Most of what I am about to say comes from personal experience. I am still seeking answers, and know I may not be correct, and I have a lot of reading
to do so that I might better know all manifestations of this abomination, Yweh, Adonai, Allah, the One God who would rule us all.
Some of you speculate and wonder as to who this god is. "How can he be good," you ask, "if he performs such terrible deeds in all his
manifestations?" If you really read the Bible, and I am sure the other books from the myriad of off-shoots of his creation, you can see the better
things done are not by he, but by Christ.
I have been through a journey. I real painstaking journey.
It began in 2006, when I broke into a center of consciousness I call the "Archive." There I was accosted and attacked by a malignant being, and
rescued by another. The vision perked my interest and I started digging for more answers.
Throughout the years that have followed, I have undergone many battles with spiritual entities. During my trials I came to understand that the Hebrew
God is nothing more than Satan himself using a mask of benevolence to hide his true nature.
His assaults have been very clever indeed. So much confusion. So many concepts mixed up here and there on so many fronts, impeding enlightenment,
dividing AS he multiplies. Darkening and mixing up beings of enlightenment and saving grace so they are mixed with him, so as to reduce their power
and tie them to him.
One front is the mixing of Christ to say he and they are one and the same. The other is mixing up the idea of Lucifer so that it too is mixed up with
him as the Satanic side of himself. The real combination is Luicfer-Christ, not Lucifer-Satan, in my opinion. The "Light-Bearer," Enlightener of
Mankind, champion of grace. The serpent who risked all to guide humanity to knowledge against the wishes of a god who commands ignorance, punishes
the Truth-seekers, and claims the only Truth is his Word and no other.
"Nothing is higher than the Truth!" I have said to him.
"I AM that nothing!" he would say.
A great liar is one who can convince you that his every word is Truth, but when you probe the words he speaks, I see lies. I see malevolence. I see
Only a malevolent god would have something to gain by giving the first command to Adam and Eve to be as ignorant children and never partake of
knowledge. Evil needs secrecy. If Adam and Eve did not know what was good or evil, how would they know if they were serving a god of good or evil?
A good god would not need to hide such things. A malevolent god would.
You can see how he multiplies as he divides as his religions keep fracturing and forming more and more little factions, each one all worshiping the
same god, yet bickering among each other and sometimes inflicting damage on each other in his name. And I mean, ALL manifestations of his religion.
Anything related the the Hebrew God, including Christianity, Islam, and Mormonism among many. Though people might think otherwise the truly Satanic
is also of him, in my opinion. People are deceived they are worshiping Lucifer when they are only serving Adonai in his darkest essence.
Strip away the darkness -- cut Satan out of Lucifer. Cut Adonai out of Christ. "Let your light so shine before the world." Be a bearer of light.
A Lucifer of the real meaning of what Lucifer means!
Remember, all spiritual beings, including gods are beings of great deceptive power and are often shrouded in mystery. Even I might be deceived, I
fully admit, but these are my conclusions for the time being.
In Revelation, is not Christ himself called the "Morning Star?" Is not at the same time, Lucifer? It's Lucifer-Christ. Not Lucifer-Satan.
There is, in my opinion, real spiritual warfare going on in this world from what I have experienced. It comes from all fronts for me. Those who
believe this God is good, and from those who think they are Luciferian, but serve evil. Even from pagans and other various religions. It seems no
one is really on my side.
If the Illuminati exists and they claim they serve Lucifer, they too are either deceived by Adonai, or they know full well whom they serve and the
very skillful tactics they have employed to disempower the true champion of humanity in the ways they have. I try to connect to Christ in his truest
essence and for now, the turmoil of spiritual things I have endured has subsided, though my life is still suffering in physicality.
In some ways this battle feels like the fight between two or more life-streams, as you might call it. I think a game called Final Fantasy in some of
their versions depicts it well: Tera against Gaia. Adonai against Asherah, his former wife. The Terans are the terrorist souls, the tares in the
wheat Christ speaks of. I know it sounds a bit punny, but I think those words are used and sound similar for a reason today.
I believe many of us have undergone a lot of programming in our lives that have left us in this state. How this occultistic programming is maintained
is through a hypothetical "biochemical network" that connects all life on this planet through the genetic matrix. Through the use of symbolism and
occultistic ritual, control of subjects can be maintained. I wasn't sure until I saw a book on the internet on how it was acheived and knew there
was truth to the claims. (The site is
here BTW.)
I used to say when I was young I wouldn't live past 30. In this book it says that programmed individuals are often killed off or "triggered" to
self-terminate by 30, being called "getting off the Freedom Train."
I think by learning of the language of the subconscious, the symbolism, in which the perpetrators of these heinous acts often recode and change all
the time, one might eventually come to deprogram themselves, and if they figure out other things, also deprogram others...
Adonai wishes to keep us slaves, to not question him, and to rule us all through deception. I even pass this warning along to anyone who might be
watching involved in things they think are devoted to Lucifer. Be wary of the one you call "Master," for you might be actually fighting for
something you are unaware of who and what he really is... but then again, you might be fully aware...
"In the end, it is they who have performed atrocity in full knowledge who are the realest sinners of them all." -Lucifer, channeling session.