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Food Stamp Cuts Starting NOV 1 Will Leave 47 Million Families Hungrier

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posted on Nov, 2 2013 @ 12:02 PM
reply to post by pavil

If Bridge cards only allowed Michele Obama's healthy food school plan, they would be fine. No prepackaged food, just staples and fruits and veggies. Take a look at all the crap someone on fully loaded Bridge card buys. Not healthy purchases at all, the First lady should take up that cause.....crickets chirping.

Many people don't know how to actually cook anymore. I don't mean throwing a frozen pizza in the oven and calling it 'dinner', I mean getting out the cutting board and really cooking.

In my opinion.. that's a big problem.

posted on Nov, 2 2013 @ 12:09 PM
reply to post by daryllyn

Many people don't know how to actually cook anymore. I don't mean throwing a frozen pizza in the oven and calling it 'dinner', I mean getting out the cutting board and really cooking.

In my opinion.. that's a big problem.

Well said and... sadly, absolutely correct.

My better half and I have seen to it that our kids are all capable cooks and preparers of food from the raw. We've all sworn off fastfood at every chance. we' all buy basics like four, rice, beans, meats, veggies as fresh as we can and also keep stocks of drygoods for tough times.

For those who are dependent on take outs and microwaves... times ahead may be hard.


posted on Nov, 2 2013 @ 12:16 PM
I think a lot of posters are uninformed. I'm on a cell phone so I can post sources but in most areas in this country there isn't any opportunities to do anything. There's no manufacturing and most jobs are warehouse jobs. It's really hard to get into a trade if you don't know someone.

the middle class is gone.

posted on Nov, 2 2013 @ 12:33 PM

reply to post by St Udio

Let's not forget the 5 million spent on crystal stemware for the State Department, during the shutdown if I remember correctly, so apparently these expensive wine glasses are 'essential'. *eyes roll out of head and across the floor*

I find it very sad that we are sending billions of dollars of aid out to foreign nations and making these ridiculous purchases in a time when the American people suffering so.

the research I did on this shows that you are right about the stemware contract...the one thing I have not been able to find is why is it being replaced? at least it's an American small business company, and the contract is spread out over 5 years...but, yeah, on the surface even for me, this is BS.

posted on Nov, 2 2013 @ 12:52 PM

reply to post by daryllyn

It doesn't matter how much. It's the fact that they took from this program at all, when it seems there's all the money in the world to go bomb and otherwise harrass other countries/send aid out to other countries.

To summed it all up!

People may think that a few dollars less...does not matter much in someone's budget...but it does. For instance...the single person who gets and $11.00 cut...that $11.00 is meals for 3 days; for many.

posted on Nov, 2 2013 @ 12:58 PM
These "cuts" are actually a scheduled accelerated reduction that eliminates the emergency increases from the stimulus in 2009.

Congress has not offered any 'stay' or increase to make up the difference (not EVEN the Democrats or Obama !)

Supporting story and background on the "are not CUTS";

The 2009 Recovery Act’s temporary boost to Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits is scheduled to end on November 1, 2013, resulting in a benefit cut for every SNAP household.

For families of three, the cut will be $29 a month — a total of $319 for November 2013 through September 2014, the remaining months of fiscal year 2014.[2] That’s a serious loss, especially in light of the very low amount of basic SNAP benefits. Without the Recovery Act’s boost, SNAP benefits will average less than $1.40 per person per meal in 2014. (See Table 2 for estimates of the size of the SNAP cut in each state in fiscal year 2014.) Nationally, the total cut is estimated to be $5 billion in fiscal year 2014.

SNAP Benefits Will Be Cut for All Participants in November 2013

posted on Nov, 2 2013 @ 01:04 PM


Its not like they are cutting it in half or anything. The cuts are actually a lot less per family than I had imagined.

They can make up for the loss by shopping smart, which is something they should be doing anyway.


I have never received "food stamps" but I know how it is when you are poor where you literally need to turn every penny TWICE. If you are poor (on welfare, food stamps, unemployed etc.) rest assured that the majority of those people has not even any other choice than what you call "smart shopping"...when you look at the last $10 in your wallet and need to think WHAT exactly you will buy for the $10 which needs to last you for a week.

Your comment implies somewhat of an ignorance....a) you're implying that the $36 lost for a family of four is not a big deal since all they need to do is "smart shopping" as opposed to the mindless crazy spending they did before ON THEIR EFFING FOOD STAMPS? Or is this really what you are implying?

Furthermore, those $36 may be exactly the amount which a family would need to survive, say, a week (if they're lucky) buying the cheapest of the cheapest what does the family do now when this $36 are missing?

We can assume that very poor people on food stamps do NOT "save up at the end of the month" but need to budget very tightly from one month to the other without a penny left at the end of a month. In other words, every single dollar may in fact count! And then the $20 or $36 may indeed be a huge deal.
edit on 62013RuSaturdayAmerica/Chicago01PMSaturdaySaturday by NoRulesAllowed because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2013 @ 01:55 PM


Anti-human GOP policy of punish the poor ... where so-called civilized “Christians” are presiding over unnecessary suffering ... the depraved GOP policies of starvation ...

etc etc etc .... Oh just stop. I'd say that this is just more of the usual partisan rhetoric from you but this time you really ramped up the buzz words .. didn't you? Seriously dude ... didn't you read your own source about the democrats 'raiding the cookie jar' and that they failed to keep their promises?? That .. and this is just an expiration of a boost in the give away program and it's back to where it was originally supposed to be.

edit on 11/2/2013 by FlyersFan because: (no reason given)

He clearly did read it, because he clearly even pointed out the part you mention.

However, did you happen to miss this part? :

Once it was Speaker John Boehner, not Nancy Pelosi, there wasn't an awful lot they could do to replace the money, what with House Republicans fighting to cut food stamps further, not replace missing funds.

So yes... democrats are partly to blame for this. Fully acknowledged by OP and, I'm sure, anyone with a brain. However, likewise, anyone with a brain can see GOP played a pretty big role, too. Especially if they blocked the efforts of the democrats to return the funding. That would mean they tried, but were blocked by GOP, if that is indeed how it went down....

And while the commentary may have come across as partisan, the part you quote contains another very valid point, that I'm sure many of us have wondered at some point. I know I have. Many christians are republican / conservative. Or possibly better said the other way around. And I've always wondered how they try to align the general policy of "cutting welfare and social programs" with their christian values, and charity, and taking pity on the poor...and yes.... even your "enemy" (i.e. "those good-for-nothing leeches on society")????

I think it's more than a fair question.

posted on Nov, 2 2013 @ 01:59 PM


reply to post by daryllyn
Thanks, that’s good to know though I wonder what happens to the children whose mothers aren’t frugal and smart like you.

Its their parents' responsibility to shop economically and like I pointed out in my above post.... its not like these cuts were astronomical in the first place.

You are acting like these families are getting nothing now, which just isn't factual.
edit on 2-11-2013 by daryllyn because: (no reason given)

And you are acting like the fact that poor families struggling to make ends meet are going to be getting any less money is somehow not a big deal, okay, or even a good thing, when cuts could have (and probably should have) been made elsewhere.

posted on Nov, 2 2013 @ 02:05 PM
reply to post by NoRulesAllowed

I know quite a few people that receive SNAP benefits. I've seen with my own eyes what they put into their shopping carts; frozen convenience food, bags and bags of chips, cases of pop, tubs of ice cream, and little that could be made into a healthy meal... which is what they should be buying for their children. I know at least four families right now that receive 600 or more a month that do this.

I understand that some recipients already 'shop smart', but, many of them do not. Almost every time I go to the grocery store... I see the same thing, the same junk, and the same lack of items that could be made into an actual meal, on the same Ohio Direction Cards (I was a cashier at one point, so I know the in store processes for SNAP and WIC and what the SNAP card for my state looks like).

Its called the Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program, not the Fill Your Cart With As Many Different Kinds Of Junk That You Can Find Program. Its meant to buy healthy foods, like staples, that are much more affordable than prepackaged processed foods.

I'm glad the system is used by some in the appropriate way, but we all know there are far too many that abuse/misuse it. And sadly, it's often the ones misusing it that get the highest amounts per month, while working households get much smaller amounts that don't go nearly as far.

The whole point in the post you are referring to, was to inject a little bit of fact into what the OP was claiming. They acted as if these cuts were astronomical, I was simply pointing out the amount per family to illustrate that its not quite as severe as they were insinuating. Will it be hard for some to make up that 11 to 36 bucks? Sure it will.

Personally, I don't agree with the cuts when there are so many other areas that desperately need some trimming of the fat.

posted on Nov, 2 2013 @ 02:08 PM
The comments in this thread are really funny.

OP, you have tanked man. Next time substitute buzz words and partisan doo doo with some actual substance.

The democrats and the republicans have nothing to do with an increase in subsidies for whatever reason being reset to original levels. This was the plan from the get go and everyone voted for it.....

Also they arent cutting that much. Its a few bucks, get over it. Just dont buy CRAP....I dont and I seem to get by ok...

also people need to learn to feed themselves. I am not speaking of those who cant and need the help. I think anyone would help them out no questions asked.....I am referring to those who revel in their human nature and abuse the system or just stop trying...they are always who we are referring to.


anti human....barbarians....just lol...

edit on 11 2 2013 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2013 @ 02:11 PM



reply to post by daryllyn
Thanks, that’s good to know though I wonder what happens to the children whose mothers aren’t frugal and smart like you.

Its their parents' responsibility to shop economically and like I pointed out in my above post.... its not like these cuts were astronomical in the first place.

You are acting like these families are getting nothing now, which just isn't factual.
edit on 2-11-2013 by daryllyn because: (no reason given)

And you are acting like the fact that poor families struggling to make ends meet are going to be getting any less money is somehow not a big deal, okay, or even a good thing, when cuts could have (and probably should have) been made elsewhere.

You are reading a little too far into what I wrote.

I love how what you DON'T say gets twisted around and used to make unfounded assumptions.

I never said I was okay with the cuts.

posted on Nov, 2 2013 @ 02:28 PM
It’s sort of like the story of Cain and Abel. There are the murderers and there are those who aren’t inclined to such depraved acts because it’s not in their constitution.

Some people’s hearts are just not right. They don’t have any empathy for others, no compassion for those denied good.

The antidote to this is intellectual common sense and the cultivation of the virtue of empathy and compassion for others.

In other words TRY to be a human being if your heart isn’t inclined to that inner virtue.
Understand the intellectual sense behind it.

Then there are that who just don’t have the inner moral sense even to recognize the degradation of poverty and that in post-modern advanced technological “civilization” poverty is an abomination.

They are too blind to see that there is a great possibility that one day they will be poor and need food stamps themselves therefore minimally it is common sense to care adequately for the poor

For those there is nothing one can do to convince then of the error of their ways and ideas.

posted on Nov, 2 2013 @ 02:30 PM
reply to post by iwilliam

The blind do not see my friend. Although they look the light is not in their hearts

Its called the Heart of darkness

posted on Nov, 2 2013 @ 03:07 PM
reply to post by Willtell

A thread crashes when the OP is sanctimonious. If the OP really is behind the message on their thread more facts and examples boosting their message will persuade people verses condemnation and confrontation.

posted on Nov, 2 2013 @ 03:34 PM
reply to post by Willtell

Nothing to do with parties. Only politicians. The ones that happen to have corporate and billionaire ties stay in those two main parties.

If we want change vote third party, and demand legislation that prevents pac's, unions, and corporations.

posted on Nov, 2 2013 @ 03:57 PM

reply to post by NoRulesAllowed

I know quite a few people that receive SNAP benefits. I've seen with my own eyes what they put into their shopping carts; frozen convenience food, bags and bags of chips, cases of pop, tubs of ice cream, and little that could be made into a healthy meal... which is what they should be buying for their children. I know at least four families right now that receive 600 or more a month that do this.

I whole heartily agree with this post and the one about people not even knowing who to cook or even better, cook healthy.

One other thing, WHY are you allowed to purchase the high end Brand Names of food staples with a Bridge card? I know it may not seem fair, but if you are getting assistance, for God's sake, buy the damn store brands and make the money last longer. I don't receive assistance and even I do that. Nothing Grinds my gears more than seeing the person in front of me buying Brand Name Items with a Bridge card and on top of that seeing the cart full or nutritionally inferior food choices. If we (the Public) are doling them out assistance, then tough, you have to eat store brands of things. Sorry it it makes you feel bad. If you feel so bad, then get off the damn assistance. Stop complaining that I haven't done enough for you.

You know there are actually Federal and State run programs where someone will come to your house, give you a book on healthy cooking and even SHOW and COOK a meal for you to show you how to do it. Nobody utilizes it.

Have you ever seen an immigrant (not illegal, just first generation to the U.S.) Family shop? Their carts are FULL of fruits and Veggies, Rice and pastas, hardly any meats, fats and cheeses by American Standards. Americans have been totally conditioned to eat Meat Laden, Fat Saturated processed foods. You can eat very well in America with a tight food budget, if you shop.

Oh one last thing that really PO's me. Maybe it's just me, but I have really been looking hard. How many times do you see someone with a Bridge Card ever use a COUPON?????

I tire of continually supporting people who are too lazy or have just given up trying to support themselves. Food Stamps have turned into a part of some peoples lifestyles, it's like it's a second paycheck for them. There's a difference between helping those REALLY in need and FREELOADERS. I am done with the latter.

edit on 2-11-2013 by pavil because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2013 @ 04:02 PM
That's one of the most slanted spins of stupidity I've read on this site.. So it's the Christians huh?

How about they take the cell phones from them.. That should increase the margins in the food category..

I live in flint mi and work in Detroit.. I personally know and seen family's going on 6 generation welfare.. I'd say 80% are scamming the system.. Having the "baby daddy" living there when he shouldn't.. Working a job that pays 25% more than mine.. Selling the "kids" food money for alcohol.. They do this by going to the store loading up carts, use the bridge card.. Then sell it for penny's on the dollar!

But, when my brother who worked his entire life hit hard times.. Guess what, too bad.. Middle aged white male couldn't get crap!

The welfare system needs a major over haul.. It was never intended to be a life style..

posted on Nov, 2 2013 @ 04:12 PM


I have never received "food stamps" but I know how it is when you are poor where you literally need to turn every penny TWICE. If you are poor (on welfare, food stamps, unemployed etc.) rest assured that the majority of those people has not even any other choice than what you call "smart shopping"...when you look at the last $10 in your wallet and need to think WHAT exactly you will buy for the $10 which needs to last you for a week.

Your comment implies somewhat of an ignorance....a) you're implying that the $36 lost for a family of four is not a big deal since all they need to do is "smart shopping" as opposed to the mindless crazy spending they did before ON THEIR EFFING FOOD STAMPS? Or is this really what you are implying?

Furthermore, those $36 may be exactly the amount which a family would need to survive, say, a week (if they're lucky) buying the cheapest of the cheapest what does the family do now when this $36 are missing?

We can assume that very poor people on food stamps do NOT "save up at the end of the month" but need to budget very tightly from one month to the other without a penny left at the end of a month. In other words, every single dollar may in fact count! And then the $20 or $36 may indeed be a huge deal.

Rules, do you look at what most people who have Bridge Cards buy???? Well I have. I make a point of it while waiting in line, it's a weird hobby of mine. They are NOT for the most part frugal shoppers, why should they be, it's not "their" money they are spending.

Your whole premise might have merit if the vast Majority of Bridge Card owners were like that. They aren't. From my 4 to 6 visits a week (I shop as needed for certain items and the store is very close) at the grocery store, I would estimate that Frugal Bridge Card owners would be in the 10% to 20% range of the Total Bridge Card owners out there. 20% is being generous. If they would cut out the Premium Brand Products, Packaged Convenience Foods and Junk Foods, they can eat just fine. Not to go all Biblical, but what exactly did you think the Pioneers ate every day while going out West? I can guarantee it wasn't DiGiorno Pizzas from the Frozen Food Aisle.

I bet you this, if People only got a standard set of rations, not being able to CHOOSE, there would be a heck of a lot less people wanting to get Bridge Cards.

I think that would be a VERY interesting thing to try out. I bet people would find ways to purchase their junk food with GASP, real money.

posted on Nov, 2 2013 @ 04:13 PM
Cut food stamp benefits by $5 Billion... Raise aid to Israel the same day by $10 Billion.

Guess who runs / owns American government

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