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The Mosque and a new Temple side by side on "Temple Mount" - key to Mideast peace

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posted on Nov, 8 2013 @ 08:46 PM
reply to post by guidetube

Just like there are various factions who would kill to possess it because it is a very sacred place to three major religions that are all deeply related, there are also groups in those religions who know the significance it has prophetically and would kill to either possess it or keep others from possessing it. There are those who want the end to come and those who want to prevent it. Those who think only they should control it.

Part of the problem is that Islam is famous for building its holy places on conquered ground as a sort of symbol of victory as well as being a Holy Place associated with Mohammad's ascent to Heaven. It is commonly accepted to be built on the physical site of one of the previous temples which was not an uncommon thing for muslims to do - either co-opt an existing structure or build on the site of a previous holy building or great victory to mark their conquest.

So part of the fear is that the Temple would need spell the destruction of the Dome.

posted on Nov, 8 2013 @ 09:09 PM
What if a people pushed not being Christ or Anti Christ but being of something else, like God, or Men or Unknown. They preached they were doing what they could see was the right path for them and luckily they were in a position to show others? The others might try to label their leaders Christ or Anti Christ but if enough labeled them neither but only wise or agreed you could overcome the branding and develop new thinking that didn't involve closed threats.

What I don't like about prophecies is that they seem to suggest God has this all planned which means we don't have much option, there is many discussion on this but I tend on the side that God or the universe has given us free will and we must explore but we know we have to pass it on. God isn't sending someone special to fix it.

Prophecies are based on likely hoods, its like saying we will eventually space travel. That is a big prophecy. I like them as I think our grandfathers advising us. We don't hang onto prophecies where we will be doomed we follow the ones we like and work to fulfill them.

I prophecies that the world will come together over a technological or global threat to start a new ideology that stops such a threat. The technological threat will be something that challenges how we live our lives, it will give us great moral dilemma. The new ideology will make it so threats such as this don't get in the way of life. I possibly see a fight later over whether its time for a big change like the one that was averted originally Possibly this will cause an agreed split for peace.

posted on Nov, 8 2013 @ 09:11 PM
reply to post by ketsuko

I can only see that causing the conflicts we have seen not a WWIII?

posted on Nov, 8 2013 @ 09:17 PM
reply to post by guidetube

no on else I shal reply

Your on the right track...keep thinking...


posted on Nov, 8 2013 @ 09:25 PM
reply to post by Aleister

Yeaah.. because they get along so well praying side by side.
Remember the cave of the patriarchs massacre?

posted on Nov, 8 2013 @ 09:39 PM
reply to post by guidetube

A prophet of God is 100% correct and glorifies God. The 'prophecies" of others - like nostradamus, and the rest - are not 100% correct, and not from God.

Don't shoot me - the messenger - I'm just passing this on from the bible. I don't know what will happen, but with all going on in the world - from fukushima to the collapsing financial holocaust - I don't think humanity has much time left.

posted on Nov, 8 2013 @ 09:55 PM
reply to post by guidetube

The sticky thing about prophecy is that you can never know if you are actually working to fulfill it by trying to strenuously to avert it. And if you try to fulfill it, you might actually be doing the opposite.

On the subject about God knowing and if we have freewill or not ... I look at it this way:

God pre-existed this universe/space-time continuum (whatever you want to call it). He created it, and like the writer of any program, He is not bound by its rules. He is outside of it. This is why I'm not worried about science ever proving or disproving God. Until and unless we find a way to break beyond our own universe, we won't ever have a chance at knowing. We won't find tangible proof of Him anywhere here unless He chooses to reveal Himself.

But I digress ... Because He is outside of space-time, He is not fixed to it. We, being bound within it, are. God is timeless and omniscient. We are timebound and know only what was in the past and the now. Our future is not ours to know. Because of these two points, it is perfectly possible both for God to know what will come to pass and for us to have freewill. Just because He knows what will happen doesn't mean that we know any of the steps it will take for us to get there. The choices you and I will make are as unknown to us today as they were yesterday as they will be tomorrow and our choices will be no less freely made because God might know how we will make them.

posted on Nov, 8 2013 @ 10:10 PM
Yes I think that is one of the main reasons the prophecies followed by Christians are about a new prophet, its telling us we can believe in a new way if God is kept but it could be us who define it and not a Christ or Anti Christ. I predict or hope it would be about God, about our deepest morals and not Christ showing us goodness or Anti Christ's evil. About whether we want to separate our gift so much we cant get it back, change our moral. Even non believers could see the sense on setting judgments based on good even though that good was credited to a God.

Christians can believe they had their prophet because a glorified God and Good prevailed.
Others will see sense in a better ideology in the face of a moral choice regardless if some call the ideology religion.

I do feel that God should be glorified but we have to be better at doing this.

posted on Nov, 9 2013 @ 11:13 AM
Alright, since this thread has slowed down and stalled, I'd like to make my observations of it. Seems to me that if there is this much symbolism and pent-up-religious whirlygigs being communicated within the posts, and we are only a few people talking as if we were sitting down for coffee and having a nice discussion and suddenly hell is breaking loose and the antichrist is trading places with Christ when out of the blue comes World War III, and all I was saying was that there is room there to build another large religious iconic center - I didn't know how large it was until I saw a picture of it last week - and that if everyone agreed to do it that would solve a lot.

So an observation: if the goofy stuff came up as a priority in people's minds here, and the idea that this would be something to bring peace, not war, took second place on just this thread alone, imagine how extreme people in the Mideast would flip out. The groundwork for doing it would be the whole game.

Certainly this can't be done now, but some timetable for healing the two sides and then going with something like this seems feasible, but not for a long time. I had a friend who went to Northern Ireland during some of "the troubles" to get a lay of the land to see if the two or three sides could be healed. He came back and said that they were all insane. Said they'd tell a story of someone picking a fight and insulting a wife over the way they walked to church, telling it forcefully, and then he'd find out that they were talking about something that happened 150 years ago! Well, seems the same thing is going on in the Mideast right now, and among those elsewhere who have visions of some loony-tunes end times playing in their heads.

But one positive theory came of this, I think. The idea that just because there are so many people playing the slide-show version of arm-a-gottin', if the temple ever gets agreed to by all parties involved, when it comes time for what those people say will be anti-Christ sitting in a chair or whatever he's supposed to be doing, there will be tens of thousands of people claiming to be either Christ or anti-Christ or devil or saint, straining but not coming close to breaking the security guard that this crowd would entail. Maybe a hundred a day in season. All bouncing off the walls or statue calm or wide-eyed or perfectly normal, every one claiming to be Jesus returned or Satan or whomever, that the world would be laughing at them so much that even if a real one showed up they'd be lost in the noise level, and go virtually unheard, epic fail. The internet assured that. Worth talking about anyway. For all the rest, the world sure ain't ready for that temple to happen now, way too much drama.

But Ireland and Britain lessened the tension, the long-predicted and expected bloodbath in South Africa never came, and other fears have passed without the storm. Mideast peace, and other types of peace, will occur in time, just could be awhile.

edit on 9-11-2013 by Aleister because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-11-2013 by Aleister because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 10 2013 @ 01:26 AM

It is interesting to note that Russia has been pegged for a while as an End Times player, long before they were bound up in recent events in the Middle East.

Completely falsely, as the Russia has never been mentioned in any Biblical prophesy, end-times or otherwise.

Now look at the position they occupy there which is relatively recent. It's also interesting to note Putin's sudden rise on the world stage, too.

Oh look, it's the latest edition of "Pin the Tail on the Antichrist," a game that has been going on for 2,000 years.

posted on Nov, 10 2013 @ 03:50 AM
reply to post by Aleister

You don't understand what is really going on or you wouldn't post such a question.

posted on Nov, 10 2013 @ 04:15 AM
reply to post by MadMax9

I will pray for peace, and watch what happens. Man cannot rule himself, there is too much greed and arrogance.

It is interesting to see how this is unfolding as the revelations have prophesized.

posted on Nov, 10 2013 @ 06:05 AM
reply to post by Aleister

You are a very optimistic person.

The fight is not about 'temple mount', a mosque or a synagogue.

This is a civilizational fight.

Keep on trying though. Wish you all the best.

posted on Nov, 10 2013 @ 09:41 AM
You know, I complain about Israel's actions quite a bit, but there is one thing that should not be overlooked. They are allowing a Muslim mosque to stand on a spot that is revered in their religion, in their OWN COUNTRY. If they were truly out to destroy all the Muslims, like some have claimed, certainly such an atrocity would not be allowed to remain. And the Muslims need to realize this fact, and that should make them open to compromise.

Some will say that Israel hasn't done anything because of the conflict it would start. Since when has Israel been scared of conflict? And if they wanted to destroy the Arab nations, wouldn't they want conflict? And certainly they would willingly go to war over their religion, since Israel is a state based on religion....

posted on Nov, 10 2013 @ 10:04 AM
reply to post by JiggyPotamus

Jiggy, Israel is a very small country floating in a sea of Muslim States.

There is not a lot that Israel can do even if it becomes aggressive.

The problem with Muslims is that they will throw everybody else out (or kill them, depending upon the situation) if they become majority. Look at what happened to Hindus in Pakistan.

So Israel knows that it cannot rule a Muslim majority region.

posted on Nov, 10 2013 @ 10:05 AM
reply to post by ketsuko

Israeli Orthodox Higher ups already have the plans in place however it will not sit beside the Arab abomination that sits directly on top of the old Temple of Solomon. The Arab Mosque is very new in terms of age in Israel. Had the Jews not been overran in war and had the original Temple not been destroyed, the Arabs would not have that POS Mosque on Israeli sovereign land at all.

The whole world ignores the fact that the Arab building is sitting on a proven Jewish temple mount thousands of years older than the Arab eye sore. During the Gog Magog war this Arab eye sore will not be a problem anymore as it will be blown up like it should have been in 1967.

According to the Arab Islamic s this eyesore is only the third most important site to them and they only keep it to be a pain in the backside to the Jews and mock them because this is the number one most important site to all Jews and Christians.

God bless the world but if you go against Jewish Israel God will punish you. I would like to take this time to thank the leaders of France for telling Obama to go shove it!

posted on Nov, 10 2013 @ 10:17 AM
reply to post by JiggyPotamus

And how long has Israel gone on being attacked by rockets and mortars before doing anything about it? Years in some cases while the Jewish people begged their leaders to strike back because schools were being hit. How long has Israel tried peace with Iran over the nuke issue? People call Israel a war monger state, well I beg to differ. They are trying to avoid war because they know it will be bad for everyone, however they are such a small nation that they can not absorb one nuclear detonation and survive like most other nations can.

They will eventually have to strike Iran's nuclear sites as you can see today that Obama, the Muslim in charge is already trying to sign a deal with Iran when it says Iran basically gives up nothing. Iran is so embolden by Obama's weakness that they refused to shake his hand and he still wants to bend over for them. It is so sickening to see Obama in charge of this country when if people would open their eyes they would see how badly this clown needs to be impeached immediately. I think its going to take millions to march on D.C. with guns to get the dam point across anymore.

posted on Nov, 10 2013 @ 10:24 AM

You know, I complain about Israel's actions quite a bit, but there is one thing that should not be overlooked. They are allowing a Muslim mosque to stand on a spot that is revered in their religion, in their OWN COUNTRY. If they were truly out to destroy all the Muslims, like some have claimed, certainly such an atrocity would not be allowed to remain. And the Muslims need to realize this fact, and that should make them open to compromise.

Some will say that Israel hasn't done anything because of the conflict it would start. Since when has Israel been scared of conflict? And if they wanted to destroy the Arab nations, wouldn't they want conflict? And certainly they would willingly go to war over their religion, since Israel is a state based on religion....

First it's not Israels country it's Palestinian land. Israels occupation of Jerusalem is against international law.

Israels hit and run policy of fighting shows they are afraid of conflict. Just look at how long they have been trying to get America to fight Iran for them.

There is no good reason for the Muslims to give any land to Israel. For once it wouldn't hurt for Israel to be told no you can't have it.

posted on Nov, 10 2013 @ 10:47 AM
reply to post by Patriotsrevenge

And how long has Israel gone on being attacked by rockets and mortars before doing anything about it?

How many times has Israel attacked without showing any proof of being attacked? Israel has even been caught firing missiles into Israel to give Israel the excuse to attack.

Years in some cases while the Jewish people begged their leaders to strike back because schools were being hit.

You mean like when Israel hit schools and hospitals with White Phosphorous? Israel has a war on children policy so why are the citizens complaining when someone else does the same thing.

How long has Israel tried peace with Iran over the nuke issue?

Never Israel only knows how to make demands and make threats.

People call Israel a war monger state, well I beg to differ.

Those people have been listening to what Israel has been saying maybe you should too.

They are trying to avoid war because they know it will be bad for everyone, however they are such a small nation that they can not absorb one nuclear detonation and survive like most other nations can.

If they want to avoid war then maybe it wouldn't hurt if they minded their own business and kept their mouths shut. Israels problems come from Israels policies.

They will eventually have to strike Iran's nuclear sites as you can see today that Obama, the Muslim in charge is already trying to sign a deal with Iran when it says Iran basically gives up nothing.

Why should they give up anything? The NPT allows them to develop nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. Want to talk about the illegal nukes Israel has now?

It is so sickening to see Obama in charge of this country when if people would open their eyes they would see how badly this clown needs to be impeached immediately.

Yes it is sickening how he is actually trying peace instead of getting Americans killed for Israel.

posted on Nov, 10 2013 @ 10:51 AM

reply to post by Aleister

The muslim dome will come down and the temple rebuilt. Notice the word rebuilt. The dome sits inside the temple. The temple rebuilt usher's in the antichrist and the last days.

The Bot

Yeah, I think somebody in a post above your s mentioned Putin.

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