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SheepSlayer247, Adjensen, Wrabbit, Klassified, SonoftheSun, Beezer and CirqueDeTruth for two hours of
their take on
threads past and present right here on ATS!
Show times
Wednesday 10 pm BST (UK), 11 pm CET (Europe)
Wednesday 10 pm EDT, 9 pm CDT, 8 pm MDT, 7 pm PDT (North America)
Thursday 10 pm AEST (Australia)
How to Tune In
Anyone who wants to listen to ATS Live Radio can do so in the following ways
The ATS Radio Page (high and low bandwidth players, and stream links for most commercial players
Shoutcast (high and low bandwidth players available)
Tune In (both the site and the Iphone and Android Apps - search for ATS
Tonights Topics
It's the Reality Remix Halloween special!
Indian sage dreams of gold to save economy, government starts digging
Strange eyed guy on CBS Evening News
Are Americans Acting Like Hitler?
Plus a number of Halloween features!
Music in this episode:
Cool Cavemen - New Pirates
Obsidian shell - Misanthropia 2 Eternal Darkness
Sam Emily - Vulcano - Halloween screams
That Was Yesterday - When
Reality remix is a pre-recorded show and cannot take callers to air.
The views and opinions of the presenters and guests on ATS Live Radio are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of, The
Above Network LLC and ATS Live Radioedit on 16/10/13 by neformore because: (no reason given)
edit on 30/10/13 by neformore
because: the meerkats told me to do it