posted on Oct, 31 2013 @ 08:03 AM
Fission is bringing together of the lightest elements. Like Einstein's discovery small amounts of mass can be converted to large amounts of energy.
Like our sun and stars. light elements collide at high speeds and high density. At very high temperatures 50- 200 million degrees. Striping negative
electrons from nuclei resulting in plasma.
Any material can be manipulated at the atomic level. Any substance can be broken down at high temperatures. Like Eastlund and Gaugh have done,
from the US Atomic energy commission. Dirt is ore , 1 cubic mile of it contains 200 times the aluminum of current annual us production. 6 times the
zinc, 100 times the tin and 8 times the iron, without fusion its impossible to effectively mine. Fusion will separate at atomic levels. Fusion
reactors, contain and control the reaction sustaining it much longer.
But Obama slashing the fusion budget. Making advancement of the technology come to a crawl. We need more funding. Once we do. We will be on our way to
a fusion society. Without the need for current resources like oil. We could use dirt or eliminate landfills by the separation of elements with
just my two cents.. Thanks for sharing. S&f