Its been approximately 7 years since the wheels feel off the world economy, either by epic levels of individual greed or by design, as many people
Unlike the MSM have been repeatedly stating, these times are in actual fact not a recession or series of recessions that the west can bounce back
from. Its all blatant lies, as most people on sites like this knew long ago.
Only this past week the hacktavist group Anonymous held its million mask march. The event had a virtual MSM blackout. Whatever your opinion of
Anonymous (I myself suspect their motivations)..but the fact world wide demonstrations were ignored in most of the MSM is highly concerning.
Also Google and its control of YouTube. Where now you cannot comment on video's unless signed into Google, raising more concerns about no longer being
able to make anonymous comments.
Not only that but I suspect Google are manipulating viewing hits on certain videos, lowering the numbers to make it appear a fraction of the true
viewing figures on certain political videos or anti political ones. I have no proof of this, but some videos you would expect to have hundreds of
thousands of hits, have 5 or 10..etc.
Everything tells me that we are in the end game right now. Google is the built in search engine for Firefox browser, the one time opensource browser.
In short Google now almost exclusively CONTROL the WWW. Their links to the NSA have already been established along with Facebook..
Its looks like the internet is now almost sewn up completely...along with the MSM. Clearly not a coincidence, but what appears to be the culmination
of long term planning.
i sense doom on the horizon imminently..within days or weeks, not months.
Something wicked this way comes. It's a world Coup d'état ending in the defeat of the enemy. It is THE conspiracy that will rise, like a natural
systems, to its end. The very reason it is allowed to rise is to seal its fall. Let me give you some information that shows this clearly.
First, the Document Belonging to the Instructor from the Dead Sea Scrolls.
"False deeds are thus an abomination to the truth, whereas all the ways of truth are for perversity equally a disgrace. Fierce dispute attends every
point of decision, for they can never agree. In his mysterious insight and glorious wisdom God has countenanced an era in which perversity triumphs,
but at the time appointed for visitation He shall destroy such forever. Then shall truth come forth in victory upon the earth. Sullied by wicked ways
while perversity rules, at the time of the appointed judgment truth shall be decreed. By His truth God shall then purify all human deeds, and refine
some of humanity so as to extinguish every perverse spirit from the inward parts of the flesh, cleansing from every wicked deed by a holy spirit."
This snapshot of world events, culminating in a visitation by God, is the end of any natural system. Compare this to a dam that is blocked up as the
waters rush downstream toward the blockage. The breach breaks and the system equalizes.
Here is another example from Hermes in Egypt:
First, you need the signs of what comes this way as evil.
""And in that day, the world will not be marveled at, [...] and immortality, nor will it be worshiped [...], since we say that it is not good [...].
It has become neither a single thing nor a vision. But it is in danger of becoming a burden to all men. Therefore, it will be despised - the beautiful
world of God, the incomparable work, the energy that possesses goodness, the man-formed vision. Darkness will be preferred to light, and death will be
preferred to life. No one will gaze into heaven. And the pious man will be counted as insane, and the impious man will be honored as wise. The man who
is afraid will be considered as strong. And the good man will be punished like a criminal."
---On ATS, is darkness (ignorance) preferred to light? Are pious men counted as insane for believing in God? Are impious men honored as wise?
""And concerning the soul, and the things of the soul, and the things of immortality, along with the rest of what I have said to you, Tat, Asclepius,
and Ammon - not only will they be considered ridiculous, but they will also be thought of as vanity. But believe me (when I say) that people of this
kind will be endangered by the ultimate danger to their soul. And a new law will be established ... (2 lines missing) ... they will ... (line missing)
... good. The wicked angels will remain among men, (and) be with them, (and) lead them into wicked things recklessly, as well as into atheism, wars,
and plunderings, by teaching them things contrary to nature."
---Are the mysteries of the soul considered ridiculous by our materialistic man? Again, read the rest that follows and check the signs. Are they in
place today?
"In those days, the earth will not be stable, and men will not sail the sea, nor will they know the stars in heaven. Every sacred voice of the word of
God will be silenced, and the air will be diseased. Such is the senility of the world: atheism, dishonor, and the disregard of noble words."
---Check the signs today. Is the air diseased?
""And when these things had happened, Asclepius, then the Lord, the Father and god from the only first god, the creator, when he looked upon the
things that happened, established his design, which is good, against the disorder. He took away error, and cut off evil. Sometimes, he submerged it in
a great flood; at other times, he burned it in a searing fire; and at still other times, he crushed it in wars and plagues, until he brought ... (4
lines missing) ... of the work. And this is the birth of the world."
---Again, we have the pattern set in place to cycle from death back to rebirth. The key to this was mentioned in symbolism above. I'll get to that.
"The restoration of the nature of the pious ones who are good will take place in a period of time that never had a beginning. For the will of God has
no beginning, even as his nature, which is his will (has no beginning). For the nature of God is will. And his will is the good.""
---This is the end of it, but the beginning of all things is the will of God. In physics, this is the strong nuclear force that is invariable. All
systems obey this law. Electrons do not follow the law of invariable symmetry and this is why we have cycles of exit and return. In terms of the
Bible, this is involution and evolution, or baptism in the waters of life. He gave the mystery away here:
""And what is this that I say about the Egyptian? For they (the Egyptians) will not abandon Egypt. For (in) the time (when) the gods have abandoned
the land of Egypt, and have fled upward to heaven, then all Egyptians will die. And Egypt will be made a desert by the gods and the Egyptians. And as
for you, River, there will be a day when you will flow with blood more than water."
Water and the river are explained in most of my threads. You must be born again. Death is a transition, but anyone who becomes chaff will be burned
away. Chaff, ultimately, is our body, while the grain that is saved (Ear of Grain) is our mind. It is saved, but not before the chaff is beat on the
threshing floor. It's planted again or made into bread (body).
We are entering the time of harvest.
edit on 12-11-2013 by EnochWasRight because: (no reason given)