posted on May, 20 2003 @ 10:31 AM
"Moore leads the reader to draw inferences which he must have known were wrong....."
".......Bowling uses deliberate deception as its primary tool of persuasion and effect."
I couldnt agree more with these statements even if i don't agree with all the points on that website.
His arguments are simplistic, poorly examined with a severe lack of depth and are presented as if they hold their own without thorough explanation.
Well they don't!!
This kind of film is deceptive and dangerous viewing for those not able to come to their own conclusions (believe me there are
I think the worst part was possibly his failure to mention how difficult it is to purchase a weapon in certain countries whilst dishing out those
countries' 'impressive' statistics on the comparitavely low number of fatalities as a result of a shooting.
Although i did appreciate Moore's capture of the vain 'reporter' moments before going live for what was less of a report and more of a performance
in response to a shooting. On the odd occasion that his footage does speak for itself he deserves some merit.
Also, maybe its just me but i couldnt help feeling that Moore saw his attempts to stop Wallmart selling ammunition as personal victory.