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Abducted by Uncle Sam - Coming To A Bedroom Near You?

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posted on Nov, 16 2013 @ 12:56 PM


reply to post by The GUT

For anyone who is not familiar with her, Karla Turner has some interesting things to say about military abductions.

edit on 16-11-2013 by EnPassant because: (no reason given)

Well that IS an interesting source.

For me, this link in particular:

Ra and Set and others are part of the one collective that has been dogging humanity
for a long time.. that this info was on a MILAB site.. very interesting. I guess I'd
call these guys part of the 'naughty neteru' not the 'sacred neteru'.
Thanks for the link.

Archons? No. I was referring to the Karla Turner links.
edit on 16-11-2013 by EnPassant because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2013 @ 02:40 PM
reply to post by EnPassant

Archons? No. I was referring to the Karla Turner links.

Ah my bad then. I'll look at Karla Turner stuff too..
all this UFO research stuff is fascinating.. I've never
looked at any of it. I guess there's never been a time
I thought that UFOs were due to little green men..
I've always been on the ID side of things.. and read
a bit on the military angle.. as I did 7 years in the
military with a clearance. Really I'm planning on
training my RV skills on things much closer to Earth
as well.


"This article focuses on the parasitic nature of Horus-Ra as an “Archontic” interdimensional being discovered within the milab and alien abduction experience."

References MILAB and Ra .. that's what's got me excited.. I have
a post coming on this subject.. well the Ra part anyway.


edit on 16-11-2013 by KellyPrettyBear because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2013 @ 03:41 PM
reply to post by KellyPrettyBear

How can you find the ufo stuff fascinating if you havent looked at any of it?

What does "I have always been on the ID side of things" mean? Are you suggesting people hallucinate everything? Give me a freakin break.

edit on 16/11/13 by EarthCitizen07 because: add vent

posted on Nov, 16 2013 @ 03:47 PM

reply to post by KellyPrettyBear

How can you find the ufo stuff fascinating if you havent looked at any of it?

What does "I have always been on the ID side of things" mean? Are you suggesting people hallucinate everything? Give me a freakin break.

Let me clarify:

I'm finding this ufo stuff fascinating NOW. Been looking at it
for a month or so. Not much before this. I've always been
on the mystical side of things.. It's only recently that I've
learned that mystical stuff and UFOs are one and the same
identical thing.. that's what's been so mind opening.

Am I suggesting that people hallucinate everything? Not at all
that's 180 degrees opposite of what I'm saying. Everything is
solid.. just as solid as we are.. but we aren't actually solid
in the way people think either.. its all about controlling
the projection of 'matter'. 'They can do it'; most of us
can't (I can't control it either.. i'm in the same boat).


posted on Nov, 16 2013 @ 03:57 PM
reply to post by KellyPrettyBear

Ok thats fair. Thanks for clarifying your position. I was worried for a minute or two.

Trust me, there is tons of evidence between mysticism/ufos/aliens, and its just a matter of interpretation of said evidence. There is so much that I stopped looking into it years ago because it was over-bearing and possessing me to the point of becoming a bad habit for me. I said the hell with it and have been convinced there is something really wrong with this world.

I too am very disconnected from the world. Once you learn the truth you cant tolerate stupidity anymore. Sometimes I wonder if the price of fullfillment of secret knowledge is worth the pain and anguish of it all if everyone else chooses to remain ignorant.

ATS used to be fringe when it started but has sold out to volume and has become mainstream in the negative sense. Too many carl sagan posters in the ufo forumn, too many obama robots in the political forum, too many alqueda did it posters in the 911 forumn, too many masons in the secret society forumn, etc.

The people trying to spread truth gave up from frustration and the status quo muppets have filled in the void.
edit on 16/11/13 by EarthCitizen07 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2013 @ 04:09 PM
reply to post by KellyPrettyBear

If you want to study it - Timothy Good, for nuts-and-bolts evidence.
Jenny Randles for a very sober and convincing appraisal of abductions (she's the best).
Also Karla Turner - but these are just my favorites. There's plenty of good researchers out there.

posted on Nov, 16 2013 @ 04:11 PM

reply to post by KellyPrettyBear

If you want to study it - Timothy Good, for nuts-and-bolts evidence.
Jenny Randles for a very sober and convincing appraisal of abductions (she's the best).
Also Karla Turner - but these are just my favorites. There's plenty of good researchers out there.

I wonder how many people agree with that list?
Anyone want to chime in?

The only reason I'd study any of this, is to spot
that one little bit of evidence that supports
the 'Ra hypothesis'.

posted on Nov, 16 2013 @ 04:18 PM
reply to post by KellyPrettyBear

If you want to get to the bottom of everything then buy some commander-x books. They are as fringe as fringe can get and spot on. Timothy Good is ok but nothing spectacular.

And this site is by far the best one. They also have a forumn for discussion there.

posted on Nov, 16 2013 @ 04:19 PM


reply to post by KellyPrettyBear

If you want to study it - Timothy Good, for nuts-and-bolts evidence.
Jenny Randles for a very sober and convincing appraisal of abductions (she's the best).
Also Karla Turner - but these are just my favorites. There's plenty of good researchers out there.

I wonder how many people agree with that list?
Anyone want to chime in?

The only reason I'd study any of this, is to spot
that one little bit of evidence that supports
the 'Ra hypothesis'.

Many people draw parallels between the ufonauts and spirituality. If the ufonauts are extraterrestrial they are not part of the native spirituality of this world. I don't believe everything spiritual is necessarily ufological. They seem to be separate items although ufonauts seem to have their own brand of the paranormal.

posted on Nov, 16 2013 @ 04:22 PM
Stellar member FireMoon noted on another thread that ufology would probably do well to look at what the alphabet agencies have been up to in various other parts of the world and especially 3rd world countries.

The MK-ULTRA and umbrella projects certainly managed some of the shadier projects--especially those termed "terminal experiments"--off continent or in Canada.

In addition, Vallee has spoken of UFO Cult building by the Alphabets, much of which--it would seem--were started elsewhere. The Colares Flap might well fit this category too.

The following is a little more about Villas Boas from the excellent blog VISUP and addresses some of these subjects.

"Initially the team flew around their base of operations at Uberaba, about 150 miles east of Sao Francisco de Sales, testing the electronic equipment. A few days later they flew along the Rio Grande and conducted another night sweep. Using heat-sensing cameras they identified a lone figure on the ground. The helicopter descended to about 200 feet then released an aerosol sedative. The helicopter landed, and the man ran, pursued by the three CIA operatives who grabbed him and hauled him into the helicopter, banging his chin on the deck as they did so. Nedelcovic makes no mention of what was done to the man while on board, only that after a few hours they left him, still unconscious, next to his tractor…

"Other parts of the story also ring true. At the time of the incident the CIA and the US military were firmly established in Brazil, and all over Latin America, keeping close tabs on political developments in the region. Brazil was considered a particularly sensitive nation; its vast size, considerable natural resources and proximity to the US made it a ripe target for Soviet expansion. Things would come to a head in 1964 when the CIA participated in a coup to oust President Joao Goulart, replacing him with a brutal military junta that held power for the next two decades.

"In 1957 the CIA was also deeply involved in its MK-ULTRA programme, researching mind and behaviour-altering techniques involving drugs, surgery and technology. They experimented with a number of psychoactive substances -hallucinogens, sedatives, stimulants, psychomimetics and more -often so entirely unwitting subjects. Would the CIA have conducted some tests on subjects outside of their own jurisdiction? Certainly. For the CIA at this time, the entire world was within its jurisdiction...

Latin American High Weirdness: The UFOs Part II

posted on Nov, 16 2013 @ 04:28 PM
Given what's known about the rather oppressive presence of the CIA in Brazil in the timeframe of the Colares UFO Flap, it might not be too farfetched to suspect a military operation:

The Colares flap refers to an outbreak of UFO sightings that occurred in 1977 on the Brazilian island of Colares. During the outbreak, the UFOs allegedly attacked the citizens with intense beams of radiation that left burn marks and puncture wounds. These sightings led to the Brazilian government dispatching a team to investigate under the codename Operation Saucer (Portuguese: Operação Prato), but the government later recalled the team and classified the files until the late 1990s.

One of the witnesses of the Colares UFO attacks was a physician and Dr. Wellaide Cecim Carvalho, who cared for and made medical tests on the victims. She identified the victims as suffering from fatigue, dizziness, headaches, low blood pressure, and anemia. Some had burn marks where the beams had hit them, with small puncture marks within the burned area. Permanent hair loss occurred in the affected zone.

According to Dr. Carvalho, she attended to about 35 people with these symptoms, who claimed to have been struck by unidentified beams of light from the sky; two of the patients died. Dr. Carvalho said that she was caught in one of the mysterious aerial lights herself. She did not suffer any wounds or lasting physical effects.

Colares "UFO" EM Radiation Burn Victim

Sounds like EM weaponry and the possible testing of a UFO psyops. Some of our intel factions apparently had no compunction in using and abusing the Brazilian citizenry. It also brings to mind Dr. Jacques Vallee's assertion about CIA cult-building experiments as both Heavens Gate and The People's Temple have been mentioned by Jacques--and others--to have been such projects.

Here's just a bit that demonstrates how the agency acted in Brazil and a tie to Jim Jones to boot.

Dan Mitrione was a Richmond, Indiana police officer, then FBI agent, then infamous CIA asset who was sent to Brazil where he was involved in teaching diabolical torture techniques to Brazilian police and helped introduce a system of nationwide identification cards as in, "Show me your papers!"

Dan Mitrione, CIA Torture Instructor

He was also connected to Jim Jones of People's Temple & Jonestown infamy which, as mentioned above, has been rather convincingly outed as one of the CIA custom-built cults and an off-shoot of MK-ULTRA. Jones spent time in Brazil while Mitrione was there and was even "outed" as a CIA agent in the local papers. Mitrione is believed by many researchers to have been Jim Jones handler.

posted on Nov, 16 2013 @ 04:35 PM
reply to post by EnPassant

If the ufonauts are extraterrestrial they are not part of the native spirituality of this world.

Ah.. now there is the key point.. I 180 degrees disagree with that statement.
In fact, the only point i made in my wall of text that was in fact CRITICAL,
is that 'Ra' and his 'buddies' ARE IN FACT OUR SPIRITUAL SYSTEM -- EVERY
LAST ONE THIS PLANET HAS EVER KNOWN. (sorry for the shouting).

That's the key.

ALL worship on Earth is Ra worship: period.

If you worship Jesus -- you are feeding Ra. If you worship Satan - you
are feeding Ra. If you worship the Tao - you are slightly worshipping
Ra. If you use "Kundalini Yoga" --- in most forms at least -- you are
worshipping Ra.

ALL human spiritual activity, unless you can bypass our pothole and
connect directly to your true nature... feeds Ra.

I can't say anything more important. That's it. Quote me on that..
in 5 years remind me I said that if I'm alive.. it will still be true.

Now, is there a way to 'reach beyond this Earth' to find the 'native
and innate noncorrupted spirituality'?

Yes. That's what I've done. I'm sure there are various other 'good aliens'
on this planet that have done the same. I'm using 'good aliens' as a
metaphor to some degree. There may in fact be many people who
have done that .. but I'm not aware who any of them would be..
everyone i know who is big into spirituality unknowingly worships
Ra. I've seen it for years.. by other names.


posted on Nov, 16 2013 @ 04:51 PM
reply to post by KellyPrettyBear

Well said. Its much more elegant than saying reptillians from alpha draconia, and greys from zeti reticulae have teamed up to control and rape the entire galaxy of its natural resources and animal life.

That we are slaves to the illuminati, whom in turn are slaves to these controllers.

Nephelim vs Elohim... This is real spiritualism, not religion. Religion is satanic/luciferian in origin. In many countries they still perform animal sacrifice and lets not forget that thousands of years ago the mayans and aztecs did human sacrifice as well.

A lot of this stuff is covered by AA theory and shown on history channel. They just say it elogant terms to keep people glued rather than switching the channel. I once posted a thread about dulce with a video of mutated animal humans and the thread was deemed a hoax with one flag in importance. LMAO! (better to laugh than to scream)

posted on Nov, 16 2013 @ 05:14 PM

reply to post by EnPassant

If the ufonauts are extraterrestrial they are not part of the native spirituality of this world.

Ah.. now there is the key point.. I 180 degrees disagree with that statement.
In fact, the only point i made in my wall of text that was in fact CRITICAL,
is that 'Ra' and his 'buddies' ARE IN FACT OUR SPIRITUAL SYSTEM -- EVERY
LAST ONE THIS PLANET HAS EVER KNOWN. (sorry for the shouting).

That's the key.

ALL worship on Earth is Ra worship: period.

If you worship Jesus -- you are feeding Ra. If you worship Satan - you
are feeding Ra. If you worship the Tao - you are slightly worshipping
Ra. If you use "Kundalini Yoga" --- in most forms at least -- you are
worshipping Ra.

ALL human spiritual activity, unless you can bypass our pothole and
connect directly to your true nature... feeds Ra.

I can't say anything more important. That's it. Quote me on that..
in 5 years remind me I said that if I'm alive.. it will still be true.

Now, is there a way to 'reach beyond this Earth' to find the 'native
and innate noncorrupted spirituality'?

Yes. That's what I've done. I'm sure there are various other 'good aliens'
on this planet that have done the same. I'm using 'good aliens' as a
metaphor to some degree. There may in fact be many people who
have done that .. but I'm not aware who any of them would be..
everyone i know who is big into spirituality unknowingly worships
Ra. I've seen it for years.. by other names.


I would just like to know what the name of your cult, er...I mean church, is.
It seems people have been waiting forever for the one who has ALL the answers, and you seem to think it's you.
You have presented food for thought at times, but your pompous way of expressing your 'ideas' as 'facts' is certainly off-putting. It makes you appear to be suffering from megalomania.
It might help if you could give us some links that have led you to your 'theories', rather than try to convince us it's all fact, because you say so.
Have a nice day,

posted on Nov, 16 2013 @ 05:48 PM
reply to post by nugget1

Nearly every single post I say "it's my observation".
So take it or leave it. Whatever makes sense for

I don't expect to convince one single person of
anything.. that's not my goal.

People want to feel safe and secure in their
cultural memes for the most part.. that's
how the world works.

I'm posting for who knows.. maybe 3 people?
Its hard to say.

Now lets look at it this way.. say you personally
had a PHD in Art History.. you'd probably
speak with quite a lot of authority on that topic.

You'll notice that I don't speak with any authority
on 95% of the topics on this forum.. I know
very little about politics.. or most generic
conspiracy theories.

I know a fair bit about science and mysticism.
A medium amount about religion.

Now I don't need someone else's permission to
feel alive. I don't need permission from some
religion or social group to feel good about
myself. So I don't go around all wounded
and uncertain.

So yes.. I come across as strong.

I'm downright humble as regards those
95% of subjects... you don't see me
posting in any way but humble and
appreciative for any info I can get
in other forums. (such as the medical
conspiracies forum..I felt 1 inch tall
there..I don't know much about
healthy eating practices).

If you find me obnoxious on the topics
I know a ton about.. then tune me
out.. it's what I do when someone
wants to pin me to the wall and discuss
C++ compiler design or something like

Have a nice day.


posted on Nov, 16 2013 @ 05:51 PM
reply to post by EarthCitizen07

Well I try to stay away from specific labels targeting specific
groups. So much disinfo and psyop. I'm just talking about
what I've noticed in a certain part of the "group mind" that
we all share.


posted on Nov, 16 2013 @ 06:57 PM
reply to post by The GUT

Thanks Gut. Forums being so anonymous you always can’t convey the nuances of meaning.

On topic…. The US is so dirty in this UFO area, from covering up to likely false flags, and copycat abductions in order to further the supposed retired MKUltra work.

posted on Nov, 16 2013 @ 07:22 PM
reply to post by The GUT

If there is a new Satan of the epoch, indeed the CIA may fill those shoes.
Then the Military is Lucifer.

It’s always the CIA behind anything. You would think the US would disband the CIA and give it a new name with its dripping in blood reputation.

Of course that may indicate they are keeping the CIA around with its curdling reputation of evil as a smoke screen for the real bastards that may be some form of military Intelligence.

Look at how they duplicate the drones in the middle east, where the CIA and Army both do it. Duplication.

They are primarily using the CIA to cover up the Alien facts and events but it may be the army behind the spyop in space psychic stuff. And you know who that points to

When they closed down MKULTRA (of course we know they didn’t close it down) it probably was transferred to a military department.

The army and CIA intelligence likely have duplication black ops all the time

posted on Nov, 16 2013 @ 07:36 PM

It’s always the CIA behind anything. You would think the US would disband the CIA and give it a new name with its dripping in blood reputation.

Of course that may indicate they are keeping the CIA around with its curdling reputation of evil as a smoke screen for the real bastards that may be some form of military Intelligence.

My best guess is that CIA chief Allen Dulles, also architect of MK-ULTRA, insured that the CIA--or a spinoff--would be THE controlling U.S. power. Kennedy was probably the last thing that stood in his way. Too bad for JFK...and us.

Consider the ability of the NSA to literally blackmail almost anyone in the world.

edit on 16-11-2013 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2013 @ 09:38 PM
reply to post by The GUT

Here's one for you Gutsey;

Ra the MILAB Master

Hey, maybe I can retire to a nice beach in mexico and sip on umbrella
drinks after all! I'd NEVER have believed any of this sort of stuff, if
I hadn't seen parts of it with my own eyes.

Ever read this particular link? Hell, it's like 50% of what I've been


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