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Obama Sent Syria $195,000,000 Eid al-Fitr Gift (that's our tax money!!)

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posted on Oct, 29 2013 @ 12:09 PM

you aren't objecting to foreign aid you are again trying to blame Obama.

He sent it. He sent it so they could enjoy a Muslim holiday. That's exactly what he said.
So he owns it.
And yes, I am objecting to foreign aid. 200 million dollars of it.
We could use it here FIRST.

And then we should cancel 'aid' to Israel ... and Pakistan ... and Egypt .... and .....etc

posted on Oct, 29 2013 @ 12:13 PM

the idea that Pres. Obama had a couple hundred million in spare change lying around the house doesn't hold water.

I didn't say anything like that.

Obama sent 200 million as a gift for a 'muslim holiday'. Those were the words he put on the gift tag.
He put his name on it (and his wifes name as well). He owns it.

Like I said ... cut it all off ... but for crying out loud, don't go sending hundreds of millions of our
tax money someplace so a group of people can have a nice religious holiday. That's what was on
the gift card. That's just wrong.

posted on Oct, 29 2013 @ 12:15 PM

The money should have been raised by Muslim charities rather than raiding the tax payers' monies.

There ya' go. The oil rich Muslim nations can help their own. We have enough financial issues here and more than enough kids who go to bed hungry at night. We can't, and shouldn't have to, feed the entire planet.

Cut the aid ... cut it to Syria ... cut it to Israel ... cut it to Egypt .... just cut it.
Saudi Arabia has more than enough $$ to help out. Let them step up and do something.
If we keep doing it then no one else will.

posted on Oct, 29 2013 @ 12:17 PM

I think your two posts just shut this thread down. (where's the thumbs up emoticon?)

I'm sure the left wing would just love that ... no one holding Obama accountable for what he does. But no, the fact is that he's the one who sent it and he put his name on it. No matter who approved it, Obama owns it. Those that approved it are sucky. But Obama is sucky-in-chief. He owns it. It wouldn't have gone without his approval and he made sure to put his name on it.
edit on 10/29/2013 by FlyersFan because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 29 2013 @ 12:21 PM

My question would be... how are they going to distribute that money to the Syrians.

.... AND who exactly is getting this 200 Million???
Considering how Obama wanted to help the Muslim Brotherhood terrorists over there,
God only knows if this is actually going to find it's way to civilians in need, or if it's
just a smoke screen for funding and helping the terrorists who are attacking the
Syrian government and the Syrian people.

posted on Oct, 29 2013 @ 12:46 PM

reply to post by FlyersFan

The real problem is the entire issue of foreign welfare.

It needs to be stopped altogether, regardless of the recipient or the reason.

I couldn't agree more and well said! We do need to just terminate aid, 100% across the board to every nation that currently gets it. EVERY last one. NO exceptions.

When we've had a couple years of $0 outflow to people who can't stop bashing us anyway, and hate every last dollar, not to mention the man of the face of each bill? Then..maybe..we can look again at what we have to share with others ..and just why we should as just one nation of a couple hundred on this big rock.

The only exception I'd give (on second thought)..and I would make this one.. is short term, high demand disaster aid for true natural disasters which may come up. There is something to be said for the abilities of the U.S. Military that no other nation has. Simple as that. So that very narrow aspect of 'aid' is something no one else can match at the moment. Outside that? Hey...I'm tired of 'eating cake'. Let the rest of the world have a plate for awhile.
edit on 29-10-2013 by Wrabbit2000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 29 2013 @ 12:48 PM


the idea that Pres. Obama had a couple hundred million in spare change lying around the house doesn't hold water.

I didn't say anything like that.

Obama sent 200 million as a gift for a 'muslim holiday'. the article...the "United States" sent the money, specifically the House of Representatives, in an appropriations bill sponsored by a Republican and passed through a majority GOP vote.

H.R. 933: Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2013
Introduced by Rep. Harold “Hal” Rogers [R-KY5] on March 4, 2013

214 GOP voted for it, 53 Democrats

Sourced on page one of this thread...but of course that doesn't stop you

edit on 29-10-2013 by Indigo5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 29 2013 @ 12:49 PM

We do need to just terminate aid, 100% across the board to every nation that currently gets it. EVERY last one. NO exceptions.

I totally agree. Keep our money here where it belongs. We need it here.
And sending it overseas ... geeeze ... you never know who really gets it or where it really goes.

posted on Oct, 29 2013 @ 12:53 PM
reply to post by Indigo5

OF COURSE the USA sent it ... that's where the money came from. It was approved and sent by DC but guess what .. the buck stops with Obama. He's the POTUS so it's his doing. And he put a nice bow on it and a signature card from him and Michelle saying it was so they could have a nice religious holiday.

Congress approved the Iraq war ... but BUSH43 owns it. He was in charge.
DC approved the funds to go to Syria ... But Obama owns it. He is in charge.
(and he basically signed his and his wifes name).

We shouldn't be sending any tax payer aid over there. We don't know who is really getting the money. We don't know if any of it gets to civilians. Others should be doing this. We can't do it all.

posted on Oct, 29 2013 @ 01:02 PM


He sent it. He sent it so they could enjoy a Muslim holiday. That's exactly what he said.
So he owns it.

I find it strange that you continue to refute your own OP? Let's read "exactly what he said"...


“To help the many Syrians in need this Eid al-Fitr, the United States is providing an additional $195 million in food aid and other humanitarian aid, bringing our humanitarian contribution to the Syrian people to over $1 billion since the crisis began.”

If Pres. Obama was sending the money wouldn't he have said "I am providing an additional..."

Who then is the "United States" he speaks about?

From Feb. 2013
U.S. Steps Up Aid to Syrian Opposition, Pledging $60 Million

ROME — The food rations and medical supplies that Secretary of State John Kerry said Thursday would be provided to the Free Syrian Army mark the first time that the United States has publicly committed itself to sending nonlethal aid to the armed factions that are battling President Bashar al-Assad.

The new funds need to be approved by Congress, which is caught up in politics over how to cut the American budget deficit. But Mr. Kerry said that he expected Congressional approval soon.


H.R. 933: Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2013
Introduced by Rep. Harold “Hal” Rogers [R-KY5] on March 4, 2013

214 GOP voted for it, 53 Democrats

The language:

Notwithstanding section 1101, section 7041(h) in division I of Public Law 112-74 shall be applied to funds appropriated by this division by including the following before the period: ‘Provided, That prior to obligating funds made available by this Act for assistance for Syria, the Secretary of State shall consult with the Committees on Appropriations and Foreign Relations of the Senate and the Committees on Appropriations and Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives: Provided further, That such funds shall be subject to the regular notification procedures of the Committees on Appropriations’.

posted on Oct, 29 2013 @ 01:34 PM
reply to post by Indigo5

You are wasting your time. Some people just ignore facts no matter how many of them you post.

posted on Oct, 29 2013 @ 01:45 PM

So much for church/state separation.
For Obama that means keeping Christianity out of government but Islam is AOK.
I believe the Syrian refugees in particular do need aid right now as some 2million I think are living in refugee camps.
The money should have been raised by Muslim charities rather than raiding the tax payers' monies.
I also agree with the sentiment their rich neighbors: UAE,Kuwait,Saudi Arabia could all afford to help but won't lift a finger since Syria isn't a Monarchy.

Why Muslim Charities?

They have plenty of Christians over there, too.

posted on Oct, 29 2013 @ 01:48 PM

It's still not our responsibility to feed the world with our tax money, especially when we have people going to bed hungry here. They can go knock on the doors of Saudi Arabia or Russia.

Is it Americas responsibility to Police the world, then?
I mean, they're using BILLIONS on wars that could be given to the needy.

Perhaps Saudi Arabia or Russia could do it.

posted on Oct, 29 2013 @ 02:04 PM


The only exception I'd give (on second thought)..and I would make this one.. is short term, high demand disaster aid for true natural disasters which may come up. There is something to be said for the abilities of the U.S. Military that no other nation has. Simple as that. So that very narrow aspect of 'aid' is something no one else can match at the moment. Outside that? Hey...I'm tired of 'eating cake'. Let the rest of the world have a plate for awhile.
edit on 29-10-2013 by Wrabbit2000 because: (no reason given)

Why don't you explain to the starving children in Syria who have lost their homes and everything else in a war-torn country with guns shooting everywhere and bombs exploding everywhere exactly what the difference is between a man-made disaster and a natural disaster? Do you think the Syrian children have suffered less because horrible adults have caused this disaster, as opposed to "God" causing it?

And other countries ARE helping (U.K., France, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, etc). But we're still the biggest man on campus, so why should we be the only country that doesn't contribute aid?

posted on Oct, 29 2013 @ 02:36 PM
reply to post by kaylaluv

I've been outspoken here against the Syrian civil war and anything we've had to do with it, from the start. I can't recall ever wavering on that position to any notable degree. As far as I'm concerned, the best thing we can do for the Syrian people is the arrest and prosecution of OUR OWN leaders who have worked so hard to make their lives so hard.

However, it is not our duty, responsibility or capability at this point to feed, clothe or otherwise support them. We cannot do it. Sorry... Our bank has run dry, our accounts are empty and there isn't enough to support OUR OWN people anymore, let alone 1 person beyond our borders. If the world would ever like to see the US be a constructive force in this again, we need the time and space to RECOVER from what has been done in profound mismanagement.

Pouring out the very lifeblood of our Children and Children's children in what has become generational debt, does NO one's children any favors in the long term. Syria needs to take care of Syrians while America focuses on Americans for a change.
edit on 29-10-2013 by Wrabbit2000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 29 2013 @ 02:43 PM
I'm sick and tired of our money going everywhere except where it needs to be. Seems everytime I turn around the US is giving some country millions or billions of our money. Cut them all off tell them sink or swim but do it on your own we the people will not help you anymore.

posted on Oct, 29 2013 @ 02:46 PM
Despicable, how the government can use tax payers dollars, hard earned dollars to support Islamic extremist countries with briberies that will end in the hands of terrorist because they can

We just got over a sequestration where people got the scaremongering of the corrupted politicians about how their SS, government jobs and the nation were going face interruptions due to default.

We are a nation run by nothing but politicians stealing and abusing the working class with no regards whatsoever on how they waste and abuse what they steal.

And some still support this practices.

The money doesn't feed anything, the money is briberies to the governments of the countries that US give tax dollars, the UN is the one in charge to help take care and feed the hungry around the wold that need it the most

Understand this people, when US send money to countries is not to feed anything

Plain and simple.

posted on Oct, 29 2013 @ 03:06 PM
I know there are people on here that like Ron Paul and thoose on here that hate him as well. Whether you hate him or like him, everything he said has come true that he said in this video:

My favorite part is what he said on our foreign policy. I agree that the nation cannot keep giving it all away.

My biggest problem with all of the debt talks and giving billions of dollars away every year is this: What if this country used all that money to put a choke hold on the FDA, and start allowing cures for diseases that need maintainance like diabetes type 1 and 2, MS, arthritis, etc. I know for a fact that several differrent doctors have figured out ways to cure diabetes in animals and others have figured out ways to cure it in HUMANS. The only problem is that these companies don't have the massive amount of dollars it takes for FDA medical studies OR they get bought out like Bayhill Therapeutics that was going to cure type 1 diabetes in trials with a vaccine by Genetech who holds the patents to the rDNA origin insulin that big-pharma sells all over the world today.

The government is in bed with the corporations. If they would put some enforcemnet on the FDA that allow some of the chronic conditions that people have to be cured, it would get a lot of people off of disability and back to work. The government doesn't make as much money on the taxes from medications provided by big-pharma as it could if ALL of the people that had these sorts of disabilities could go back to work.

Last, people tell me that there's been lots and lots of money through non-profit organizations to try to cure chronic illnesses. That may be true that these non-profits donate to cure things. Why is it that since the 80's they keep telling us there's a cure on it's way? Look at the video, Mary Tyler Moore even said in 1986 to "Join me, there is a cure and together we'el find it." Why has this not happened YET in 2013:

I'll tell you why it hasn't happened: TPTB are collapsing the US and the global economy on purpuse! Like someone said, the above video shows how long they've been taking money from the poor saying "there will be a cure in 5 years...." Call me cynical, but I'll believe it when I see it!!! They are doing all this on purpose.

posted on Oct, 29 2013 @ 03:17 PM
If they allowed the cures, then they could allow the corporations to supply those cures around the world. That is one thing that could get this country out of debt! That's why I do believe that there is a modern form of population control. Look at all the crap in food, etc. Use all that money to help America! Just a small % of the money given away would completely cover the debt from the food stamp program. Cures are the long term solution, and if they want to fix it they will allow it.

posted on Oct, 29 2013 @ 03:26 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

I'm not sure what "food and humanitarian aid" is, but I hope it's not just a credit card or a pile of cash.

Christmas is around the corner, I wonder what would happen if the Whitehouse gave a 195 million dollars in tax cuts to the middle class as a "Christmas gift"? It's probably a drop in the bucket, but hey if I paid $10 less in taxes, that almost one Wendy's "value" meal.

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