things about me?


Yes, there are some that actually worship an "entity" called Satan... but "Satanism" is only part of "the occult"

And mostly Satanism is not about worshiping "satan"...

IT is about openly mocking YOUR religion

Satanists think Christians are fools... and sometimes I wonder myself, but that is beside the point...

They believe in all things Physical... that want and desire and lust and greed are "human"... and good for the person to indulge in to the fullest extent

The occult is a much broader spectrum then Christians are Taught... Its not just worshiping some red dude with a pitchfork...

And the only thing that's getting tiring in all honesty... Is dealing with the shear ignorance of "some people" and their indoctrination


Fortunately it does amuse me

I love Wikipedia scholars... LOL
edit on 13-11-2013 by Akragon because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 06:39 PM
reply to post by 2WitnessesArrived

It's interesting how you believe Satan is the good guy who wants us to co-exist with other religions, meanwhile satanists believe in self-pride and so do the government and yet they start many WARS.

Satan does NOT want co-existence only WAR.
Satan does NOT want humility he wants us to have PRIDE.

And so far you seem to promote Satan saying Christians are BETTER and shouldn't CO-EXIST

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 07:04 PM
reply to post by WarminIndy

So because your mom was nuts means we all are?

Nope. But I've known a lot Christians who pray for bad things to happen and delve into the black arts, like my mother did, calling it God's work. Like I said, I know a lot of Catholics that practice Santoria. A lot of Catholics also practice Voodoo. Christians aren't immune from "occult" behavior, and not all occult behavior is about the dark arts.

edit on 13-11-2013 by windword because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 07:05 PM

#1. I don’t exist-I’m just a Christian myth, even though Hollywood and TPTB openly worship me and the streets of Washington D.C. are laid out in a Satanic pentagram, I don’t exist. No reason to keep your guards up or learn how to arm yourself spiritually to combat my attempts to ruin you since I’m not real anyway.

Satan is an exclusively Abrahamic concept. And the pentagram is not "Satanic" any more than the inverted cross is. It's been recorded since at least 3,000 BC and even Christians used it for a long time, just like the upside-down cross. The Christian church used it to represent the five wounds of Christ and was used by countless Christians to protect against demons (which is one of the many reasons I personally use it).

It was never considered Satanic until that Anton fella came about and made Ayn Rand's books into a religion.

#2. Hell is where all the cool trendy fun people will go-You don’t want to go to heaven it’s too boring. You would have so much more fun in hell, you can do whatever you want!

There are several words in the bible Christians translate into "hell". The one used by Jesus is actually a geographical place that was sort of like New Jersey for Jews. There is no biblical consensus on what "hell" really is, what was metaphorical, and what was literal.

#3. Jesus never even existed, and if he did he was just a liar-The only record of Jesus even being alive is in the bible! He didn’t even really exist, he’s a myth too.

I don't know anybody who is steadfastly against believing the possibility of the historical man "Jesus" existing. Even I am open to him having possibly existed.

#4. I came to free you from that “evil” God-I came to bring man knowledge and enlightenment and technology. Trust me, I will set you free while God only wants you to be a slave.

Well... if Satan existed, his natural argument of "knowledge = freedom" that he maintained since the garden of Eden is pretty persuasive as is the track record that Yahweh has for genocide and perpetual moral debt. Just saying that maybe you shouldn't bring that one up if you are trying to argue for Yahweh's side.

#5. You can be a God yourself-Follow me and I can show you how be a God yourself.

So... Mormons are Satan? I don't know anybody else (aside from the random new-ager) who says that.

#6. All religions lead to heaven-Don’t worry all paths lead to heaven, as long as you’re a good person you will make it to heaven. Just coexist.

Once again, you are making Satan sound pretty awesome.

#7. You can sin as much as you want as long as you confess on Sunday-Keep living a sinful life and don’t worry about it. As long as you confess your sins to a priest you’re good to go for at least another week!

So now it's Mormons and Catholics who are a collective Satan?

#8. Evolution is real so no need to accept Jesus as payment for your sins-Believe me, you are an evolved monkey therefore all religions are false. All of creation happened by accident.

If you think that the theory of evolution states you evolved from a monkey, you have been misguided. Probably by "Satan".

#9. It’s not murder as long as the baby is still in the womb-As long as the baby hasn’t been born yet it’s not murder, don’t worry about it.

Psalm 137:9 - Look it up.

Once again, if I had to choose between Yahweh and Satan who is telling Christians to kill infants, I don't think it would be Satan. It seems to be the old testament god's favored method of thinning out the gentiles.

#10. People who live in sin will see heaven-yes, even homosexuals and pedophiles will see heaven. As long as you call yourself a Christian you will go to heaven.

Are really just trying to make Satan look like the good guy?

#11. The Bible isn’t the inspired word of God-Man wrote the Bible and therefore it can’t be trusted.

Inspired or not, it cannot be trusted front-to-back without discernment by any Christian. If it could, you would only have one church, one denomination, and no debates among biblical scholars. It is reference material for you religion and to be used as a guide. You already called Catholics "Satan" yet you give 100% of your trust to the Council of Nicea who decided what bible you are reading therefore you are bowing down to Catholic authority just by the very virtue of trusting your currently-published bible.

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 07:08 PM
reply to post by windword

Doesn't Jesus say something about that though?

"Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name? Did we not drive out demons in your name? Did we not do mighty deeds in your name?' Then I will declare to them solemnly, 'I never knew you. Depart from me, you evildoers.'"

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 07:11 PM
reply to post by new_here

reply to post by NewAgeMan

In short, if he was already defeated by God, then why is he still around with the same evil powers he always had?

Love is a curious thing, which requires absolute freedom to freely flow on a two way street, so that's the dilemma, which puts the solution to the problem of evil into it's appropriate context.

The problem I think involves a lack of recognition of the tree of life, where the solution is seen as another duality, maybe even a stronger one.

I think it (the evil) may be just an illusion now, nothing more than a type of mental illness or plain human ignorance and stupidity where the absolute genius of God's resolution is something that we are perhaps only now just BEGINNING to understand and recognize, 2000 years later.

If I'm right then it's very very sad, and, in recognition and understanding, very very funny.

But when I speak of the humor involved in God's resolution to the problem of human sin and evil, and the vanquishing of "the evil one" as some center or source or spirit of evil and wickedness, when I say that the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is the greatest practical joke ever told at the expense of the devil, note that such a thing sounds crazy and absurd and ridiculous and nonsensical, but if you are prone to examining and noticing the subtle movements of the mind, including your own mind, you might just note a type of mental block that just went up at super-fast lightening speed at this suggestion, preventing you from understanding the idea, which to arrive at, for me, required more than one hospitalization and what I can only describe as demonic possession, to break through that defense/blockage. I told you it was funny.

The truth about the Great Work of Jesus is a very very tightly guarded secret. As far as "conspiracies" go there's none greater and none that is more "above top secret".

Because the resolution is one of LOVE, it requires our recognition and understanding in a way and a manner that the "evil one" cannot touch, and cannot hide, distort, obfuscate or mislead us from, and therein lies the problem particularly when we're dealing with human ignorance and stupidity, which is at the root of most evil.

But I think that God had faith that in the fullness of time and history that we would "get it" that we would come to understand and love in turn, and at that precise moment, the devil's machinations are doomed, so it's still an inevitability, because the nature of the genius of what's been communicated by God through the person of Jesus Christ is unparalleled, and there is no amount of human ignorance and stupidity that can prevent it's message from eventually getting through, although now it has to pierce a stained glass wall of modern Christendom on the one hand, and the fear and loathing and hatred of the atheists hoards on the other.

It's a good question...

I just wish we weren't all so damn stupid and thus easily manipulated where it may be said that a feeble mind is the devil's playground, and that when we make the inquiry there isn't this seemingly built in satanic mechanism that closes the mind to it's (the resolution's) magnificence and awesomeness.. Get thee behind us satan! (small s).

Nevertheless, the joke capable of silencing the devil IS circling, let him and his demons if there are such things, which there probably are, flee in terror, double-bound into the outer darkness, as we do begin to "get it" to understand and to recognize what's already been accomplished. ..

And if I got even the thinnest sliver of a wedge in there to hold at bay the satanic blockage of the mind from the piercing resolution by God via the Great Work of Jesus Christ, then oh what an honor it is for me to help you see the humor involved so that in your laughter, in the laughter and joy of the saved soul (not an evil laughter by any means) the "devil" may be silenced at last, leaving the door, the gateway to eternal life in Christ open to you, and to me. Ha HA!

edit on 13-11-2013 by NewAgeMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 07:20 PM
reply to post by OpinionatedB

Good thing I don't believe in that sort of thing. I would hate to think that my mother was turned away from heaven by Jesus. I believe in reincarnation, and hope that she will have a happier next life.

edit on 13-11-2013 by windword because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 07:35 PM
reply to post by windword

It is also perhaps that she was forgiven for her ignorance.. or that something caused her behavior outside of her control therefore she was forgiven her behavior.

We don't judge because we don't have all the facts, only God and His People can do that in truth...

I was simply pointing out that just because someone calls them self something does not necessarily make it so. I could tell you I was a buddist it would not make it true.

I am glad you forgave your mother.. that is important. But at the same time you cannot blame all religious people for the actions of a few. If I blamed all men for what my ex-husband put me through I would not be married today to a wonderful man.

Part of forgiveness is to forgive even her reasoning. Bad actions are bad... my ex used to tell me he beat me because I was in the wrong... I was afraid for long he was right... but I realized he had bad reasoning... just his excuse for bad behavior. I had to overcome the excuse too.
edit on 13-11-2013 by OpinionatedB because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 07:47 PM
reply to post by windword

I wish you well in your life dear... good luck to you and it was pleasant speaking with you.

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 08:14 PM
reply to post by new_here

It's very subtle. You may even note by your own inquiry, if you're introspective enough, that the question contains the possibility, in some subtle or not-so-subtle way, of secretly rooting for the wrong side! Nevertheless it's a valid question when we look around at the world system we inhabit.

It doesn't help matters much either that there is so much covert and overt satanic symbolism embedded into our modern culture, with talk and imagery of "powering through" as if the door to the kingdom of heaven can and must be busted down and then taken by storm, something which Jesus and his Great Work being the door itself, made utterly impossible and an effort in futility (do you see the possibility for humor in this?).

Or, if not "powering through" then like a battering ram, tough enough to get the job done.

Guts. Gory. Ram.

Or we'll hear the ROAR of Katy Perry

Or watch young Miley Cyrus ride naked on a wrecking ball (won't bother posting it).

But there will be no glory for the two horned ram, what we'll hear from Katy will be only tears, and then if she's lucky, laughter, and Miley might just be ignored altogether until she cries too. Lady Gaga I have NO idea what God will do with her..

That's what I see then is a bunch of idiots battering away at the door of God's kingdom, as if it will yield under the sheer pressure of their supreme arrogance, pride, vanity.. see again how there's a great joke in all of this yet to be told at the devil's expense.. or perhaps I should say at the expense of human stupidity and the pride of man..?

We must learn to laugh at the devil, which shuts him up and makes him go away, which in turn frees us up to laugh ever more and still harder!

I hope someone get's this and that it's not just me.

edit on 13-11-2013 by NewAgeMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 08:26 PM

reply to post by new_here

It's very subtle. You may even note by your own inquiry, if you're introspective enough, that the question contains the possibility, in some subtle or not-so-subtle way, of secretly rooting for the wrong side! Nevertheless it's a valid question when we look around at the world system we inhabit.

It doesn't help matters much either that there is so much covert and overt satanic symbolism embedded into our modern culture, with talk and imagery of "powering through" as if the door to the kingdom of heaven can and must be busted down and then taken by storm, something which Jesus and his Great Work being the door itself, made utterly impossible and an effort in futility (do you see the possibility for humor in this?).

Or, if not "powering through" then like a battering ram, tough enough to get the job done.

Guts. Gory. Ram.
Or we'll hear the ROAR of Katy Perry
Or watch young Miley Cyrus ride naked on a wrecking ball (won't bother posting it).

But there will be no glory for the two horned ram, what we'll hear from Katy will be only tears, and then if she's lucky, laughter and Miley might just be ignored altogether.

Why does the church associate horns with their Satan?! I know why but I'd love to hear, just once, a Christian justify it in biblical terms.

This is how the bible describes him:

“Thus says the Lord GOD, You had the seal of perfection, Full of wisdom and perfect in beauty. You were in Eden, the garden of God; Every precious stone was your covering: The ruby, the topaz, and the diamond; The beryl, the onyx, and the jasper; The lapis lazuli, the turquoise, and the emerald; And the gold, the workmanship of your settings and sockets, was in you. On the day that you were created they were prepared. You were the anointed cherub who covers, and I placed you there. You were on the holy mountain of God; You walked in the midst of the stones of fire. You were blameless in your ways from the day you were created. Until unrighteousness was found in you.”

No horns. No tail. Nothing like that. All that garbage came from looking at what the nearby peasants revered in their mythology and the church just said "Yeah... sure, that's what Satan looks like" so they could get Christians to go burn a few innocent families.

Among the deities I acknowledge, one is a horned god and I can tell you with 100% accuracy that he has NOTHING to do with the Christian pantheon.

I didn't mean to butt in but I would hate for her (who you were replying to) to be led to those third-party lies that started by bloodthirsty rapists years ago to kill my people and fool yours.

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 08:37 PM
reply to post by Cuervo

Here's my analysis (with a Biblical reference) that you might, or might not, find interesting..

Piercing the Heart of the Ram (be sure to scroll back a few posts to see where it's coming from)

It's a symbol of the power principal, of the divided middle, the male dominating generative principal. If there's a satanic system of "powers and principalities" the two horned man plays a significant role.

But no I don't necessarily believe that any satan-creature has two large horns. That said, I do trust to a degree the collective unconsciousness and archetypes of human history, like Santa Claus aka "Father Christmas" for example, which goes back to Saint Nicholas of Myra and imho represent the elder, resurrected Jesus Christ after leaving town, as opposed to getting "beamed straight up" (see my avatar for clues).

Don't assume.

Best Regards,

NAM aka Bob

edit on 13-11-2013 by NewAgeMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 08:52 PM

reply to post by Cuervo

Here's my analysis (with a Biblical reference) that you might, or might not, find interesting..

Piercing the Heart of the Ram (be sure to scroll back a few posts to see where it's coming from)

It's a symbol of the power principal, of the divided middle, the male dominating generative principal. If there's a satanic system of "powers and principalities" the two horned man plays a significant role.

But no I don't necessarily believe that any satan-creature has two large horns. That said, I do trust to a degree the collective unconsciousness and archetypes of human history, like Santa Claus aka "Father Christmas" for example, which goes back to Saint Nicholas of Myra and imho represent the elder, resurrected Jesus Christ after leaving town, as opposed to getting "beamed straight up" (see my avatar for clues).

Don't assume.

Best Regards,

NAM aka Bob

edit on 13-11-2013 by NewAgeMan because: (no reason given)

Thanks for linking to your posts on that thread. I don't think it answers my question but I will enjoy reading it, nonetheless (you normally are a fun to read and I don't mean that in a condescending or sarcastic way at all).

As far as your reasoning behind it, I can see where you are going with it but I don't know why you would connect it to Satan, specifically. And even if I did see the connection (which I'm sure is there but I'm admittedly out of my element when trying to understand what you mean), it's still not "biblical". I imagine that, if earlier Christian leaders hadn't abused the faith of their flock and started using horns to demonize other cultures, you may have not come to that same conclusion.

Do you think you would have?

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 09:07 PM
The first two pages were a good laugh for me. I simply cannot read on.
I just wanted to point out how amusing it is to me when someone quotes "God"
Like he PERSONALLY told them this knowledge.

Satan is a great character. In a story.
edit on 13-11-2013 by misoginger because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 09:25 PM


reply to post by WarminIndy

I know that my mom was a Christian and she prayed to God to make life hard for me, so that I would return to "Him." When "God" didn't work fast enough for her, she did God's work for him. She turned many co-worker against me, got me fired from many jobs, and kicked out of many living situations. So, yeah, I know about hard core dark arts.

So because your mom was nuts means we all are?

And come on, be honest, you know exactly what I was talking about.

Do I need to post links and sources? But those links and sources don't tell the whole story, of which you know about. I can't help that you had a dysfunctional mother, but we all are not your mother. You keep pointing at us like we are to blame for your mother's dysfunctionalism. Can you tell me which one of us on ATS did all that to you?

Ouch! That response kind of hurt me reading it! Where is the love? That was the true message of Christ-- Love and unity and peace. Love your neighbor as yourself. Because we are all connected-- ALL carry the Divine Spark. Sometimes life has just not nurtured it enough which is where we can all help... or hurt.

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 09:37 PM
reply to post by Cuervo

Re: Glory

The Weight of Glory, by C.S. Lewis

And in referencing C.S. Lewis, perhaps the best "treatment" of the idea of the subtle lies of "satan" (small s) that I've run across and it's rather humorous too, is contained in another seminal work of his called

The Screwtape Letters

It's well worth the read for anyone who's interested in this subject.

Best Regards,

NAM aka Bob

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 10:10 PM

reply to post by new_here

That's what I see then is a bunch of idiots battering away at the door of God's kingdom, as if it will yield under the sheer pressure of their supreme arrogance, pride, vanity.. see again how there's a great joke in all of this yet to be told at the devil's expense.. or perhaps I should say at the expense of human stupidity and the pride of man..?

We must learn to laugh at the devil, which shuts him up and makes him go away, which in turn frees us up to laugh ever more and still harder!

I hope someone get's this and that it's not just me.

"The best way to drive out the devil, if he will not yield to texts of
Scripture, is to jeer and flout him, for he cannot bear scorn."—Luther

"The devill . . the prowde spirite . . cannot endure to be mocked."—Thomas More

So opens Lewis' "The Screwtape Letters (Download Here) which he dedicated to his friend and the one person he credits with his conversation from a reluctant atheism (he was made at God for not existing), J.R.R Tolkein.




Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford



posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 10:14 PM
reply to post by Cuervo

Which is why I would like to point out here, as I tried to do, and nothing against Wiccans, Pagans or other faiths.

There are those, some people, who believe that through the practice of the dark arts do indeed bring forth an entity that they have placed the name Satan onto. It's not the red guy in a suit, it's not the pitchfork with a tail guy, it is an entity.

Those people, not the Wiccans or Pagans, but those people specifically who do worship an entity they call Satan. My post was NOT directed at saying Wiccans or Pagans are practitioners or Satan worshipers. I hope this clears up the confusion that may have resulted.

My point was that, there are people who do this. This is what I am trying to say. But to be dismissive of it, is not honest either, if you have practiced the occult, you know there are people doing this.

That being said, please understand, I was NOT equating Wicca or Paganism with this particular practice. I hope you understand. When the OP said "I was a Satan worshiper" to me, that means that he believed in an entity that the name Satan was placed onto.

If anyone has read into this that I was accusing anyone on this thread of being Satanist, I was not. And if there are those reading this post who are, but not commenting, then it behooves us to not dismiss them as being practitioners of this.

If you feel as though I was equating your faith system with Satanism, then I apologize for the confusion.

We know there are many beings and entities that have no name, it is just easier for us to make connections to them by calling them something.

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 11:03 PM

It doesn't help matters much either that there is so much covert and overt satanic symbolism embedded into our modern culture, with talk and imagery of "powering through" as if the door to the kingdom of heaven can and must be busted down and then taken by storm, something which Jesus and his Great Work being the door itself, made utterly impossible and an effort in futility (do you see the possibility for humor in this?).

Or, if not "powering through" then like a battering ram, tough enough to get the job done.

Guts. Gory. Ram.

And just to show you that I am not really crazy at all in regards to where the executive advertising firms and celebrities, who often like to make little horn signs (to honor not the creator but the creature no need for pics) are coming from

It's an attempted transfer of God's glory, to the self, in this case to sell trucks in another music tracks on Itunes, fame, fortune, etc. but it's a mockery, you see, and there's no guts in attempted theft when all the way the whole of it all was for our mutual glorification with God not excluded "back there" somewhere (on the eighth day) or on the other side of the veil, or not at all, as if all that's left is self and isolate consciousness and the reaching for a glory we can never even fully discover and thoroughly enjoy this side of the veil!

But it's HILARIOUS really, when you consider it fully and completely, at all levels in regards to the "world system" that, in the final analysis ..

- they've handed the last laugh over to us at the devil's expense.

And we're the first and they are, sadly for many of them the last to "get it", because we caught up with their little lie, and then the glory flows all over the place, but it's not coming from them who we can now safely ignore!

Therefore, ignore the world system, while saving the last laugh for yourself whenever you do choose to notice.

Now that's the kind of smile that lasts the one that enjoys the last laugh at the devil's expense, while accepting the weight of glory that also breaks the back of our own pride and vanity, in order to keep the good-natured, good-willed humor, rolling...

Hello. My name is Bob and I'm your doorman. Welcome to the mutual glory and the humor and joy and laughter and celebration of the kingdom of the living God! It was all for the sake of "we", together, for the greatest possible and imaginable good and for the sake of love.

And no I am NOT crazy, that's the thing.

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 11:10 PM
reply to post by WarminIndy

I honestly don't know what you might have said that you think I'd be upset about. I was just whining to NewAgeMan about the fallacy of connecting horns with Satan but neither of you said anything jerk-like.

If you are proactively apologizing for something you are about to say, then I say thanks.

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