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Barnabas 5:1
For to this end the Lord endured to deliver His flesh unto
corruption, that by the remission of sins we might be cleansed, which
cleansing is through the blood of His sprinkling.
---This is explained in Hebrews 9:21.
Barnabas 5:2
---Here, he quotes Isaiah 53 as a prophecy of Christ coming to Israel. "He
was wounded for your transgressions, and He hath been bruised for
our sins; by His stripes we were healed. As a sheep He was led to
slaughter, as a lamb is dumb before his shearer."
Barnabas 5:3
We ought therefore to be very thankful unto the Lord, for that He
both revealed unto us the past, and made us wise in the present, and
as regards the future we are not without understanding.
---God draws the future into the past for us to see in the present.
Barnabas 5:4
Now the scripture saith; Not unjustly is the net spread for the
birds. He meaneth this that a man shall justly perish, who having
the knowledge of the way of righteousness forceth himself into the
way of darkness.
Barnabas 5:5
There is yet this also, my brethren; if the Lord endured to suffer
for our souls, though He was Lord of the whole world, unto whom God
said from the foundation of the world, Let us make man after our
image and likeness, how then did He endure to suffer at the hand
of men?
---Notice he asks how and not why.
Barnabas 5:6
Understand ye. The prophets, receiving grace from Him, prophesied
concerning Him. But He Himself endured that He might destroy death
and show forth the resurrection of the dead, for that He must needs
be manifested in the flesh;
Barnabas 5:7
that at the same time He might redeem the promise made to the
fathers, and by preparing the new people for Himself might show,
while He was on earth, that having brought about the resurrection He
will Himself exercise judgment.
---We will eventually see the fact that over seven billion souls have been resurrected today in a baptism of water. Water puts out fire. Judgement
is fire.
Barnabas 5:8
Yea and further, He preached teaching Israel and performing so many
wonders and miracles, and He loved him exceedingly.
Barnabas 5:9
And when He chose His own apostles who were to proclaim His Gospel,
who that He might show that He came not to call the righteous but
sinners were sinners above every sin, then He manifested Himself
to be the Son of God.
---If you read Luke 3, you see that the Son of God created Adam, which is the same designation as the LORD of the Old Testament in Genesis 2. Christ
did not come for the righteous. He came from those who will be lost in hell forever by transgressions. If you consult the book of Enoch, those who
fell with the other Angels joined in a rebellion. Shortly after this, the flood occurred. Symbolism for the flood indicates beasts riding in the
water. This is baptism.
Barnabas 5:10
For if He had not come in the flesh neither would men have looked
upon Him and been saved, forasmuch as when they look upon the sun
that shall cease to be, which is the work of His own hands, they
cannot face its rays.
Barnabas 5:11
Therefore the Son of God came in the flesh to this end, that He might
sum up the complete tale of their sins against those who persecuted
and slew His prophets.
---This is very telling. Who is the wrath of God poured out upon? Those who killed the prophets. They are with us today doing the same thing.
Barnabas 5:12
To this end therefore He endured. For God saith of the wounds of His
flesh that they came from them; When they shall smite their own
shepherd, then shall the sheep of the flock be lost.
Barnabas 5:13
But He Himself desired so to suffer; for it was necessary for Him to
suffer on a tree. For he that prophesied said concerning Him, Spare
My soul form the sword; and, Pierce My flesh with nails, for the
congregations of evil-doers have risen up against Me.
---If you read Revelation 1:7, it notes that the first century leaders that pierced Christ would be present to see Him return. How is this possible?
Unknowingly, they are with us today in the flesh. They are the fallen ones revealed in the book of Enoch, cast into darkness until the time of the
end. We are here as witnesses to their trial. The trial lasts for 6000 years, or 5125 years from the time of the watchers until today. This is the
seventy generation judgment mentioned by Enoch. December 21st was the mark of the last 7 years.
Barnabas 5:14
And again He saith; Behold I have given My back to stripes, and My
cheeks to smitings, and My face did I set as a hard rock.
Barnabas 6:1
When then He gave the commandment, what saith He? Who is he that
disputeth with Me? Let him oppose Me. Or who is he that goeth to
law with Me? Let him draw nigh unto the servant of the Lord,
Barnabas 6:2
Woe unto you, for ye all shall wax old as a garment, and the moth
shall consume you. And again the prophet saith, seeing that as a
hard stone He was ordained for crushing; Behold I will put into the
fountains of Zion a stone very precious, elect, a chief
corner-stone, honorable.
---This is the very same cornerstone (Christ) that was rejected by the Builders (Masons of today).
Barnabas 6:3
Then again what saith He; And whosoever shall set his hope on Him,
shall live forever. Is our hope then set upon a stone? Far be it.
But it is because the Lord hath set His flesh in strength. For He
saith; And He set Me as a hard rock.
This gets back to the word Father in Hebrew being the Aleph (Strength) Bet (House). Christ is the Word, or what is written by the Alphabet. Son, in
Hebrew, is Bet (House) Nun (Seed). The Strong stone is not the flesh and blood that is created by the Word, but the very Word itself.
Barnabas 6:4
And the prophet saith again; The stone which the builders rejected,
this became the head and the corner. And again He saith; This is
the great and wonderful day, which the Lord made.
---In many ways, Barnabas is the key to unlocking several doors in scripture. In our world, the Builders (Masons) have identified themselves as the
ones mentioned in the verse above. Do all Masons reject Christ? No. Many, however, are the very leaders resurrected to judgment.
Barnabas 6:5
I write to you the more simply, that ye may understand, I who am the
offscouring of your love.
Barnabas 6:6
What then saith the prophet again? The assembly of evildoers
gathered around Me, they surrounded Me as bees surround a comb;
and; For My garment they cast a lot.
---Notice the connection of the ones who pierced Christ to the Masons (builders). Barnabas is again revealing a key to the coming wrath. Christ
continues to be the one that is long-suffering with these individuals, even placing them in the waters of the flood with the doors of the ARK open.
Barnabas 6:7
Forasmuch then as He was about to be manifested in the flesh and to
suffer, His suffering was manifested beforehand. For the prophet
saith concerning Israel; Woe unto their soul, for they have
counseled evil counsel against themselves saying, Let us bind the
righteous one, for he is unprofitable for us.
---This gets back to the point of the first few chapters. Giving is better than taking for self. It is the point.
Continued in next post...
edit on 7-11-2013 by EnochWasRight because: (no reason given)