Hey, I used to think, before the summer that just passed, that most UFO sighters were probably off their rocker or some natural phenomena could
explain what it was they say.
I didn't believe we were alone in the Universe. Just isolated.
Well, here's my story and I swear to you by all that I find holy this is what I saw.
I frequently get bouts of mild insomnia and have lots of trouble sleeping. Lucky for me I enjoy biking at late hours. Like 12-3am.
Anyways, I couldn't sleep so I went for a bikeride up to my old Highschool. LCVI in Kingston, Ontario. Calvin Park Public School is directly across
the road from it, it used to be a junior high but has been converted to a French School downstairs and an Adult learning centre upstairs.
It was going through the back of Calvin Park's parking lot that I saw the sight that stopped me in my tracks and nearly curdled my blood.
This was truly the most terrifying and exhiliarating thing I have seen in my 20 years of life.
Biking at about 10kph through the parking lot I happened to look directly up and infront of me and about 150-250' up in the sky were 3 "vehicles"
flying in a isosceles triangle formation. One in point, and one on either side back 20-30'.
I only had an upward angle so I only saw the bottom of these crafts.
Each ship was the same, pointed tip, streamlined back into a bulbous end, have you seen the movie "Flight of the Navigator"? When the kid rides in
that metallic ship that's like a big silver bullet?
Think seeing that from below. But not near silver.
Oddest color I've seen on any vehicle. Like a mottled yellow. Mustardy with dark splotches. I only saw them for about 10 seconds, but it stopped me
in my tracks, dropped my jaw and gave me the worst case of shivers I've ever known. I waited a few minutes looking around to see if I could spot em
again, but they didn't appear. I then booked it home, had a cup of strong tea and went to bed.
I told a few people the next day, and they were genuinely interested it seemed, but I stopped talking about it for fear of being known as a
Before this I had never seen anything that I could not readily explain. Even if it was a theoretical explanation.
I now believe that UFO's do visit earth.
There is no major airport in my town, so no one would have picked it up on anything. There is a military base here, CFB Kingston, but it is primarily
a communications base, so they do not monitor their airspace or that of the city.
I'm just curious, has anyone else every seen an elliptical, yellowish-black craft flying low to the surface? Not skimming the ground, but low enough
to actually SEE it well from the ground.
My only regret is that I had no camera....
actually, my second regret is that I had no rocket launcher
No flames please.