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Coconut Oil - "How about some popcorn with your fat?"

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posted on Oct, 29 2013 @ 11:01 AM
How about some popcorn with your fat?

"In a report released ...the Center for Science in the Public Interest...announced that the popcorn sold in the typical movie theater absolutely drips with unsaturated fat, the kind that raises blood cholesterol and clogs arteries.

The culprit is not the popcorn itself but the superfatty coconut oil that most theaters use to pop it."

This came out in April of 1994, and you can imagine the scare it caused when they spouted, "a large unbuttered popcorn had the saturated fat equivalent of six Big Macs".

Well, times have certainly changed. In this instance it was almost 2 decades later when the New York Times headlines voiced to the world something different about Coconut Oil.

"Once a Villain, Coconut Oil Charms the Health Food World"

While there is a story behind this scare tactic I'm instead focusing on the many great uses that people currently have for Coconut Oil.

I personally do what is called Oil Pulling using CO and have had improved gum health and whiter teeth. I also saw a chocolate ice cream topping using CO that I have not tried but definitely plan on using. How do you use CO and what benefits do you see?
edit on 29-10-2013 by QuietSpeech because: Link listed source without title.

posted on Oct, 29 2013 @ 11:26 AM
| use it as an everyday application. Instead of the alcohol laden sunscreen, | have been using CO for about 2 yrs. now, on My arms, nose, ears, mouth. It is a part of Ayurveda and since using it My skin cancer has gone away.

My current ecological niche is Flori-DUH and have noticed that CO, along with copious amounts of water, keeps the skin hydrated. Those who are not hydrated, when they perspire they are losing water. With the CO, if You perspire the CO will continue to hydrate the skin. Yogi Cameron if You want more info.

Since | started down the Ayurvedic Path, |'ve been able to get off 5 Rx meds and 2 different cancers are GONE.

If this ever gets to an unscientific poll, please place an 'Aye' from this common passerby


posted on Oct, 29 2013 @ 11:32 AM
reply to post by QuietSpeech

There's no proof that natural saturated fats are the cause of health problems. Eggs along with coconut oil have consistently shown that consumption thereof doesn't raise health risks.

People who are on natural fat Ketogenic diets(High fat/extremely low carbohydrate diets) have lower instances of almost all health problems from cholesterol to cancer.

More propaganda bull# because people are finally realizing that eggs and coconut oil won't kill you but bread just might.

posted on Oct, 29 2013 @ 11:36 AM
reply to post by LewisStulePhD

That's interesting lewis.

There have been quite a few people stating these days that Ketogenic diets(high fat no carb) are good for cancer patients because they send the body into a state of Ketosis which means that glucose is no longer being used as fuel. Glucose is of course what cancer eats, so many of these people are happy with the results from switching.

I have never heard of the co for the skin before but it makes sense it would work well.

I don't have skin cancer(that I know of, knock on wood) but I always used mineral oil right out of shower because it too traps moisture and cleared up my dermatitis that always flares up when the heaters first kick on.

posted on Oct, 29 2013 @ 11:37 AM
Hi there, I recently read about the benefits of CO on a site called "waking times", the url is down at the moment but check it out for what its worth. I am an Irish expat living in Thailand so im knee-deep in coconuts here
, I drink the water most everyday, but im interested in what you said about "pulling" and the benfits for teeth and gums, any links? Also how much is a bottle of CO where you are, just for curiosities sake?

P.S. How much is a bottle of CO where you are? too any and all who post on this thread.


posted on Oct, 29 2013 @ 11:43 AM
It you add a little coconut oil with the butter when frying eggs, it adds to the taste. It makes popcorn taste better when you use coconut oil to cook it. It seems to bring out a good taste when a very little is added to the veggie water when boiling them, they don't even really need butter added afterwards to be good.

I studied this oil quite a bit. It is not an unhealthy oil if used in moderation, it actually contains some essential saturated fats in a good proportion. Hollywood has known that this kind of oil attracts people for a long time and they weren't going to tell people that it does, their customers, the theaters, profited by our attraction to this oil.

It is better we eat coconut oil than the special oil in whales or in the eggs of ancient fish like sturgeon. We almost made both extinct in our quest for this type of oil.

posted on Oct, 29 2013 @ 11:49 AM
reply to post by OrphanApology

The health industry chose the wrong path when they promoted fats as not good for us. They just couldn't fathom that people would start increasing sugars and carbs to make up for the loss of fats in the diet. They screwed up bigtime. We need either fats or sugars to think and be healthy. If you are on a ketogenic diet, you still need a little sugar to make the brain work right.

posted on Oct, 29 2013 @ 11:49 AM
A tablespoon melted with a tsp of cocoa powder, couple drops of stevia, and a tsp of shredded coconut.
Refrigerate til firm. Very tasty.

I was getting headaches that were feeling like hangovers, so I thought it was dehydration. I was also drinking extra water, so I thought I might be lacking in the healthy fats.
It turned out the help I needed was salt - upped that and the headaches went away, and my blood pressure went down.

It's hard to imagine theatres loading popcorn with coconut oil, it's expensive. I'm above Edmonton, and for the organic, it's $15 to $20 a pound.
Maybe, like everything else, the price went up as soon as they realized health benefits.

I can get the non-organic kind for about $10 per pound, or in bulk $80 a gallon.
I might be able to find a store that sells it cheaper in the city, but then I'm dealing with traffic and ridiculous gas prices to get there, which negates the savings..
edit on 29-10-2013 by snowspirit because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 29 2013 @ 11:50 AM
reply to post by rickymouse

Well the problem is that people don't eat the correct amount of calories when eating high fat items.

One tablespoon of coconut oil has around 117 calories. When added to eggs as you said, you aren't eating that many calories really, and the added coconut oil satisfies you for hours on end. I love cooking with it because I can usually go like five hours between meals without getting hungry. High fat items can be very satisfying but you have to watch out how much you add because you can go overboard which can make you overweight.

Only thing I don't like about coconut oil is how hot it cooks...frying is out of the question.

posted on Oct, 29 2013 @ 11:52 AM
reply to post by Ranong

Here is a quick link for Oil Pulling

A 16oz jar runs about 6 U.S. Dollas.

I thought to myself why not try it for a week, glad I did.

posted on Oct, 29 2013 @ 11:55 AM

A tablespoon melted with a tsp of cocoa powder, couple drops of stevia, and a tsp of shredded coconut.
Refrigerate til firm. Very tasty.

Now that does sounds pretty good, I will have to ask my Auntie about that, I want to say she actually made that when I was younger.

posted on Oct, 29 2013 @ 12:01 PM
reply to post by rickymouse

Well I still get sugar. There's still sugars in any vegetables being eaten and stuff like creme for coffee etc.

I explained to my girlfriend why ketogenic diets makes sense for humans in my opinion. You don't see Koala bears spitting out eucalypt plant parts because it tastes gross to them. People don't like the taste of wheat and rice in it's natural form. I don't think things like that are coincidence.

The fact that we are drawn to coconut oil and naturally fatty foods is not something that should be ignored.

Why do avocados taste so good and wheat tastes horrible?

I think Ketogenic diets have been purposely pushed under the carpet of the medical industry because they work for a large number of health problems. The most interesting I've read of lately is the cancer and also alzheimer's connections.

edit on 29-10-2013 by OrphanApology because: d

posted on Oct, 29 2013 @ 12:02 PM
reply to post by OrphanApology

I add a little of the refined to the butter when frying all the time. The unrefined seems to smoke more when frying. I shouldn't actually call it frying either, I actually saute everything and don't really fry anything. The difference between the two is that lower heat and adequate moisture retention in the product exists with sauteing. Less chemistry that can increase the possibility of cancer is formed.

posted on Oct, 29 2013 @ 12:07 PM
For the cooking |'d suggest "Ghee" (clarified butter, the good stuff that You dip lobster in) and if You're going to use oil |'d certainly use Grapeseed Oil


Grapeseed Oil

posted on Oct, 29 2013 @ 12:15 PM
reply to post by QuietSpeech

Hey thanks for the info, Im gonna research more on CO tomorrow and get some local prices for CO here in Thailand and let you guys know what the cost is. I may be on to a business venture here,......aswell as healthy teeth and gums

Thanks again everyone.


posted on Oct, 29 2013 @ 12:41 PM
reply to post by OrphanApology

The best way is to utilize both systems so that we can toggle between them. I used to just eat supper and have coffee with cream and sugar for breakfast and lunch. It worked fine till I had to start taking meds long term for epilepsy, which I was found to be allergic to every one of them when taken long term. A big part of my liver calcified as a result and I can't seem to store glycogens right anymore and I get more hypoglycemic problems now. That change sucks, I am attempting to modify my diet now to allow for the change and experimenting with different ways to fix the liver. I had MRI's before and at the end of the meds that show it happened during that time so there is evidence to show what happened. Which medicine of the four caused this? I do not know or care, legally I cannot do anything anyway, to do so would mean that I had to prove one of them specifically did it. So I am not worried about that, I just want to repair what needs fixing and nothing in American medicine even does this. Milk thistle can help though, I take it once in a while for a few days to try to slowly repair it. I learned not to run the fix for long periods of time, it's damage needs to be fixed gradually. In another year or so I will see if it has decalcified and repaired at all by getting another MRI. I know about five doctors well, but the doctor I was seeing is a pill pusher, I will not go back to her.

posted on Oct, 29 2013 @ 12:50 PM
I haven't used it much in cooking (yet) but I use it for lots of other things.

It has natural antibiotic, antiviral, and anti fungal properties. It also has natural SPF.

I use it mainly on my kids. Applying it after a bath has cleared my son's eczema better than the prescription cream. I use it on rashes, scrapes, or any other boo boo the boys might get. My kids will even ask for it when they get hurt because they have learned it has no 'ouch' factor when applied to a scraped knee, for example.. I also use it to loosen stubborn bandages instead of ripping them off, which is now the preferred method in my house.

I feed it to my dog, and she actually will do tricks to get some. Its helped her dry skin from the inside out.

It can also be used as a hair treatment, moisturizer, eye makeup remover, for shaving, and way too many more to list.

Around here you can get a 16 oz jar for around 8 USD, for organically expressed. It can be found in the cooking oils at most stores.

posted on Oct, 29 2013 @ 12:55 PM
reply to post by QuietSpeech

That's because coconut oil used in movie theaters was highly processed and very bad for you.

However the virgin oil directly pressed from coconuts isn't bad for you.

Anything highly processed usually is not good for you.

posted on Oct, 29 2013 @ 01:26 PM
Ours is running out. We mainly use it for popping popcorn.

We also occasionally use it for substitutions in some recipes. Depending on what flavors we're after, we might use it as part of the oil in our evening sauté.

I can't claim that we're super health food conscious, but we do most of our food fresh. Usually, our evening meal consists of a piece of fish sautéed with a side of vegetables, so we do a lot with different herbs, spices and oils to switch up the flavors and coconut oil is part of that.

posted on Oct, 29 2013 @ 01:33 PM
reply to post by rickymouse

If you have epilepsy have you gone on a Ketogenic diet yet? It greatly reduces even adult epilepsy and of course is extremely low in glycogen because your body is using Ketones instead.

Here's the Charlie foundation website which is aimed at children but the diet works for adults as well. I'd stay away from Adkins if I were you but that's because it doesn't emphasize healthy food, just emphasizes the fats. I think it's still important to eat healthy(i.e. eggs, coconut oil, salmon, etc) as opposed to say, fried chicken.

The guy who founded this organization did so because none of the doctors told him about the ketogenic diet and he researched it by accident in a library. He was so put off by the whole experience and lack of information in the medical community that he started the foundation which promotes the ketogenic diet for childhood epilepsy.

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