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Were the 9/11 Attacks meant to test MK Ultra on a whole population?

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posted on Nov, 4 2013 @ 01:24 PM
I was doing some thinking about the Amygdala lately and its possible relationship with P.T.S.D. -

My theory about how the mind works is that most people operate on stored functions, however, they are able to use free will and intuition at some point in order to create and edit those functions, especially when encountering new situations.

Back to P.T.S.D. - someone in a P.T.S.D. state might be in a permanent state of intuition instead of operating off of stored functions.

The military apparently used this knowledge in some of their research on the now declassified MK Ultra program in order to modify the codes of people while they were susceptible by first exposing them to trauma. The trauma opened up the mind to reprogramming.

Other categories of mind control include subliminal messaging and hypnosis, although trauma based programming is not exactly the same in my opinion - I think it is a lot more effective - especially if you expose someone to trauma and then expose them to "subliminal" messaging, they are basically going to eat it up, if you can then somehow shock them out of the P.T.S.D. state they have been successfully reprogrammed at a much higher rate and a much faster capacity than would be possible through normal generational progression.

It would be theoretically possible, in fact, on a massive scale to put a whole country into a state of P.T.S.D. with something like the 9/11 terrorist attacks and then proceed to reprogram the whole society using media. It would absolutely work, in my opinion. It could potentially reprogram a society, oh God, I'm not even sure how much faster than natural generational progression -

Keeping the society in a P.T.S.D. state for the rest of the decade with a large disaster here and there, spice it up with some doomsayer news media, that would give ten years of straight reprogramming time, that is a whole lot of time... just a theory.

edit on 04pmMon, 04 Nov 2013 13:36:49 -0600kbpmkAmerica/Chicago by darkbake because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 4 2013 @ 01:38 PM
No, Just no

9/11 was not some grand MK ultra experiment.

You would be right to say it was used as a excuse by lots of the Bush era Necons as a pretext to pass lots of nasty laws and start lots of nasty wars, but I don't think any of it had anything to do with MK ultra or putting the whole nation into a state of PTSD. Lots of the plays on the fear generated by people was mostly thanks to the neocon agenda that exists in the medial and politics of America.

There are just too many things wrong with that idea, you might say it is technically possible (something I doubt) but practically speaking absolutely not.

Still nice to see something original on the 9/11 forum
edit on 4-11-2013 by OtherSideOfTheCoin because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 4 2013 @ 01:45 PM
reply to post by darkbake

This makes complete sense to me from all the information I have read.
The fact that the majority of people will not even fairly examine the facts says a lot.
Most of the people I know took the trade center "bombing" as a personal blow and they will not think of it or look beyond what has been pushed at them mainstream. They are actually insulted by anyone simply asking them to LOOK!

posted on Nov, 4 2013 @ 01:59 PM
well i am saddened that within ten minutes of your post someone comes in and just goes no and tries to poo poo your theory.
have you heard of the war of the worlds anouncement.
war of the worlds

that was such a test of this very theory even though it had been dismissed as a hoax out of control.

I think it has worked a treat on many people and the media was behind the whole scheme....just as they were when war of the worlds was used...It is exactly how mass hypnosis works on audiences around the world.

was this the case with 911 possibly...but i feel it went deeper into the mind set of people...was a mass media staged event....just as i listed the players in my signature thread years ago.

edit on 023030p://f06Monday by plube because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 4 2013 @ 02:02 PM
reply to post by darkbake

Based on the clinical definition of PTSD, very few people were afflicted after 9/11.

You could argue that there was a pervasive sense of fear/anger/dread that affected many people and you could argue that the Islamic Extremist was created as a focal point for future action.

You could argue there were many effects, but was there one pervasive, Orwellian program uploaded? I don't see it. I tend to go with criminal fraud in the name of greed and power. This is already pervasive programming

posted on Nov, 4 2013 @ 02:05 PM
9-11 was a live snuff film, replayed over and over and over again in order to gin up feelings of helplessness, fear and revenge towards certain pre-ordained religious and ethnic groups among everyone. It also served as a great military enlistment tool, and hid the agenda of the NeoCons who wanted to access the energy reserves of the Middle East and serve Israel's bidding without all those pesky Muslims and their ilk in the way.

Whether that's a form of MK Ultra programming or not, I dunno. I suppose a case could be made for it.

If anyone wants to know what REALLY happened on 9-11 as far as what took down the towers, google Jeff Prager's excellent free e-magazine. It's a long but fascinating read and his evidence is impeccable.

New York City was nuked and don't presume they won't do it again whenever they feel like it. There's plenty of small nukes floating around loose and the blame will be fixed on either last year's boogieman, or some new victim; anyone but the real perpetrators.

I wonder if they can equip a drone with an apple-sized mini-nuke and take out any place they want to? Seeing as the U.S. government has now declared the right to murder anyone they want to, and any bystanders come under the heading of 'too bad, so sad for you', I'm just thinking it's a matter of when, not if...

See this appalling video:

posted on Nov, 4 2013 @ 02:11 PM
reply to post by darkbake

This sounds like the plot of a pretty cool movie. You should pitch it to Hollywood. Of course as the plot of a movie, you can only guess how believable it is as well as the possibility of it being true. (hint: not at all)

posted on Nov, 4 2013 @ 03:37 PM
reply to post by darkbake

I don't know about pre-planning, but the reality of the outcome was a huge segment of the global population were psychologically programmed through the the medium of a traumatic event. The science of mind control existed with MK Ultra prior to the event and if this science was not applied to 9/11 it may have been after the event.

Most people are probably too busy to develop any interest in behavioural conditioning, and the nature of their egos would dismiss any credibility that research in this area has entered any area of life outside of some musty research lab manned by hopeless geeks.

posted on Nov, 4 2013 @ 04:05 PM

reply to post by darkbake

This sounds like the plot of a pretty cool movie. You should pitch it to Hollywood. Of course as the plot of a movie, you can only guess how believable it is as well as the possibility of it being true. (hint: not at all)

Aha, Hollywood is already proffered as being under control of MKultra plans in itself, (see Roseanne Barr) That is not to say hollywood would not make a movie with the same subject matter as this thread, they probably have ahead of 9/11.
There is a raft of stuff about with the same theme as here. The thing is, if MKultra is that effective, there is no reason to believe that the 'hijackers' themselves were not already 'under the influence' of MKultra when the act was done, and in the aftermath, mass P.T.S.D. need play no part, because the apparent facts are in place, religious fanatics are out to destroy America...therefore there is a need to give up certain freedoms, and that is exactly what has happened anyway, and that's where a real danger lies.

Now, this guy Simonshack has a youtube channel, this is one of the videos there,

Some good points there, some not so good. However, you need then to go to his playlist channel to see why, because there there is an overdub on this video that does not appear on my link. the overdub there is quite explicit, he is saying that the whole sheebang is a product of MKultra start to finish/AKA a mass illusion on people by media and all the rest. Thing is, illusion or not, it is not something implanted in your mind it is just graphics, and yes, media did muck about with their material, and yes, there would be agenda, but it is not mass mind control. Even Dan Rather, said the media failed America that day, and he was right, nobody was asking the right questions at the right time, and left so much unanswered.
A link to Simonshack's channel, showing the original,
edit on 4-11-2013 by smurfy because: Link.

posted on Nov, 5 2013 @ 12:37 AM
reply to post by OtherSideOfTheCoin

I would say it is a bit out there - but I would disagree with you about it not being technically possible, although I'm not sure if 9/11 terrorist attacks and following natural disasters in conjunction with the punk rock and nu-metal movements (System of a Down is heavily influenced by Charles Manson) that were included in the popular adrenaline-fueled movies of the time, like The Matrix Trilogy and XXX - but it seems like a damn decent attempt, even if coincidental. Also a lot of fun to experience, I may add.

From what I have researched, I still think the idea is entirely possible. I have some insight into the matter from being exposed to a mass shooting when I was little, around 9 years old, in 1994 and how that affects how the subconscious and conscious minds work. I'm just now beginning to understand myself, and through understanding myself, I am strangely enough gaining insight into how the MK Ultra program functioned.

As far as subliminal messaging goes, I listened to a lot of punk rock music when I was growing up, and I never understood the lyrics back then - but once I got older and listened to them, I realized that they had been affecting my behavior and cognitive development even though I hadn't understood the lyrics at the time.

I often wonder about the music industry. I think it might simply be a mechanism for promoting natural generational progression, in other words, there is an 80 year cycle broken into 20 year segments, and the kids of one generation end up growing up opposed to their parents -

A simple example, if one generation were hippies, their kids might end up capitalists.
edit on 05amTue, 05 Nov 2013 00:55:48 -0600kbamkAmerica/Chicago by darkbake because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2013 @ 12:41 AM

Golden Rule
reply to post by darkbake

I don't know about pre-planning, but the reality of the outcome was a huge segment of the global population were psychologically programmed through the the medium of a traumatic event. The science of mind control existed with MK Ultra prior to the event and if this science was not applied to 9/11 it may have been after the event.

I agree with this statement the most, and that's the idea that it wasn't pre-planned to be an MK Ultra experiment, but it was utilized. There is another similar idea to this that even without planning, experiencing the trauma involved with 9/11 put our country into a P.T.S.D. state and the coincidental disasters that followed kept us in that state -

Even if it wasn't planned, or even known about, the science could have still been churning along there, affecting the following decade in fairly complicated ways.

Even if it was a Taliban assault, they may have known more about the psychological effects the situation would have on the U.S. due to their daily experience with violence over in Afghanistan and the surrounding regions.
edit on 05amTue, 05 Nov 2013 00:42:31 -0600kbamkAmerica/Chicago by darkbake because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2013 @ 12:43 AM
reply to post by Krazysh0t

I do agree, sir. I think it would make a good plot, although I wouldn't use 9/11, I would have to use a different terrorist attack in the movie that would be more relevant to the current time period. I could see it being a pretty damn interesting trilogy. Thank you!

I am honestly thinking about starting to write a book or graphic novel on it right now. But I have a problem with writing books... and that is I'm afraid to start them... it is a very similar feeling to being afraid to jump into a cold lake or cold pool.
edit on 05amTue, 05 Nov 2013 00:58:53 -0600kbamkAmerica/Chicago by darkbake because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2013 @ 05:55 AM
Shock and awe

Shock and awe (technically known as rapid dominance) is a military doctrine based on the use of overwhelming power, dominant battlefield awareness, dominant maneuvers, and spectacular displays of force to paralyze an adversary's perception of the battlefield and destroy its will to fight. The doctrine was written by Harlan K. Ullman and James P. Wade in 1996 and is a product of the National Defense University of the United States.


- Patriot act
- Iraq invasion
- War on terrorism
- a.o.

Proven concept, and 911 was a prime example.

edit on 5-11-2013 by EartOccupant because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2013 @ 06:42 AM

Even if it was a Taliban assault, they may have known more about the psychological effects the situation would have on the U.S. due to their daily experience with violence over in Afghanistan and the surrounding regions.

The word 'Taliban' is roughly translated to 'students' or 'group of students' within their tribal area. Their Koranic discipline dictates they 'love death the way most love life' and any pondering about their knowing 'psychological effects' is ludicrous in the extreme. The Taliban assaulted no one in America and were duped into a war with America that they can never win.

The term 'shock and awe' is derived from 'Concussa et timore' a Latin term from frontal assault and goes all the way back to the Roman Legions. The Legions use fire tossed great distances over the opponents infantry to shock them then and as they watched the fire balls the cavalry encircled the infantry to inspire awe. Everyone from Milton to Tolstoy has remarked about Concussa and it's effects.

Never ceases to amaze me how some people think google gives the the knowledge of 35 years of studying military history.

I wonder if they can equip a drone with an apple-sized mini-nuke and take out any place they want to?

There is little doubt that some of the CIA's drones can launch tactical nuclear strikes.

posted on Nov, 9 2013 @ 11:49 PM
I've been thinking about this recently.

Even when thinking about my own mind and how I personally experienced 9/11, it's aftermath and everything that was eventually associated with it. I realized at some point that this single event had been so traumatic that it shattered my perception of reality into so many pieces, I couldn't really tell the difference between what is real and what isn't.

And I have to say that I'm not an easy person to traumatize. When 9/11 first happened, I was half a country away from NYC and I saw it happen on a tiny TV with bad reception (no cable). It obviously was not the kind of thing I was used to seeing on live TV but at the time, I just kind of thought "Well. There's something you don't see every day. But life will go on".

I did not choose to start researching it or thinking about it skeptically until I started to wonder about the motives of the Bush administration. I found their actions and their policies in response to this event a bit extreme and suspicious (and I was never really a paranoid type). And then, I made the mistake of opening my mind.

And I say it was a mistake because looking back, I'd have rather not spent the last ten years or so being utterly and completely confused about reality. The deeper I dug, the more I realized that truth is whatever you think it is. You cannot simply trust a camera lens to be your surrogate eyes when it comes to an event that literally changes the world.

If this was not a deliberate attack on the minds of millions of people by their own government, those must have been some brilliant terrorists.
edit on 9-11-2013 by BrianFlanders because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-11-2013 by BrianFlanders because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 10 2013 @ 06:09 AM

I did not choose to start researching it or thinking about it skeptically until I started to wonder about the motives of the Bush administration.

Unfortunately, you began your investigation with an enforced agenda that tainted anything you might have learned. When it comes to what you believe is real and what is not that is the very essence of the internet. That is why so very little about the attacks is available on the internet. Doing some inventory work on my library I cataloged 108 books and about 8000 documents that all fall within the range of 9/11. The spectrum is wide to include top selling truther books like Kevin Ryan's work all the way to the recently published closed sessions of the Senate investigation.

Becoming informed is hard work, and if you are truthful about wanting answers, then you will get off the internet and google and find out what really happened-and then decide once you have enough information-how you feel about the attacks.

Just last weekend I went through a long, long written investigation into some of the frustrating mysteries about the North Tower-specifically above the impact zone-that will, more than likely, never be solved. The transcripts between-I can't really say-pertaining to reports of missiles being fired from the roof of the Woolworth building. The mindnumbing problem of Christine Olender's (Windows on the World manager on the 106th floor) 911 calls. Doris Eng's conversations with the Port Authority--and on and on.

None of the details of this can be found on the internet. So, if you really want to understand the 9/11 attacks you need to commit yourself to a broad based investigation. You can start with the more than 1300 books that are imprint about every spectrum of that day from one side to the other without any preconceived notion.

posted on Nov, 10 2013 @ 06:17 AM
reply to post by smurfy

o simonshack got banned from there for asking the obvious question of what time people heard about 9-11 no thermite needed

posted on Nov, 10 2013 @ 08:33 AM


The military apparently used this knowledge in some of their research on the now declassified MK Ultra program in order to modify the codes of people while they were susceptible by first exposing them to trauma. The trauma opened up the mind to reprogramming.

This strikes me as programming being delivered in the mist of the attack trauma. I'm sure there were many more programming snippets delivered that day.

I often wonder about the music industry. I think it might simply be a mechanism for promoting natural generational progression, in other words, there is an 80 year cycle broken into 20 year segments, and the kids of one generation end up growing up opposed to their parents -

I do think the music industry is involved in programming .... but I believe there is nothing natural about it. Our youth are being negatively bent for someone's agenda.

posted on Nov, 10 2013 @ 08:38 AM


Becoming informed is hard work, and if you are truthful about wanting answers, then you will get off the internet and google and find out what really happened-and then decide once you have enough information-how you feel about the attacks.

Just last weekend I went through a long, long written investigation into some of the frustrating mysteries about the North Tower-specifically above the impact zone-that will, more than likely, never be solved. The transcripts between-I can't really say-pertaining to reports of missiles being fired from the roof of the Woolworth building. The mindnumbing problem of Christine Olender's (Windows on the World manager on the 106th floor) 911 calls. Doris Eng's conversations with the Port Authority--and on and on.

Sounds like you are well informed about events surrounding 9/11. Well-researched info could go a long way toward awakening our countrymen that are still sleepwalking.

Do you have plans to write about your findings?

posted on Nov, 11 2013 @ 03:15 AM


I did not choose to start researching it or thinking about it skeptically until I started to wonder about the motives of the Bush administration.

Unfortunately, you began your investigation with an enforced agenda that tainted anything you might have learned. When it comes to what you believe is real and what is not that is the very essence of the internet. That is why so very little about the attacks is available on the internet.

None of the details of this can be found on the internet. So, if you really want to understand the 9/11 attacks you need to commit yourself to a broad based investigation. You can start with the more than 1300 books that are imprint about every spectrum of that day from one side to the other without any preconceived notion.

Well, I get what you're saying but I don't really think of myself as an investigator. My research was just for myself. If you think it sounds like I was just trying to confirm my own suspicions, I guess you have a good point. I was prejudiced but I found enough common sense information to convince me that TPTB took full advantage of this.

If they were not directly involved, they were waiting for something like this to happen to justify the things they wanted to do. That is perfectly clear. And it certainly was not confined to one party.

I think in the end, it's irrelevant whether they did it or not. The deed is done and the focus needs to shift to how they have exploited it and where they ultimately intend to go.

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