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Obama diverts food stamps cash to fund Michelle’s “Let’s Move” program

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posted on Nov, 11 2013 @ 05:40 PM
reply to post by Bassago

I do not agree with the food stamp cuts, although some massive health-related campaign, especially for kids,is a necessity sooner or later.

I do not know enough of the Michelle Obama´s program to comment on it, although looking at the current situation, something needs to change.

Otherwise sooner or later, the obesity will bankrupt the nation. People are less productive, while healthcare costs increase signifcantly, especially if US is thinking about moving towards single-payer system in the coming decades.

You can not influence grown-ups, who already have strong beliefs, but you can influence the kids. I do not see anything wrong in schools putting more effort on educating the kids more on nutrition and health, putting more effort on trying to get kids to be physically more active. At the end it is better for them, although often their parents have failed teaching them it and they themselves are too dumb to realise what effect they are having on their health by not moving much, eating all the junk food, drinking too many sodas etc.

posted on Nov, 11 2013 @ 09:33 PM
reply to post by Cabin

I am not going to litter anyone's mind with a bunch of facts. But I highly suggest you all read the current proposed Farm Bill. And then go back and read the previous versions and history. And most importantly....don't read the biased agenda crap until last. The farm Bill is where the Food stamp and school lunch...ect... are funded. Also take note of the changes in the 2008 farm bill. I hate to tell you all this...but the farmers are not the evil greedy people the media makes them out to be. Next time some of you people vote, please read the actual text and content of stuff. Listening to politicians and others with an agenda is dangerous. Look what happened when every one voted for our current commander in's that working for ya?

posted on Nov, 11 2013 @ 09:38 PM
Maybe food stamps need to cut things such as soda pop, ice cream, and boxed cookies and cakes. (Not flour and sugar and stuff you actually make homemade food out of though.) That would cut out alot of the unneeded food, and at least make people work at making junk food to eat.

Maybe make only the five basic food groups available for food stamps. IDK, but the boxed unhealthy convenient foods available have gotten rediculous. Why make it EASY and FREE at the same time?

Forcing the to make FRESH meat, fruit and veggies with the food stamp budget would change alot of eating habits. Healthier AND less expensive.

posted on Nov, 11 2013 @ 09:41 PM

reply to post by Cabin

I am not going to litter anyone's mind with a bunch of facts. But I highly suggest you all read the current proposed Farm Bill. And then go back and read the previous versions and history. And most importantly....don't read the biased agenda crap until last. The farm Bill is where the Food stamp and school lunch...ect... are funded. Also take note of the changes in the 2008 farm bill. I hate to tell you all this...but the farmers are not the evil greedy people the media makes them out to be. Next time some of you people vote, please read the actual text and content of stuff. Listening to politicians and others with an agenda is dangerous. Look what happened when every one voted for our current commander in's that working for ya?


posted on Nov, 11 2013 @ 10:06 PM

reply to post by Bassago

Which is why I suggest limiting a person's state subsidized intake of such foods when their physique displays evidence of their overuse. Couldn't they kill two birds with one stone and make food stamps only valid for healthy food?

well first of all not all obesity comes from overeating, i'd wager most obesity comes from lack of exercise, poor food choice, hormone imbalances, retaining excess water, inflammation, psychological disorders, genetic predispositions to weigh more, slow metabolism and mental disorders.
you cant lay all the blame on abuse or gluttonous excess eating as if people are clones. second of all sometimes the best most efficient methods are wrong and set us on a dangerous path which treats people like expendable objects or numbers instead of people, your idea would indeed save money but at the cost of ones humanity and peoples lives.

posted on Nov, 11 2013 @ 10:24 PM

Maybe food stamps need to cut things such as soda pop, ice cream, and boxed cookies and cakes. (Not flour and sugar and stuff you actually make homemade food out of though.) That would cut out alot of the unneeded food, and at least make people work at making junk food to eat.

Maybe make only the five basic food groups available for food stamps. IDK, but the boxed unhealthy convenient foods available have gotten rediculous. Why make it EASY and FREE at the same time?

Forcing the to make FRESH meat, fruit and veggies with the food stamp budget would change alot of eating habits. Healthier AND less expensive.

Very good point! I have been saying the exact same thing for years. The WIC program actually does that in a way (also funded by the farm bill) A WIC recipient has a strict list of allowed items for purchase each month.

Perhaps instead of the Government controlling our intake of food because they think everyone in America is obese and we are all at risk of sending a bunch of fat unhealthy kids out into the world.... They should toss around the option of banning video games, and computers for the kids to look at facebook in school all day

I am not even close to obese... So if the Government try's to take away my tasty Donuts and other snacks I enjoy from time to time...... There will be a Revolt! I am not a child so I take offence when the Government attempts to tell me its for my own good because I can't be trusted to make my own choices. If an attempt is made to take away my tasty treats or my weapon... it will not go well. With me, or the rest of my fit and healthy family members.

posted on Nov, 11 2013 @ 10:42 PM
I was recently confronted by someone clamoring about how they could not fathom why Obama is disliked. This issue is tantamount to the corruption in hand, I hope more people see what is going on here now.

Obesity has many causes, but some less talked of. One in such how people are eating so called labeled low fat foods, but believe they can eat a bigger portion without risk as well as the said dangers of artificial sweeteners. Can also come from eating incorrect fatty foods(sat fat, etc.) when the body is craving good fats(fish fat, etc), what do most people reach for? Lower income and on food stamps often only have the option of affording the bad fats due to lower cost, such as frozen pizza's 20 grams plus of harmful fat grease.

posted on Nov, 11 2013 @ 11:51 PM
reply to post by dreamingawake

I can only suggest people do a little research and read the Actual contents of the current proposed Farm Bill and previous versions. While keeping in mind that the Farm Bill is not actually written by farmers. It is written by people elected by a bunch of dim wits that have little working knowledge of Agriculture. That is why I wish people would do their own research before voting. There is way to much influence putting false information into peoples minds by those with an agenda just to get their vote.

When did people stop thinking on their own? I truly fear for the future of our society. So many can't even see the corruption when it slaps them in the face anymore.

posted on Nov, 12 2013 @ 09:20 AM
Yes more govt is just what we need!!! YAY!!! I'm so relieved they are going to take care of me and our kids so well now. I was really worried there for a minute!!!

Ugg I wish the stupid asteroid/comet/super volcano or whatever ELE event is gonna happen just hurries the heck up and puts an end to this crap heh.

Want to know why America is fat? Here's one example, when my daughter my mom and I went to dinner for a treat the other night, our dinners of prime rib and the fixins fed each of us for THREE freakin meals. I sat and watched as seriously obese people shoveled their food in and ate the appetizer, salad, a ton of bread the entree and a dessert. Seriously? We each had our salad some bread part of our entree and shared a dessert. Not because we are dieting, I have never dieted in my life and I'm a couch potato and I'm 5'9" and 145#.

The problem is people eat till they are FULL instead of till they are NOT HUNGRY. And they do this at least 3 times a day. If you put a drop of water a day in a balloon with a hole and a drop a day leaks out it stays the same size if you put a cup of water in it and a drop a day leaks? You get the picture.That's the problem right there. A large outback prime rib dinner which most of these people ordered, we order for the yummy fact we get to have steak for a day or 2 not just one meal heh. If I ate as much as most of those people in one sitting I'd either yark or pop like that guy in Monty Python's Meaning of Life.


posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 03:11 AM


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