Brilliant idea, altho i must confess that i wasn't a fan of those "line betweeners".
I do not understand that talk about roosters and women. IMHO, that was just stupid generally, and seems to me that there is one major customer segment
those ladies are trying to pursue. And the shame is on that one. In my opinion ofc.
But the idea, brilliant. The punchline was just that, below the belt.
EDIT: and to compliment the poster above me, i'm doubting too about the sales. I have some experience from various areas, and i can clearly see the
misfits of that product. Just think about the accidental helmet activation.. you forgot to turn it off, while picking up stuff from ground or tuning
your pedals, what ever. BOOM, helmet is on! ....whattthee...? FRACK!! Then you call to customer service and behold; the re-activation is 299 +shipping
Generally, customer is "stupid", and sure to misuse the product. I have a feeling that misuse of this product is also the downfall. Generally saying,
fancy equipment and simple user is a clusterfak of issues.
And we should not even start to talk about the electronics within the device.
There might be some problems in sensors, while operating in humid,
warm/cold atmosphere. When taken account the current trend in elec. manuf., i could not trust this one. Lets see after 10 years.
EDIT2: I did LOL, while thinking about the testing phase of those "invisible" lol helmets
It is absolutely funny to think those pesky calibration
procedures. Makes it crazy funny to think about how in heaven they are going to solve the problem related to gyro sensitivity, speed and error
filtering. It's true that money solves problems. Will the product cost an arm and a leg? If not.. Couldn't trust it.
edit on 11-11-2013 by menneni because: 420 edition
edit on 11-11-2013 by menneni because: lé edition quatre20