reply to post by EnochWasRight
When the Christians are gone, watch the Middle East burn by its own lack of concern for human dignity.
The foundation of a peaceful society is love for others. When the church of Rome corrupts truth, we know from history what happened. When tyrants
corrupt truth, history repeats. When good people are persecuted, the Spirit rises. Christians may be turning the other cheek, but we are not silent on
the issues. This is something that will continue to get worse and expand globally.
It's already burning, Christian presence notwithstanding.
I agree with you entirely that love and compassion for others is the answer to attaining a peaceful society.
The article mentioned how that part of the world is (as we know) the cradle of Christianity. There has been strife over there forever. And ever and
ever. And still. It has never been at peace, except perhaps during the spreading of Islam long after Muhammed had died (but before the Crusades),
when the Muslims became the seat of learning, science, philosophy, and exquisite arts. Witness Cordoba in Spain.
And that "peace" was imposed by FORCE, not by common consensus of the people (democracy). At least, as far as I understand it now. I had not known
about the rich heritage of Islam in terms of its accomplishments until recently - and I think it's important for the West to recognize that it wasn't
just Newton and Galileo that brought us to 'modern science' - Europe actually learned a LOT from the Muslims, about architecture and trades, like
looming fancy cloth, etc. And the Chinese had a rich, complex culture going before that. The Persians, too. The Greeks and Romans? Well, duh,
everyone knows that.
It is Euro-centric to think that ONLY Europe had a "good" influence on world history; it is clear that the East was WAY ahead of Europe in
sophistication, cultural finesse, hygiene, organization, craftsmanship, etc.
That said, the Christians, Jews, and Muslims over there, in the broadest sense and as a whole, have never "gotten along well." Even if the common
people there now are fine living amongst those of other faiths, the powerful -- and more importantly -- the ARMED and DANGEROUS eem to be against
that. At least in the USA we can each have our own beliefs, and although others may disagree, we are not AFRAID for our lives. Yet.
I just now, as I was typing, thought: would it be helpful for them all to rally together and call themselves "Abrahamians"? Or would that take us
back to OT tyranny? The problem is that of whether or not Jesus is considered to be "the only begotten son of God."
I don't have particular home-pride being an American; I am as disgusted with what is going on here as well, not just with what is going on in the ME.
Do I think the Christians in the Middle East should be left alone, their faith allowed to be, their churches untouchable for pillage and plunder?
Yes, I do.
As ketsuko said, what can we really do about it?
I'm glad that there is outrage in the churches; I don't go to church. But I also don't rely ONLY on MSM; I strive to investigate "alternative" and
"local culture" news and op-ed outlets...they give a more regional veracity that broadcasts like CNN, FOX, MSNBC, etc.
I also check out RT, PressTV, and others. But I entirely disregard Alex Jones, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Pat Robertson and their ilk. They are
dangerous troublemakers, and THAT's who needs to be silenced.
Anyway, thanks for your post and for not titling your latest threads "For Dummies", as well as not rattling off scripture to me. I swear, as much as
I try, Ed, when I see verse numbers and book names, I skip ahead of those to try to capture YOUR words...and probably miss much along the way.
Have a good day, and a nice weekend. Thanks for the work you do to stifle contention.
I fully realize that I get wound up and snarky - because truly I am furious about how the world is being "run", and how ruthless people are to others
less fortunate or less powerful than themselves. But I think that basically, you and I are on the same page - Love is the answer.
edit on 11/8/13 by wildtimes because: (no reason given)