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Am I being visited??

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posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 08:35 PM
reply to post by Asherz189

I know exactly what you mean,i have experiences to, and at the age of 62 i still have a fear of my closet,it has to be tightly shut at night even if it open sightly i get extremely agitated,fear of needles ,of hospitals,fear of heights,i also get marks on me two puncture like marks,i was 17 when i really started noticing this,i went to sleep on night and the next morning i woke up and behind my right ear it was itching and burning i asked my sister to look at it and she said it was two puncture marks,this has happen through out my years of life.Recently a couple of days ago i woke up with two on my back i had severe back spasms in my lower back going down my left hip to my left ankle,I have a picture of them to

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 08:52 PM
reply to post by Asherz189

Here is a picture of my back

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 09:13 PM
reply to post by Em2013

I don't know I just know I catch them out of the corner of my eyes. When i used to roll on ex back in the day id see them all the time coming down. I just always get a bad vibe. But thank you I am going to read that right now!

reply to post by DayKnightmare

OMG thats alot like my experience a bright white light then bam suddenly its hours later *Shudder* I look forward to your other stories!

Ive seen stuff in the sky. i Live outside Salt Lake City, and have always lived under the flight path to the airport. I know the difference between airplanes and helicopters and odd lights. All the time Ill see Orbs over the Wasatch mountains to the east. One night i was living on the west side of the valley. My ex and I were night owls at this time. I was out on the deck and i saw a curious light in the sky that moved slightly left to right. and pulsed different colors. Blue red yellow green. Then a smaller orb of light joined it and circled around it. I called my ex to come look to assure me i wasn't seeing things, we noticed other people were watching it too. I stayed up until dawn that night periodically watching the strange lights to see if they moved in the sky.... They stayed stationary and faded out at dawn. Didnt see them again in that area. I also was at a bar once out on the patio and saw strange moving lights in the sky and had the whole patio looking up at it. I just see random things all the time.

reply to post by jasmine23

AHH! Those punctures are nuts, ill post pictures of the odd marks i have

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 09:31 PM
Unless there's direct evidence in the form of video surveillance, alien tissue or the like...its all in your head and it will pass eventually. That is the most sane and rational and likely explanation. Any suggestions, personal experience from other forum members or "psychic" intuitions are all crap and purely speculative and not based on reality or proof.

P.S...if that's you in your avy, you look like a hottie. Forget this alien visitation don't need it.

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 09:46 PM
reply to post by LogicalRazor

Yeah i just dont like waking up startled. Ive been given a med because of nightmares i keep having, they give it to others with ptsd, but it hasnt stopped the nightmares at all if anything its made them more vivid haha. So maybe just seeing something in my closet was just from the pill and my sister seeing beings in her door was a coincidence. I know there can be a rational explanation for everything, but i also know the universe is also very vast and who knows whats out there! *cue ex files music*

And why thank you, that is indeed me in my avy. It was halloween! Hehe you are sweet.

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 09:52 PM
reply to post by Asherz189

If you're taking meds to prevent nightmares, then don't take them since they're not helping and no, I don't care what your doctor says lol. Some people just have nightmares all the time, my wife isn't stressed, loves life and loves everything on how it is but she gets nightmares every night but tends to forget them. Anything that makes them more vivid, painful or any way more realistic is a big no. Perhaps learning how to lucid dream will help you more than anything but that's not really my field of expertise but I would not recommend medication against nightmares due to the serious side effects that they usually come with.

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 09:54 PM
reply to post by Em2013

Well its a blood pressure med but they found it also helps with nightmares they give it to military vets! It doesn't do anything for me i do think im going to stop taking it and just deal with the nightmares. Ugh

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 10:18 PM
As a follow up from my previous post, if I recall correctly; someone mentioned they are already seeing a physician?

If I'm not mistaken there, I enthusiastically endorse mentioning and describing these experiences if the physician isn't already aware of the full range of symptoms presenting.

Please note from the previous post:

In psychology, schizotypy is a theory stating that there is a continuum of personality characteristics and experiences ranging from normal dissociative, imaginative states to more extreme states related to psychosis and in particular, schizophrenia. This is in contrast to a categorical view of psychosis, where psychosis is considered to be a particular (usually pathological) state, that someone either has, or has not.

I've underline "Dissociative" for the simple fact that Dissociation translates perceptually as Missing Time.
If someone is having episodes of Missing Time, then, they're experiencing a Dissociative State.
Whether that Dissociative State is artificially induced by Space Aliens, or symptomatic of a Neurological or Psychological Pathology is a matter of determination.

Thus, in summary, I do encourage whomever it concerns that might have interest to query their physician about their perceived experiences, and perhaps even ask them if there's a hint of determination regarding Schizotypy.
Following the link and doing self research on Schizotypes may even enable one to determine likelihood of expression, although clinical interview with a Professional will give best determination.

You won't be forced to take any medication you don't want to take.
You won't be locked up and carted off to an institution.
Your physician is there to work WITH you despite common fringe attitudes and prejudices harbored against the Professional Psychological community.

None of this is to say these experiences are 100% psychological. Granted, the highest likelihood is they are. Giving query as mentioned above could very well lead to putting them to a stop, if, that is what a person wants.

Time and again we see subjects going off-treatment because they miss their unique special experiences that make them different from everyone else, or because the world is suddenly 'quieter', or dull compared to their previous experiential perception. That, however, is another topic altogether.

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 11:09 PM
reply to post by AliceBleachWhite

First off i never asked for this,this isn't a experience i conjured up,even as a small child i had somethings happen to me,i was lying on my mothers bed one day i know every detail of her room,her bed was position so the closet door was directly in front of the bed,i was lying there eating some candy i can remember the candies they were in different color cellophane wrappers with the candy inside a foil like inner wrapper,so i was happy lying there and then the closet door started to slowly open a little at a time and then this thing walked out the only thing i can remember after that was it was white and had dark eyes,that is the last thing i remembered,my mother and no one else was in the room when this happened.I was 17 i lived in Tacoma Washington when the morse codes sounds started out of thin air then high pitch buzzing noises and then the marks started,different times in my life the marks would come up,there are not insect bites and i am not doing them myself, I was a normal child and didn't have any delusional thoughts at the age of 4 years

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 11:27 PM
reply to post by Asherz189

Hi there Asherz:-) nice to meet you.
A link to a thread I have on the marks,which correspond with dreams.Always nice to see some one else speak about their experiences.Bless you,have a good one:-)
edit on 6-11-2013 by Raxoxane because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 11:38 PM

reply to post by AliceBleachWhite

First off i never asked for this,this isn't a experience i conjured up,even as a small child i had somethings happen to me,i was lying on my mothers bed one day i know every detail of her room,her bed was position so the closet door was directly in front of the bed,i was lying there eating some candy i can remember the candies they were in different color cellophane wrappers with the candy inside a foil like inner wrapper,so i was happy lying there and then the closet door started to slowly open a little at a time and then this thing walked out the only thing i can remember after that was it was white and had dark eyes,that is the last thing i remembered,my mother and no one else was in the room when this happened.I was 17 i lived in Tacoma Washington when the morse codes sounds started out of thin air then high pitch buzzing noises and then the marks started,different times in my life the marks would come up,there are not insect bites and i am not doing them myself, I was a normal child and didn't have any delusional thoughts at the age of 4 years

No one asks for a brain tumor either, but, they still happen.
The same applies to Schizotypes, but, they still occur.

Please, go back and read my posts carefully. I'm not accusing anyone of anything, so, there's no call for conspicuously defensive responses.

I'm simply imparting information.
I'm not saying anyone here IS expressing any pathologies.
I'm not calling anyone names, nor am I insulting anyone, or attempting to cause offense.
I'm just making statements and distinctions based on statistical data, and suggesting to those that might be interested a logical path of approach toward potentially stopping it from happening.
Please take note of Scientific language with "indicates", "Likelihood", "probability", etc.

Nothing I've said rules out ET hiding amongst the dolls in anyone's closet.

edit on 11/6/2013 by AliceBleachWhite because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2013 @ 12:41 AM
Hey OP, ignore the idiots that say it's all in you're head, there the very same ones that refuse to deny ignorance, yet they're on a conspiracy site!!,
Kinda ironic, ain't it?

posted on Nov, 7 2013 @ 01:09 AM
Melatonin is a natural sleep aid...although, when I've taken it, I had some trippy dreams so.... :-P I second the notion that you should look into lucid dreaming or trying to control your dreams.

And if someone is telling you to ignore more rational explanations without any first hand evidence, proof or without actually being should raise a big fat red flag and you should take a step back and think about which is the most likely cause & why on earth you'd take their advice, which is based on zero knowledge about your specific case. After all, if its a dissociative or Schizotypic disease resulting in psychosis or imagined scenarios that you cannot distinguish from reality,...then you will always question whether its real or not. That's not to say there are no aliens or you haven't witnessed anything strange in the sky, but you should consider that if they've visited earth, there's little in the way of actual evidence to support it. Nothing other than unreliable witnesses and misidentification. What I'm saying is take charge of your life and don't stress out too much about it. Its likely in your head. :-)

posted on Nov, 7 2013 @ 01:21 AM
reply to post by Asherz189

Personally, after reading your post I have to say that it's most likely entities and not actual physical aliens which are doing this. It's a spiritual invasion. If you are Christian, you might try prayer, or even if you're not you can call upon Archangel Michael for protection. Otherwise, if you feel up to it (if you have a spiritual power,) you can feel the space of your home and take its power back. You can say aloud: "This is MY home and I give NO permission for outside forces to enter," or whatever you like. It's really about belief and/or will power. There are various other rituals and practices from multiple traditions which you may also try.

Orbs (or UFOs) are vehicles of energy which allow them to travel through time and space. It's all about energy and physic invasion, so push back. If it gets ugly, either consider moving or see a priest or another occult expert who can handle the situation. My advice. Good luck.

posted on Nov, 7 2013 @ 03:00 AM


posted on Nov, 7 2013 @ 03:14 AM
reply to post by ATSZOMBIE

You could very well be right but what would the sister have seen to screem at if it is all in the op`s head?
That`s the part that would be worrying to my personage.

posted on Nov, 7 2013 @ 03:26 AM
reply to post by HomerinNC

Normally I`d agree with the other posters about mental health except when others start to react to various happenings involved with the incedent(s). Then it goes into a whole other category or possibly phenomena.

posted on Nov, 7 2013 @ 03:28 AM
reply to post by LogicalRazor

Please can you by the same token then also keep a more open mind? Please believe me,I do not mean or want to pick an argument with you,or anyone who politely disagrees or bring other options to the discussion table.But sometimes it seems that people's minds are made up beforehand For the abduction scenario being real,and just as much Against it being a possible explanation.While it is certainly not inconceivable that it Could be in some indivuals' minds,it is not inconceivable that it could well be,in some cases,that the person is genuinely experiencing something that's Not just a mental issue(with "mental issue" I am not even suggesting mental illness itself,btw)

What you must understand,for some one who has had to deal all their lives since earliest childhood with the highly weird and inexplicable,with phenomena that has played a big part in damaging their lives,it is just as incomprehensible that some one else would rather find the mental issue explanation more plausible,than that a sane+sensible person could indeed be experiencing abnormal and unusual happenings.

Certainly, considering the mental+psychological aspects of this matter and including that, in a genuine quest for the truth re something without tangible proof such as this, an open mind willing to consider less prosaic explanations is of high value.Stating that it is most likely an all-in-the-mind phenom is not just hurtful and insulting but is as ineffective as the other extreme.

posted on Nov, 7 2013 @ 03:42 AM
the visitor is just your drunk neighbor coming over for a little fun late at night

posted on Nov, 7 2013 @ 04:17 AM

Welcome to the wonderful world of puzzling ambiguity! While you're here, remember to keep your arms inside the ride at all times.

I, like all my family except Dad, were passed on a nice set of genetic material from Mom, whose family all have a variety of sleep disturbances that are typified by hypnogogic and hypnopompic sleep states, or by its old name, sleep paralysis.

I have vividly detailed memories of weird arsed abduction-like episodes that span my entire life. I was very puzzled by these things as a kid, found out my brothers all had the same, they were very very similar in many ways but not in others, and that what I remembered never quite corresponded with what THEY remembered, although it was often similar.

As I got older I sort of ignored it, not being a devotee of UFOlogy. Then I saw a fairly screwy movie called Communion and holy cow, it was very very similar to what I'd been seeing as a yoot. I didn't know WHAT to believe then. I saw that movie about the time I got out of the Army, and it didn't really register other than the similarity, and a real puzzlement that someone else had seen the same damned thing. I actually got up and left about halfway through the first time.

Then I ETSd about a year later. I was under a lot of stress then, getting out really bothered me for various reasons, I got married, and we went to university all at the same time, and we were as close to broke as you could be and keep the lights on. Had constant and unrelenting issues with my father in law. At the same time all that crap was happening I started having the episodes again. Only this time they had teeth and weren't all fun and games like before, I also developed a couple of quirks that were thankfully short lived and sort of PTSD-lite I suppose. But at any rate, I started having "abduction sequences" again, if you can call them that, along with other sleep paralysis nightmares of a very intense type. It was very very convincing. The old lady got popped in the chops trying to wake me from that (never live that down) but she eventually recorded it and proved to me that there was nothing there, it wasn't happening at all.

I got some counseling, got over the separation anxiety, the money anxiety, marriage anxiety, school anxiety, readjusted to not being able to give orders to or shoot annoying civilians, mostly got over the inappropriate situational awareness and learned how to break up sleep paralysis dreams. It was worth the time spent, although dreaming that little blue doctors are quizzing you in 3D smell-o-vision is disturbing no matter what.

So in my case, at any rate, I had a classic life full of "abductions" but they're all some facet of sleep paralysis, as close as I can determine. What's funny is that the themes seem to be common between people. But I can only assume we're wired to see that sort of thing for some reason, and I don't give any more credence to little blue doctors now than I did to some of the other crap I was seeing in those episodes.

It can be very emotionally disturbing. It can seem very real. I have paced the floor for hours trying to calm down before I went back to bed, fighting not to go look ONE MORE TIME at the kids to be sure they are still in their beds. But these days, the pressure's way off and I don't have that sort of dream any more, or haven't since 9/11 when I thought we were going to end up in WW3.

All that to say, it's not unusual to see that sort of thing if you're having sleep paralysis. Although it can seem very very realistic.

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