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CNBC - Young Obamacare Supporter Whining - Told Ya So

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posted on Nov, 8 2013 @ 06:14 PM

reply to post by eLPresidente

And conservatives never have alternative solutions

That's because conservatives expect individuals to come up with solutions individually. Conservatives know that man can rule himself. Conservatives recognize that a one size fits all solution will never fix an issue because each individual's pursuit of happiness is drastically different than that of the next individual. Conservatives know that one size fits all solutions only hamper the ability, drive, creativity, and ingenuity of the individual.

At a core level, everyone understands that. This is why progressives create labels people can self identify with so that people still feel their unique vision is represented. Lower class, middle class, upper class, male, female, transgender, gay, lesbian, black, white, Hispanic, native American, blue collar, white collar, Democrat, Republican, etc... None of those descriptions defines the dreams and aspirations of anyone in particular; they are an illusion to satisfy the need for the individual to feel unique and included as a beneficiary of a central authority's mandates, laws, regulations, and entitlements. You are not defined by any of those things though, you are defined by your pursuit of happiness; and the likelihood that any one size fits all solution will benefit you to the degree you will be content with it is remote.

Have a little self pride people, stop saying you can't make it. If you spent half the time working toward a goal that you spend declaring you can't achieve that goal you would have already accomplished the task. Stop begging strangers for a hand out, it's pathetic.

posted on Nov, 8 2013 @ 06:21 PM

reply to post by eLPresidente

And conservatives never have alternative solutions

There were several alternatives proposed, but you had to actually research the separate House Bills to find them because the media never reported on them.

And besides, what kind of solution can be proposed that would adequately fit everyone perfectly? You are an individual with individual needs and a unique set of life circumstances that change regularly. Why do you think a one-size-fits-all answer would ever be good enough for you? Don't you want a tailored fit? Of course, that means you have to do some work and take some of that icky responsibility on in order to make sure you get what bet fits you, but it's better than having something that is completely inadequate to what you need and having no other recourse.

posted on Nov, 8 2013 @ 08:17 PM
reply to post by Aazadan

They are. Without health care one lives a shorter life producing less, they also do so at a lower quality. Internet access is perhaps the greatest invention in human history. Knowledge is an extremely powerful thing and the internet provides near unlimited knowledge to everyone on the planet. College educations allow for people to be more productive, not only earning more but paying more in taxes and providing more specialized skills to a community. These are things that a community must provide as they provide the community with greater returns on their investment. Higher skilled labor, a more informed public, people that are healthy and get preventative care. These are all things that require relatively low amounts of money to create but have huge payoffs. A $60,000 0% interest college loan to teach someone how to be a software engineer vs a walmart greeter creates $1,563,000 (at a 24% tax rate) in tax revenue over that persons working lifetime. Subtract the initial $60,000 and you have 1.5 million in profit, 25x the initial expense. You don't owe someone free youtube, but if you want specialists and healthy people in your community you owe them the ability to have free access to the internet and the ability to have health care. It's the cost of living in a society vs living on your own (which almost no one can do... it's why exile used to be the ultimate punishment in a Native American tribe).

The question was: is health care, free internet, etc. a human right NOT simply a good idea.

Your math, while colorful, lends nothing to that discussion. Why do I owe people free internet? They already have access to the internet, it just isn't free. That is the definition of a 'right' . What you describe is an investment. An investment requires initial capital. Where does this capital come from? If it comes through my tax dollar then it is no longer an investment. It is wealth redistribution. You take from me by law (where are my rights?) to give to someone else even though they already have access. Now you are just making me pay for them. Totally different concept.

Hey, if you want to burn up your cash starting an IP business and let me have internet for free (it's such a great idea), I will do it. You working to give me free stuff is a human right after all. However, you will not be in business long and then I will no longer have free internet.

Where is the question mark on this?

posted on Nov, 8 2013 @ 10:22 PM

To all of you older people in the individual market paying somewhere around $500-$650 per month (or more or less), I give you this. All along I said that Obamacare will cause hardship on our young. This one not so much, since she would have to give up her healthy Gym membership and/or healthy eating with her, "maxed out budget". Most of the young people I know would have to literally give up at least one meal a day.

This woman is a 28 year old freelance graphic designer and was looking forward to having health insurance. So she visits the Obamacare website in excited anticipation, and gets, surprise... Sticker Shock. I bet she thought this would be free. So how much does this poor gal have to pay? A whopping $208 a month (Insert sarcasm here..)

For starters little miss, with subsidies, it looks like you got a very good deal. Secondly, how many times have us older folks warned you youngins to listen to us? So little miss, give up your fruit smoothies and hatchet down with the rest of us. I guess you can give up on owning a car. But just think of all the healthy walking you will get to do.

Next time you decide to support something, you may want to read it first.

Video available at link:
For young and uninsured, Obamacare impact sets in

I voted Ron Paul. I am 25. LOL

posted on Nov, 9 2013 @ 02:34 AM

The question was: is health care, free internet, etc. a human right NOT simply a good idea.

Your math, while colorful, lends nothing to that discussion. Why do I owe people free internet? They already have access to the internet, it just isn't free. That is the definition of a 'right' . What you describe is an investment. An investment requires initial capital. Where does this capital come from? If it comes through my tax dollar then it is no longer an investment. It is wealth redistribution. You take from me by law (where are my rights?) to give to someone else even though they already have access. Now you are just making me pay for them. Totally different concept.

Hey, if you want to burn up your cash starting an IP business and let me have internet for free (it's such a great idea), I will do it. You working to give me free stuff is a human right after all. However, you will not be in business long and then I will no longer have free internet.

Where is the question mark on this?

Are you also against public libraries? (which btw, offer free internet)

There's tons of free books there, more than you could ever read in a lifetime.
edit on 9-11-2013 by Aazadan because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2013 @ 02:38 AM
Well, Obamacare supporters deserve to get screwed somehow. I don't care what happens. Somehow I figure it'll come back to haunt them and that's just fine with me. They chose to shout down anyone who had reasonable objections to things like the individual mandate. That precedent alone is going to be a Pandora's box. But you couldn't tell them that. They didn't want to hear about it. All they cared about was getting insurance and forcing everyone else into the same situation.

posted on Nov, 9 2013 @ 01:51 PM

Well, Obamacare supporters deserve to get screwed somehow. I don't care what happens. Somehow I figure it'll come back to haunt them and that's just fine with me. They chose to shout down anyone who had reasonable objections to things like the individual mandate. That precedent alone is going to be a Pandora's box. But you couldn't tell them that. They didn't want to hear about it. All they cared about was getting insurance and forcing everyone else into the same situation.

I believe the word you are looking for is bigotry.

They are bigots of the first order.
edit on 9-11-2013 by GenerationGap because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2013 @ 05:32 PM
reply to post by Aazadan

Who says I am against it? I am just saying those things are not free. Public Libraries are not free. They are bought and paid for by tax dollars. The "free internet" at the library is also paid for by tax dollars. Neither magically appears because it is a great idea. There is no such thing as free.

Perhaps we are discussing the use of cumulative tax dollars for the benefit of all tax payers? A library and all its components are arguably a very good investment for a community. Unfortunately, if that community over extends on its commitments (like many do) not every good idea (no matter how beneficial) can happen.

I would argue for use of my tax dollar towards more libraries and less wall street bailouts. Neither are free though.

posted on Nov, 10 2013 @ 01:04 AM

For starters little miss, with subsidies, it looks like you got a very good deal. Secondly, how many times have us older folks warned you youngins to listen to us? So little miss, give up your fruit smoothies and hatchet down with the rest of us. I guess you can give up on owning a car. But just think of all the healthy walking you will get to do.

Next time you decide to support something, you may want to read it first.

Video available at link:
For young and uninsured, Obamacare impact sets in

Owning a car?... that is evil... Don't you know cars cause global warming? Unless the car/limousine are being used by so called "green people" like Al Gore that is... When Al Gore and other "green people" use cars/limousines and SUVs it is "being green" and good for the planet...

Anyway, how dare you say Obamacare is bad?... Why shouldn't you be forced to pay for the abortion of other women, and be made to buy government mandated healthcare?... Don't you know that government regulations are good?... As long as people are being forced to do what the elites claim is "for the good of all and the planet" it must be good right?...

posted on Nov, 10 2013 @ 01:12 AM


Are you also against public libraries? (which btw, offer free internet)

There's tons of free books there, more than you could ever read in a lifetime.
edit on 9-11-2013 by Aazadan because: (no reason given)

Don't tell us, you are one of those people who thinks that "being social" and "social security" are leftwing or socialist as well?...

BTW, in case you didn't know public libraries are usually funded by local taxes. Although people do donate books and even private funds for public libraries among other things.

posted on Nov, 10 2013 @ 01:15 AM

It is too much. Health coverage should be completely free.

Uhm ok. So who's going to pay the doctors, nurses, other hospital staff? Or are you going to demand they work for free, under threat of a prison sentence or something? And what about medical device and drug manufacturers? Are you going to force them to manufacture things at their own expense?

This is going to be pretty difficult. You're also going to have to demand that the police work for free, because they will be the ones that make sure these doctors and manufacturers are working (without any compensation). Otherwise health coverage won't be completely free.

posted on Nov, 10 2013 @ 02:01 AM
Health insurance or no health insurance, the costs are designed to bankrupt everything.

posted on Nov, 11 2013 @ 04:58 PM
reply to post by Riposte

Well in the ideal system our tax money would be managed so that it would cover all of that. Not to mention because our free market system in America we pay way more for everything than practically every other nation. So if we willing to adopt socialist mindset we could afford healthcare for everyone, but no live in a nation where only a few people get rich and the poor people are willing to vote against their interest hoping that they may someday be rich. Long story short, other countries do it, its not impossible.

posted on Nov, 11 2013 @ 05:00 PM
reply to post by Emerys

I respect that decision, as long as you're not for Rand Paul that man brings shame to his father's legacy

posted on Nov, 11 2013 @ 05:14 PM
reply to post by GenerationGap

Did you just attempt to make an argument for why the conservatives have NO alternatives to anything?? You can't be serious. This is what i just heard you basically "Oh there's so many different types of people, there's no way we can please them all, so lets not even try." Really? Thats why progressives create labels, you ever heard of the term small businessman? Who created that? "None of those descriptions defines the dreams and aspirations of anyone in particular; they are an illusion to satisfy the need for the individual to feel unique" Are you a politician? Cause only politicians create strings of words that have little or not actual substance but sound great. An illusion of the individual to feel unique? No golden parachutes, outrageous bonuses, and the rich ever-growing desire to distances itself from the rest of the population, thats an illusion to feel unique. The fundamental problem with the bootstrap mentality is the odds are heavily skewed toward the rich. It easy to pick yourself up by your bootstrap when you got nothing going against you.

posted on Dec, 4 2013 @ 02:08 AM

reply to post by Aazadan

Who says I am against it? I am just saying those things are not free. Public Libraries are not free. They are bought and paid for by tax dollars. The "free internet" at the library is also paid for by tax dollars. Neither magically appears because it is a great idea. There is no such thing as free.

Perhaps we are discussing the use of cumulative tax dollars for the benefit of all tax payers? A library and all its components are arguably a very good investment for a community. Unfortunately, if that community over extends on its commitments (like many do) not every good idea (no matter how beneficial) can happen.

I would argue for use of my tax dollar towards more libraries and less wall street bailouts. Neither are free though.

That's not true, what you said about libraries being mostly tax funded. Most libraries these days are funded by lobbyists. Everyone always bashes the lobbyists, but they have no issue letting the lobbies fund the roads, monuments, and library projects in their districts.

posted on Dec, 4 2013 @ 02:33 AM
I work with a few people who were all about the "free health care" back during the passage of this atrocity (the ACA aka Obamacare) and now, as cancellation letters arrive, they seem a bit more sheepish about it.

While my immature side is jumping and screaming "I told ya so! I told ya so!", my mature side regrets that they wouldn't listen to the facts beforehand.

These people supported the buffoons who simply had to "pass this bill to find out what was in it", and slowly but surely, the chickens are coming home to roost.

Living in a progressive liberal cesspool as I do, it seems that getting burned is the only way people tend to figure out that the stove is hot, rather than listening to the people that have been telling them so all along.

It does serve them right for being the willing sheep for this slaughter, but unfortunately, it's serving everyone else as well.

posted on Dec, 4 2013 @ 02:36 AM

reply to post by GenerationGap

Did you just attempt to make an argument for why the conservatives have NO alternatives to anything?? You can't be serious. This is what i just heard you basically "Oh there's so many different types of people, there's no way we can please them all, so lets not even try." Really? Thats why progressives create labels, you ever heard of the term small businessman? Who created that? "None of those descriptions defines the dreams and aspirations of anyone in particular; they are an illusion to satisfy the need for the individual to feel unique" Are you a politician? Cause only politicians create strings of words that have little or not actual substance but sound great. An illusion of the individual to feel unique? No golden parachutes, outrageous bonuses, and the rich ever-growing desire to distances itself from the rest of the population, thats an illusion to feel unique. The fundamental problem with the bootstrap mentality is the odds are heavily skewed toward the rich. It easy to pick yourself up by your bootstrap when you got nothing going against you.

"It easy to pick yourself up by your bootstrap when you got nothing going against you."

It's easy to never get up to ever fall down when you believe in any imaginary boot on your throat. You have no hope that you can succeed because the guy you let peddle hope to you is telling you that you are a piece of useless flesh that others can easily place in a box under a nice little label like "under employed" or "ill prepared".

Keep spouting the age old class warfare rah rah rah bs. Those who have done that in the past and have seen their movement take any power have died every time at the hands of the people they empowered. Every time.

I'm not trying to change your mind or enlighten you; if you're still afraid of acknowledging that you can manage a pursuit of happiness that produces fulfillment and contentedness in your soul; even if the odds are stacked against you, you will always be lost.

As for me, I don't care that I make 30k in a good year and others make 300k or 300m. I don't need hundreds of thousands of dollars to find happiness in my life. I have friends and family I love. I help them and they help me. I work two jobs and 60 hours a week I usually find myself earning. I volunteer at the VA and Challenger baseball. I'm in no way rich, and the most expensive thing in my apartment that is mine is my $250 Google laptop. I'm sure if I dwelled over how much more stuff others have I'd be miserable. Envy, jealousy, and greed do not seem to me emotions necessary to a life of happiness, so why would I indulge in such emotion?

Everyone I have ever met, and it's most people it seems lately, who is focused such ideals is miserable and always bitching about their lives. Someone has always dealt them wrong or snided them. There's nothing to ever be happy about with them it seems. Most seem depressed because they have submitted to depression. But like started with, it's easy to never get up to ever fall down when you believe in any imaginary boot on your throat.

posted on Dec, 4 2013 @ 02:51 AM

reply to post by eLPresidente

And conservatives never have alternative solutions

They have.

Man up and get a job, leach.

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