reply to post by AliceBleachWhite
@ "people are unhappy and love to scapegoat whoever is in office, even when whoever is in office isn't to blame where they're still trying to clean up
the mess left by the last administration."? WOW, Really? Still? 5 years later? The spell still has lingering affects on you?
So if the article rings true then Obama committed these offences as an act of cleaning up what the last president started? Or is he finishing off
what the last didn't finish?
Is he cleaning up the Patriot Act by branching it out and turning it against All & any American citizens? By using it against our allies?
Cleaning up Lobbying, Partisan Politics, & corruption by becoming more Partisan, more Corrupt, and using a team of Lobbyist to write a Bill that he
was gonna pass no matter what it had inside? and by Lying flat out to All Americans, Dems and Repubs.
Continuation and double the use of Drones is part of cleaning up also?
Closing all American embassies, then killing 30 people who were "Chattering"! with drones, and then explaining nothing about it to us. Saying he will
not discuss National Security details? No Trials, No Proof of guilt, or explanation as to why they were a threat?
Yeah your on to something, your just looking at it backwards.
We got mad at Bush for detaining people without charges or explanation.
Now We look away when Obama Drone strikes and kills them with out Proof, Details, Guilt, anything. As a matter of fact I don't even think we found out
who they were.
So anybody who hated that kind of activity Yesterday, & Condones with rationalization today, is someone with no Values.
It's like you said.. We need to stop waving the "Dem. Gop flags" and fix our country.
Well you need to do the same. Plus you also need to stop wearing out the Sad Excuse that is 5 years old and don't hold a drop of water in reality.
If id known.. "Hope & Change" was actually.. "Do the Same & when all fails.. Blame,Cry, & Complain" I would have never been Stupid enough to stick it
out for the first year. That's around the time anyone watching should have figured out we were PLAYED. He don't care about or stick up for you and
your Rights. So why are you even clinging to throwing Jabs for him?
edit on 2201330th2013PM1120131113 by NotSoAnonymous because: (no reason given)