posted on Nov, 16 2004 @ 02:55 PM
I dunno... im just throwing this idea out there...
maybe one day, we could have a party (since the US is a one party state after all) that combines the *best* of both the republican and democrats. That
word best is quite subjective, hence the emphasis. But maybe there could be a party that is sort of like a compromise between the two? Something that
everyone could agree with, ideally? Sounds like a fantasy, but isn't it just possible?
I don't believe in the repub vs demo argument, so please don't take it that way. I think that both of those parties have their own innate virtues in
and of themselves.
But what about a leader or coalition government that...
preserves the constitution, limits the size of the federal government... but also... creates a national healthcare system and significantly decreases
the military budget by something like 75%?
ensures the moral well-being of the people, but doesn't attempt to limit the advances the sciences that might be considered controversial?
lowers taxes but increases the amount of social services available to the public (a 75% decrease in military spending is a heckuva lot of money,
eh... just being imaginative. i like both repubs and dems. I think that the confusion starts when people start to make uneducated claims and display
ignorant perspectives on life in general that get the parties they are representing in trouble. (i.e: nuke them terrorists!!) in short... can't we
all just get along?