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Criminal terror charges filed against Obama

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posted on Nov, 12 2013 @ 11:03 AM
reply to post by 727Sky

Dear 727Sky,

I don't know if my little vacation from ATS has changed my personality, but I think I see things differently than I used to.

You put together a good solid post. I have no criticism of it at all. I can see only two ways to interpret your effort. One, is to serve as an alarm clock. "Come on, people! Time to wake up!" There's more than enough evidence to show that the person currently holding the office of President is, at best, completely incompetent and at worst, bent on destroying America and changing it into a third world Socialist state.

There's another, less flattering way to interpret your efforts. If the (supposedly) bright people on ATS can't admit, even now, the absolute danger posed by the White House, then they never will and we may as well forget talking to them, waste of breath.

Perhaps I'm being too harsh, however. Even the Main Stream Media, was finally nudged awake by the NSA interception of reporters' communications (and their families'), and seem to have been brought fully awake by the double disaster of Obamacare. Maybe, if we keep calling out to them, even the blind Obama supporters can be brought out of their comas.

In any event, thanks again for your post, much appreciated.

With respect,

P.s. This is no longer a Republican v. Democrat issue. Early on it was, but now with Obama's approval rating in the high 30s and low 40's (nearly exactly where Bush's were), only the most die hard fans are still hanging on to hope (or their ingrained training). We're willing to forgive a lot, even the President clearly and intentionally lying to us (Clinton). But Obama has just done too many wrong things, too often. -C-

posted on Nov, 12 2013 @ 11:39 AM
reply to post by AliceBleachWhite

The system can be fixed but in order to fix it there has to be checks and balances on the government and not just the people or civilians.
Get corporations out of politics. No more campaign buying. The media should be required to give free and equal time to each candidate for office. No extra paid time slots.
Do away with career politicians. Have everyone serve no more than two terms. Period.
They watch us and judge us on everything we do, but who watches them? They watch each other. Like the prisoners guarding themselves.

posted on Nov, 12 2013 @ 12:06 PM
reply to post by Daz3d-n-Confus3d

Dear Daz3d-n-Confus3d,

I think you showed the way with your first sentence.

The system can be fixed but in order to fix it there has to be checks and balances on the government and not just the people or civilians.

As you know, the Constitution was set up to do just that. Allow me to offer an opinion. I don't know this to be a fact with absolute certainty, but I believe it, and will until contradictory evidence appears.

Democrats have no interest in the Constitution. They have a goal of transforming society, and will allow nothing to interfere with that. Not the Republicans, the Constitution, God, or anything. Republicans are split, whereas the Democrats travel in, a what, herd? gang? mob? bloc? There are Republican Senators like Murkowski, and McCain who are said to represent the moderate Republicans. They are also sometimes referred to as Democrat Lite, or the Republican Establishment.

The news will tell you there is a split in the Republicans with the Establishment being opposed by what is called Conservative Republicans, or Tea Party Republicans. If people want a return to the checks and balances of the Constitution, I would suggest that the best way would be to have the Congress composed of 45% Conservative Republicans, 25% Establishment Republicans, and 30% Democrats. (I don't want any faction to have an absolute majority.)

I hope I understood you.

With respect,

posted on Nov, 12 2013 @ 01:14 PM
I've heard time and time again that 'criminal charges are being filed against the US president' for years...I'm gonna go ahead and assume this is actually nothing, and nothing will come of it, yes?

posted on Nov, 12 2013 @ 01:31 PM
reply to post by TheJourney

Dear TheJourney,

I agree with you, at least in part.

I think you're right that nothing will come of it, at least as far as the ICC actually convicting him. There are several reasons for that.

But to assume that the charges themselves are actually nothing? I'm not so sure. This is the ICC, not some protest group with a similar name in Spain or someplace. Further, there are many in the US who have protested the drone strikes killing civilians, which tends to tarnish Obama's image. There are also those who have pointed out the close connections which several Obama staffers have to the Muslim Brotherhood.

Additionally, the charges will create rancor in the countries and companies who have suffered because of our sanctions in the Middle East. Obama's position may be seen as extreme hypocrisy, if not absolutely deadly.

If the ICC asks for an investigation and starts taking documents and testimony, it could become a very big thing, even if Obama is not convicted. (And I don't think he will be.)

I've heard time and time again that 'criminal charges are being filed against the US president' for years.
I've heard it about Bush and Obama. Not very good company for our current President to be in, at least from his point of view.

With respect,

posted on Nov, 12 2013 @ 02:43 PM

reply to post by AliceBleachWhite

The system can be fixed but in order to fix it there has to be checks and balances on the government and not just the people or civilians.

I remember when I was this optimistic. It wasn't so long ago. But it seems like it. Unfortunately, I don't think human nature can be controlled. We were destined to be our own worst enemy the instant we started thinking too much and making greater and greater efforts to control nature.

Government is just more of the same. A control system. Unfortunately, when you create a master control panel, whoever is at the controls rules the world. The wrong people will probably always eventually climb to the top and get control.
edit on 12-11-2013 by BrianFlanders because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2013 @ 07:25 PM
Have seen many stories similar to this one, and nothing ever pans out. Even if it gets pass the talking phase, is it really President Obama alone? Are we to assume that just one person is to be held responsible for the sins of our country? I believe by targeting one person, sets the stage for failure. Let's clean house. Set term limits. Find the true corruption.

I believe so many businesses, big pharma, special interest groups, and some other government officials may be to blame. Why stop at one man that will be done his term soon? Let's not treat the symptom, cure the disease.

posted on Nov, 12 2013 @ 09:00 PM
If the American people can't seem to fire him and send him into a prison with Bush, there's no way another country can even get close to making it happen. The majority of Americans do not approve of Obama and he's an embarrassment to this nation just like Bush was. There were other presidents before those two that were terrible before those two but it seems that Obama and Bush are brothers in the news.

Obama will most likely retire rich and happy, and the American people will not have had the opportunity to get him impeached etc... Any nation claiming to be able to do otherwise is a liar. People are too scared to do anything about it and this is the danger of fascism. Anything you say and don't say will be used against you in the court of executive order.

posted on Nov, 12 2013 @ 11:19 PM
reply to post by AliceBleachWhite

@ "people are unhappy and love to scapegoat whoever is in office, even when whoever is in office isn't to blame where they're still trying to clean up the mess left by the last administration."? WOW, Really? Still? 5 years later? The spell still has lingering affects on you? _javascript:icon('

So if the article rings true then Obama committed these offences as an act of cleaning up what the last president started? Or is he finishing off what the last didn't finish?

Is he cleaning up the Patriot Act by branching it out and turning it against All & any American citizens? By using it against our allies?

Cleaning up Lobbying, Partisan Politics, & corruption by becoming more Partisan, more Corrupt, and using a team of Lobbyist to write a Bill that he was gonna pass no matter what it had inside? and by Lying flat out to All Americans, Dems and Repubs.

Continuation and double the use of Drones is part of cleaning up also?

Closing all American embassies, then killing 30 people who were "Chattering"! with drones, and then explaining nothing about it to us. Saying he will not discuss National Security details? No Trials, No Proof of guilt, or explanation as to why they were a threat?

Yeah your on to something, your just looking at it backwards.

We got mad at Bush for detaining people without charges or explanation.

Now We look away when Obama Drone strikes and kills them with out Proof, Details, Guilt, anything. As a matter of fact I don't even think we found out who they were.

So anybody who hated that kind of activity Yesterday, & Condones with rationalization today, is someone with no Values.

It's like you said.. We need to stop waving the "Dem. Gop flags" and fix our country.

Well you need to do the same. Plus you also need to stop wearing out the Sad Excuse that is 5 years old and don't hold a drop of water in reality.

If id known.. "Hope & Change" was actually.. "Do the Same & when all fails.. Blame,Cry, & Complain" I would have never been Stupid enough to stick it out for the first year. That's around the time anyone watching should have figured out we were PLAYED. He don't care about or stick up for you and your Rights. So why are you even clinging to throwing Jabs for him?

edit on 2201330th2013PM1120131113 by NotSoAnonymous because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 10:26 AM
Wow Egypt really turned against Obama big time. I doubt this will have any meaningful consequence for Obama.

reply to post by R_Clark

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 11:14 AM
If the DOJ wasn't so mindbogglingly corrupt, then eric holder, john mccain, john kerry and barrack obama would have been convicted of treason and rotting in prison. Impeachment is lame and too yesterday if you ask me.

The higher you go the more the corruption. USA doesnt even recognise the ICC at the hague. Go figure!

posted on Nov, 14 2013 @ 01:06 PM
reply to post by EarthCitizen07

So would Lyndon B Johnson, Reagan, Bush 1, Clinton, Bush 2 and Cheaney. If you think the guys you listed committed worst crimes than our previous leaders, you're either blink and asleep, or choose to believe what makes you feel good about yourself and not the truth.

posted on Nov, 15 2013 @ 08:57 AM
reply to post by R_Clark

There is absolutely no proof that President Obama is supporting the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.

That is just surmise by your source and yourself, based on the false assumption that the President is a Muslim.

There is no truth in either one of them.

posted on Nov, 15 2013 @ 02:28 PM

reply to post by EarthCitizen07

So would Lyndon B Johnson, Reagan, Bush 1, Clinton, Bush 2 and Cheaney. If you think the guys you listed committed worst crimes than our previous leaders, you're either blink and asleep, or choose to believe what makes you feel good about yourself and not the truth.

Good lets keep selling out america in the name of who is/was worse than the other....

Maybe they should just setup another sex scandal as that does wonders. Genocide is lame!


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