posted on Nov, 30 2013 @ 09:19 PM
reply to post by nixie_nox
I dont know about that nixie_nox. Depends on how you look at it, for instance. Sure people have gotten divorced and found somebody else who they had
a much better relationship with which lasted and still lasts. Yet in general how many people do you know or have seen who eventually got divorced.
What is the difference between a boyfriend and girlfriend but in most cases a spontaneous dissension with lawful repercussions and people make a big
deal about it.
I think if you look at it, definitely depends on who you ask or even were you ask. But in general if you ask most people, of if they talk about there
love life, seems like everybody has and ex, or has been divorced at least once, some are even itching to go on about there former marriage, and what
to do and what they should have watched out for.
But hey whats worse the divorce rate being 50% or higher. Or people sticking it out through crappy and #ty relationships for some misguided and
convoluted reasons? Generally most people would not know a good thing and would not know what to do if it had an arrow pointing at it in the sky,
and a sign around its neck. And its almost close to impossible to live with anybody in any type of close quarters without some things grating on you,
or eventually those things which just make you want to keep scratching at and biting at. So one could say that divorce just may be a good thing, and
lets face it marriage takes a sort of billsfull ignorance that a lot of people are just not capable of. Some people just may stay in marriage even
when it goes however merely for the fact that they cant get out or have no easy out. So whos to say what is what, and which is worse. It would all
depend really. And statistics really say nothing.
But ya I think schuyler is right and most people usually try to compare things. Which is not the way to go, really the question is "How many
marriages end in divorce?" In general I would say that if its not 50% its still a lot, because most people seem to have had a significant other at
one point, and the only difference between and ex wife and an ex girlfriend and boyfriend, is in a lot of cases social outlook and pressures which
lead to this becoming a sort of taboo legal bound issue. It also depends on which country your looking at, for instance how many divorces do you
think are in the more abrahamic religious countries, say the middle eastern ones? Not many right.