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Here we go again..........."Diversity Training"

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posted on Nov, 2 2013 @ 11:53 AM
reply to post by colddeadhands

Don't look now but just because we haven't had direct retribution yet doesn't mean we are getting away with it!! Does anyone really believe NSA stopped with just Google and Yahoo?

Oh, if our nation ever reaches the point (REALLY reaches the point) of Police State and/or tyranny beyond a debate point? I don't believe there will be anything even remotely subtle about how treatment comes for some of the loudest and most critical of the administration and Government as a whole.

After all, I myself, for example, would be serving most of my life in a prison for my words ...and only my some nations that really are that way. Just what many of us say here, daily, would be enough. More than enough. We're not there yet. (Gotta see bright sides and silver linings where we can, eh? There is enough to be aware and concerned about sometimes)

posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 08:42 AM
reply to post by Common Good

No training needs to be addressed...the employees wore a costume for a halloween party that someone didnt like.
As far as we know- there was no guidelines or rules on costumes ahead of time for the party.
The people have no reason to be offended, period.

You are just ignorant of the professional/corporate environment, so it is really hard to expect you to understand the rational behind this.

Grow up a little, go get some real jobs in the professional world, and then re-visit this thread and your comments.

posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 08:51 AM
reply to post by ketsuko

HR policy is always reactionary...that is how it works.

I doubt this place will have another Halloween party because of this event. That is how it works. Most of the time employees are given the benefit of the doubt...and it usually works pretty well when the company is small...people behave themselves more, or adapt to the group better, in a small environment. But as a company grows, it is easier for people to let their idiot show and ruin it for everyone.

That is what happened here...someone decided to let their true idiot show at the work place and it has caused a reaction from HR.

Both are at fault...HR for trusting their employees to do the right thing and not giving them specific guidelines like they were children....and the idiots that thought a costume like this would be funny.

posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 08:53 AM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

The only costumes I've ever felt rate an exception are things that would NEVER be acceptable. X-Rated in public, for instance. Making light of or playing with specific crimes where people died would also be a non-starter for me. Conversely, someone dressed as Freddy Krueger or Jason Voorhees wouldn't be.

Some people have FAR too much time and FAR to thin a skin ..and WAY too deep a sense of the world being all about THEM, so offense should be actionable against everyone around them?


So people should live by YOUR standards and that's it...huh?

The sheer ignorance in this entire thread about the professional environment is astounding.

posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 09:04 AM
reply to post by AlienScience

Nawww.. No one should be forcing their own standards on anyone else, is what I believe the point is.

Tolerance first, and until or unless the situation is SO far over the top? Tolerance simply cannot be extended.

This strikes me as a good example of where tolerance to different political ideas would have prevented things from ever getting to the point of cost and trouble to the whole company coming from a skit (enough people liked) that won an award during the party.

Why is it, tolerance seems to be demanded in only one direction so often these days? That isn't even dependent on politics, since the lack of tolerance changes given the issue being looked at. It's a problem from all sides anymore.

posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 09:13 AM
reply to post by Logarock

Are you suggesting Jesus and the POTUS be put on the same level? And really the Obama wasn't misrepresented with fabrication or gratuitous implications....just that he was in a strait jacket. He a politician and they have earned it.

I'm saying that you can't determine yourself what other people will be offended by and that you can't deem their feelings unworthy just because you weren't offended yourself.

But again, this whole thread just explains so much of what I've been hearing on this site...

posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 09:15 AM
reply to post by Logarock

Diversity training. For years men were school on how to act toward women in the workplace and rightfully so. But I have worked with female supervisors that were as demeaning as any man, sexed their way into power, ect ect. And some minority supers that were racist. I have contempt for much of what is diversity training because it tends to focus of the hang ups and attitudes of one particular subset of persons in the work place.

So report them to HR...file official complaints to HR and notify them you will be file a complaint with the labor department because it is the companies obligation to provide a discrimination free workplace.

Or just keep pretending you are the new victim...poor white males...they have it so tough...go cry about it. Or be a man and do something about it.

posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 09:18 AM
reply to post by Logarock

Its looking like your real problem is that Obama was getting raged in public with a funny characterization. All this mature and adult workplace stuff is simply a platform for you to rag back.

My only real problem is the continued reminder how juvenile and immature most adults are.

And then they wonder why they are successful in life.

posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 09:20 AM
reply to post by colddeadhands

It is very funny because I seem to remember a famous quote of a president(that I liked) being spread all over America by people wearing costumes. "I am not a crook" I sure don't recall anyone having a problem with that. Heck we were all too busy laughing our a##es off!!! By the way I left out the name of the president intentionally but everyone knows who I am talking about even those not born yet or who were small children at the time. That's how popular it was!!

There is a time and a place for everything.

The workplace is not the place for anything political, religious, or sexual....period.

Until you guys can understand this, you are all going to have a hard time if you are ever in a professional environment.

posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 09:24 AM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

Why is it, tolerance seems to be demanded in only one direction so often these days?


People shouldn't have to tolerated being offended in the workplace.

I'm sure some bigoted men thought exactly like you when sexual harassment laws were passed..."why can't women just tolerate me smacking them on their ass...they are soooooooo sensitive."

Simply stated, you are wrong...this isn't even up for debate is common practice in most professional are on the wrong side of history and you are living in the past.

posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 09:26 AM
reply to post by colddeadhands

Well the point was definitely missed. But by whom? Let's see.....Obama has done many things to suggest he should be put in a straight jacket(in my humble opinion)....but when has Christ ever crossed dressed or committed any pedophile acts? you would be offended by that huh?

Why are you being so sensitive?

The point is that it is your OPINION that Obama deserves to be in a straight opinion not shared by everyone.
edit on 3-11-2013 by AlienScience because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 10:16 AM
It was a damn mistake electing this guy TWO times.

Way to go......

I can't vote. Even if I could, I wouldn't.

It is shameful what this country has become.

Freedom=sh#@ anymore.

posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 11:21 AM
reply to post by AlienScience

Simply stated, you are wrong...this isn't even up for debate is common practice in most professional are on the wrong side of history and you are living in the past.

Well, since we seem to be getting personal in debating this topic, I'll agree to disagree and wish you well on the remainder of the discussion. Personal conflict simply isn't worth it to me on any news story, even ones I care about.

posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 08:20 PM
New rule...

... no more half-white presidents!


posted on Nov, 4 2013 @ 01:31 AM

reply to post by Wrabbit2000

Why is it, tolerance seems to be demanded in only one direction so often these days?


People shouldn't have to tolerated being offended in the workplace.

I'm sure some bigoted men thought exactly like you when sexual harassment laws were passed..."why can't women just tolerate me smacking them on their ass...they are soooooooo sensitive."

Simply stated, you are wrong...this isn't even up for debate is common practice in most professional are on the wrong side of history and you are living in the past.

There's a difference here. We're supposed to be free to praise, insult, or parody those in political office. It's one of the freedoms in this country. If someone disagrees and gets offended someone has a different opinion than them, that's just too bad. 50% of the country disagrees with the other 50% of the country on pretty much every single issue. There's a massive difference between coming in dressed as a politician and gender/racial discrimination. One is based on how you think, the other is based on who you are.

posted on Nov, 4 2013 @ 02:20 AM
welcome to robot world...where everyone has to think the same the same....and never poke fun or speak a word againstvthe ruling classes...where your thoughts are only to be kept to yourself for fear of repriasal.
You the people can only expressvthoughts that the ruling class has deemed acceptable...where others decide what is acceptable.
if you speak out against the machine then you shall be removed.
re programming is what is in store for wiil be made to change your basic will be made to understand your OFFENCES you will be made to think as society deems fit.
The name it self is wrong.


it is already say your DIVERSE viewpoint is not correct.

you are already diverse for just showing and thinking outside the DEEMED appropriate.

get into your uniform and start thinking with..


that is what it is...conformity training.

but the whole thing is....HALLOWEEN.

This thread has shown those who conform...and those who are diverse.

Conformists are those who think it is wrong to poke fun at the ruling classes,i truely feel sorry for those as they have lost the ability to be actually live outside the so called NORM.

THIS is such a small issue that it should not even be an is not about is not about being is about shallow people so worried about being politically correct that they are afraid to see it as such...just fun.

The photo says it all...about all presidents...they all should be in straight jackets and led away to the asylum.

posted on Nov, 4 2013 @ 02:20 AM
reply to post by Aazadan

I'd love to express my deeply held liberal views here.
But it's such a hostile working environment ......


posted on Nov, 4 2013 @ 03:20 AM
How whiny similar of Stalin's Russia and Putin's extremes.
You want politically correct costumes?

No witches because that's religious Wiccan
No Palin costume it is still a Political no no
No Batman or other characters
Or celebrity spoof because that might infringe on copy write
No sexy Nuns that's a double negative!
Alien costumes, you've got to be kidding me, your coworkers would really label you as the "Tin Foil Hatter."

For a Halloween work party that just about limits the choices to zombies-unless Voodoo religious practitioners get butt hurt-. Mummies forget about it, Ancient Egyptians would curse you. Zombies; But then again that mirrors what is wanted in the nanny state.

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 07:20 PM

1st Street Baptist Church Pastor C.E. Timberlake says it's wrong to portray any president that way.

"I think it's very offensive and really that shouldn't have happened," Timberlake said. "There are other characters they could have dressed up and put a straitjacket other than the President of this country,"

Talk about a double standard.

Where has this guy been hiding for all these years without the first complaint about a Nixon/ Bush mask being worn by people and in movies not used in a favorable light?
People still wear their masks to this day.

In fact, the Game of Throne series used a wax head of Bush 2nd on a stake in the movie.
No one went crazy or was offended

What is it about Obama other than the obvious that sets people on a tirade at the slightest thing?

Get a Republican back in office and watch how the 'offensiveness' calms down.

posted on Nov, 15 2013 @ 01:19 PM
Geez, a bunch of whiners on this thread.

It doesn't matter how many ways you try to spin it, the company was in the right to enforce their diversity/compliance training.

I am sure the language in the training fully covered the actions leading up to the incident.

Get a grip folks.

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